Wednesday, May 14, 2008

NASA May 14 announcement - I got it wrong guys !

I got this all wrong guys sorry!. The "object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years" was a supernova in our galaxy that exploded in the late 19th century not a M class planet. The supernova remains are estimated to be about 28,000 light years away, near the center of the Milky Way. Observations by the Very Large Array (VLA) radio observatory in New Mexico and NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory only recently identified the explosion as the most recent known solar death in our galaxy.
For more info about NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory click here Rate this posting:
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LEAX said...

We have already found an planet that has a big chance that its supporting life
Gliese 581 d ... go look on wiki

Virtually Lucid said...

As of this moment, Gliese 581 d is theoretical, and not directly observed. The scientists who "discovered" it have personally admitted that there are other things that could explain the preterbations in wobble of the parent star, even as unlikely as they might be. The planet is too cold to support life, but theoretically could have an atmosphere that would possibly give enough warmth for some liquid water, but nothing has yet been directly observed. This is hardly a conclusive discovery of a "big chance" that it is supporting life.

Anonymous said...

Matt, you're building this whole announcement up a lot.. what are you going to tell your readers after posting "Planet X.. they know" haha. "Sorry guys, but jumping to irrational conclusions is good in this field. That being said, WHO KNOWS!

Anonymous said...

I think this is more than likely correct.

Nothing Planet X, no way...

Some 'Earth-like' planet found some odd light-years away.

From what I gather its not even that 'Earth-like':

- 5 times bigger than earth
- too close to it's sun
- day there lasts 4-5 earthdays
- year there lasts 4-5 earthdays

Anonymous said...

Haha... a supernova within 100 years in our galaxy. You really gotta be gullible to think it would be something really good.

Anonymous said...

Matt, from now on keep it responsible. Otherwise, it's just entertainment. Wait until they announce next time.

Anonymous said...

Oh man..."only" a fuckin supernova...the NASA won't ever come forward with the REAL truth - until the ETs land in NYC!

Anonymous said...

It's unsubstantiated hype like this that makes UFO believers look like crackpots. There was NOTHING in NASA's press release that should have led to this level of speculation. Now we look stupid because it turned out to be pretty much nothing. Good job people!

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. NYC.. anyway. Let's at least pretend we're a serious group.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, guys. There's a difference between believing in extraterrestrial life and jumping to conclusions. Have some discipline. Makes one wonder if any of you are in it for the right reasons or if you just want to be stimulated.

Anonymous said...

MATT! REAL NEWS! THE VATICAN HAS OFFICIALLY SAID IT IS OK TO BELIEVE IN ALIENS. TIME, ABC, MSNBC. Before you all get cynical and say, "Thanks for the permission:P" (If you're Catholic). Realize this: The whole structure of Christianity has been based on man being the sole creation of God. This is big.. and SUPER progressive.

Anonymous said...

I have never been told as a Christian that we are the only creations. I am told we are the only earthly creations with a soul. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, body, mind, soul The main idea is everything is created, not just some big accident meaning nothing going nowhere. As a person who has seen the unexplainable, I have no choice but to believe that we are not alone. I do not necessarily think that the UFOs were from outer space (they were not mechanical looking with lil green men), but can be right here from Earth. Many 'new' species are discovered each year! As a Christian, I was upset at first, but now extremely curious. To Matt: Does someone own this blog besides you? Not sure if I could put up with people telling me what I should blog! YAY Supernovas! lol

Anonymous said...

Did Christianity ever say the Earth couldn't be round?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't have the Vatican accepting the belief in aliens as your top post. That's pretty much as good as it gets, man.

Sardo said...

I'll bet their announcement is a recently exploded supernova.


Luis Pacheco (Azores / Portugal) said...

Its a black hole. They already made the announcement.

Anonymous said...

Luis Pacheco (Azores / Portugal) said...

Its a black hole. They already made the announcement.

LOL! This poor sap can't even tell the difference between a black hole and a (super)nova.

Great going, Luis Pacheco of Portugal... rofl

l2 said...

This shows you how naive you really are....

You really think NASA is going to hold some kind of disclosure? DREAM ON!

Anonymous said...

it's not a problem, all over the world there was a hope for a big big disclosure! ;)

LEAX said...

how can someone believe that our Earth was created in 7 days by a god ? comoon dream on ... yeah and thats the same guys that told Earth cant be round as one anonymous said..
LIARS thats what i say

LEAX said...

+ now they announce that its OK to accept aliens
Changing mind and beliefs ? Thats not religion .. thats bunch of calcualtive liars

Anonymous said...

Oh common.
The catholic church has been denying, then releasing conflicting information since its inception..

As well as most other religions.

Like how the LDS church gets convieient "prophecies" everytime there ass is in the fire.

Anonymous said...

actually whoever said that that the basis of christianity is the fact that we are God's sole creation of God does not understand the Bible. There isn't anything in that bood that disputes the existence of aliens. Christianity's sole purpose was salvation through Jesus Christ, it never makes any reference to us being the only intelligent life. The people that pushed that were sceptical religious leaders not the Bible.

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