Evidence gathered the last 60 years, from all over the globe, and in numbers by hundred thousands, point to the undeniable fact that we are not alone and never have been alone.
This was news over a month ago when Italian politician Mario Borghezio who is a member of the EU Parliament raised eyebrows with a June 14 EU declaration titled "On the Declassification of Documentation on UFOs," in which he called for a European UFO commission.
"Many members of the scientific community have been looking into the issue of UFOs and have denounced the systematic covering up of information on the subject," the declaration says.
Mario Borghezio's recent comments (about EU member states) have again attracted interest with him saying that "Yes, I know that some of them have secret UFO files,".
His tabled EU declaration is also gaining popularity: "About 30 members of the European Parliament -- especially from Eastern Europe -- have signed my declaration, and it means they agree with me," he said.
"The EU member states, under the principle of transparency, have a duty to make public and available to all scientific data on UFOs which, today, are partially or wholly secret,"
It will be interesting to see the outcome after Oct. 14 which is the deadline for EU members to sign Borghezio's disclosure declaration. Read further at AOL
New Crop Circle 18th July 2010 at Woolaston Grange, Gloucestershire, UK
near the river Severn. Overlapping concentric circles forming an ellipse. The ellipse shape has reocurred several times this season
Im really tempted to say this is a good fake done with the aid of GPS however i would like all your comments. Is the progression of crop circles into ever more sophisticated forms work of people with too much time on their hands or not? How can we tell the difference between genuine crop circles and fake ones when the hoaxes get more advanced every year?