Saturday, March 22, 2008
March 11 Ufo or just a star ?
Not sure if this one is a star or ufo?
Posters comment: saw this march 11 2008, I was outside with my new panasonic camcorder when at 7:15pm i noticed a star like object but there wasn't another one, I realised it hadn't moved for 30 minutes and i started recording it. There was not a cloud in the sky only the moon and this object. It never moved but the moon was as usual heading west. The object seemed to change or shrink and it emmited some smoke and I looked up with my naked eyes and couldn't see it and I tried to see it trough the LCD screen and I could not see it.
Posters comment: saw this march 11 2008, I was outside with my new panasonic camcorder when at 7:15pm i noticed a star like object but there wasn't another one, I realised it hadn't moved for 30 minutes and i started recording it. There was not a cloud in the sky only the moon and this object. It never moved but the moon was as usual heading west. The object seemed to change or shrink and it emmited some smoke and I looked up with my naked eyes and couldn't see it and I tried to see it trough the LCD screen and I could not see it.
Friday, March 21, 2008
SR-71 blackbird on google earth
An advanced, long-range, Mach 3 strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Lockheed YF-12A and A-12 aircraft often thought to include possible reverese engineering technology from ufos. The SR-71 was unofficially named the Blackbird, A defensive feature of the aircraft was its high speed and operating altitude, whereby, if a surface-to-air missile launch were detected, standard evasive action was simply to accelerate. The SR-71 line was in service from 1964 to 1998,
33°52'59.68"N 117°15'58.59"W
the drones make fox news - aren't they just CGi's ?
I have never believed in the drone sightings, the pictures see like one Big CGi to me. I even hestitated to post this here, what do you guys think?
Ufo Hunters Episode 7 - Reverse Engineering
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Black Box UFO Contact By Pilots And Astronauts
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Are all Triangular ufo craft of the same origin? - similarities noticed over the years
March 2008 has seen so many reportings of triangular ufos. I decided to look into the history of the triangular ufos to see if there are any commonly identifiable features to determine if this is the same type of craft that has been seen around the world since the late 80's. Suprisingly the videos indicate that triangular craft do infact have many identifiable features particularly the red light in the centre - and infact this is common amoung all the craft seen this month (Pasco, Brazil). So could all triangular craft be of the same origin? who knows's but it's likely. Below is the military press conference about the triangular craft by the belgium military (see bottom video for the english version where unsolved mysteries does a detailed explanation on the event)
Another triangular ufo seen again in Belgium 2007
unsolved msyteries belgium ufo documentary
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Another triangular ufo seen again in Belgium 2007
unsolved msyteries belgium ufo documentary
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Triangle Ufo in Copacabana Brazil March 2008
Another new triangle ufo sighting , similar to the pasco (may even be the same craft flying all over earth atm) but this time in Brazil:
Audio: My goodness. On top of a building here in Copacabana in the Rio de Janeiro. My god. I am alone at home and that object is stopped up there. It moved, there. The buildings are... I turned on "night shot". I am inside my home, in the dawn, and you can see this are the apartments, here.What is that? I must say that I have seen many UFOs. Triangular. It's getting closer. Oh my god! I am going to turn off.
Discuss further in the forum
Audio: My goodness. On top of a building here in Copacabana in the Rio de Janeiro. My god. I am alone at home and that object is stopped up there. It moved, there. The buildings are... I turned on "night shot". I am inside my home, in the dawn, and you can see this are the apartments, here.What is that? I must say that I have seen many UFOs. Triangular. It's getting closer. Oh my god! I am going to turn off.
Discuss further in the forum
UFO In Longview Washington As Clear As Day
Here is a UFO filmed in the State of Washington in Summer of 2007. In a small town called longview near Kelso, this UFO can clearly be seen.
Battle Of L.A 1942 the UFO over Los Angeles
What was hovering above Los Angeles on February 25, 1942?'s Dara Brown has the story on this 65th anniversary of the 'Battle of L.A
UFOs in North Yorkshire
There always seem to be alot of ufos in the uk around places like wiltshire and Yorkshire, this oldish news report looks into this.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ultimate UFO documentary Part 2
Interesting ufo doco - the Ultimate UFO collection is the most comprehensive collection of UFO film and video clips ever assembled--more than five and-a-half hours' worth--covering almost fifty years of sightings.
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remaining parts
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remaining parts
Pasco ufo Triangle 14 March 2008 - what do you think?
WESLEY CHAPEL - An unidentified flying object caught the attention of some Pasco County residents early Friday.
Many described the object -- a rotating triangle of three white lights plus a flashing red light that stayed put -- as a UFO.
The Pasco County Sheriff's Office says some Wesley Chapel residents called 911 around 6:25 a.m. wondering what was up -- literally.
A deputy's report says it was a balloon, but doesn't get more specific than that
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Crazy Japanese UFO Footage collection
A collection of ufo videos on the news in Japan, some look fake others interesting (not in english)
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White House Staff Cheif Admits U.S. UFO Cover Up
Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta claims the U.S. is unlawfully hiding much info on UFOs and that the U.S. deserves to know the truth
Vivid Classic ufo In Southern USA
comments from the poster:
You can see some sort of navigation lights around the rim of this saucer, what do they mean? You may also identify the all too familiar glowing energy underneath the belly of the disc, is this the propulsion system? This flying saucer was seen by many in the Southern U.S. in the summer of 1998.
Daylights sightings are very rare, but there is enough detail in this video to further add proof that we are not alone.
UFO Battleship - The story behind the footage
From the MUFON 2007 conference with the presenter: Sam Maranto. The battleship UFO which is one of the rarest to be filmed.
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