Hey Guys, This story is getting weirder and weirder, but as many people are interested in the developments of this prediction i have decided post any updates. The new channelings seem quite bizzare so i decided not to post them as i believe the original the channelings from Blossum are more legit .
Basically the news is that Susan Leland and quite a few other psychics have also channeled similar information that backs up the claims of blossum Goodchild , (the lady who originally channeled the october 14 predictions). For more about this see this site
Anyways just wanted to ask what you guys whats your thoughts on all of this and if you have any comments or more thoughts from original prediction (repost again below - if you missed it):
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channeling?? cmon dude stop drinkin the J. Z. KNIGHT KOOLAIDE channel this
LOL i cant believe that there are educated people believeing this crap.
Believing in ufos is one thing, but believing in crap like channeling and the galactic federation of whatever is just retarded.
a looot of people will be disappointed on october 14th :D
as fu__ked up as this world is right now we need to feel that there is a bigger entity to put our trust in. who knows maybe this weird stuff is not to weird at all. we all shall see soon tho wont we.
LOSER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to anon #4 YA its called RELIGION
Would be nice if it will happen this way. But I do not think so. It is, as one posted it here before: religion!
October 14: No large UFO in sight,
but an other big bank may fail.
Perhaps an Oct 14 preview? 5 police officers in southern Illinois report seeing a UFO tonight.
This yahoo vid is old, but I belive
the cops.
Seems like alot of people leaving comments here, who think they know 100% of everything there is to know about this universe.
the schmucks
huuummm... Wait a second ! I'm channeling something... huuummm... oh! It's just gas... haaaa !
I channel everyday! Usually around 7am.
Yesterday I channeled a 2lb turd outta my ass. God must be sending me a message.
Hellooo...does anyone remember the "Heaven's Gate" weirdos, with their Nike tennis shoes and roll of quarters awaiting the arrival of the UFO that was "hidden" behind the Hale-Bop Commet ? How do you spell INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH LOSERS ? Oh and BTW...I'm channeling about once a day now...usually with my remote control and it's usually ESPN!
it said in the video that the visit was planned to be in a few years but it is happening now. could this have been the date that the mayan calender stopped?
Everybody is searching for a savior. Everybody wants instantaneous salvation in some miraculous way; a UFO arrives, everyone's consciousness increases dramatically, a new age of enlightenment is upon us, blah blah blah.
Salvation comes from working for it and making sacrifices. America had a savior and threw him away: his name was Ron Paul.
So you don't want to fix the economy and ensure happiness for your children and grandchildren; you just want aliens to come down and do it for you. Not gonna happen.
I understand how some people can mock such things as this - after all, there ARE those who deliberately make crap up just to gain attention or seem important.
HOWEVER, to blindly dismiss ANYTHING just because you feel like it is itself ignorant.
Instead of simply saying it's bullshit, prepare yourself - gather up such things as a pair of binoculars, video vamera, etc. - and be ready on October 14th to observe the skies and either prove or disprove these claims.
To do otherwise is to be just like the rest of society - a blind follower.
For those who are going to be observing, I have a board set up that is independant of any fanatical groups that you can use for posting what you see (or do not see, as the case may be) - http://bureauofstrangephenomena.yuku.com/directory/default/t/yuku-community.html
Well, ok another prediction...
These beings claim that they are coming here from the Plieades or Sirius star systems, and are coming from Micheal the Archangel. You know, I think this is crazy like everyone else being the logical human being that I am, and how many predictions I have heard on here over the years that have gone sour... HOWEVER...
I wonder if these beings are the same ones that met with Billy Mier. Listen to what Lt. Col. Windelle Stevens has to say, along with Randy Winters... you can look them up on google. Winters said he actually saw the ships himself... BUT, then again, look at some of Miers photos and videos, they look fake.
These beings are saying that the pyramids will start glowing with energy because earth frequency is changing... can someone check on the pyramids?? lol They said some of their ships are already uncloaking themselves high up in the Himalayas?? can someone check this too!
I have read that not only will a giant ship, supposedly 2,000 miles across will show up doing amazing manuvers, but also MILLIONS of smaller craft in our skies... welp, there goes my afternoon picnic! lol
I have read about them saying "We give you the name, Alabama." I think they they are calling the ship Alabama, it is NOT a reference to any location.
I have also read that, now get this... we are supposed to be changing from 3D beings, to 5D beings, and they are here to help us do that. AND they said that we are to live in inner earth that has special quartz crystals there in which we can get whatever we want or need.. I guess there exists an inner earth with a sun of its own? and there are two openings at the north and south pole (Admiral Byrd found inner earth???)-- maybe this explains why UFOs are seen around volcanoes, near the poles, and in the ocean. They said that the reason why we see their ships is because they lower themselves to our frequency and become visible, and when they disappear in an instant, they are changing back to their dimension. They are also claiming that they are going to retool manufacturing within a week... AWWWW there goes my job, SO PLEASE DO!!! lol and they are going to vaporize everything on the face of the earth and change the earth back to green meadows and forests--all within 6 months. They said NO ONE will be working either! ha! yeah, I want to see that happen!! We are also going to get handheld organic computers, be able to convert light into food and clothing via a device they are going to give every household... and vehicles that operate off of magnetic lift technology and float a few feet off the ground and go at speeds of 500mph. Imagine the horrible wrecks then!!
When they make their presence known here-- they are first going to take over our communications via 5D nanites that they supposedly uploaded into our own satellites, then they are going to disable all our weapons.. well this part has already been proven several times at our nuclear missle installations. UFOs are also picked up on military radar, I know this as fact.
IF I see all this transpire, I would probably literally crap my pants! We will see on or around October 14, until then, I will be keeping an eye on new messages posted for new info.
This appearance may serve as a "litmus test" of sorts to sample an average slice of the population and determine what percentage is ready to "evolve."
In other words, those who are ready to see it - will see it!
I would love to see a UFO, who wouldn't? To solidify my belief the existence of of other beings in my lifetime would be a dream come true. I'm not ready to jump in the frenzy of the Galactic Federation hoopla. I want the truth and I'll believe it when I see it. Now, I'm not going to set myself to be disappointed 'cause if Novemeber rolls through and nothing happens well then I hold tight to my beliefs. You see if tis does not happen, those skeptics are going to say we told you so and hurt the true cause of finding the real thing.
Well, as most say....lets just wait and see. Today on Sept.24th with the economy in such an upheavel and possibility of collapse, it's quite possible that if a UFO becomes visible to all of the states that the Pres might just institute Marshall Law. What then? The times of satan and his demons are short, so they will put on a show like never seen before and try to deceive even believers of God Almighty. Lets all just wait and watch.
OMG....everyone knows the earth is FLAT!!!
That Christopher Columbus and his crazy ideas about he earth being ROUND...what a moron!!!
I dont believe all this aliens, galactic federation stuff is true, but it is a fascinating story I follow closely.
This is the biggest load of crap I've heard for ages!
It must be true they have started marking out the landing sites (second photo up from the bottom)
I think regardless of what happens, Blossom will be out of a job. If they don't show, her credibility (whatever she has now) will be lost. If they do show, there won't be anymore need for her to communicate (channel) the way she is with them.
Now, what could be happening is that she is trying to take credit for a rare occurance that is supposed to happen on or around october 17th that only happens once every 2400 years. According to many reports and scientific research it may have the sun rise continuously for 36 hrs (1.5 days). During this time the US countries will be dark for 1.5 days.
Dude whoever believes this shiz should really get a life and what is the funny thing is its the really educated people who think this. Needless to say tons of people will be sad on oct. 14th and the person that started this thing is gonna feel really stupid.
To think that we have all these galaxies and planets and suns and think that we are alone is crazy! I think it is possible that October 14 will happen. Those that made those predictions have so much to lose if they manufactured this date as a hoax or for their own gain. Let's see what happens. I'm excited about it.
Anonymous everywhere huh? I bet half of you "anonymous" posters don't even know the significance of that word on the internet anyways. Anything is possible, the future is not set. To assume we know the social workings of advanced alien species, and their time schedule, would be characteristically human of us. If you close your mind enough you can choose to ignore anything. Anonymous, stick to bringing down scientology. Leave UFO's and Aliens to the educated.
I've been having experiences with some type of ET intelligence since the end of March when I had several encounters. Now I can see the UFO's energy fields for some reason just about anytime I want too, very strange. I wouldn't believe it if it weren't happening to me. I can say this they are all around the world. When to Spain recently and the energy was there as well. Don't know anything about the 14 of October other then it is my Birthday... maybe they came to celebrate it with me, ha! People just need to open up and they too should be able to start seeing the energy they produce. Have had a form of telepathic comm with them by sending an image of a pattern I wanted them to fly so I new they heard me and they did, I was shocked. Now sure where to go from here though. Just to rule out problems like stoke and such and just seeing things I'm having my doctor run test on me and do an MRI. But I am fairly certain they are real and they are here in mass numbers. Don't have any bad feelings about them so I hope it is for good. I know all this sounds unreal... but it is to me.
I am excited about this and hope that it does really happen. I believe that our "inter-galactic" friends are here already and have been for a long time but now is the time to show themselves to help us through the following years. If you're not into the spiritual stuff then you probably won't believe a lot of this but I have read and heard over the last 5 years that this sort of thing is going to happen. 2012 is coming and what an exciting time to be here on earth witnessing the huge changes that are going to happen. We've all CHOSEN to be here for this in one way or another - just have open minds and believe that anything is possible. Buckle up and enjoy the ride towards a better life! We are ascending!
I truly do not understand why anyone who has a negative view of all of this is on these websites to begin with.
if you can believe in religion, well...you can believe anything. talk about a story. there's more proof of UFO's than god. Sorry, but true.
maybe it happens on the 14th, maybe it doesn't, why worry...it will be here soon enough and then we get to hear excuses of why the FoL didn't show in the big spaceships... or, maybe excuses from all the nay-sayers ..
obviously ya'll don't have anything else to look at on the internet either anyway... so WTF does it matter?? We'll all know in a few days... and if it did happen...it'd be pretty darn cool.. and would change EVERYTHING...
don't hold your breath though.
what's the difference between a channeler and a prophet? What makes this any different than faith in an unprovable message from a god; be it Allah, the Great Spirit, or God (western).
What is in ones brain that desires to believe in something one can't see, hear, touch, smell... or prove with scientific evidence?
I ponder this in my own thoughts as I've traveled the various paths in my life... some religious, some not.
14th of October, Like the day before yesterday(grounhog day) Nothing changes nothing gained, every other day the same.
Now if only I could think up some cockamany out of this world idea and market it in books and literature. sell it to the masses. Call myself some great all seeing guru swami, get some followers And live in the LAP OF LUXURY!!!! OH and Santas coming tooo.
Ha, this is so funny, people actually beleave that the federation of sh.t or whatever your cult want to call it, would actually come here to give you a big hug.
LOL, If there was other life with the technology to get here, something tells me there no going to give you hug, more like take our resources.
Plus, blossom goodchild wont have to work again after shes scammed you out of all your money for her books and cds, this is classic internet marketing.
Creating a buzz around yourself and your products to cash in big time on all the losers.
The only thing that going to happen on october 14th is blosson goodchild laughing all the way to bank while the losers sit looking at the sky.
One thing everyone seems to forget is, there is no way there will be UFO on 14th, it never happened before for billions and billions of years and it will not happen in the future either, we need to be realistic and believe that we are a tiny stone in a universe that are freaks of nature, this whole ufo thing on october 14th is a genious and creative way to generate website traffic to profit for advertising. It is a publicity stunt, just like the bigfoot press conference shinanagan last month. IF you f ows show up on the 14th, i will bend over backwards and eat my ass. Aint happening guys.
I have seen the vision as well, for all you non believers, Im not asking you to believe me but I am asking for when the day comes to be peaceful. We shall see what happens when the day comes to everyone that believes in the big bang theory you all are full of shit.
I have seen the vision as well, for all you non believers, Im not asking you to believe me but I am asking for when the day comes to be peaceful. We shall see what happens when the day comes to everyone that believes in the big bang theory you all are full of shit.
Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks this is the biggest BS this year! There won't be a UFO but I've been bombarded with youtube videos etc since she made this ridiculous prediction. Its drivin' me mad because nobody seems to be logical these days.. just believing in what she says because the bank is failing and the world is gonna go kaput cos of the economy...
I have seen ships before, often partially cloaked. It's not a big deal once you get used to it.
dude, come on. you know you've watched those movies with crazy phenomenon and beings from other galaxies, and thought to yourself 'what if?' well just think about it, you can't say that human beings are the only living creatures on any plant in any galaxy. that would just be ignorant to think. there has to be some other life out there, we're not special, we're not the only ones. even if this is complete bullshit, and this is just some cry for attention.. the time will come eventually that outside life will make contact. they might even wait until our sun burns out and we all die. either way, it is possible, so don't fucking act like you're too cool to think so. grow the fuck up, and open your eyes to the inevitable.
oh and as for religion, that's sweet and all. but honestly, adam and eve is bullshit along with the view of god creating all the planets. big bang, we all learned about it in on of our science classes. and once again, our galaxy isn't the only one out there. who's to say there isn't living beings on at least one or if not more than one planet in the different galaxies around us. until science is developed enough we wouldn't be able to travel there to find out anyway. this little october 14th shit might just be a little preview of what is to come in the next 10, 50, 100, or even 1000 years.
uh, well i'm really burnt out. this was interesting to find out about 5 days before it's supposedly happening. guess we'll just see.
everybody in the world should trip balls while looking for this ufo. think about it, trippin and not finding a ufo and just having fun. or trippin and seeing a ufo! HOLY SHIIIIITT YO
Actually the visit from the federation of light is true. The aliens are here at my house right now awaiting the 14th. They heard that I had the best bed and breakfast around so decided to spend the time here with me until showtime. Just thought you would all like to know. If you have any questions for them just post them here, and I'll relay them to my guests.
Well I'm keeping an open mind. I really hope they do show up as I am fed up with the way this world is being run by the morons in charge. Just look up into the sky, there has to be someone else out there. Space is infinate and do you really think we are the only truly living beings. Just look around on earth itself, there are many different species of animals. I really hope they show themselves. It's about time. We need to be saved from ourselves, sorry, the powers that be.
uhh.. anyone else remember Mars Attacks! They said they were coming in peace too!
Also, October 14th is "Be Bald and Be Free" Day. COINCIDENCE?! aliens have no hair!
Here on the Southern Tip of Spain we had the most incredible light show in the sky. In 50 years I have NEVER seen anything like it, beginning at approx 10pm on the
10th and continuing for 7 1/2 hours. A mixture of the Northern Lights and sheet lightning--it went on and and on...everyone's saying take your cameras with on the 14th (or maybe before) to see the light show...well the lights were certainly here...
Hmm I like the comment that ufos are real but a galactic federation is nonsense. Interesting perspective. So, its perfectly plausible that ETs have spaceships and are visiting us... but its crazy talk that they might be organized into a federation?
You might want to rethink that.
Oh No!!! There here, right now!!! Above my house!! What do i do??? I'm scared!!! Hahahaaa... Not!!!
But seriously, If you raise your vibrational frequency sufficiently beyond the base level physical...
You become acutely aware of energys both around your own energy field, and in the known external world...
The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Self, blossoms and matures & the spiritual guides & helpers become visible, beings from other dimensions become as common place as the variety of life forms on Earth...
This is the way of the 'Future Human'
The full perception of the nature beyond what is commonly percieved to be percievable...
Along with integration of this awareness utilized in the arts of science and technology, bringing about a clearer understanding in the way 'to move forward' as a race of evolving and evolved beings...
No limitations, Only the ever evolving, forward moving, uniting of awareness into the physical & in turn creating a constant harmony & field of vision in which one percieves and hence becomes one with the higher dimensions
Embrace your own wisdom & move in life as your own unique frequency!
Nurture and protect your own mind & respect the sanctity & sacredness of your own feelings
Gain strength from that which you truly know yourself to be, and there is nothing in which you will not be able to achieve...
External physical reality, presents itself as a mirror in which the vastness and majesty that lies within 'The Self', shows itself to you as itself, showing itself to yourself.
When one awakens into the full awareness of the higher dimensions it ripples into the consciousness of the many. Like dominoes falling, it allows that energy to be present on Earth.
There are many on Earth, here now whose sole purpose is to pull this energy into this planetary frequency.
If you feel that times are moving into dismay. Know that there is a whole governing force which moves soley for betterment and evolution of every individual, at there own capacity and on there own very distinct personal level.
It is on a Macrocosmic level, yourself assisting yourself...
Or if you prefer 'Divinity' or what you percieve as 'God'
It makes no difference as it is a force, which is inseperable from the creative force that springs all things into creation. The binding agent, that makes life evolution, spiral and ascend in unity with all that exists...
When disharmony governs, like the repressive planetary frequency of many of the Earths people, it dissimilates and creates opportunities for the assimilation and ascension back into a vibration in which supports its full expansion.
It is a process in which is inevitable and moves with the heartbeat of creation itself. Worlds beyond worlds, in constant expansion, from the smallest thing to the biggest...
A force, so powerful that nothing is left undone, nothing is forgotten and nothing is left unloved...
It's just a load of weak drivel from a lady taking a chance to sell a lot of e-books at $15 a time.
She's taking advantage of the feeble minded and those naive and enthusiastic enough to want to believe that there must be more than the mundane reality that they know.
It's a scam - it won't happen - and two months later there will be someone else with a "special message".
well the bible talks about ww3 happening and it must happen if the bible is 100% true, so even if the ship shows up to show love to man the war will happen anyway . The ship might make things go wrong becasue the nations might try to prove how powerful they are in fear of a alien ship in view.And if it don't show up well ww3 could still start maybe it was what was going to happen anyway.
Anyone who honestly believes that we are alone in the universe is obviously staying willfully ignorant. Billions upon billions of stars and planets in our galaxy not to mention the TRILLIONS of galaxys spread across the visible Universe, c'mon folks, how could we be alone?? Weather or not a giant UFO is going to make an appearance in the sky is another story. I'd like to see it happen, but I'm not going to get my hopes up on it. If there are intelligent beings that have been studying and monitoring our so-called "progress" over the centuries, now would be a good time for them to show themselves and give us a real "wake-up call" since we are on the brink of complete self and planetary destruction.
Well if these fellows are going to be seen in the USA on the 14th, when will they touring the rest of the world? I mean when it is the morning of the 14th in alabama, it is probably still monday in Australia....like and maybe still monday here or maybe it will be wednesday in Japan anyway what is tuesday called in russia? I wonder what the answer will be if this thing does not apppear...probably it appeared but on a different plane to this dimension and some other form of quickspeak....either way hey wait maybe steven spielberg will stage it with the rest of hollywood....
Well I have been out every night since learning of the news and just 2 nights ago saw something very strange. I believe it was a smaller ufo. My wife thinks I am a quack for believing in this upcoming event, but she is very narrow minded when it comes to the big picture of all things in this world. This is going to happen tomorrow. I really believe it too. Can't wait. I'll be really searching the skies starting at midnight tonight.
By reading some of the comments it saddens me to think there are so many people out there with no belief in anything but themselves and the tiny part of the universe they see outside their window. A UFO coming to North America, absurd as it sounds would be an amazing, abeit a chaotic event. If you don't believe that is your opinion but for those of us who do and who travel in the light,ignore their nasty comments. We know that there is something far better than this little planet we live on.
it's still the 13th in America
Oh shit... everyone, turn on the NEWS!!!! It's happening!!!!!
Dark Intergalactic Federation made statement
http://14october2008.net - Truth About 14 October 2008
I guess you really need to have experienced something of this nature first hand before you find things fo this nature non-laughable.
Lets hope a bunch of folks see this, I'm tired of being the only person I can confirm ever saw "something"...
I don't thing most of the MUFON clowns you always see have ever seen squat (maybe they aren't supposed to).
We just saw a cool shooting star in east TN.
I'm the same person who talked about the MUFON clowns.
I have no clue if what if the two very different "objects" I have been permitted to see twice in my life were extra-terrestrial, inter dimensional, or some secret-squirrel DARPA vehicles.
All I know is there is some weird-a** stuff out and about and it is most certainly real...
The one thing I do wonder though is....Why is stuff like this seem like its always out in the middle of nowhere?
That is the only thing that makes me think alot of this stuff is in fact man made...
That is why I hope this 14 oct stuff actually comes to pass...
I'd bet they'd vote for Nader, huh??
God is real, this UFO stuff is so much bunk. You GOTTA know that the government is going to USE the popular belief in UFOs AGAINST you, right? I mean you KNOW they are going to pull off an encounter of the 3rd kind. lol
They are going to CREATE a messiah for you out of fake ETs or something.
If you need something to believe in, which we all do eventually; stop listening to all the debunkers and skepdics, they never have love, peace, truth or anything worthwhile on their minds. Believe in God, believe also in Jesus Christ; His teachings, his mission and His Kingdom where He reigns WITHIN the believer. Don't buy into all the temporal garbage many want to throw at you, Christ is ALL about the SPRIRT & the Kingdom WITHIN.
I think everyone should just chill out until tomorrow. If it doesn't happen, the people who predicted it will lose all credibility anyway. End of story. I will say this: you people need to lose your mindlessly aggressive attitudes and hateful words, though. That's not helping anyone out.
God is real? UFO`s and other being are fake? Is that what you are saying? If so you are a complete ass. I one believe and my 12yrs in the military i have seen before my own eyes things that are not of this wolrd.
Its 1am here in Clearwater Fl. the nite is crystal clear , can see every star in the sky. Maybe i`ll catch a glimpse of something.
Personally I think its a hoax! I will believe it when I see it. I will tell all of you one thing though, if a giant UFO does show up you can believe I will not be going near it. Be careful all of you who think this is a some miracle. You may not like what you get. I took the liberty of posting an old episode of the twilight zone, "To Serve Man."
Put your faith and trust in God!
I'm not sure what is sadder, that she believes this nonsense, or you most of you guys seem to...
Anyway, it's October 14th, I'm not seeing any UFO's
I'm afraid that this woman has been talking to the Devil.
Nothing will take place on 10/14/08 and this will discredit her and the believers.
There will be a sense of hopelessness and despair. That was part of the game and the psychological and biological response will weaken their auras and enable an attack from dark energy (ie evil energy/spirits).
She should know better that they can see across time and manipulate people to result in the inevitable outcome that results in an attack.
well I cant see anything anyway because its been raining all day....... damn clouds
A blonde haired alien chick came through the wall and greased my pole last night.
She came through the wall. I came in her. The aliens came to Earth last night.
Channeling is nothing more than an uncluttered open mind using the intuitive process to tap into other energies. Cluttered minds use their "education" and five senses as proof of what IS. There is a quantum reality that the scientific community is fully embracing for answers beyond what our five senses can process. The only reason for not being open to ALL possibilities is fear of feeling like we don't or can't know EVERYTHING (oh no...say it isn't so). Now the question is THIS channel authentic or not?...wait and see with an open mind.
On the Tate satellite webcam: http://www.tate.org.uk/space/webcam.htm what is that at the southern hemisphere?
still waiting for the big UFO
maybe later :P
well its oct 14, wheres my ufo at???
Well people it does not look like anything is happening? The clock is ticking.
You dumb fucks are all so full of shit. Focus on real issues, you fools. The world economy is in the shitter and the New World Order stands posed to usher in a World Govt/Police State. Why aren't you worried about that? Who cares about some idiot "psychic" who is just trying to garner some attention. Christ, you are all pathetic.
Everybody ....it's the full moon.... 2000 miles in Dia...
if anything is going to save us it's us.... if we stop using cars and stuff now... but that ain't gonna happen cos we engineered to have our cities dependent on this stuff for all our transport of everything... and the greedey barstards just want more and more money.... if the system collapsed you'll all starve.... no food at safeway...oh my god what will i do...??? I know I'll dig up a few yams to feed my kids...
when the system dies so do you.
the guys in the deaserts scratching out a living from the dirt... theyer used to a struggle ... they just may be all thats left... when the plankton dies in the changing PH of the oceans, the food chain collapes and the mechanisum that covers 2/3 of the planet and absorbs over 1/2 the CO2 turns into a stangent sewer.. and the ice caps melt then the CO2 traped there is released the green house system goes into out of control "runnaway" and the minute the ice melts the the oil Cos are ready to roll into the tundra and drill for more....
Humans stop NOW or perrish.
The greed has killed us....
keep the people dumbed down dont tell em... let them enjoy the time they have left.... source; GOVTs of the world. Hey maybe the large hadron collider is a big off switch for the suffering?
materialisum.... yep just keep feeding the engine.. gotta love it...
you stupid barstards.. your killing me too....!!!!
This whole planet is a shit hole anyways . who give s a fuck about the government. The mother needs to come back and wash it all away.
certain things cant be seen with your eyes... but only thru your mind and heart.
The boston ship is here it's on the news.
Tell Ashtar that he can kiss a higher vibration of my ass!
I guess nothings happening then? Well tomorrow is another day of materialism...
Frank on what channel and what are they showing?
Well i scanned every boston news outlet and no mention. So i guess you are a fraud.
It is now the 15th of October and Blossom Goodchild has indeed proved her point. She is neurotically challenged.
I think that is what she was trying to say all along in a roundabout way.
Her words were; "on the 14th of October a huge flying spaceship will appear over our skies".
What she really meant to say was "If you put a bullet in my head right now, the world would be a much better place".
I've been scratching my head for quite some time now wondering where all the stupid were hanging out.
I've found you! Hello.
I have taken the time out from my busy day to register my disappointment. Our burgeoning flower - our Blossom - has been waiting to sprout for some time. These raging wildfires of negativity are ensuring that the truth remains hidden like a shell buried in sand.
Support with positivity and our Blossom will surely erupt into tantalising colour and odour before our eyes. Believe.
Um. no ufo here. can anyone see something?
who made this shit up?
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object...
So if you see anything that are unidentified to you in the sky then that's it! So if it might be a bird or a plane... maybe it is a space craft with flashy pretty lights.. and then what? would it change or affect you and your life in any way? it would just be a moment of standing and staring at it while you saying "WOW.." then you still have to live another day. life is full of possibilities and surprises....just enjoy and move on...
I don't believe in UFOs but I KNOW THAT UFOs EXIST (and not only because they UnIdentified by nature) but also because I have seen two aliens in my life. I am not trying to persuade anyone to believe me. I know and I think it is irresponsible by anyone claiming to have channelled information about an upcoming visitation. On the other hand, maybe and just maybe, this person was really channeling but her reality doesn't have to be ours. I didn't expect an invasion or visitation but I never exclude possibilities.
To all people who think UFOs and aliens are just bullshit, CONSIDER possibilties and ignore what other people say. All what you need is only based on indoctrinations, and those who have not experienced anything cannot claim that anyone who has experienced something in in particular or in general is nonsense. Don't be ignorant. Always consider possibilities.
I don't think any intelligent human being can deny the potential or possibility of the existence of UFO's or ET's.
What I think the problem is right now, is that some deranged woman created and propagated yet another piece of bullcrap.
I think (and I say that it is what I am thinking), is that people are disappointed that it didn't occur. That this lunatic made a comment that a lot of people really wanted to believe would happen. Even if on the outside they knew it was unlikely, they really wanted to see a spacecraft from outside of our known world with intelligent life from somewhere else, appear on Earth.
How cool would that be?
It's as cool as traveling to a different culture and experiencing something totally different.
I for one, would welcome an ET and would be fascinated by one appearing in today's jaded and arrogant world.
Theres gonna be a heartache tonight,
A heartache tonight, I know.
Theres gonna be a heartache tonight, I know.
Lord, I know.
look up!
This is just your typical astrally-channelled rubbish. If these aliens are so, so advanced to us, then why oh why can they never turn up on time 'eh?
New Age fruit cakes controlled by astral entities. Barking!
What kind of cake should I bake? I sure hope they like chocolate!
Quick question for the educated, or uneducated, whoever. This is a two part question, my answer, and thoughts behind my answer. Please try to follow:
A "UFO" is an "Unidentified Flying Object". If we see one and call it a "UFO", is it still a "UFO" if we identify it as a "UFO"? And do they (ufos) really exist?
I'm going with NO. Reason is that calling an unidentified flying object a "ufo" is a conterdiction in terms, or more simply put, a paradox.
We can argue semantics or technicalities but let me jump ahead and point out that "UFO" is a generalized name, just as is "aircraft". We can go as far as generalizing that we too have "spacecraft", We know that it can be a plane, helicopter, shuttle, rocket, or maybe even a bird in the sky, but if we do not know the specific indentification numbers for those aircraft or species of bird, then we can call them "UFO" as well.
Closing my points, No,it is not a UFO, and No, they cannot exist.
Just a little food for thought, but, if anyone feels compelled to drop me a line, use the URL provided, it's Myspace, hopefully your familiar with the website.
Your world is how you see it.
ta ta for now.
I was dubious from the start, but now I just feel stoopid for even listening to ANYONE with a dumb newage name like "Blossom Goodchild"!
Since no Christians seem to be posting, I'll be the first one. I am of the mind that "contact" will be established after rapture (in the event of a pre-Tribulation rapture, which the Bible seems to support). Based on what other UFO chanellers have said and common sense, I expect that these 'aliens' will take credit for the rapture either by saying that they evacuated people who "saw the light" or who were too old-fashioned to evolve OR they will say that "dark forces" removed people. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ, you will be left here scratching your head, wondering where all the missing people went.
Someone mentioned that there's more evidence in favor of UFOs than God. I absolutely agree: For much of my life I found it far easier to believe in the existence of UFOs than God. Even before accepting Jesus Christ, I came to realize that these self-described "Space Brothers" fail the "What would Jesus do?" test. They are no better than us and are far more manipulative and self-serving.
Do the research: These 'alien' beings are the Bene Elohim or Nephilim of the Bible. God, however, does not need technology to rule. All He needs to do is say the word and His Creation obeys.
Jesus loves you so much and doesn't want you to be deceived. However, if you reject Him, you are in grave danger of being deceived by the belief that men can become gods by evolving spiritually. They only way you can be like God is by imitating Christ--put your faith in Him.
I expect that most of you won't listen to anything I say, but when the rapture comes, I PROMISE YOU that it's not just a big alien abduction. This is going to happen very soon. So many people want a sign before they believe (I was the same way), but if you demand a sign, the sign you see may be the one telling you that you bet wrong. If there is even the slightest doubt in your mind, call out to God and tell Him that you want to believe in Him if He's real and ask Him to open your heart. He will. I promise you that if you come to Him with humility, He will hear you.
Well said acsecn, your comments are very true. Why people think they can ascend to a higher power via a alien dude is beyond me. Want a real experience, get saved through Jesus Christ. Better than any happy drug or humming around a camp fire. I am afraid this hoax, and that is what it is, originated for the purpose of selling a book. One should read the best selling book of all time, the bible. Really simple solutions to everyday life. Even if you want to laugh at us "Christians", think about what the bible has to say, and apply it. I trust your enlightenment, will be forth coming. God Bless.
So I asked my self.....
what would Jesus do?
Hey the second comming??? I'm not a Christian in the true sence of the word but....
they call it "Christ concesness" as the Awakening of mankind...
Wake up and ask "what would Jesus do?" or any of the great profits really.... No favorite no My god rite yours is false shit.... non of that.... Just ask What would he do?
As for those who say "We will save you" frigg off guys.... the only one who will say you is you....
Now "what would Christ do?"
UFOs yeah okay .. cool...
what about ME what am "I" Gonna do to say this planet? what are you gonna do????? What would Christ do?
Save earth. second comming... do some thing....
save your self, for the rest of us.
my thoughts are as follows:
yo'll are bunch of moda fockas dicka suckas man....kumon Lynnette kome and sucka me dicka sista...whosa moda focka, whosa moda focka??
According to the bible, which despite your religious or nonreligious background you should respect because despite the christian MISinterpretations there is much truth to it, The flood started when Noah was exactly 600 years 2 months and 7 days old. This "flood" that God promised noah; saying that he would wipe out every living thing on earth and the heavens would open up, started 600 years 2 months and 7 days after Noah's arrival onto earth. Some think Dec 21, 2012 is the second coming.
subtract 600years 2 months and 7 days from 12 21, 2012 and you get:
october 14th, 1412
i'm pretty sure that these "aliens" did come on oct. 14, we're just a little late to catch (only by a few hundred years).
and now we wait for the second coming.
See at alienexistence.com an andromedan interview.
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