Saturday, May 21, 2011
Ufos over LONG BEACH California ? 15th May 2011
Strange Happenings on Lake Washington
If you live in the Lake Washington we would like to hear from you as a reply to this post if you know more.
My name is Beth Kearney and have lived in the Holmes Point area of Kirkland for 30 plus years. On Tuesday morning May 10th, 2011, my husband & I witnessed the most unusual events unfold on the North end of Lake Washington, unlike anything we've ever seen before.
I was looking out the window at the lake about 6:45am noticing how unusually calm and still the water was when suddenly I noticed large, evenly spaced rings radiating across the lake (like dropping a rock in the water). From our vantage point I couldn't see the source of what was causing it but it had to have been very large to create those large, perfectly spaced rings. There were no boats out on the lake, no jet ski's, no kayaks, no barges......nothing. As the rings started to dissipate what looked like a raging river formed on the West side of the lake in a small narrow swath cutting through the rings that had formed.
Not like the wake of a boat where it fans out, just a narrow strip all the same width with a strong, tumultuous current running in a North to South direction. The odd thing about it was that it didn't start at any one just appeared and definitely had a strong current moving in a Southern direction. As the rings died down and the "raging river" calmed on the West side of the lake, all of a sudden the same thing appeared on our side of the lake.
Again, it looked like a thin, even strip of water with a strong current moving in a southern direction. It appeared just as the other one had across the lake.....not starting at a Northern point and running was just there all of a sudden. Thankfully,I was able to get a video of it.

Friday, May 20, 2011
Interesting points on the Fort Worth Light show
This guys brings up a few points especially those orbs in the sky over the lights.
Thoughts on Annie Jacobson's new book Area 51 ?
Would like your feedback on her interview below:
Myths and hypotheses about Area 51 have long abounded, thanks to the intense secrecy enveloping it. Some claim it is home to aliens, underground tunnel systems, and nuclear facilities. Others believe that the lunar landing itself was filmed there. The prevalence of these rumors stems from the fact that no credible insider has ever divulged the truth about his time inside the base. Until now.
This is the first book based on interviews with eye witnesses to Area 51 history, which makes it the seminal work on the subject. Filled with formerly classified information that has never been accurately decoded for the public, Area 51 weaves the mysterious activities of the top-secret base into a gripping narrative, showing that facts are often more fantastic than fiction, especially when the distinction is almost impossible to make.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
New crop circle East Kennett, Avebury Wiltshire UK 17th May
Ufo fly bys the moon ? May 17, 2011
Any ideas what it could be people?
Policeman questions the filming of ufos over Mankato Minnesota
Now this footage shows a man was filming a ufo at the end of April near Mankato Minnesota when he was stopped by the policeman for "suspicious behaviour". Was he just crazy or did he really see something?
If the airport was really closed why didn't the police stop and look at what was going on in the sky?
Your comments appreciated.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mufon Ohio Ufo Conference July 16
Click here to read more and register. Key speakers Kathleen Marden and Travis Walton.

Major Ufo hoax planned for May 22
Online hacker group Anonymous has sent out a call-to-arms for its latest prank: attempting to convince the world (or alien enthusiasts, more like) of the existence of men form outer space.
At 8pm on May 22, anyone in on the idea is encouraged to report the same UFO sighting (“a triangle of about 8 yellow lights in the sky”) to the relevant hotline or website of their choice. The idea is that the sudden influx of identical reports will convince UFO buffs that contact is finally about to be made.
Meanwhile, KISS star Gene Simmons has softened his opinion on the hackers, a direct contrast to his views when they hacked his site in October.“I think they mean well, I think it’s misdirected,” Simmons told “You’re talking about very bright young people who really have a chance to enter the mainstream and make some money for themselves and climb the ladder of success. If you tear down the structure there’s no where to go.”
Read more - article source
Crop circle in Sumatera Barat in Indonesia on 13th May 2011
Its seems like Indonesia has experienced a few circles recently.
Night scope shots of UFO activity
You can see the little object moving very fast and its likely not a satellite as self propulsion is evident:
Monday, May 16, 2011
Further footage of UFOs Over Lake Michigan
Would like to hear from people in Michigan who may have spotted this themselves - what do you think those red lights were?
Lake Michigan:

Further ufo videos from the area:
Two very bright, very strange UFO's coming over Lake Michigan. They start out the same, then towards the end they start going in different directions.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Glowing UFO Over Angers France May 2011
Recorded Over Angers. Angers is a city in the department of Maine-et-Loire, South West of Paris.
Check out this video in fullscreen look at point 0.39 - is this a triangle rotating formation? Feedback on this sighting appreciated, especially if you live in the area in France and actually saw this or similar lights this month.
ovni over angers france:
Rare Planetary Alignment Seen over Australia
That recent apparent triangle Ufo over Sydney was not a Ufo but infact a Rare Planetary Alignment.
Not sure if you are able to spot it again tonight but keep your eye out if you are in sydney:
news footage:
A rare celestial event was seen over Sydney, Australia on Thursday and Friday.
Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter were aligned together in a pre-dawn spectacle that only occurs every 50 to 100 years.
[Geoff Wyatt, Sydney Observatory Senior Astronomy Educator]:
"It is unusual. The last time we had these four planets together was in 1910, but they were too close to the sun to be seen with any detail.”
Sky-watchers gathered on Friday outside the Sydney Observatory to witness the four planets coming together within a few degrees of each other.
While it can be seen with the naked eye, a telescope or binoculars are recommended.
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury formed a small triangle, with Mars slightly harder to see.
Source read more
Further footage of the blue lights Fort Worth May 2011
Here is yet another video of those blue lights from the apparent transformer sub stations blowing up:
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