Its official guys,
Youtube Closed my director account today that i have had open since 2006!!. I knew this would happen sooner or later cause my channel was UFO related and had over 2 million video views!. Many posters will tell you its only time before people with popular UFO channels get shutdown, even if their content does not breach copyright laws. Youtube did not even post me a reason for closing my account and it seems pretty obvious to me that it was content not the copyright issues that they have troubled with. I mean I had only 10 videos there & some had close to a million views!
You will probably see many ufo videos are now missing if you go back through the archive of this blog and the culprit - calculated censorhip from youtube!
(If you want more evidence of this i will list all the profile names of the best ufo uploaders on youtube who have been censored over the past 1 1/2 years in the comments section of this post) Rate this posting:
I feel sorry for you but i promise you some solution be here for you very soon take my words.We all will fight back to Uncover The Truth.
Why not take it to the media??
I think a lot of them will see a small story here worth telling.
Cause the will both try to here your version and Youtubes, and then it will be harder for youtube to get away with i think.
But its a hard fight, cause the are not doing it because the themself wants to, but because the are told to by "some one".
Guys keep a watch out for other high profile ufo posters that may go down, such as acebryan and free foryoutohave and shellellven, lets hope they keep going
The owners of all, the secret government, don´t let you be informed. They need the people ignorance to support their tirany. It in´t youtube only. TV, Tadio and newspapers are involved in the censor program.Do not believe them. They are against the people.
This can´t be happening :(
They allow suicide vidoes and people beating each other and headshots with shotguns and more bad things.
But not UFO videos.
Here are the profile names of the high profile ufo posters who have been removed in the last year -
its pretty obvious that youtubes technique is to get them in their prime - like after they have posted over 500 hundred + videos , once deleted it discourages anyone from going to all that effort again
High profile posters who have been removed from youtube:
Not quite so - Copyright is not always an issue - i mean the ufo hunters episode is all over youtube at the moment, just check it for yourself, why aren't these all removed - there is something much more calculated going on here . I mean why do they remove profiles of the posters with the most viewed ufo videos . To Prove this here are some of the profile names of the top ufo posters who have been removed in the last year - will add more when i remember them - some of them have cancelled their accounts due to ongoing threats which is another common tactic used to deter ufo posters.
its pretty obvious that youtubes technique is to get them in their prime - like after they have posted over 500 hundred + videos , once deleted it will discourage anyone from going to all that effort again to post them
High profile posters who have been removed from youtube:
[edit on 10-5-2008 by ufossydney]
[edit on 10-5-2008 by ufossydney]
[edit on 10-5-2008 by ufossydney]
I noticed that the video on those rings was taken down earlier, you want to watch yourself mate, your on there radar now, it would take nothing for them for you to have an accident, there bastards.
keep the good job, matt!
Its not just UFO videos, lately i've noticed that anything controversial is being removed from Youtube. Pretty much anything that goes against the common system of beliefs
I believe that somebody IS removing U-PHO videos from u-tube, because I saw one yesterday from Japan, and it is gone today. I must have been the first person to see it, because it showed as 1 view when I watched it a second time. It had 3 people driving in a car filming a spaceship in the sky, and then it landed in some bushes. They stopped their car and hid behind the bushes, with the camera still rolling and on ZOOM. The spaceship was about the size of a hot tub, and it sat on 5 metal legs about 6 to 8 feet high. A disc dropped to the ground attached to what looked like laser lights, and an alien walked out, cautiously looking around, like a skeleton figure. Then, the 3 people got scared, and you could hear them running back to their car and taking off. If it wasn't real, why was it taken down so swiftly?
LOL..We know the one you mean Anonymous at: 5:12AM.
It did look real,didn't it?? It was probable taken down, because it looked to good, to be true:)..Too bat if it was real!?..This is the very thing we all long to see,but if its a fake,then that IS, a very good reason for removing it. I don't know how you'd fake something like that, it did look real!
ET checking out its new sports model.......................:)
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