Friday, November 18, 2011
Ufo Video - second day of sightings over Wisconsin
Note - we would like to hear from locals again in the area. If you saw these lights please respond to this post.
Aliens, Gods and Heroes
Part 2
Part 3
Triangle Ufo lights over Miami Florida - November 16, 2011
Mufon witness report
"1. I was driving into my driveway on my way home from tutoring a student. 2. I noticed the object as I had the top down on my Jeep and saw something strange in my field of vision. 3. I thought it was an airplane at first but then realized airplanes have lights that indicate that they are airplanes and that they do not fly in triangular formations and disburse all of a sudden.
4. The object traveled south and kept a constant speed. It appeared as if it was hovering south yet it was ascending at the same time. The first objects that I saw (the triangular formation) disbursed into three separate directions and appeared to regroup (in video). After I finished recording the first objects I ran to my grandfather who was outside with me (who also saw the objects) and then noticed another series of objects traveling the same path that the triangular formation followed.
The lights in the sky all exhibited the same behavior and the lights turned off after they finished ascending just below cloud level. The objects were still visible after the lights turned off and then vanished after a few seconds.
5. I was excited and curious at the same time. My immediate action upon seeing the triangle was pulling out my cell phone to record the UFO event. Overwhelmed with excitement, I only recorded the first sighting unfortunately
6. Multiple objects vanished as the lights turned off, however, they were visible for a short time after."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
UFOs Over Ripon, Wisconsin - Nov.15, 2011
In response to another case reported from neenah/winnebago area-case# 33373- Ufo's were visible from Ripon wisconsin as well. Also appeared to be in the western direction and not too far in the distance. I've been starbathing for about 6 years now with much video proof of many activities in my area, as well as objects on the ground, and in my tree-60 feet off front porch which i may send that video for you too, another time. These particular objects I have gotten on video basically doing the same thing in 2009-for 3 days, with our lovely military doing there best to chase them with 7 or 8 fighter jets. This time no jets, but the scenario is the same-lights open up in the sky, craft comes out, and lights fade out. The last time i caught it on video it was lighter and you can make out shiny spheres in the video that would light up a little bit when they accelerated or changed direction abruptly. Too dark to make that out this time but what came out definetly strobed kind of like a plane but different kind of light. I missed four of them for sure when i turned and ran to get the camera, possibly more when i was out of sight, but for sure the first four i saw i didnt get, but could still see blinkys when i got back.

1.where was I? at home
3.what did i think? uhhh-cameras thatta way---->
4.description? some kind of transportation feelings? I see so much that i dont get emotional lose sight? bright holes went away and blinkys scattered
I rendered this video as mpg but original is high definition
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Strange white blob ufo over Fresno
If you also have spotted ufos in the area we would like to hear from you.
Posters comments:
9.30pm clear calm night sony trv-103 zoomed at 10 times and other. object was in the western part of sky very slow moving. finally faded out and was never seen again
Your Ufo sightings November 2011
If you would like to submit and share your personal sighting please use the submit ufo report link above. Here are a few recent once submitted by our readers:
in tulsa Oklahoma sighting unexplainable me.and my fiance both saw it. it wasnt a bright light it was a literal object with no sound but moving very swiftly across the sky was below the clouds on Nov 4 2011
Burnsville, North Carolina
A metallic looking sphere just at a stand still....then disappears. I was driving into my driveway and i saw it in the northern part of the sky in San Antonio , Texas at 12:20 pm 11/12/2011
Edmonton Canada
was stopped behind a bus while heading east on Stony Plain Road, close to 149 St intersection in Edmonton. The bus was loading/unloading several passengers, so I had time to look around. Looked to my left out the driver's side window and saw an unusual formation of lights in the sky. The formation was flying very slowly towards me - I soon could see 5 distinct lights in a V-formation. The lights were very large, round-shaped, and warm white in color. The lights were large and contiguous with each other. No halo or bleeding of one light to the next - very distinct round shaped. The object was flying very low and not changing altitude. It was traveling south (so it was flying perpendicular to, and towards me). I turned off my iPod and opened my window and stuck my head out to determine if there was any sound (and hopefully to signal to other people to look up). I could hear no sound over that of traffic. As the object got closer - I estimate within 500 feet (< 150 m) total distance from me (horizontal and vertical) - I could observe that the lights were attached to a single silver-gray translucent craft with a body down the center. The craft itself may have been triangular rather than a V. The object was almost overhead when I noticed the bus was gone. No one had honked, so hopefully the drivers behind me were as transfixed by the object as I was.\
Bizzare white stripes in Gobi desert China - what are they?

Numerous structures have been recently found in the Gobi desert. What these structures or facility is un-clear.
Some think they are a military practice range for a laser firing weapon from space or a target for long range missiles as numerous burnt out trucks have been spotted on the lines:
See the lines yourself - check out
these Links in google maps:,93.742118&hl=de&ll=40.413774...,93.742118&hl=de&ll=40.413774...,93.31314%09&hl=en&ll=40.4586...,93.50004%09&hl=en&ll=40.4794...,90.85693359375&ll=40.445379,90.8...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
traffic cam ufo 2011-11-03 Virginia,
If anyone also spotted this please respond to this post.
View in fullscreen:
Posters comments:
Watching news on local channel WAVY TV 10, apparent at 5:30AM, UFO appeared to be heading towards camera then goes off camera then appears traveling opposite direction with a trail, very un-nerving and goosebumps, appeared to travel off into horizon with great speed.
Red pulsing object over Fresno
Fresno seems to be an area of weekly ufo activity and I'm not sure why really?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ufos over Madrid ovnis 11-10-11
Also during the day these 2 objects were spotted:
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