Thursday, October 08, 2009
What's the real purpose of NASA bombing the moon this friday ? - LCROSS Lunar Impact
This Friday, October 9, 2009, NASA is bombing the Moon saying they are searching for water. But the surprise here is that may not be the only intention of this mission - they have known about traces of water on the Moon since 1971. India beat NASA to the punch, by being 'first' in disclosing the discovery of water on the Moon. So there is no reason really to detonate the 'alleged kinetic bomb' on the surface of the moon seeking traces of water anymore as India discovered this already.
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So what may be the other purpose....?
As you may know i have posted many times about the hidden bases on the moon. You can see the bases yourself here yourself via the military own website - they are huge. The other theory is that NASA is gravely worried many other countries like China (who have planned missions to the moon over the coming years) may find physical evidence of such bases during their future missions and NASA wants these bases conveniently destroyed before they get there. Its interesting to note that the LCROSS Lunar Impact is not going directly into the pole of the moon but to a scrutinized crater called Cabeus that lies near the moon's south pole and is enveloped in perpetual darkness . Is it no coincidence that this where these bases also apparently are? - on the dark side of the moon.
You can watch the Lunar Impact on Friday Oct. 9 impact live here via NASA TV Broadcast starting at 6:15 a.m. EDT/3:15 a.m. PDT, Oct. 9,
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How right you are! But, who can stop this? The clock is ticking, and mainstream media is totally unconcerned about it. Not one news about this imminent catastrophe on the Moon.
My only doubt is this: Given the calculation that the mini-bomb will affect only 10 km diameter, and only one crater, who can say what chain reaction it could produce on the moon, with no atmosphere being there like on earth? Who can say for how long the effect can go on? We never say we have no faith in our brilliant scientists. But our only problem is this: why moon?
It scares the hell out of me!!!!
Who knows who will stop them??
It scares me!!! Who knows who will stop them????
we the people suspect that there is water at Nasa,lets drop a bomb on Nasa and see.
When I heard that they were bombing the moon my heart sank and broke because I realized they are removing evidence of what they really found on the moon.
It's very sad that people are not allowed to know the truth of our place in the galaxy.
People would unite and stop fighting, we'd have peace but the corporate assholes need us to stay stupid in order for their plans to stay alive.
Absolutely heart breaking.
I really do think they are trying to hide something from the world. Why does NASA have say over the moon? Are we going to lay claim to all moons and planets? Leave the moon alone.
I can assure you, that if there would be some alien bases, they would not watch and wait for some lame NASA rocket to shoot them down :)
Just for a few drops of water--spending millions of our money? I can't believe this. In fact NASA wanna microwave water from moon dust. hahaha. Funny people.
Better use techniques down here to save the planet, create more potable water from ocean water.
Why are the other countries letting this happen?
There going to kill the moon people and they are gonna get mad and come out of there hell and attack our asses.
Science is almost scary sometimes.
I saw the headline and said whhhattt?? then I saw the story and said oh....more money waisted...damn
I really hope that there are no bad effects from bombing the moon. It just seems insane.
fucking stupid government we have. now blowing up the evidence of advanced alien technology on the moon. shame on them. we need to fight and learn what the know. we have every right to know what they know about their privileged information. the government has absolutely no right to hold any knowledge from the people. its universally unjust. soon Yeheway will soon come and punish these motherfuckers. We will soon have our DNA altered by the galactic alignment of 2012 and we will have the power to fight these evil dark men and women. we know what the government is doing just seeing what they plan to do is all the evidence we need. so the next time they want to blow something up it trying to destroy evidence.
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