Thursday, March 04, 2010
Veritas talks with Melinda Leslie: Covert Abductions
Mel Fabregas from Veritas interviews Melinda Leslie about military abductions; although Melinda prefers to call it "covert abductions", as they could be conducted by other entities (i.e., intelligence More at
part 2
part 2
Real reason why British Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk
Great new article looking at the 'Real' story behind why the British Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk:
The reasons the MoD have given are challenged by researcher Andrew Russell and the facts suggest more lies have been told. ...
Why after 50 years has the British Govt closed down its Ministry of Defence UFO desk?
Official reasons given by the Govt and echoed by Nick Pope and Dr David Clarke are that it’s too costly and the flood of UFO Freedom of Information Act enquiries is taking up an increasing and unacceptable amount of time.
The facts have shown that both reasons are bunk – and even the Under Secretary of State has been caught repeating a blatant lie over the figures.
Continued reading this interesting article here
The reasons the MoD have given are challenged by researcher Andrew Russell and the facts suggest more lies have been told. ...
Why after 50 years has the British Govt closed down its Ministry of Defence UFO desk?
Official reasons given by the Govt and echoed by Nick Pope and Dr David Clarke are that it’s too costly and the flood of UFO Freedom of Information Act enquiries is taking up an increasing and unacceptable amount of time.
The facts have shown that both reasons are bunk – and even the Under Secretary of State has been caught repeating a blatant lie over the figures.
Continued reading this interesting article here
Gorilla seen on Mars ? - what the?
Its likely some weird camera angle from some rock but nevetheless i have posted this for your entertainment and discussion:
Some space buffs reckon it is after seeing this picture sent back by a robot vehicle probing the rocky Red Planet for signs of life. Enthusiast Nigel Cooper - who has studied thousands of photos taken by Nasa rovers and posted online - said: "It's definitely a creature of some sort." Mr Cooper, 43, of Grimsby, Lincs, added: "I'm convinced there is life out there." Source - the Sun
The 'Gorilla'
Some space buffs reckon it is after seeing this picture sent back by a robot vehicle probing the rocky Red Planet for signs of life. Enthusiast Nigel Cooper - who has studied thousands of photos taken by Nasa rovers and posted online - said: "It's definitely a creature of some sort." Mr Cooper, 43, of Grimsby, Lincs, added: "I'm convinced there is life out there." Source - the Sun
The 'Gorilla'
Ufos and Helicopters Filmed over Horn Lake, Mississippi 5 20 2009.
Horn lake is no stranger to Ufos and weird events... just take this sighting from last year.
If anyone lives in the area please comment.
If anyone lives in the area please comment.
Quebec Ufo news report
Quebec - lady sees Ufo from her garden
Un OVNI vu le 22 février 2010 à l'Ange-Gardien (Québec)
Uploaded by frankieghost. - Explore more science and tech videos.
Un OVNI vu le 22 février 2010 à l'Ange-Gardien (Québec)
Uploaded by frankieghost. - Explore more science and tech videos.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Pilots see 'spherical' UFO hovering over Manchester, NH
From this Canadian Paper:
Two commercial pilots at Milford, NH, watched a spherical grey-silver UFO hovering 70,000 to 80,000 feet over nearby Manchester, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.
The two were working in a Milford garage when they noticed the unusual object in the sky.
“This object hovered stationary for some 30 to 40 minutes,” the witness stated. “I have seen high altitude weather balloons and I know that it would be impossible for a weather balloon at that altitude to remain perfectly stationary for even a few seconds even on the calmest of days.”
The object then took off to the northeast “at such a high rate of speed it almost appeared to vanish.”
Manchester is the largest city in New Hampshire, in Hillsborough County, population 107,219.
Here's a map of the location of the sighting:

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON:
NH, September 26, 2009 – Stationary sphere at high altitude above south central NH. MUFON Case # 22055.
On Sept 26th 2009 I was in Milford, New Hampshire just west of Manchester. I was with a friend of mine. We are both highly experienced commercial airline pilots with almost 60 years and 40 thousand hrs of flight experience between us.
Around noon time my friend called me excitedly to the outside of the garage we were working in. He pointed high up in the sky to the northeast of Milford towards a position I would have to say was very nearly overhead the city of Manchester.
As I looked I saw an object that had to be at an altitude of 70 to 80 thousand feet in altitude hovering over the Manchester area.(please keep in mind that we are both experienced pilots used to making accurate judgements of an object’s altitude.)
It was spherical in shape and a greyish silver color. This object hovered stationary for some 30 to 40 minutes. I have seen high altitude weather ballons and I know that it would be impossible for a weather balloon at that altitude to remain perfectly stationary for even a few seconds even on the calmest of days
As for the idea of a helicopter, the object’s altitude rules that out.(Most helicopters can’t hover out of ground effect much above 10 thousand ft. Cerainly none at 70 to 80 thousand ft.) We both watched the object for 30 to 40 minutes and then watched it takeoff to the northeast at such a high rate of speed it almost appeared to vanish. I don’t know what this was but I’m pretty damn sure what it wasn’t and so is my friend.
Mel Fabregas from Veritas talks with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot
Mel Fabregas from Veritas (my fav Ufo radio show) talks with Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot at the 2010 International UFO Congress. As you may know Project Camelot has done some great work over the years bring whistle blowers out into the Ufo community. Kerry comments about the latest Veritas interview she and Bill Ryan did with Mel Fabregas:
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
The secret NASA Transmissions - Martyn Stubbs
The secret NASA Transmissions is one of the most popular alternative documentaries out there.
Mr Stubbs spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed.
For new footage see his Youtube Chanel . This is a repost now with the Part 2 feature for the newbies and those who may have missed this important documentary.
Mr Stubbs spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed.
For new footage see his Youtube Chanel . This is a repost now with the Part 2 feature for the newbies and those who may have missed this important documentary.
Astronaut Gene Cernan slips - 'Buzz does wanna go back to mars'.
Did Astronaut Gene Cernan make a genuine mistake when he said (at 3:04 ).....'Buzz does wanna go back to mars' or was this implied for some reason?
Bright rhythmic lights over North Hungary and in Slovakia 1st March 2010
Did anyone in Hungary see those bright lights the other night ? - if so please respond. Its unlikely it was a meteor shower as the lights pulsed nationwide in the north for some time.
People in parts of North Hungary and in Slovakia have experienced unusual sound and light phenomena on Sunday night. The rhythmically repeating sound and light occurrences were heard and seen in the large area from Kassa to Záhogy, but the majority of observations were registered in the Ózd, Kazincbarcika, Miskolc and Putnok area.
According to people's descriptions, authorities thought it was a meteor shower, but the area over these phenomena were experienced is too large and no craters have been found neither. Furthermore, people saw a white light, but the light that can be seen at the time of a meteor shower is red. Another possible explanation is that it was an unusual meteorological event, similar to Polar Lights, but that is never accompanied by any sound. As the explanations above do not seem reasonable, it is also possible that it was an UFO. The Disaster Management is still investigating and looking for people who have witnessed this mysterious phenomena.
People in parts of North Hungary and in Slovakia have experienced unusual sound and light phenomena on Sunday night. The rhythmically repeating sound and light occurrences were heard and seen in the large area from Kassa to Záhogy, but the majority of observations were registered in the Ózd, Kazincbarcika, Miskolc and Putnok area.
According to people's descriptions, authorities thought it was a meteor shower, but the area over these phenomena were experienced is too large and no craters have been found neither. Furthermore, people saw a white light, but the light that can be seen at the time of a meteor shower is red. Another possible explanation is that it was an unusual meteorological event, similar to Polar Lights, but that is never accompanied by any sound. As the explanations above do not seem reasonable, it is also possible that it was an UFO. The Disaster Management is still investigating and looking for people who have witnessed this mysterious phenomena.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Objects seen on the sun - Update 28.02.2010
People keep emailing me videos about those objects seen near the sun... just what they are is very puzzling? Below is the most recent update on the situation:
Poster: Pics from behind on 28.02.2010 , video show pics , zoom , detail of 1 day
you see clear objects coming from the sun go to space, and coming from space go to the sun
Poster: Pics from behind on 28.02.2010 , video show pics , zoom , detail of 1 day
you see clear objects coming from the sun go to space, and coming from space go to the sun
Chile Earthquake - aural changes recorded - HAARP ?
Numerous time i have posted about major earthquakes being proceeded by strange aural colours in the sky - Is this natural or not? In this post i take a closer look atmospheric changes during the recent Chilean Earthquake. Could this tragic earthquake been triggered but something like HAARP? Some people have recorded strange aural changes proceeding to the date of the quake - your comments on this appreciated
The below reporter says:
"I saw the Sky Changing Colors!" " I thought it was the end of the world, If you saw 2012, it was like that....." A Chilean reporter was just interviewed on CNN and said when the Earthquake happened the sky changed colors. She said she was afraid it was the end of the world and that she saw whole buildings fall into cracks in the earth "just like in the movie 2012". ?
HAARP Analysis
Weird clouds over Chile day of the earthquake:
The below reporter says:
"I saw the Sky Changing Colors!" " I thought it was the end of the world, If you saw 2012, it was like that....." A Chilean reporter was just interviewed on CNN and said when the Earthquake happened the sky changed colors. She said she was afraid it was the end of the world and that she saw whole buildings fall into cracks in the earth "just like in the movie 2012". ?
HAARP Analysis
Weird clouds over Chile day of the earthquake:
UFO, globe of light, OVNI, prague 28/2/2010
Flashing globe spot the 28 Feb. 2010 in Prague, over the city, amazing shot ! must watch. Ufo avvistato a praga. UFO Prah
UK MOD to destroy all future UFO reports !
The timing of this just doesn't make sense - The UK Ministry of Defence has decided to shut down its Ufo reporting hotline just as Ufo reports soar. What do you think is the real reason behind this shocking decision?:
The Ministry of Defence will destroy all future UFO reports it receives so it does not have to make them public, a previously secret memo reveals.
Britain's official UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed down at the start of December.
Since then reports of strange sights in the skies sent to the MoD have been kept for 30 days before being thrown out, the newly released policy document shows.
This stance was adopted so defence officials would not have to publish the information in response to freedom of information (FoI) requests or pass it to the National Archives.
The memo, dated November 11, 2009, sets out the MoD's reasons for shutting its UFO unit and ceasing to invite the public to send in details of sightings.
Continue reading - source
The Ministry of Defence will destroy all future UFO reports it receives so it does not have to make them public, a previously secret memo reveals.
Britain's official UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed down at the start of December.
Since then reports of strange sights in the skies sent to the MoD have been kept for 30 days before being thrown out, the newly released policy document shows.
This stance was adopted so defence officials would not have to publish the information in response to freedom of information (FoI) requests or pass it to the National Archives.
The memo, dated November 11, 2009, sets out the MoD's reasons for shutting its UFO unit and ceasing to invite the public to send in details of sightings.
Continue reading - source
Ufos seen over Dallas Texas - 27th Feb 2010
Ufos were seen over over Dallas Texas in February recently.
27th Feb 2010: UFO Over Dallas Cowboys Stadium? Video
Orb - filmd 27th Feb 2010 Dallas Texas 7:34:15 pm
27th Feb 2010: UFO Over Dallas Cowboys Stadium? Video
Orb - filmd 27th Feb 2010 Dallas Texas 7:34:15 pm
Ufos at Hanger 18 - Wright Patterson Airforce base
Hanger 18 at Wright Patterson Airforce base was the base where the remains from Roswell were flown to before they were taken to a secure location. Numerous people who worked at the base during this time give their testimonials of what took place during this time:
PArt 1
pt 2
pt 3
part 4
PArt 1
pt 2
pt 3
part 4
UFOs over Prestwick - Scotland Beb 27th 2200
Posters comments:
ilst working in my upstairs study I happened to glance up and out of the velux window into the night sky. My attention was immediately caught by a fairly quick moving light in the sky. Having worked in aviation for over 30 years I am no stranger to lights in the night sky and I was able immediately to spot this was not an aircraft or helicopter. I knew this because the object was lit uniformly both front and back and had no anti-col lights. Plus they were 100% silent. Over the next 15 minutes or so I spotted several more on identical tracks - North East to South West. They came from the direction of Prestwick Town Centre and headed out over the shoreline before disappearing. I called my office at the airport and two of my colleagues were able to see the lights too. One of them phoned the Air Traffic Contraol Tower and they to spotted the lights but had nothing on radar or any known aircraft in the area. I was able to capture some footage and some of that is on this clip. Personally I think they were most likely Chinese Lanterns. If anyone knows of an event in the area that might be letting these Lanterns go I would be grateful for the info. 1st time in my life I've seen something like this. It was pretty cool - even though I suspect the answer to be 100% terrestrial.
Posters comments:
ilst working in my upstairs study I happened to glance up and out of the velux window into the night sky. My attention was immediately caught by a fairly quick moving light in the sky. Having worked in aviation for over 30 years I am no stranger to lights in the night sky and I was able immediately to spot this was not an aircraft or helicopter. I knew this because the object was lit uniformly both front and back and had no anti-col lights. Plus they were 100% silent. Over the next 15 minutes or so I spotted several more on identical tracks - North East to South West. They came from the direction of Prestwick Town Centre and headed out over the shoreline before disappearing. I called my office at the airport and two of my colleagues were able to see the lights too. One of them phoned the Air Traffic Contraol Tower and they to spotted the lights but had nothing on radar or any known aircraft in the area. I was able to capture some footage and some of that is on this clip. Personally I think they were most likely Chinese Lanterns. If anyone knows of an event in the area that might be letting these Lanterns go I would be grateful for the info. 1st time in my life I've seen something like this. It was pretty cool - even though I suspect the answer to be 100% terrestrial.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ufo over Grapevine Canyon November 29, 2009
Long Description of Sighting Report
On November 29, 2009 my husband, my son and I were out in Anza Borrego Desert exploring. We were in Grapevine Canyon; we stopped at 1:30 pm to eat lunch. We were close to the end of the canyon in an old Indian village looking around. At approximately 1:54 pm we heard a military jet go by. We looked up and saw to the left of us a silver object. It moved across the sky from left to right slowly, then it broke apart into what looked like a larger triangle of three silver balls. It then moved slowly and went back to the smaller object which was a smaller triangle. My husband yelled "UFO" and I started taking pictures. What is weird with the three pictures I am sending to you is that in the third picture it does not take off and disappear...It disappears in place. The wires you see in the photos are telephone wires.Grapevine Canyon is a sandy trail located between the Volcan Mountains and Grapevine Hills into Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Grapevine Canyon can be reached via a road that passes through private property off S22. Another access is from S22 through the Jasper Trail which is more towards the west end of the Grapevine Canyon.
Source MUFON
Deadly 8.8 earthquake hits chile - Santiago a mess and Tsunami to hit asia
A terrible 8.8 earthquake hit Chile , Santiago the main city is in a mess after the terrible earthquake. It's the 5th most powerful earthquake in history. Massive Tsunami's have been sent out into asia and are approaching many areas right now. Hawaii, Australia, New zealand and many pacific nations are on major tsunami alert at the moment. Chile is at major threat as its on the border of the Pacific plate and the South American plate.
Major seismic activity has been happening world wide, since the Haiti earthquake Japan and now Chile have been rocked by major quakes. There is concern as well about North america in the coming months with increasing activity on San Andreas Fault according to USGS and populated areas of California. If you live in chile we would like to hear from you about any developments.
Santiago Chile - a major city in rubble:
Strangely an Earthquake hits Japan around the same time:
Major seismic activity has been happening world wide, since the Haiti earthquake Japan and now Chile have been rocked by major quakes. There is concern as well about North america in the coming months with increasing activity on San Andreas Fault according to USGS and populated areas of California. If you live in chile we would like to hear from you about any developments.
Santiago Chile - a major city in rubble:
Strangely an Earthquake hits Japan around the same time:
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