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NASA's response to Colin's email:

In near-realtime, and are both binned (undersampled spatially, down to 512 x 512 pixels) and heavily, lossily compressed digitally onboard (analogous to the various JPEG compression settings on a digital camera, but much more severe).
Then they're made available on the Website in a variety of magnifications or "upresings"
which only magnify the artifacts. Usually, by now (that is, three days or more after the data were obtained), we'd have the full-resolution (2048 x 2048 pixel) images, which are much less heavily, but still lossily, compressed, and are played back to a Deep Space Network (DSN) ground station via the high-gain antenna on one of the STEREO spacecraft. Unfortunately, a piece of ground hardware at DSN failed, and we're only now catching up on the full-resolution data from January 18 onward --- except the lower-resolution (512 x 512) beacon mode data.
People first started seeing the odd images around that date, when there was a moderate olarenergetic particle event, but those up-resed images have now been replaced on the SSC Website with the full resolution ones. DSN has caught us up to January 20, the last time I checked.
Source - Continue reading at Colin andrews Rate this posting:
That's a fair enough explanation, and much more likely to be correct than the assumption of "planet-sized UFOs around the Sun", wouldn't you say?
Of course they are going to say that, I wrote to them too and recieved the exact same e-mail, word for word as did several friends of mine, I am the guy who wrote the piece on the Big Wobble, this is another NASA cover up but we will dig harder to find an answer
maybe NASA is a glitch lol
Nobody would ever expect exo-ufoistic enthusiasts, who have already aquired their hishest plane of existence (factual immunity) wasted a microsecond to think about real science (not that connected to fiction).
Whenever one u-fool-oist comes forward with a crackpot claim, hundreds of them jump on the bandwagon and colport the claim. Conspiracy enthusiasts buy into the crap, since they believe, the multitude of (parroted) claims turned a claim into the truth - and not a proof or well founded scientific reasoning.
Glitches? Dont pixilation distortions usualy show as squares and only effect the area in question?
A very odd glitch indeed , never heard of an error that generates a body of mass as its distortion...
I think that makes perfectly good sense. When you think about the distances involved and the image compression required to send stuff over those distances, I think we can leave this one alone for a while. Especially when the second choice divided by occhams razor is saturn sized ufos moving round the sun. Extremely close to it. We have better evidence here on Terra Nullis.
If objects are in or near the suns corona , will the corona be streaming past and around the objects in a way that shows the objects are their?
Gazbom , that is not a friendly picture.
I was standing out side In The Wind and Snow was in the Wind and the wind was blowing , but the wind with snow in it was not blowing around me.
"space weather beacon mode"? COME ON!! sounds alot like another one of those "weather Balloon" excuses to me
"There is no dark side in the Moon, Matter of fact, it's all dark."
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