Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Nancy Talbott - hard science behind the study of crop circles
You may or may not know that there are large scientific research groups all over the world using evidence based research to study crop circles. The finding of these studies are conclusive and show that crop circles do have an extra terrestrial origin. Nancy Talbott is the world leader in the scientific study of Crop Circles and related anomalies :
Nancy has been in collaboration with BLT Research colleagues Levengood and Burke since 1993. BLTs breakthrough investigations established protocols in field and plant studies respected worldwide, and recounted in several documentaries. In 1999, an opportunity to carry out some new research presented itself when New York philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller offered funding. In order to meet Mr. Rockefeller's requirements Ms. Talbott sought and was granted non-profit, tax-exempt status, and BLT Research Team, Inc. was created, with Ms. Talbott as President.
You may or may not know that there are large scientific research groups all over the world using evidence based research to study crop circles. The finding of these studies are conclusive and show that crop circles do have an extra terrestrial origin. Nancy Talbott is the world leader in the scientific study of Crop Circles and related anomalies :
Nancy has been in collaboration with BLT Research colleagues Levengood and Burke since 1993. BLTs breakthrough investigations established protocols in field and plant studies respected worldwide, and recounted in several documentaries. In 1999, an opportunity to carry out some new research presented itself when New York philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller offered funding. In order to meet Mr. Rockefeller's requirements Ms. Talbott sought and was granted non-profit, tax-exempt status, and BLT Research Team, Inc. was created, with Ms. Talbott as President.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
30 RAF staff witness UFO fleet says radar chief
An extreemly interesting article surface today in the Sun paper from the UK,
here's a extract of the article:
Wing Commander Alan Turner, 64, said colleagues sat stunned when 35 super-fast vessels appeared on their screens.
Wing Cmdr Turner, who was a chief operator of the RAF’s radar system for 29 years, said the craft were equally spaced and shot from 3,000ft to 60,000ft at almost 300mph.
Incredibly, every few seconds one of the UFOs would suddenly vanish from radar and be replaced by an identical vessel moments later.
Wing Cmdr Turner said six military radars, plus operators at Heathrow, spotted the UFOs east of Salisbury Plain and filed reports on the unexplained phenomenon in 1971.
“It wasn’t just me.
“More than 30 pairs of eyes of RAF staff and radar operators at Heathrow Airport witnessed the same thing.
“It’s arrogant to believe that we’re the only ones in this universe.”
ufo over Norway Dec 27th -08
An unidentified flying object made itself visible at December 27th 2008 over a city in Norway,
it was very cold and dark outside but a clear starry night nevertheless - even tho the cold temperature makes stars and planets appear smaller than with warm weather, the object in the sky was quite huge and clear, at least twice the size of planet Jupiter. Both Jupiter and Venus is located at different dec. and the object disappeared from location after 1 1/2 hour. The telescopic filters shows that the object pushes red light (high energy), and blocks blue, the object also appears to be of a Dropa shape - it is at least similar. We were 5 witnesses present when the object appeared.
it was very cold and dark outside but a clear starry night nevertheless - even tho the cold temperature makes stars and planets appear smaller than with warm weather, the object in the sky was quite huge and clear, at least twice the size of planet Jupiter. Both Jupiter and Venus is located at different dec. and the object disappeared from location after 1 1/2 hour. The telescopic filters shows that the object pushes red light (high energy), and blocks blue, the object also appears to be of a Dropa shape - it is at least similar. We were 5 witnesses present when the object appeared.
Monday, December 29, 2008
UFO information ‘ Above top secret ’ says Australian political leader
Malcolm Turnbull , a famous politician and the leader of the opposition party in australia was recently interviewed about Ufos by AllnewsWeb and his comments were shocking indeed:
'Michael Cohen, of All News Web, happened to chance upon Mr Turnbull and ask him a few questions regarding UFO related topics, probably the first time he was asked anything on the topic by any media outlet. Some of his answers were startling.:

On whether he would disclose what the Government knew about UFO and Alien visitation and contact with humans he was rather evasive, claiming he wasn’t sure they knew anything and if they did they weren’t telling him or anyone he knows. Then he made the surprise revelation:‘That information would be above top secret, highest classification of secrecy’. This was a truly remarkable comment.'
So here again guys this shows you how elected officials and party heads of countries aren't able to disclose information, even when they are in the know of whats going on - so what chance do the public have of ever finding out themselves!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Mysterious Angel Caught On Hospital Camera
Hey guys,
here's some good news over this festive season...
This clip is about a women and her daughter that was in hospital and was on last hours of life until something showed up and changed things. Below video has a photo of what was seen taken by hospital camera.
here's some good news over this festive season...
This clip is about a women and her daughter that was in hospital and was on last hours of life until something showed up and changed things. Below video has a photo of what was seen taken by hospital camera.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Nick Pope Talks about ufos at Mufon LA
Nick Pope, the former Ministry of Defense officer for the United Kingdom, was officially responsible for researching and investigating UFO's, crop circles, and other strange phenomena. Now hes come to L.A. to reveal UFO evidence! Between 1991 and 1994 he was posted at a division called Secretariat. While there, Pope claims Strong evidence emerged suggesting the presence of structured craft capable of speeds and maneuvers beyond the capability of even the most advanced prototype craft operated by the Royal Air Force or the United States Air Force.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Huge Ufo Sighting by Lieutenant Graham Bethune
Retired Lieutenant Graham Bethune talks about his Ufo sightings while he was apilot:
The Day Ufos flew over the WhiteHouse in Washington DC 1952
Guys i have posted many times about the most important case when ufos flew over washington in 1952. Many people say that if ufos are true then why don't they fly up to the Whitehouse and land there - well in 1952 it almost happened! This video gives a montage of various documentaries about the event:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Real or Not - Intercepted NASA Transmission during STS 115
Any comments on this guys - would like to know if you think this is genuine or not ?The object seen by the STS 115 ATLANTIS SHUTTLE CREW may have been this DISK OBJECT videotaped in Space near the ATLANTIS SHUTTLE. It is moving away and it looks like its within the 100 feet range or a little further.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Linda Moulton Howe - secret government documents reveal the real story behind Roswell
This is a great interview guys and outlines the whole unknown story behind Roswell - In the mid-1990s, filmmaker and researcher Linda Moulton Howe was approached by former New Mexico State Representative Andrew Kissner. He shared with her his official and off-the-record research concerning the 1947 Roswell incident and other alleged UFO crash retrievals in New Mexico:
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Rep. Kissner had assembled many old newspaper articles and leaked government information from unofficial military and intelligence testimonies. He asserted there was an American government policy to shoot down unidentified discs in the late 1940s to early 1950s until retaliation by the discs, which included the deaths of many pilots, forced a cancellation of our aggression.
According to Howe, Rep. Kissner contends that the Truman Administration ordered a policy of denial in the interest of national security about all UFO crash retrievals, a policy that remains in force to this day. Howe will present information about the possible nature of the disc retaliation and other disturbing phenomena linked to the non-human intelligence controlling the discs.
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Rep. Kissner had assembled many old newspaper articles and leaked government information from unofficial military and intelligence testimonies. He asserted there was an American government policy to shoot down unidentified discs in the late 1940s to early 1950s until retaliation by the discs, which included the deaths of many pilots, forced a cancellation of our aggression.
According to Howe, Rep. Kissner contends that the Truman Administration ordered a policy of denial in the interest of national security about all UFO crash retrievals, a policy that remains in force to this day. Howe will present information about the possible nature of the disc retaliation and other disturbing phenomena linked to the non-human intelligence controlling the discs.
Alien Abductions?
Always a contraversial subject - alien abductions - whats your thoughts on this topic guys?
Merry Christmas and Happy new Ufo Year from RealUfos
Hey Guys,
Just a personal message from Matt here ...
Would like to wish you all an amazing Christmas and a Happy new year as we approach 2009!. Thanks to all the loyal followers of the blog - your comments and suggestions have are all appreciated!. 2008 was a huge year for ufo sighthings, so keep coming back cause i feel 2009 is only going to be bigger.
As always i will keep you updated on only the best real ufo sightings through this holiday season - keep your cameras rolling and as always keep your eyes to the skies!
P.S our forum is Now back online. Happy holidays guys!
To end with here is a christmas Ufo message that i think is relevant to the blog:
Just a personal message from Matt here ...
Would like to wish you all an amazing Christmas and a Happy new year as we approach 2009!. Thanks to all the loyal followers of the blog - your comments and suggestions have are all appreciated!. 2008 was a huge year for ufo sighthings, so keep coming back cause i feel 2009 is only going to be bigger.
As always i will keep you updated on only the best real ufo sightings through this holiday season - keep your cameras rolling and as always keep your eyes to the skies!
P.S our forum is Now back online. Happy holidays guys!
To end with here is a christmas Ufo message that i think is relevant to the blog:
UFO fossils discovered in China ?
On May 27, 2007, several dozen "UFO" shaped gangues were found in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. Experts indicate that the UFO gangues were formed about 300 million years ago:
Air force UFO Sightings
Ufo sightings by the air force add to the credibility of the phenonmenon:
Pilot captures Ufo on film
Pilot captures Ufo on film
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
UFO Hunters The Phoenix Lights
Friday, December 19, 2008
Weird Orbs caught in Texas and China
Recently strange different orbs were caught on tape from around the world - whats your thoughts on these two guys, First one filmed over China,
This one filmed over texas:
This one filmed over texas:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Interesting Ufo seen over buenos Aires Argentina 2008
This is a strange object filmed over buenos Aires on the 31st of March 2008 , looks like a plane but then it hovers for a while - whats your comments on this guys? I just came back from buenos Aires myself guys so i know there is a major airport there but who knows ..
UFO over Honolulu
An old fox news report but still good - the meteor type Ufos, very similar to the Ufo i saw over brasilia back in October:
Transcript of the news report:
"It's hard to draw a surfer's attention away from the next wave, but whatever was in the southwest sky Friday evening around 6:20 p.m. drew a crowd along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park. Honolulu resident Peter Hollingworth described it as two lights circling in the sky, about 45 degrees above the horizon. Video of one of the lights was recorded from the KHON 2 SkyCam. These two little fireballs with a stream behind it, said Hollingworth. Looked kind of like a shooting start but it just kept going. They changed directions a few times, at first it was coming in then it turned, then it went out then it came back in again" Hollingworth was surfing with his 12 year old son when the unexpected show began.
Transcript of the news report:
"It's hard to draw a surfer's attention away from the next wave, but whatever was in the southwest sky Friday evening around 6:20 p.m. drew a crowd along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park. Honolulu resident Peter Hollingworth described it as two lights circling in the sky, about 45 degrees above the horizon. Video of one of the lights was recorded from the KHON 2 SkyCam. These two little fireballs with a stream behind it, said Hollingworth. Looked kind of like a shooting start but it just kept going. They changed directions a few times, at first it was coming in then it turned, then it went out then it came back in again" Hollingworth was surfing with his 12 year old son when the unexpected show began.
Triangle Ufo seen near the moon
Very interesting Ufo video indeed - shows the outline of what looks like a triangle Ufo craft :
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Great Ufo sighting
This is a high quality version of an older ufo sighting i posted before, think it is over lake erie, but not sure
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
History Proves Ufos have been here for ages
Hey Guys
I have posted before about the long history of Ufos in art and history, going back over 2000 years. This video does a little synopsis of the pictures and photos again seen over the years and just goes to show you that Ufos are not a modern pnenomenon
I have posted before about the long history of Ufos in art and history, going back over 2000 years. This video does a little synopsis of the pictures and photos again seen over the years and just goes to show you that Ufos are not a modern pnenomenon
Monday, December 15, 2008
fast moving UFO from Peru
Like the stephenville Ufo sighting this fast moving Ufo leaves a trail on the camera:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Santiago 10 december - Ufos or planes?
Very strange sets of lights seen over the skies of Santiago yesterday guys - some look like a set of planes in formation while other lights look different - any comments guys?
Here goes Jamie again - what do you think?
Jamie Maussan is well respected in south america for his ufo knowledge. This recent footage he came across shows what seems to be an alien - is jamie being conned with this footage or is it the real thing guys?
UFO Expert Nick Pope Rates Sky TVs recent Ufo video
Ufo expert Nick pope talks about the recent Ufo footage on sky TV:
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Alien Skull Discovery?
Could this be a real Alien Skull guys? (for more on this see the star child project)
Saturday, December 06, 2008
My Space censors Gary McKinnon song because it was too popular !
As you may know there is currently enormous pressure on the Uk government by the Bush admistration to extradite Gary McKinnon (famous NASA Ufo Hacker) to the USA.
With Gary's gaining popularity - The campaign to 'get' Gary is going at all lengths to discredit his name.
Recently Myspace (controlled by media magnet Rupert Murdoch) jumped on to the censorship bandwagon when they realised his song 'Only a Fool' made it to No 5 on their song charts..
As you may know there is currently enormous pressure on the Uk government by the Bush admistration to extradite Gary McKinnon (famous NASA Ufo Hacker) to the USA.
With Gary's gaining popularity - The campaign to 'get' Gary is going at all lengths to discredit his name.
Recently Myspace (controlled by media magnet Rupert Murdoch) jumped on to the censorship bandwagon when they realised his song 'Only a Fool' made it to No 5 on their song charts..
an extract from this site explained what followed:
MySpace in America appears to have blocked a search on Gary McKinnons own song and video on My Space. They Deleted his last song and video on My Space after it got 360,000 hits within 48 hours and reached the top five in the Music Charts all within 48 hours.
Many people immediately complained to MySpace. In most cases there was no explanation. One person was told that "My Space" was working on the site" ....
Succumbing to the pressure of complaints Mypsace seems to have now allowed a new upload of the song to remain (but the original was never restored) and as you can clearly see below it does not have as many hits as the original upload - so what does this all mean guys ? - is this evidence of the media being manipulated by government pressure? Was Mr Murdoch not happy with Gary being promoted on Myspace?
MySpace in America appears to have blocked a search on Gary McKinnons own song and video on My Space. They Deleted his last song and video on My Space after it got 360,000 hits within 48 hours and reached the top five in the Music Charts all within 48 hours.
Many people immediately complained to MySpace. In most cases there was no explanation. One person was told that "My Space" was working on the site" ....
Succumbing to the pressure of complaints Mypsace seems to have now allowed a new upload of the song to remain (but the original was never restored) and as you can clearly see below it does not have as many hits as the original upload - so what does this all mean guys ? - is this evidence of the media being manipulated by government pressure? Was Mr Murdoch not happy with Gary being promoted on Myspace?
UFO Hunters - The Real Roswell
Just aired the other day guys - New evidence suggests there was more than one UFO crash near Roswell.
On July 8, 1947 at 5:26 EDT, an Associated Press news wire announced that soldiers from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico recovered a "flying disk" from a nearby rancher's property. The tiny town of Roswell has never been the same. Now, 61 years later, new theories, new witnesses, and new evidence have emerged. The most shocking lead is that there may have been a second crash, and if it can be found, it may finally reveal what really happened at Roswell.
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On July 8, 1947 at 5:26 EDT, an Associated Press news wire announced that soldiers from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico recovered a "flying disk" from a nearby rancher's property. The tiny town of Roswell has never been the same. Now, 61 years later, new theories, new witnesses, and new evidence have emerged. The most shocking lead is that there may have been a second crash, and if it can be found, it may finally reveal what really happened at Roswell.
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ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition
Just saw zeitgeist guys - Most of you have probably seen this movie, although i disagree with part one about the jesus myth , the 9/11 conspiracy stuff is interesting. Any comments guys:
Friday, December 05, 2008
UFO Hunters First Contact Nov 19 2008
The team researches the story of the 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO crash where the townsfolk are rumored to have tossed the ship wreckage down a well and buried the body of the non-human pilot in their local cemetery.
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Thursday, December 04, 2008
New UFO Hunters Episode - Heartland Explosion in 2008
Late in the evening of April 16th, 2008, the tiny town of Kokomo, Indiana was rocked by an ear-piercing, high decibel boom. Houses shook. Thousands of panicked citizens called 911. Police, firefighters and Homeland Security showed up to investigate. And witnesses claimed to see strange orange balls of light in the sky attached to something they couldn't identify. The team heads to the heartland to unravel the clues behind the strange booms and menacing lights over the skies of Indiana, one of the most current UFO sightings in America:
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Is 'worm' clue to Mars life CNN In Search of Aliens
Scientists wonder whether a spiral shape in a Mars photo could be a fossil. Did worms live there? Miles O'Brien reports:
Giant UFO in Yukon Territory
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
UFO's Calling all Aliens , CNN In Search Of ALIENS
This was a continuation of the CNn special, aired yesterday:
UFO - Johannesburg, South Africa, November 22, 2008
Two UFO's over Johannesburg, South Africa on November 22, 2008.
meteor impact, Fireball field north of Biggar,
As reported just on CNN Scientists find fragments of 10-tonne space rock:
In London ? - We urgently need your support to save Gary McKinnon - Friday 5th december
Again guys,
If you live in London or the Uk this is your final reminder to come to the important protest this Friday to save Gary McKinnon - the guy famous for hacking into NASA.
There much debate about Gary - Some don't believe Gary hacked into computers just for ufos and is using the Ufo explanation as an excuse (any comments on this guys?).
However i have thought about this myself and court documents from US government prosecutors show that indeed Gary did hack into some sensitive area of NASA and downloaded and copied some files from there - which supports Garys testimony of hacking into 'Building 8 of the Johnson Space Center' - (the rooms rumoured that NASA uses to airbrush out Ufos from its footage.)
Some come and support Gary:
Date: Friday 5th December
Time: 5 pm -7pm
Embassy of the United States of America,
24 Grosvenor Square
Media Contacts: - being arranged - email [email protected]
Location Maps:
Map on the US Embassy website
If you live in London or the Uk this is your final reminder to come to the important protest this Friday to save Gary McKinnon - the guy famous for hacking into NASA.
There much debate about Gary - Some don't believe Gary hacked into computers just for ufos and is using the Ufo explanation as an excuse (any comments on this guys?).
However i have thought about this myself and court documents from US government prosecutors show that indeed Gary did hack into some sensitive area of NASA and downloaded and copied some files from there - which supports Garys testimony of hacking into 'Building 8 of the Johnson Space Center' - (the rooms rumoured that NASA uses to airbrush out Ufos from its footage.)
Some come and support Gary:
Date: Friday 5th December
Time: 5 pm -7pm
Embassy of the United States of America,
24 Grosvenor Square
Media Contacts: - being arranged - email [email protected]
Location Maps:
Map on the US Embassy website
Monday, December 01, 2008
Ufo that crashed over Aurora, TX 1897
History channel looks at the Ufo that crashed over Texas in 1897:
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Real Ufos Forum
Hey Guys,
With the popularity of increasing we have also attracted alot of unwanted attention online recently.
Due to ongoing problems with spammers & haters the forum will be temporarily Closed.
I need to sort out with our current moderators the situation to ensure to forum remains a friendly place for people to discuss the Ufo topic.
I am asking our moderators to please email me to discuss the situation.
Hopefully will have this sorted out guys
With the popularity of increasing we have also attracted alot of unwanted attention online recently.
Due to ongoing problems with spammers & haters the forum will be temporarily Closed.
I need to sort out with our current moderators the situation to ensure to forum remains a friendly place for people to discuss the Ufo topic.
I am asking our moderators to please email me to discuss the situation.
Hopefully will have this sorted out guys
Alien Graves in the USA
There are many famous reports of Aliens being buried in the early 1900's int he USA.
To read more about the locations on these graves click here and here
To read more about the locations on these graves click here and here
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Some people say this is from a Jet powered glider from an airshow (never heard about this), but looks very strange indeed, although most ufos don't look like this i guess? this one seen 27 nov 2008 any comments about this?:
the same object was seen earlier on in Tampa Jan 2008 - the dueling fireballs rocketing and curling through the air that early evening were apparently part of an air show during Tampa's annual Gasparilla Pirate Festival:
jet powered glider?:
the same object was seen earlier on in Tampa Jan 2008 - the dueling fireballs rocketing and curling through the air that early evening were apparently part of an air show during Tampa's annual Gasparilla Pirate Festival:
jet powered glider?:
ufo cnn reports on roswell again
CNN again on its Roswell special. The probably noticed their ratings going up after discussing the topic and decided to continue - just goes to show the media that their is a growing public interest in the ufo topic:
Friday, November 28, 2008
Strange footage of the possible TR-3B / Aurora Plane over STIRLING?
As you know guys a few months ago the US military confirmed they have a triangular shapped hypersonic plane using the 'explosive type' engine. Although this video filmed over Stirling in 2001 is sketchy could this be actual footage of it?
Video of Ufo over Woodkirk
Gusy here's an extract from a recent report of Ufos seen over Woodkirk in the USA,
The source link below has the interesting video, captured on the womans camera phone:
CLOSE encounters of the first kind seem to be occurring regularly at weekends in a remote area near Dewsbury.
Bright lights hover in the sky, sometimes in a triangular formation, and then apparently fly off at great speed.
They have been witnessed for months by Mrs Lorraine Senior at her home near Woodkirk Valley Country Club. Leeds Road. Finally, she took some shots of them on her mobile phone camera
More read here from source article
The source link below has the interesting video, captured on the womans camera phone:
CLOSE encounters of the first kind seem to be occurring regularly at weekends in a remote area near Dewsbury.
Bright lights hover in the sky, sometimes in a triangular formation, and then apparently fly off at great speed.
They have been witnessed for months by Mrs Lorraine Senior at her home near Woodkirk Valley Country Club. Leeds Road. Finally, she took some shots of them on her mobile phone camera
More read here from source article
Do aliens exist You tell us! CNN 26.11.08
More from CNN's recent poll and feature presentation on alien life:
Hannity from Fox on Roswell's Crashed UFO
Conservative Hannity from Fox did a report on Roswell that actually came out quite supportative of the event:
In Search Of ALIENS Nov. 26, 2008 CNN Special
Guys this was a new CNN special report - Does alien abduction really happen, or is it the product of vivid imaginations? CNN's Miles O'Brien reports?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Your help needed ! - Support Million Fax on Washington for Ufo Disclosure
While running for president in 1976 Jimmy Carter mentioned his 1969 UFO sighting which he reported to the International UFO Bureau in 1973. Later in the campaign he stated he would, "make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists." After he was elected approximately 10,000 letters arrived at the White House calling on the new President to follow through on that promise. This created quite a stir and prompted the Carter White House to sign off on two extraterrestrial studies - both of which were resisted and quietly shut down by the Department of Defense and other agencies. The Cold War would not be over for another 14 years. It was too soon.
If 10,000 letters in 1977 launched two ET studies, what might 1 million letters, faxes and emails in November of 2008 accomplish?
We really need each and every one of you to take up this urgent and pressing cause - The Million fax on washinton is an attempt to get the attention of the new president elect Mr Obama to the important need for immediate Ufo disclose. Together if we all write and request for change we can make a difference: See for more info:

If 10,000 letters in 1977 launched two ET studies, what might 1 million letters, faxes and emails in November of 2008 accomplish?
UFO Hunters - Emergency
This is the new one from Ufo Hunters - Emergency . Actual recordings of calls from citizens and from dispatchers and police concerning strange sightings. Includes witness interviews and also some actual video and photographs of the event
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Alien Believers Among Us CNN
CNN 24 November 2008: Miles O'Brien reports on the range of credible people who have experiences with UFOs:
Freaky Alien Squid footage shot by Shell Oil Robot
An amazing discovery of an 'elbowed' species of squid. This unreal footage shows an alien-like squid with its massive fins waving, suspended with it's elbow-like appendages and tentacles
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
AceBryan Is Back Guys
Hey guys,
As i reported earlier this year the number one Ufo poster on youtube AceBryan was yet another victim of the ongoign campaign of Ufo censorship on Youtube. Now he's back and he's prepared to stay. He now has a permanent website you can check out here. Check out the message ace has for you guys:
As i reported earlier this year the number one Ufo poster on youtube AceBryan was yet another victim of the ongoign campaign of Ufo censorship on Youtube. Now he's back and he's prepared to stay. He now has a permanent website you can check out here. Check out the message ace has for you guys:
Ufo encounter Children at Ruwa, Zimbabwe in 1994
On Friday 16th September, at approximately 10:15, 62 children from Ariel School, a private primary school in Ruwa (about 20 km from Harare) were in their playing field for the mid-morning break. Suddenly, they saw three silver balls in the sky over the school. These disappeared with a flash of light and then reappeared elsewhere.
This happened three times and then they started to move down towards the school with one of them landing (or hovering) over a section of rough ground made up of trees, thorn bushes, and some brown-grey cut grass with bamboo shoots sticking up out of the ground.
The children are not allowed in this area although it is adjacent to their playing field and is not fenced off, because of snakes, spiders and perhaps other harmful creatures. One can soon disappear from view while walking here, and there is only one very rough track used by tractors in an attempt to clear this area.
There is a line of electricity pylons and according to one boy, the object followed along this line prior to landing. There is also some controversy as to whether the object _landed_ on the ground or hovered above it.
This happened three times and then they started to move down towards the school with one of them landing (or hovering) over a section of rough ground made up of trees, thorn bushes, and some brown-grey cut grass with bamboo shoots sticking up out of the ground.
The children are not allowed in this area although it is adjacent to their playing field and is not fenced off, because of snakes, spiders and perhaps other harmful creatures. One can soon disappear from view while walking here, and there is only one very rough track used by tractors in an attempt to clear this area.
There is a line of electricity pylons and according to one boy, the object followed along this line prior to landing. There is also some controversy as to whether the object _landed_ on the ground or hovered above it.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Creating Big Black Smoke rings
I have always wondered about the big black smoke ring ufos - I have always wondered if they are real of man made, this video kind of explains that
creating it
creating it
UFO over Valparaiso Chile ?
What coudl this be guys, it may be the lights froma commercial plane but not sure myself .. any comments?
A Secret Base for UFO Flight Simulators ?
Bit out there guys ... apparently this is an interview with an aeronautical engineer who claims to have worked at a secret base for UFO flight simulators.
Sacramento Ufo
While shooting Friday Night Football highlights over Sacramento, Air10 pilot Ed Georges and FNF correspondent Angel Cardenas spotted a strange set of lights flying over their helicopter.Not long after their sighting, several callers phoned the News10 newsroom to report seeing the same phenomenon.
Click here for the Video
Click here for the Video
UFO sightings, Wycliffe Well Australia
Wycliffe Well Roadhouse is known as Australia's premier U.F.O. sightings location. Numerous people have reported seeing strange lights in the sky while staying a Wycliff:
New 25 million dollar MUSEUM being built in ROSWELL
Interested in Roswell? well you would will ba happy to knwo New Museum to be built in Roswell
Ufos over British, Columbia Canada November 15, 2008
Very interesting footage - Amazing moving Ufo lights seen on November 15, 2008 Ladner, British Columbia, Canada. Any comments guys?
Edmonton Meteor Footage Canada and little object near it
Vidoe of the Edmonton Meteor, the first video is amazing.. in the second video what was that small thing next to it?
What was this little object guys? next tot he meteor:
What was this little object guys? next tot he meteor:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
UFO meteor crash in Alberta Nov 17 2008 News Report
Hundreds of people in Western Canada Thursday night reported seeing a flaming object streak across the sky, variously describing it as green, yellow, purple and blue, brighter than a lightening strike and as loud as fireworks:
Here's a news report on the crash - your comments appreciated guys:
Here's a news report on the crash - your comments appreciated guys:
ufo knocks plane out of the sky?
sao paoulo brazil 2006 at a airshow possibly a ufo knockied the plane out of the sky? - any comments?:
Friday, November 21, 2008
Save Gary McKinnon the NASA Ufo Hacker - new protest dates
Hey guys
As you may know Gary McKinnon the famous NASA ufo hacker has suffered another legal setback in his fight against extradition to the US on hacking charges:
The accused hacker has been refused a written judicial review of the Home Secretary's decision not to suspend extradition proceedings in light of his recent diagnosis with Asperger's Syndrome. McKinnon's lawyer, Karen Todner, has been given until 5 December to apply for an oral judicial review (ie a hearing in chambers). The legal setback follows decisions by the House of Lords to deny his appeal against extradition and the European Court of Justice washing its hands of the case.
As you may know Gary McKinnon the famous NASA ufo hacker has suffered another legal setback in his fight against extradition to the US on hacking charges:
The accused hacker has been refused a written judicial review of the Home Secretary's decision not to suspend extradition proceedings in light of his recent diagnosis with Asperger's Syndrome. McKinnon's lawyer, Karen Todner, has been given until 5 December to apply for an oral judicial review (ie a hearing in chambers). The legal setback follows decisions by the House of Lords to deny his appeal against extradition and the European Court of Justice washing its hands of the case.
So whats being done , although not officially confirmed on his site Another Protest for gary has been apparently been arranged for Thursday 27 November from 4pm - 6pm outside the American Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London. Check back to Gary's site to confirm the dates
Also apparently also a concert called ROCK AGAINST INJUSTICE is being organised and will be highlighting the plight of people like Gary McKinnon and Brian Howes both of whom are being extradited by the Uk government to the USA more
Massive object crashes over Edmonton, Canada
Extract from here
Numerous people living in Edmonton and surrounding areas are reporting seeing a meteorite-like fireball that lit up the sky.
It not been confirmed as a meteor by official sources, but many witnesses report seeing "bright orange flames" with a large tail that shot horizontally across the sky and then disappeared.
Others said it looked like horizontal lighting, where all the clouds in one huge swath were lit up.
Richard Bellington said he was driving north of Highway 2 on his way to Edmonton when he saw the sky light up.
The flames were so bright and appeared to travel so close to the ground that he called 911.
Callers as far as Onoway, Beaumont and Cold Lake also report seeing the ball of flames. Stations as far north as Fort McMurray also report seeing the fireball.
Some experts say the fireball could be part of the Leonids meteor showers, where activity has been predicted to begin on Nov. 17.
Numerous people living in Edmonton and surrounding areas are reporting seeing a meteorite-like fireball that lit up the sky.
It not been confirmed as a meteor by official sources, but many witnesses report seeing "bright orange flames" with a large tail that shot horizontally across the sky and then disappeared.
Others said it looked like horizontal lighting, where all the clouds in one huge swath were lit up.
Richard Bellington said he was driving north of Highway 2 on his way to Edmonton when he saw the sky light up.
The flames were so bright and appeared to travel so close to the ground that he called 911.
Callers as far as Onoway, Beaumont and Cold Lake also report seeing the ball of flames. Stations as far north as Fort McMurray also report seeing the fireball.
Some experts say the fireball could be part of the Leonids meteor showers, where activity has been predicted to begin on Nov. 17.
November 18 Stephenville Ufo again
Looks like Stephenville Texas continues to be a major Ufo hotspot guys;
extract from this article
Upon the heels of multiple sightings in the area on October 23, last Tuesday, November 18, proved just as noteworthy for local residents.
Michael Corn, 27, and former member of the United States Army assigned to a Patriot Missile Unit from 2003 to 2006, saw something for which he has no explanation.
Corn said while at home at the intersection of Hwy 377 Business and U.S. Hwy 281, friends called him outside at approximately 7:15 p.m.
As he looked toward the small town of Dublin in the southwest sky he saw what appeared to be a brightly lit hovering object.
“It looked really close to Stephenville like it was almost over the courthouse,” Corn said.
article -source read more
extract from this article
Upon the heels of multiple sightings in the area on October 23, last Tuesday, November 18, proved just as noteworthy for local residents.
Michael Corn, 27, and former member of the United States Army assigned to a Patriot Missile Unit from 2003 to 2006, saw something for which he has no explanation.
Corn said while at home at the intersection of Hwy 377 Business and U.S. Hwy 281, friends called him outside at approximately 7:15 p.m.
As he looked toward the small town of Dublin in the southwest sky he saw what appeared to be a brightly lit hovering object.
“It looked really close to Stephenville like it was almost over the courthouse,” Corn said.
article -source read more
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Strange lights near Boundary Bay Airport (PART 2)
Ufos near Boundary Bay Airport
November 15, 2008
Time: 5:26pm to 6:09pm
Location: N 49 03.801 W 123 06.594
Bearing: approx. 70 degrees true
November 15, 2008
Time: 5:26pm to 6:09pm
Location: N 49 03.801 W 123 06.594
Bearing: approx. 70 degrees true
New Zealand UFO Footage, 1978
December 30, 1978, a television crew from Australia recorded background film for a network show on interviews about the sightings. For many minutes at a time on the flight to Christchurch, unidentified lights were observed by five people on the flight deck, were tracked by Wellington Air Traffic Controllers, and filmed in color by the television crew.
One object reportedly followed the aircraft almost until landing. The cargo plane then took off again with the television crew still on board, heading for Blenheim. When the aircraft reached about 2000 feet, it encountered a gigantic lighted orb, which fell into station off the wing tip and tracked along with the cargo aircraft for almost quarter of an hour, while being filmed, watched, tracked on the aircraft radar and described on a tape recording made by the TV film crew.
One object reportedly followed the aircraft almost until landing. The cargo plane then took off again with the television crew still on board, heading for Blenheim. When the aircraft reached about 2000 feet, it encountered a gigantic lighted orb, which fell into station off the wing tip and tracked along with the cargo aircraft for almost quarter of an hour, while being filmed, watched, tracked on the aircraft radar and described on a tape recording made by the TV film crew.
ABC News-The Lake Champlaign Monster caught on tape?
Non Ufo news guys but you mind find interesting - Lake Champlain's famous monster "Champ" appears on an ABC News Creature Feature segment:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Photos of NASA Skylab Ufo incident
50 foot long Skylab was once Probed by an 800 foot long UFO. The NASA crew took four color pictures of the glowing red alien spacecraft as seen here.
Strange lights over Boundary Bay Airport Canada Nov 17 2008
Ufos or birds ? over Boundary Bay Airport Canada Nov 17 2008
The 1965 UFO Crash and Retrieval in Pennsylvania
A documentary on the events that occured in the sleepy and lonely town of Kecksburg,Pennsylvania on the date of Decmber 9th, 1965. According to many residents of the town they saw an acorn shaped object crash land in a wooded area which they clkaimed had hieroglyphic carvings on it's mettalic body.
pt 2
remaining parts
pt 2
remaining parts
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
UFO, Apt, Southern France 2008
What you think of this new ufo video guys - filmed over france nov 2008:
Strange debris during nasa sts126 endeavour docking nov 16 2008
These debris seen during the recent nasa sts126 endeavour docking look very strange , any opinions guys?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Crop circles - blue prints in the sand doco
Nice Documentary trying to explain what the signs in crop circles possibly mean:
pt 2
pt 3
pt 2
pt 3
White Orbs ?
What you guys think of these Orbs things guys? Some people they look like birds but on closesup they aren't?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
140 years of UFO sightings Part 2
Going back through time the Telegraph in the Uk has a special feature at the moment looking at some great Ufo pictures over the last 140 years
click here for Part 2
click here for Part 2
CNN's Gary Tuchman on North Carolina Ufo January 9, 2007
News report on CNN talks about North Carolina Ufo:
Weather ballon or Ufo in Scotland ?
Any thoughts on this one guys, some say its a weather ballon - not sure myself, pls comment:
Woman from argentina has sphere recovered from Ufo
Could this woman really have somethign recovered from a ufo? do you think she is telling the truth guys?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Chemtrails over southend on sea essex 13-10-08
Governments all over the world are working hard to learn how to manipulate weather before global warming impacts on food production by using barium and heavy metals in chemtrails. If you see many criss crosses from planes in the sky like the below ones you may notice that eventually a cloud forms - however what they don't tell you i that barium eventually falls to the ground and can make you sick - this may be the reason why ufos are seen always near chemtrails - are they trying to neutralize them - who knows?
Latest chemtrails over southend on sea essex 13-10-08:
Latest chemtrails over southend on sea essex 13-10-08:
The famous Japan Airlines UFO Sighting
For those who haven't seen it before the most famous aircraft report of a Ufo was the Japan airlines Boeing 747 incident over Alaska in Next time you fly, make sure you get a window seat and keep your cell phone video camera ready .. you might just by chance see something like in this report!:
Captain Terauchi, a veteran of 29 years flying, said "It was a very big one or two times bigger than an aircraft carrier." He changed altitude and made turns, with FAA permission, in an effort to identify the objects which continued to follow him. He said the objects moved quickly and stopped suddenly. At one time, the light from the large object was so bright that it lit the airplane's cockpit and Captain Terauchi said he could feel heat from it on his face. He added that he had been watching the UFO for six minutes before notifying anyone on the ground; this would make the start of the sighting about 6:13 p.m.
The FAA at first confirmed the claims that several of its radar traffic controllers tracked the 747 and the large object, and that U.S. Air Force radar did as well. Later official statements hedged on this, and tried to attribute the radar targets to weather effects. At the end, however, an FAA spokesman stated, "We are accepting the descriptions of the crew, but are unable to support what they saw
Captain Terauchi, a veteran of 29 years flying, said "It was a very big one or two times bigger than an aircraft carrier." He changed altitude and made turns, with FAA permission, in an effort to identify the objects which continued to follow him. He said the objects moved quickly and stopped suddenly. At one time, the light from the large object was so bright that it lit the airplane's cockpit and Captain Terauchi said he could feel heat from it on his face. He added that he had been watching the UFO for six minutes before notifying anyone on the ground; this would make the start of the sighting about 6:13 p.m.
The FAA at first confirmed the claims that several of its radar traffic controllers tracked the 747 and the large object, and that U.S. Air Force radar did as well. Later official statements hedged on this, and tried to attribute the radar targets to weather effects. At the end, however, an FAA spokesman stated, "We are accepting the descriptions of the crew, but are unable to support what they saw
Spacecraft to Jupiter - Project Orion Asteroid defence plan
In the late 1950's, a giant nuclear bomb powered spacecraft was being secretly developed to carry huge payloads to the outer planets. Today, the plans are still in place as a contingency for an asteroid strike
Law Enforcement Employees - Encounters With UFO's
As you may know the most credible sources for Ufo reports come from Law Enforcement Employees like police. They have been incrementally trained to view such events to therefore come up with a valid explanation for what they have seen:
another police sighting video:
another police sighting video:
Now that Obama is the new elected president to be what do you think his stance will be on Ufo disclosure?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Here's a nice article detailing Ufo history from the daily telegraph in the UK
Here's a nice article detailing Ufo history from the daily telegraph in the UK
UFO over Casa Grande 8th November 2008 MUFON footage
Great ufo footage from 8th November 2008 as shown by Mufon - any comments guys?
UFO over Casa Grande 8.XI.2008 - MUFON footage
UFO over Casa Grande 8.XI.2008 - MUFON footage
Ufo in storm Ohlahoma 1997
Posted this one before but just wanted to know if you guys had any thoughts on this one:
In 1997 Lanny Lamphere, a environmental photojournalist living in Norman, OK, filmed a UFO ( Object ) in a thunderstorm. The mainstream media picked up the story and made Lan famous overnight even though he never said that this thing he had filmed was a little green man, or even a UFO. The technology didnt exist in 1997 to share this video with the world. but now it does. Here is a part of the story that rocked Oklahoma and the rest of the world including for the first time the actual Object Video and chaser highlights from Memorial Day 1997 near Loco, OK
In 1997 Lanny Lamphere, a environmental photojournalist living in Norman, OK, filmed a UFO ( Object ) in a thunderstorm. The mainstream media picked up the story and made Lan famous overnight even though he never said that this thing he had filmed was a little green man, or even a UFO. The technology didnt exist in 1997 to share this video with the world. but now it does. Here is a part of the story that rocked Oklahoma and the rest of the world including for the first time the actual Object Video and chaser highlights from Memorial Day 1997 near Loco, OK
Was it a Ufo over Piura in Peru Nov. 1, 2008 ?
A region famos for Ufo sightings - could this recent one be infact a real ufo:
Jamie maussan presents a great new ufo finding with CELL PHONE PICTURES BY TIM COMESTOCK , object was filmed ON OCT 24, 2008 AT EMPIRE OHIO NEAR A MOUNTAIN
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