Now here's the reason why:
Scientists have found two large leaks in Earth's magnetosphere, the region around our planet that shields us from severe solar storms. Now in 2012 the suns poles will reverse (not the earths as wrongly said on many 2012 sites - see below!) , during this time a massive solar storm will reck havoc on earth - usually this is no problem - but now due to the 'cracks' in it, Earth's protective Magnetosphere may fail us, so the violent solar and electromagnetic radiation will make it through and cause many problems to life as we know it (eg: disabling communication satellites, mobile phones, effective sleep patterns, & radiation poisoning of humans) Also as earth has to absorb extra radiation & energy this will cause possible changes within the earth's core - with energy being re-dissipated from the earth with new volcanoes formed and crust movement.

As mentioned in the Video below - The leaks are defying many of scientists' previous ideas on how the interaction between Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind occurs: The leaks are in an unexpected location, let in solar particles in faster than expected and the whole interaction works in a manner that is completely the opposite of what scientists had thought:
Important Note: many websites say Earths Poles will shift during 2012 but this is not true. According to NASA, Planet pole reversals (not suns - which like ours can reverse poles quickly in a few years) take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time--contrary to popular belief--the magnetic field does not vanish - "It just gets more complicated" -so this is probably why our Magnetosphere is going weird at the moment. (Another controversial idea is that the Earth's magnetosphere could be influenced temporarily by our current position in the solar system in the Milky way as we past by a big black hole, however theories of the 2012 galactic plane alignment are heavy disputed at the moment ) - Either way its true that Earths Magnetosphere is very weak at the moment and yes this is a sign of initial pole shifting but not complete pole reversal of Earth - this won't happen in 2012 as its a slow process and is predicted to take another 1200 years to complete. What is of major concern overall is how strong the Magnetosphere will be during the solar storms of 2012.
NASA Themis Confirms Massive breach of Earth's Magnetosphere detected:
Imagine! Scientists are apologizing now! They are destroying us, and they are apologizing. And in what way? Is there any high-ranking official scientist out there? No. And where are they doing it? In all the TV channels? no. One day they will say: 'We apologize. We sold you to the aliens already.'
By the way, they spent millions of dollars and built a huge tunnel to test an electron bombardment last year. What happened to that anyway?
This is all absurd. The next Solar Maximum is very likely to be quite mild. Google "The Sun Now" and take a look at the SOHO images. If there was to be a worse than average bout of sunspots in 3 years, don't you think the cycle would be starting?
This so called "sun's polar shift" happens all the time at each solar maximum. Happened in 2001, has happened every 11 years (approx) and will happen again in 2012-2013. Nothing unusual and just a silly coincidence with the 2012 hoax.
Scientists do all rubbish things and they say they are discovering. There was no need to spend billions of $ on the bombardment. What will it be of use to us. Why dont they just leave nature the way it is. And how do they get permission to do all this. Where is VETO power, what is it doing. These Scientists are old they will die somewhere in 5 to 10 years down the line, but they are doing experiment on us.
what the scientists think about 2012??? as per them world will destruked... then why they are still busy with there invention abt moon etc.......????
The very first comment guy is not happy becoz he recons that scientists are bulshiting to people. Then let me tell you one thing blake, that they are also human beings and we all make mistakes. The only difference is that to whatever they predicted is all gonna be true. If you ever studied physics and geology then calculate everything and see to what extent it is so god damn true. One thing is for sure that this eruption is gonna happen SOON for sure, but its just not sure when. Don't go after movies and all crap, think of this that did we hav global warming ever before?
Learn some physics and do research and you'll get to know anything. Like army people, scientists spend their lives to help humanity. If you guys don't believe it, then Newton wouldn discover anything. But some of you dont accept the fact becoz most of you have put yourself in different stuff that you dont have time to actually see what is earth and what are its needs.
yes scientists are apologizing ! they don't know perfectly what happens and just they saying something about magnetosphere and so so but they are not considering the creator of the whole universe ,the supreme personality he is responsible for all these things these scientists cant create a flower in their laboratories !!!! but they are thinking they know everything but they don't know that they are responsible for the destruction of the earth !!!!!! try to know the supreme personality who is behind all this and just pray him i.e KRISHNA
this is all a joke the only person who knows when the world will end is GOD!!!
Reasonably this could post as a marketing threat and communications threat, but I wonder what effect it will have on civilian life. Will there be physical damage if so what will happen physically?
P.S. Okay I get you religious types have been saying for 2,000 years god this god that but really just simmer it down instead of suffocating people with your ranting, mental oppression, and putting down those who arent into the whole religious thing thnx im sure ur creator doesnt want whining complainers
Everyone has a different opinion on this... mine is that it's all a fantastic idea to sell movies.
Seems like children are posting. Good job people!
Just saw the movie "2012" and didn't like it much. What I did pay attention to was its theme--that everyone is deceiving everyone else in the name of "protecting the species". If there is one thing going on right now, it's the rampant spending of the world's money on untangible things...and we're being conditioned to suffer, slowly ever more. Maybe there's something to the sun and earth's EM fields, maybe not, but there is definitely something going on. Normally, stable gov'ts don't just start acting irrationally and recklessly.
I think some of you are missing the point. They are saying that it is the earths magnetosphere is changing not the sun. The sun is continuing its normal 11 year cycle. More proof that this is for real is here. Earths magnetic north is moving toward russia at 40 miles a year!, due to core changes which is exactly what the nasa guys said would happen. This is now conspiracy or hoax, its just science.
The worlds communications down and you are wondering how this will effect you? wow
NASA... Never A Straight Answer... I'd sooner believe the websites as this bunch of useless nazis.
Notice that the "expert" scientist is Michio Kaku, who is the TV celebrity always pitching the comic book farce called String Theory and other kooky ideas. He admits this is just an 11 year cyclical event of the Sun, but in "2012" it will devastate Earth. This guy will say anything for TV time.
If anyone reading this is interested in real science, please check out and Black Light Power (BLP) created and sold a new type of power source, based upon new Physics. By giving the electron and proton spatial extension, they use classical physics to discern that Hydrogen has sub-ground states.
The BLP theory also avoids the numerous physical contradictions of 20th century Physics, has minimal physical constants, and has discovered new Physical phenomena. This used to be the criteria of acceptance for a new Physic's theory, but the Physic's community is so steeped in their approach, it will be a war. If you wish to have a career in Theoretical Physics these daze, you have to worship at the alter of String Theory.
burn planet earth burn
It seems everyone can and does agree on at least the magnetosphere being weakened; so just for kicks, let's agree that HAARP is as well true and that they specifically mess with the magsphere. What do you think those ramifications might be?? It's like stopping a bleeder by puncturing a different place to divert the blood flow, except radiation now takes place of blood. Multiple wounds at the minimum to an otherwise delicate balance.
it is all too funny. as if we know anything. we know NOTHING. we are little people with soft little warm bodies that go poopoo and peepee and eat food and go to the bathroom. we look up to the sky and think that we know ANYTHING. When we try to pretend that we know anything, as in science, etc.. it is so laughable. we are here to experience this earth, this plane, this life. The creator created it, whoever your belief system makes the creator to be. But regardless of your religion, an intelligence created this world that we find ourselved breathing in. To pretend that we know anything is a joke beyond all jokes. we don't know what will happen in 2012. we have know idea what will happen tomorrow. it is beyond our sphere of comprehension when this existence will terminate or reboot,etc..
when we can make a BLADE OF GRASS, which we CANNOT DO, then we can try to guesstimate this genesis and it's cycles and the LOGIC behind it's cycles.
It's not so important WHAT will happen, but what is the logic and etiology behind nature's events.
I think we are missing the point when we name ourselves "scientists" - what a laughable title. We name ourselves with these titles as if we have the mind or access to peer into the reality or reasoning behind our universe (which is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times smaller than a grain of sand in the Sahara Desert when considered what our little Hubble telescope lens has revealed about our tiny, tiny, tiny corner in space and time.
For all we know we're a molecule in the testical of a rabbit in microcosm and every time the rabbit itches himself, this world dissolves, total global killer. "END OF TIMES".
Perhaps the idea of this life is stop pretending we're God (which is so laughable it;s not even possible to compute) by trying to conquer nature and the universe by trying to explain it, figure it with our own set logic and mind, and go back to the art of being human (human being) and be content with breathing in and out and living on this great earth, eating, sleeping, breathing, procreating, growing fruit and vegetables as given to us in the seeds. Not CHANGING them genetically, which is our way again of trying pretend that we know better than the one who created us.
Look at a kidney and see what it does, how it operates, it's design and you will see that we are hear for the ride, not to rebuild the roller coaster or take it apart.
Happy New Year
and russian scientists report that earths magnetic pole is moving at 80 miles per year ??????????????
there is no god...Anon645. your mythical bullshit continues to keep humanity from evolving as it should. If people realized that life is precious, and should not be wasted...not a minute, than the truth would be more appealing. But the masses think they will arrive in a "heaven" after death to begin some sort of grand celebration. So they act as sheep (just like the bible tells them to do), or they turn the other cheek, and put up with the lies, bullshit, fraud and corruption.
Not to mention the trillions of dollars that are funneled OUT of communities and into churches...which DO NOT respend that money locally. They send it on to their superiors.
Down with religion, and down with ignorance.
Another fear mongering story about 2012. The Earth's magnetic poles are already and HAVE BEEN shifting.
this is just pure steamy bullcrap,fear to control the masses,nothing will happen.grow up people
This is directed at the retard who stated that military people help humanity...put down the joint, learn how to spell, and recognise military for what it is... a killing machine. You might get off on waving your flag for your terrorists in uniform, but the vast majority of people on this earth are very tired of the military complex that has wrought nothing but death, destruction and suffering. Besides, that comment has absolutely no bearing on sun spots.
The shift is UNIVERSAL... Earth, Sun, and all else alike...
It's a Universal Pulse coming through, a reboot.
Teach the Children, that they must come to be no more than the smallest part, about that state of being...
And to share with all about them, for that too is important...
It is from amongst them who will inherit the Earth...
For their hearts will carry their own new density magnetosphere, as the Earth grows.
To look at the cockroach as no less than a butterfly, the fish in the can as important as the cat...
And that they must work to share that with all...
To stay firm with the lost Elders, but kind...
That We are All ONE
Go to your children now...
Help them to become what they must.
Beyond yourselves
The New Us
Yes us, of Beth L M, of Elisa and Is I A
3000 years ago they thought the sun was a chariot. Now they think it's a nuclear furnance. Chariots were a state of the art weapon of war just as nukes are the ultimate available weapon. I guess I'm the only one that sees this. Google electric universe or electric sun. See what plasma physicists who view the cosmos as an electrical phenomena have to say rather than these mainstream turkeys who are locked into math and fairy dust and imagine a universe full of black holes, dark matter, and other non existent imaginary crap.
And I suppose this will be OUR fault too and we will have to pay for it! Just like the scam- Global Warming.
It amazes me how well the Earth got along very well without scientists who bring doom and gloom (sometimes faked, sometimes just false) around every corner. They can't do anything about it so let it go.
Lets spend the money on real problems like feeding the hungry, stopping useless wars, healing the sick and maybe bringing peace to a weary world.
Oh- I forgot- scientists must come up with catastrophes on schedule so they can get their funding monies!
"If there was to be a worse than average bout of sunspots in 3 years, don't you think the cycle would be starting?"
Yes. And it is:
It would be easier to take this article seriously if there were not so many spelling errors in it. Please study up on that magical device called the "apostrophe" and get back to us. Thank you.
This is the kind of information that governments all over the world have been trying to cover up for ages. Science has been dumbed down so much, especially here in the UK, that only a small percentage of people have the intelligence to understand the implications. People are being distracted daily by all kinds of "headlines" such as celebrity news, gossip, tv programmes, etc's to keep their minds away from the facts.
I actually think that the potential for damage is very high; the physics employed here is pretty sound. We should be aware, and be prepared for disruption; at the same time we can also focus on the hope that the Sun will not be as violent as suggested.
Why do you think governments are becoming such control-freaks in recent times? They have known about this danger for a long time; so have those with wisdom and insight, and a desire for learning and understanding our situation. Many major countries have been watching the Sun via satellites and space observatories for quite a while now; why so much interest if they didnt think there was "something in it"?
On the other hand....I do not believe that the human race will perish. Far from it. There may well be many casualties, but most of us will make through ok.
the earths magnetic poles have shifted rather quickly a few times in the past. proof is the magnetic evidence in volcanic rock, from beginning to end of a lava flow setting the poles flipped. see
for historical evidence.
Last solar maximus was in 2001... hmmm... that's it! We have an explanation for 9-11-01... sunspots made a bunch of jihadist's go nuts, hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings. You laugh now. just wait for our government to come up with this theory. We need to protect against a 9-11-2012. Goodbye to the few rights we still have.
Can Al Gore protects us from this if we pay enough taxes?
Oh, I see. The same people who faked six moon landings are getting into the doom and gloom game now?
Believe it or not, there are actually some people out here who can see through these hoaxes like a plate-glass window.
I didn't bother reading far enough, but somewhere along the line, you can bet that some asshole like Al "Gasbag" Gore will be calling for a tax to deal with "it."
Moon landings. Hoax. 9/11 Arabs. Hoax. Man-made global warming. Hoax. Swine flu. Hoax.
All for the express purpose of extracting as much money out of you as possible, and gaining as much control over you as possible. Even a dead Village Idiot could see the pattern here.
Thanks for posting my comment, assholes.
I do not beleive it. Nobody can predict the future. If the sciencetests say so how do they know it's true? The same thing happened in 2001 and nothing happened. If they predict this and don't know if it's true, then why would they post it on the news.
Sooo yeah, thats all I have to say:))
Bottom line........WHAT IF? Put everything you believe aside for ONE minute after you listen or read a so labled "Conspiracy Theory" in any gendre. Then ask yourself...What if? It's a pretty scary minute.
NASA is just another criminal enterprise as others are in the Fed Gov. Just Wait....til 2012 rolls and see the Galactic Alignment come about and....lets not forget planet X.
To the gasbag who says, "there is no God". How funny! Why, because YOU SAY SO? hahahahahahahaha. And you then, know who or what created the universe? hahahahahahahah, dark aged angry, momma whipped little little creature you are. As if you know anything!!!! hahahahah do you know how many villa you have in your lungs? How many brain cells do you have? You can't even answer that and it's INSIDE YOU, hahahahah you are as igorant as a frog who is trying to learn Shakespeare, we actually all are, when it comes to knowing ANYTHING but whether we are hungry, thirsty, tired or horny. You stupid little man. Yoy can't even explain what generates consciousness but YOU KNOW THERE IS NO GOD! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you retarded imbecile. How many life forms are at the bottom of Marriana's Trench? Do you know, deuche bag? NO, you don't. You know NOTHING, except, if your tummy wants a grilled cheese sandwhich, or if your have to go poop, and most of the time you probably don't "wipe properly", but you know there is no GOd! hahahahahahahahahahaha, oh, oh how funny you imbecile. you live in a universe where you are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 squared, lower than an ant, a complete and total and utter part of something that you or anyone could ever comprehend the scope of, but you know there is no God ahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah!!!! oh, you are too funny you mealy mouthed crotch pheasant.
we try to destroy nature and let our fellow human brethern starve to death on every continent on the globe in the name of trying UNDERSTAND our universe, take it apart, "move forward" WHEN EVERYTHING IS PROVIDED US ALREADY! Dearest Little Deuche Bag, when we look out, we are but distracted, when we look in, we become enlightened, look within yourself as an experiment and see what peers back. Contemplate that we are here to evolve in some way. We have enough around us to feed, cloth and warm every last one of us. The rest is MASTURBATIOIN. Perhaps we are to look within, and within that tranquility find what it is that we are to pick up, enrich ourselves with, learn, gain. It's can be beautiful experience this incarnation, this world, this spinning mudbal we find ourselves on.
Consider looking at your anger, hunchback, and coming through it. Address it, move through and take off your thrown of bullshit and become the potential of what you can be, which is of service to eachother, yourself and to the planet, which we spit on and destroy for the sake of GREED, EXPERIMENTATION, CONQUEST.
We have NO TECHNOLOGY. We have gone backwards, and f-----d ourselves out of the beauty of this existence in the name of our delusion of evolution.
we are masturbating, and have missed the boat
I am a Junior in college studying Physics and I must say it is VERY easy to make mistakes on things like this. Not only in writing the computer code to analyze the information but then human interpretation as well. When you are doing simple calculations you would be surprised the enormous difference 1 zero or negative sign can have on your answer and thus information.
But along with the stuff many so-called "scientists" have been peddling about man made global warming(LIE) to I wouldn't be surprised if someone was being bought off by someone else.
If you ever brewed beer, you
know that the yeast keep multiplying
until they finally die off in their own pollution. I'm sure that there
are many yeast cells who are beer
deniers. Thank goodness for them,
or we'd never have beer.
i am so much worried about "2012",, i want to live with my family , with all the lovable person, i loved my husband very much,i want to live with him safely... pls sir, ensure me that nothing will be so dangerous, Mitali_suman india
i am so much worried about "2012",, i want to live with my family , with all the lovable person, i loved my husband very much,i want to live with him safely... pls sir, ensure me that nothing will be so dangerous, Mitali_suman india
all these posts are so fucking unbelievable. we got the religious ranters, who, well hell, are right because they've been taught the way spirituality works (which it does). then we got the people calling everything controlled by the government, which is true in some sense except they don't realize the governments are controlled by the elites. and their ranting is also proof of the religious nuts spirituality concepts. we all know everything there is to know and we can sense when something is right or wrong, thats why you know somehtings being controlled, but you say *government* instead of humans, we all know the science is not perfect, but you cannot deny pure physics. everything god has made you cna put in to symbols, we would not be able to unless we already KNEW these things to begin with. the sun is indeed roaring up and the earths magnetosphere is weakening. there WILL be crops burned, BILLIONS of lives lost, mass chaos but you people are too stupid arguing science vs spirituality to realize that they are ONE IN THE SAME. everybody is right in some sense, you have to find the truths within the statements. the guy saying "we cant do what god can" the Germans have been studying genetic engineering since 1928!! THEY CAN FUCKING MAKE HUMANS THAT CAN DO UNBELIEVABLE THINGS. the elites are preparing and brainwashing us for this shitstorm and we have ignorant fucking idiots that they think they know it all saying ITS ALL A HOAX or SCIENCE CANT DO WHAT GOD CAN DO or GOD DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE OF SCIENCE. like Led Zeppelin says, the only provision needed is an open face along the straights of fear - do this and you will discover the truth behind all of humanity, DO NOT BE IGNORANT, NEVER blow someone off as completely false or accept it as completely true, BE OPTIMISTIC and say "well if this is true, then what are the other factors" this 1 simple question can uncover the truth about ANYTHING.
the anonomous person who posted a comment at 2:03 is mentally challenged...just sayin
It is our creator who created us, we cannot compute what will happen in 2012. If you don't believe in a creator than tell us who gave us the power to reproduce?, from a bunch of cells we turn into a human being. Not only that, who gave us the power of our minds to think/learn for ourseleves and gave all you scientists that intelligence?
There is a beginning of everything, even if you believe in the big bang theory, who created that?
Don't try to understand/make out what will happen in 2012, because noone in this place knows. Everything you learn has been taught to you, even your own language. I know this is going way beyond reason but we are already brainwashed.
From education,food and clothing we are all taught what to wear through different means.
Just live to its fullest whether the world will end or not, accept that there is a creator with far superior abilities and qualitys than our own.
I believe that when people start to think alike about what's to come in 2012, something tunes in to our thoughts and ourselves make the changes to these outcomes they have us all thinking about from right know. Same vibration rate or something like that, I'm no genius but I get these feelings sometimes that we all connected can accomplish many feats never dreamt by many.
honestly some people do talk a load of twaddle i do trust nasa and the yrs of knowledge they have on our universe so lets hope they can guide us through whatever may happen to us during solar storms and as far as the comments about god decideing all god is a man made concept created as an early form of law , if god was to exsist he is a pretty cruel individual to let the hundreds of people animals ect die in events like 9 11 and earthquakes what devine individual would stand back and let that happen , our future is science knowledge and the trust in those that have dedicated their lives to scientific research and discovery the preservation of our species and planet is down to ourselves to protect it and that we should
Well I have been searching various sights now for information on what might happen in 2012 and I can neither say for definite that it's all going to happen or completely ignore it and say that it's all untrue. I have left my mind open to things because i'd rather be prepared than perhaps find out later that there was truth given to me but I chose to ignore the warnings.I do know one thing for sure. I hope that if a major disaster ever happens to the human race I hope that the few left band together for our survival as a species and put an end to warring amongst ourselves...and by the way I am what you would call spiritual as well as scientific so I don't stand on any particular side of that argument. Both sides have a lot to teach each other if you look at the bigger picture. :-)
to the guy/girl that said some people talk aload of twaddle, you easily talk about 9/11 what about all those thousands that died after the incident? you think that was right?all those afghans and iraqis you are easily swayable by media.
second thing, things happen to the world because people are ruining the world. If the world was as god intended it to be then it would be peace.
But because you guys are stupid enough to believe that something as complex as a human being just managed to happen, you yourself are a twat.
a supreme being created us, believe it or not. We are an amazing life form, we choose to mess with the world and the world will react.
peace out
Are we gonna die???
scientists are destroying us!!!!!!! and that is tottally true. the thing is that i gaurantee that the world is not coming to an end in 2012. i dont care if the scientists make their own predictions cause in 2007 i heard that the world was gonna come to an end in 2008 january and that did not happen, so these scientists just waste billions of dollars, and they want to scare us. beleive in god cause he decides our lives and our deaths not the scientists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janvi, you're wrong. The bible was a book made 2000 years ago. THINGS CHANGE!!!!!! And when you get that in your thick skull you'll understand.
I think all this junk on 2012 is just a darn good way to make money lol (DONT TELL ANYONE) Unless they pay you to watch your movie read your book attend your meetings buy your survival equipment and books OMG This is way to funny. Its like another great diet or exercise equipment
I believe that when people start to think alike about what's to come in 2012, something tunes in to our thoughts and ourselves make the changes to these outcomes they have us all thinking about from right know. Same vibration rate or something like that, I'm no genius but I get these feelings sometimes that we all connected can accomplish many feats never dreamt by many.
Colon Cleanse
Lol crap like these comments is why u need moderators. Man, people get on the internet and act like they are five year old children. If u don't understand or believe in science, then why the hell are u even here except to just troll?
Its just a bunch of crap...
Scientists dont know and niether do the mayans!
What a pile of shit, designed by people so full of loathing that, only JUST beneath their conscious thought, they yearn to see the people around them destroyed. The people who dismissed their despotic ideas; the people who LAUGHED at them! Who's laughin' NOW, huh? WHO?
People don't want to think about this stuff....BUT...I believe it will happen! We can't do anything about it! Only stay close to our God.
Cool, never knew the poles shifted like that. Also, I gotta send out a big *eyeroll* to the doomsayers. 1999 anyone?
Hilarious! There are so many flaws in this, its laughable. Someone hasn't done an ounce of research.
You say that NASA confirms 2012 conspiracies, yet on their website it says other wise:
"Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012." ~ From NASA's website; directly.
Also, Fox "news" is not a reliable source, unless your trying to inject right wing propaganda in your horridly incorrect "facts".
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me.
only GOD knows,when will be the earth end,only thing we can do is pray and have faith in him...
How will this make a difference in what happens 18 months from now starting 93 million away. Argue, Criticize, Show Off, Hate, Fear, Change, Do Not Change, Entertain the host of this browser
Well I totally agree this is totally absurd and a hoax and a mere coincidence 2012...
I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It's always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! I'm sure you had fun writing this article.
Stretch Marks
I have only recently become fascinating in astronomy and this article was certainly a great treat for me. Many thanks and keep up this great work.;D
this is very interesting thank you
It amazes me how well the Earth got along very well without scientists who bring doom and gloom (sometimes faked, sometimes just false) around every corner. They can't do anything about it so let it go.
Lets spend the money on real problems like feeding the hungry, stopping useless wars, healing the sick and maybe bringing peace to a weary world.
Oh- I forgot- scientists must come up with catastrophes on schedule so they can get their funding monies!
I want to say that after reading your post I have found so many interesting thing in your blog and I really love that. Keep up the good work!
Colon Cleanse
I enjoyed this. Like your blog design too.
Very interesting blog.I like to read this type of interesting information about our earth or universal.Thank you so much for this post.
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We just have to wait and see what will happen..
premature ejaculation
Your post is rocking and knowledgeable... I really appreciate the way you write . I would like to read more from you.
The MAJOR problem with the most scientists today is: they are so fucking cocky!
really very good information
Good read. Like your blog .
Good read. Like your blog
This is complete bull shit, you are saying that Nasa is predicting this? Look at that! Surprising that the people who you "claim" to support this wrote FAQ and Answered these questions. Like the world was going to end in Y2K, then in May 2003, so they moved it to this date for no reason, see a cycle? Also, Does you kitchen calendar end on December 31? Yes! The Mayan people thought the year ends on December 21. Their kind hasn't been around for awhile. So you think magic is going to keep a calendar going? So yes, so do you think the world will end every time you have to buy a new one? Ha ha stop making up stuff.
Hey deny this comment, but i wanna let you know... if the other comment isn't posted you acknowledge the fact that this is not a real article.
Thanks for sharing interesting things with all of us. I like way of your thought process.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
Spelling counts; so does sentence structure and critical thinking skills. A bit less arrogance would be nice too. Such a shame that there isn't better access to a decent education anywhere in the world these days.
That being said, none of these things matter a whit compared to impersonal galactic physics and chemical reactions- so how about a little brotherhood and treating your fellow human with some decency?
if its true then lets forget about work and fly to paris or we should go to world tour
Electronic Cigarettes
hey buddy,this is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post.
May NASA confirm this.. but i don't believe in such kind of prediction..
Cellulite Treatment
Nasa Always Predict correct information lets see what will happen next.
there is very little that is known about the sun's penomenon reverse phone lookup
NASA's prediction was a great sensation but most of the people did not agree to it and therefore there was a conflict amongst most of the people.
I don't Know but If it really occurs ? We should think about human life's existence on earth . We must save Humans As all other species do. Perhaps if it can be done by most of our life's.
Regardless wheather this will happen or not our goverment is bulding as we speak, underground bunkers to protect themselves if this disater does comes. The goverment knows a lot more, than they will share with the public. There are gigantic wholes in the earths magnetic sheild which NASA has found. A few monts ago was the 150th anniversay of the suns last sun shower which happened in the 1800s. If you don't believe me please get on youtube and search " The Conspiracy Theory 2012", with Jesse Ventura. Im not saying i believe this will happen< but i do believe the goverment will help their selves before they even worry about us.
nice blog.
Thanks for sharing.
well interesting posting here, i look forward the whole content later.
Thanks for sharing us.
This is actually pretty scary. This may have been what the Mayans had predicted.
great info
I do beleive the same as the predictions are having scientific reasons behind.
So what?
We build a big antenna on the ocean and power it with the sea waves.
We can use it to launch lots of ions and electrons back up to the magnetosphere to shield us.
Tesla's papers would have most of the apparatus.
Interesting entry.
I've just subscribed in a reader.
stop smoking
quit smoking
ex back
What is really nice about the videos is that there's someone telling you what to do. It's kind of like watching TV, you plug in and turn off your mind. He tells you, do push ups, you do them - you don't have to think about it.
All of you, please do humanity a favour and kill
yourselves, or each other. It's amazing that
any of you dunderfucks don't forget to breath.
THAT is how fucking stupid you are.
I say the movie 2012 and I really don't like it. It is pure SF.
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I get you religious types have been saying for 2,000 years god this god that but really just simmer it down instead of suffocating people with your ranting, mental oppression, and putting down those who arent into the whole religious thing thnx im sure ur creator doesnt want whining complainers. Anyway awesome posting here,Thanks
For all we know we're a molecule in the testical of a rabbit in microcosm and every time the rabbit itches himself, this world dissolves, total global killer. "END OF TIMES".
Thanks for this very important information that you have share. I really have a hard time looking for do follow blogs thanks for sharing some list. Keep on posting updates of do follow blogs.
I think NASA has punched one to many Holes through our atmosphere and now they are using other ways to make us believe this is a strange occurance thats just happening..I blame NASA for world destruction
The vapor produced in the atomizer provides a physical sensation and flavor that is quite similar to that which is experienced when smoking an ordinary tobacco cigarette. Having introduced the subject of the e-cigarette, it is quite obvious that the e-cigarette stands out and has many advantages over the local, traditional brands of cigarettes.
I really enjoyed your post! I am looking for a writer for my blog, if you are interested could provide me with your contact details and we can discuss it more thoroughly.
It appears from the various rantings following this article that many did not pay attention to what was actually said in the broadcast - that solar radiation weakens our magnetosphere and that the sun's polar shift is now expected to release more radiation than usual for its 11 year cycle. As there is more reliance on our communications network than in the past, this will be an issue IF current calculations are correct. I must confess than I am more alarmed about the apparent lack of education among the bloggers than I am about this (hopefully) temporary disruption of our communications systems should the radiation be as strong as currently predicted AND should it have the effect that the scientific community is concerned about.
"there is no god...Anon645. your mythical bullshit continues to keep humanity from evolving as it should."
"To the gasbag who says, "there is no God". How funny! Why, because YOU SAY SO? hahahahahahahaha. And you then, know who or what created the universe? hahahahahahahah, dark aged angry, momma whipped little little creature you are. As if you know anything!!!! hahahahah do you know how many villa you have in your lungs? How many brain cells do you have? You can't even answer that and it's INSIDE YOU, hahahahah you are as igorant as a frog who is trying to learn Shakespeare, we actually all are, when it comes to knowing ANYTHING but whether we are hungry, thirsty, tired or horny. You stupid little man. Yoy can't even explain what generates consciousness but YOU KNOW THERE IS NO GOD!"
Really!?!? Now was that entirely necessary? You can't produce tangible proof of your god's existence any more than your nemesis can produce tangible proof it doesn't so there's really no point to the circularity of your respective arguments...You guys might consider attempting to see your way clear to stop the whole 'choosing sides' way of thinking before you coat the rest of us in possession of our sanity and open minded rationality with your vomitous expulsions that more appropriately belong in a forum discussing philosophic or theological topics, concepts, and concerns.
Now, with regard to the actual topic concerning "NASA's confirmed 2012 prediction - Deterioration of Earth's Magnetosphere during Sun's Polar shift in 2012 :" I personally feel the adage 'handsome is as handsome does' more poignantly phrased 'prognostication is as prognostication does' should be considered in any case. Certainly predictions are based on a logical sequencing of observation and available data but their outcomes are always up to chance so I urge you to judge a prediction by what it does, not by how it appears.
You children make me laugh. If you want to honestly believe the world is going to end on a date that MAN predicted your just as ignorant as the idiots making money off this. Our Earth is ever changing and for some "scientist" to play God and say this date shall be our end is just a money hungry nerd. Think about it seriously, if this were true, the government wouldn't let a word leak. This would be top secret. Anyone to find out about it outside the circle would be killed. It's commen sense this is only for the money to be made. Every 10 years or so some 40 year old virgin makes up these dooms day stories because they have nothing better to do. Oh, but wait how am I typing this because we were all supposed to die in 1999 right?
This is complete rubbish. There was nothing with that video clip which stated that there was going to be any kind of catastrophe, solar or otherwise.
this really is a load of crap tbh
Wow, I see everyone arguing over who has the right theory or who pleads the best case. Really? Wake up people. Seriously. Truely take a look at the history of man. Just take population growth and failure over the past 75 thousand years or so. It is plainly obvious that there is a cyclical system at work. We spend so much time arguing over who is actually right about the mechanism at work that we forget to see the reallity of its effects.
It is obvious that we are at a tipping poin in a billions of years oold galactic cycle. Yes there are things that we can do to make life better for everyone here on earth but in all reality there is absolutely nothing we can do to change the destiny of our planet. We are a product of an ever changing world and the sooner we realise that we can neither stop nor change the cyclical events to come, the better we wil be able to focus our energies on preperations.
If we look around us without a biased mind we can see that things are changing rapidly. The earth istself is changing. If we are to survive we must change with it, not just the products we buy or the way we provide them, no, we must change our very understanding of our place in the overall system.
We are like ants in an ant hill with a mower heading strait for it. There is nothing to be done about the mower itself. So the question is, Do we dig in deeper and ride out the storm of the mower and rebuld after it has passed or do we move on to better soil? Either way, there will be grave sacrifices that mist be made.
[email protected]
Look people, ignorance works in all angles. Whether scientific or religious people often stick to they're own ideology and ignore all other possibilities concerning certain subjects. We all beleive in what we believe but we have to accept possibilites to what everyone else believes in order to evolve and transcend. I believe this is we call a free-thinker. I know, I sound all Iluminati
I love UFO's! Take us away!
Appreciate all the information here
I have to say that I have never seen such a high concentration of people that I would call "below average intelligence" trying to act as if they were actually smarter than they truly are in one place at the same time... I mean I could probably write a book on the blogs that are posted previously! For those of you that didn't understand the previous statement, I was talking about a book of everything that is just absolutely stupid... So stupid that I actually feel somewhat dumber from reading them!
Come on people! There is no need to criticize people when you can't even spell the word or write the sentence without it being a run-on or fragment!
To those of you who spoke of things that are... Well just not worth my time to repeat, and you know who you are! Actually I digress... Most of you probably don't even have a clue! It's quite disturbing to know that you represent a sample of the American population... But it makes sense considering that 70% of the population represent those of you that are "below average intelligence."
For those of you who are calling people "retards", you are pathetic and I am disgusted to know that there are actually people out there that would use such words out of context. I work with children and adults who suffer from autism, as well as mental retardation and I am offended! But I'm sure you would fit right in with some of my clients; if you are in need of service.
As far as "the apocalypse" is concerned, if it really happened I hope I never run into any of the authors that I have discussed because I would gladly shoot first! But if we wake up on December 22 alive, then I would advise you all to chew on some buckshot! I recommend 12 gauge 3 inch 00 Buch Shot. Because it's you who are a waste of space!
One last thing... to the person who administers this blog: you should be ashamed of yourself for creating a place where people are so... well you know! And if you don't then I'm sorry because I have already spent too much time on this.
I can make a post about how a knife can stab you in the stomach. I'll get a video of a doctor explaining how it can happen and what happens if it does. I'll make graphs and show images.
Because of this, everyone's automatically gonna get stabbed by a knife.
You folks are so easy. I work with astronomers all day everyday. The only thing that they're concerned with is when's the next pot of coffee coming up.
the universe has limitless possibilities..
these are countless possibilities in the universe..
the universe has countless possibilities.
P90X Review
@6:22 pm anonymous, that was the most retarded paragraph I have ever read.
I f*** anonymous hard to the face as the year 20147 approaches.
They may have predicted something but dont u think if it happens and earth deteriorates that the government will tell us which destinations to avoid? They will not go as far as hiding everything from us. Just a few bits and pieces that may panic us. Id rather live life than panic all the time over the worst that could happen. I want to think its just a change in human life not a wipeout! I think thats what the government are telling us anyway. Oh yes, and erm, with the thousands of people working in the government all over the whole world, there would have been a teeny tiny bit of obvious convincing evidence to prove the world will be dead in 2012! So far, the whole internet posts stories that are predictions, guesses and quite frankly lacking in solid proof. So, guys, theres your reason why I like to think that its a change in human life that is going to happen because of slight damage that we humans are not equipped for.
The main fear of all this is that 'nobody knows'. And this my friends, is psychological, not evidence.
Until someone hears an aired broadcast of the planet being destroyed immediately, then start to panic, but until then dont put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Luv ya folks and god save the earth. xxx
You people are ridiculous. You talk so bad about scientists when they are just trying to find whats out there...just like you. You watched the video, idiot.
It this is really true, the government should tell the nations about it. I think all of this is just a prediction.
Mark Chapter 13 vs. 24-37 Says:
24 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.
The Parable of the Fig Tree
28 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 29 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it[f] is near—at the doors! 30 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
No One Knows the Day or Hour
32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"
For those realy interested
on end times,lookup parallel passages In Matthew Chapter 24. and Luke Chapter 21. and all of Revelations
There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. etc...........
Israel will be under attack by armies (plural)Daniel 11:31
Israel will have the ancient practice of sacrifices reestablished.("abomination of desolation stands in the holy place" Daniel 11:31)This means:
They will have a new Temple, (not yet built!)
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Millions worldwide have never heard the Gospel)
One world Gov.needs to be in place. Rev
One world Money system in place.Rev
One world Leader.Rev
One world Religion.Rev
7 year peace treaty with Israel.
etc. etc. etc. Dan,Mat,Mark,Luke,Rev.
All biblical prophecies.
Be ready.
God bless every reader with understanding and wisdom.
Jesus Loves you.
So do I.
Repent and believe.
Life is " The Best Video Game "YOU/ GOD)" could create,With an unlimited imagination, and resources ( god created us in his image, think about it) We ARE GOD. You life is your own game, learn it , play it responsibly, remember the consequences & learn from them, then play again, until you master it. Then increase the difficulty. The aim of the game is to find yourself/god.
"You" created this game ,this life. What you do with it , is your choice.
Wow....I am floored by everyones comments. Imagine if we had any kind of disaster. It would be anarchy. For those of you who believe in a God, you need to wise up and take responsibility for yourselves. Someone earlier said it best when they said religious people sit around and wait until they die and go to heaven instead of accomplishing something in their lives. People, we are slaves to the top 1%. They will try and keep it that way too. Its all an illusion. There is so much out there our governments are not telling us. Mostly because most people "can't handle the truth". Most scientists in the main stream work for peanuts to help better mankind. They have no reason to lie. Michio Kaku rocks!
We are just living some bad moments nowadays and we have to take care of the earth as this is our home. electronic cigarette
Wow, just goes to show they know something that we don't, obviously. But if you've ever studied the nitric pure pages you will know that this has existed for some time now.
This is all a conspiracy, the world won't end anyway, people will :(
I love how people try to seem so smart but can not type (or talk)with proper grammar. I personaly belive whom ever made the mayan's calender just said "FUCK IT, I QUIT". I mean realy i would retire after a while!!!!
Anonymous said...
Mark Chapter 13 vs. 24-37 Says:
24 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.
The Parable of the Fig Tree
28 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 29 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it[f] is near—at the doors! 30 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
No One Knows the Day or Hour
32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"
For those realy interested
on end times,lookup parallel passages In Matthew Chapter 24. and Luke Chapter 21. and all of Revelations
There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. etc...........
Israel will be under attack by armies (plural)Daniel 11:31
Israel will have the ancient practice of sacrifices reestablished.("abomination of desolation stands in the holy place" Daniel 11:31)This means:
They will have a new Temple, (not yet built!)
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Millions worldwide have never heard the Gospel)
One world Gov.needs to be in place. Rev
One world Money system in place.Rev
One world Leader.Rev
One world Religion.Rev
7 year peace treaty with Israel.
etc. etc. etc. Dan,Mat,Mark,Luke,Rev.
All biblical prophecies.
Be ready.
God bless every reader with understanding and wisdom.
Jesus Loves you.
So do I.
Repent and believe.
11:57 AM
I do Not trust the bible because it is writtin by man over and over again, but i will say much in it is true!!!!
the only kind of scientist i trust is a mad scientist. gwahahaha
If the prediction in 2012 will the end of the world only God's knows if it will happen.As it said in the bible.But i still believe that if you have faith in God and you will keep praying to him i believe that nothing is still impossible in him.He can changes anything only if we will keep our faith in him.Because i believe God only wait us to pray to him.[Helen Francis}
if the prediction in 2012 will end the world.Only God's knows if it will happen.As it said in the bible.I still believe that if we will have faith in him nothing is impossible.he can change anything only if we will pray to him and keep our faith strong.Bec i believe God's only wait us to call his name and ask his help
He never said the Earth would end dumbass! But what will ya'll do with out your Ipods, Xboxes and cell phones, or electricity even for a week or more.
This country as well as other countries will go balistic! None of you know how to cook any more, or even make a loaf of bread from scratch!
Stores have electric doors and chash registers atms and banks are electric run too. Not to mention the gas pumps. If this happens people will be running the streets in panic looting and stealing! So why not store up some cash, gas, and food and water for a month or so just in case.
I mean it won't go to waste, and then if the sheep hit the fence you are prepared. Look at what happened in Japan and in New Orleans. Choose wisely prepare and live! Choose poorly and go hungry and live with those who will be in panic!
The government won't help you, the state can't help you, the churches can't help most of you and God wants man to do for himself, not toss out seeds to the rocks!
I like how some of these comments are meant to be some-what "sound theories"... then you get a non-believing cynical seeming asshole or two who can't type a proper English word with diction and enunciation to save their chode! Lay-off the people with good opinions and take into consideration that every solid mind has an opinion about the World around us and even the Galaxies and Universe itself. We live in a reality so far-fetched and misunderstood that even if you did have a good answer that is backed by feasible proof/evidence, you still can be shot down by an undesirable or uncontrollable variable that was not foreseen. I say that if the Sun has an agenda, then we cannot control that. If our Magnetosphere is depleting, then let us find a way to deal with it, or let us live what we can out on this planet and consider a reliable exit strategy with haste. I don't see how wasting time bickering over whose opinion is bullshit and whose is decent enough to work is going to save anyone in the long run... be that as it may, the Earth is a friend to all of us and, from my perspective, we have let that friend down... Karma is a sonofabitch (to say the least). {Can I get an "Amen!"?} With all the tests that the Government, or scientists from whatever fuckin' country you wanna mention, or outside sources unknown to my knowledge or recollection, why they haven't been honest with us or shown us what is real deal Holyfield or what is false is beyond you and I... Let these folks shovel their "2012 propaganda" onto what we are scared of already and pile it up in a manure pile (metaphorically) and burn the shit! ... and PISS ON THE ASHES! I believe in faith. I believe that having hope and keeping the calm and cool attitude of a monk is the best way to manage your emotions when dealing with a subject like this (or many other similar subjects). Take into consideration the people who are actually studying the stuff and how much they know and just bottle it up along with everything else. Even the smartest minds known to us through the history books had "trial and error" hits and misses. We've been around for FUCKING EVER on this planet because of the ancients who gave us life, morals, and hope. The Earth will prosper how is sees fit and if the Human race is to be apart of that prosperity, then so-be-it. Enjoy the time with your loved ones, do what you love, play some golf, drop that LP you're plannin' on makin' in 2-3 months, work hard at your jobs like those before have to make this World somewhat decent, smoke your weed, stop makin' illegitimate babies and be an upstanding citizen in this World before you have no time to even WANT to change. I mean, c'mon folks, this shit ain't hard to understand: Eat, sleep, be happy. One day, the truth will be brought to our attention via an intermediary who remained quiet until the right time and happened to tell the right people (non-government types) and the word will be spread on how to save grace. And oh yeah, aliens exist, they live amongst us to study our culture and habits. There are many differents races who all know our ways to an extent and all have some sort of plan for us (whether it be good or bad). When you see one or encounter a few, put one hand in the air (if possible), say "What's up?", and go right back to chillin'. P.S.: To those who still rock a VHS player... Be kind, Rewind. :)
what will be will be ,we cant change anything only to have a open mind about all things and to try to understand
what will be will be,just got to have a open mind about all things because we cant change the way nature is even though we are beleive we can do it,but look at the world around us what a good job we have done ,what a joke its all turned into we cant live with each other and turned money into our god and its i am ok jack forget about you so i try to have a open mind about things but it is hard to in these modern times
I appreciate you post. I love this post honestly. Thanks for posting.
The video that you share is informative.
Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great
do you think the human consciousness will expand in 2012?
My Sites: 30 Second Smile and ab rocket reviews.
WOW!!..."Do we think the human consciousness will expand in 2012"
Well!..only after our eyeballs have
expanded, with the reality of it all!?.....?
Anonymous, you're an idiot! Why don't you shut your illiterate, 'think know it all pie hole and give it a rest.' People are individuals and free to believe any way they choose. You are simply a one-track-minded socialist who tries to shove his way down everyone elses throat thinking (word used loosely) your way is the only way. Whether you believe in God or not is of no consequuence to those who do as their beliefs shouldn't concern you. One thing I know, I'd rather die and believe and find out there isn't a God than die non believing and find out there is. With all due respect, please shut your face and address the issue this blog is about... Quit pretending to be scholarly on every subject. You're making a total fool of yourself.Of course, I imagine that's probably why you feel the need to remain 'anonymous.' Just saying...
God is positive energy, evil is negative energy. positive energy is any energy that creates, sustains and grouws. Negative energy is which will stop, detroy or end anything and everthing.
Understand this, every one of you will be able to understand everything in the world.
- Avinash Jayaram
"To Anonymous at 6.53am"
It's not clear just whom, you're addressing, in your platitude of hypocrisy,since you, your self are
ANONYMOUS!! who are you, to speak?? hypocritical worm!
you are doing, what you criticize in others.
I too have the right to speak my mind, as do others!?
"To Anonymous at 6.02"
In respect to you're very noble comment,...can you tell me?
Why is it, that "Christians" whom ever they are, can join the forces
to kill another human being,knowing
that one of the TEN Commandments
In the hight of hypocrisy!
After looking through all the comments on this page,! I could almost feel some sympathy for the administration of this blog. Who lifted the lid off
Pandora's box?.......
some of you assholes are just to pro christian, not that i blame you for your ignorence, but pull your heads out of your asses and see that we have serious problems on our hands. you preech about world peace yet it is you whom makes it impossible to achieve goddamit. if only you would leave your sheep tactics and try to help as you should we would be able to come up with better ideas to help humanity as a whole.
I really love to read articles that have good information and ideas to share to each reader. I hope to read more from you guys and continue that good work that is really inspiring to us.
Wow this makes you look at the universe quite a bit differently, I wonder how far we will be able to travel in my lifetime :-)
I don't know!?...bleating sheep on one side, and neighbors from hell on the other,when in my opinion,
the center, was just misunderstood
talk about a horror story!?
LOOK!..if you want to save the world, just treat your neighbors,
as you would like to be treated, yourself!!
What goes around,can come around,
and honey, is better than vinegar
so keep smiling, for goodness sake,
before someone misunderstands!? :)
I agree with mozco 18 because we are destroying our own house, we know that everything will happen because of natural disasters or other things but I have to say that we're the worst cancer of our planet, I feel so scared what is going to happen, I see the disaster really close, I think that we have to take in account what we are doing.
There is nothing to FEAR, but FEAR its self!!...Life is about living!!
FEAR OF WHAT?? might not HAPPEN, and your HEALTH,from FEAR, could drag you down, and not even be your fault...Just live, and be
happy with others, but stay alert!...for what will be, will be!!
Actually, we have opted for the always great articles on these pages to thank. Not all topics could share with you but the timeliness of the reports here makes it worth time and again to experience here to read and comment. For us, just the electricity and Gas and Energy topics of interest. Keep it up! Greetings from Germany
The best we can all do, instead of blaming each other, cause we all have some part in what transpires, is to keep loving, living, learning.
So true, what will be will be, POSITIVE thoughts are a fantastic start. Visualise a safe path for our planet and all living things, with love, always with love.
YES!!...I think love & peace, is what most people enjoy in practice
until, something or someone,comes along, and stuffs it up.
How calm & quiet can you remain,if a brick was to land on your foot??
Most would react in a spontaneous verbal defence...outraged!!
so too, comments & insults,can be almost as painful for some, whom are outraged, and fly into defence,
its a natural reaction, for the Human Being!!
So, whats the answer?...
But if you do!?..make sure, your sense of humor is understood..What goes around can come around!
Well, I'm
Just a common guy reading these comments. And my humble opinion is this. Wow lol. No one knows if there is a god or not. I wish people wouldn't try to shove their opinions down each others throats. Sorry if this came across as so because i meant it to be simply something to think about. Enjoy your life because it could end Lol have a nice day people
TO: Anonymous at 4.41pm...
Well my friend, maybe some don't
know if there is a God or not, but you could say the some about ufo.& the ETs..and then you could have some, say that they have seen both!
but its just, that you haven't!?
and they have...who can know?
There is so much more to learn.
Keep your mind open,but don't fall
out of it, because....WHAT IF??...
they're right.
you seem to be missing another point throughout. the so called creator also created homo sapiens with the knowledge of science, so he knew the earth as it existed in the beginning would deviate with time and science and hence affecting the nature intended life of earth.. i mean he is GOD right!
As we see the earth as imbalanced now, we are waiting for the day 'kaboom'..
we, as of now, predict a future from what we learned all these days. we cannot expect only any of that will happen!
Now 163 Comments,wow!..its like taking a deep~deep dive,as we scroll the bar,down,down, to: "Rafii's Comment."
Hi Rafii!..hope you aren't holding your breath way down here.:)
Well you can now take a big breath.
It has been said,that GOD, or as
extrterrestrial, if you like, has created all things, hear on earth,right from the beginning, & that MAN [Homo Sapien] was created with "freewill" to choose: to be! or not to be! To take responsibility for ones own actions
a free choice of will! "freewill" within the: "10 Commandments"
and THAT is held in law today,
basically!! so the choice is ours!
keep harmony in the social structure of our lives, or bear the
consequence,as a result..freedom of choice,..our free will!?
BUT! a result of our free will,
we may have taken it, a little bit too far,because NOW the kids have found the matches & we are now being watched.
NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!...can we be trusted, with:...FREE WILL? and that power!!..this weapon has already been used, so whats next??
A tense time of being responsible
in our decisions for everyones future, now lies in the balance,and we can only hope that "free will" can make the right decisions...we can do it right?..we had better!?
LOL..I think we need an elevator on this page, Matt!:)
Its up through the ceiling!
but all good! very good reading actually!!
it is going to happen. besides the Mayans and Nostrodamus predicting the date there have been countless others deep in history with the same predictions . the world wont end the "world as we know it" is going to end. its going to be the start of a new one. The earth shields are down and were do for a solar blast during that period of time. you have to be completely ignorant to think this is false or a hoax or a bunch of coincidences. Besides all that you can tell by all that is happening in the world now. so its either true or one of the other impossible things. if its a hoax someone has to be able to time travel, and you would win the lottery 4 times in a row before there were that many coincidences. But think what you want i guess and stay in denial. just know you wont survive.
This is all a joke!!!! I can't believe they are saying this now! I think that we ourselves are destroying the magnetic field and should stop now!!!!!!
LOOK!...old age will get you ALL first, & the Doc.will say...SMOKING
related!..and that is, if your car doesn't get you first, so lighten up, and keep that S M I L E :)
Let it be, what it will be!
can "YOU" stop it?
I am keen interest in astrology will plz share something about it.
Office Furniture,
Office Chairs
Does all this really matter !! If something does happen all your going to be able to do is put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. Meanwhile all these Government asses will be running to underground complexes they have been building to save theirs.
Let everyone be entertained...NASA knew nothing about the sun that burns our naked. A simple child knows that the sun can dry your clothes. They made "SOHO" equipment that got photographs NASA can not define to its smallest details. The science is in its INFANCY...a crying babe which it got no idea or a speck sand of an idea.
Solar Flares frighten me.
The sun is extremely volatile, goes without saying! It could explode at any point, grow larger, throw out flares and burn our planet to a crisp.
Question is what can we do about it?
I can tell you this, I'm not going to loose any sleep over this, and
suggest, thats a healthy way to be!
My philosiphe is!...I die every night, and I'm born ever day!
So count your blessings, & have a nice day!!...and keep smiling!!
Maybe San Andreas fault will breakaway???
After reading one too many of these post I come to realize that the majority of humans cannot be told the truth. If they were they would panic and cause total chaos. Bottom line... Live your life with respect to all and without violence. Enjoy every moment like its your last. Stop worrying about the world ending at once. Your own life can end at any moment anyway. We cannot stop natures course.
This is never going to happen, they are just still trying to prove the myth about 2012, and recording some of the stupidest, untrue things. This is NOT going to happen. !?! [:
Just a prediction and never going to happen. A great knowledge and clearer understanding on predictions might help us get the right perspective on what to believe in and what to expect on this year. You can check that cater different predictions for 2012 and information.
God isn't real, we all know that... So please shut the fuck up..
Ask yourself this!?...if you believe that "God isn't real"
then whom do you think"originally"
wrote the complexed software, of YOUR DNA!!!...ETs??
NOW!...WHAT IF!?..."ET.& GOD" were one & the same?...then what???
THINK!!!...before you mouth off!!
There is soooo much more to learn,
for all of us.Some people live their lives by God & his word, because thats what they've been taught,is the right way of life.Is THAT so bad? and now here we all are, looking for the truth about UFO. and Extraterrestrials.when all
the time the plain truth, is probably staring us right in the face, and we don't get it!!...YET!!
I sincerely believe, that a GOOD way of life, should be left ALONE!!
until "Disclosure,beyond doubt" is
and this is probably in part, why we have not had Disclosure yet!?
When the time is right, our lives will change,for better or for worse
as the case might be,but until then
just keep on keeping on, because for someone, somewhere in the world,....die every day, and the world has come to an end for them,
so why spoil it for someone & THEIR MAKER, when we don't really
have all the answerS we think we do...........Amen
Well only God knows how thing will end and he said it would end in fire.And there many signs that lead up to that time. But for the scientist who do not believe in God. That is you're choice , Its called free will. Even tho deep down you know he is there. Only because he has talked to you but you just refuse to listen. So many signs left here even for the scientist from god but they want to be the creator of life.Just remember on you're death bed some will make it by the skin of there teeth.That means you will confess to god of you're sins and admit to him that Jesus Christ came to die for all , that means God came to die for all.
With respect, your comment is understood and with good intention,
but perhaps not excepted by everyone, as you've pointed out about scientists,...and yes! our choice, & free will for sure!? but those who choose not to believe, must have a reason for their decision, Science on one hand,is self explanatory!?? and..needs proof!!..while the rest of us,in our freedom & our choice!
Choose to exercise.."FAITH" in our belief of God, In the sense that FAITH! doesn't need proof, in our thinking, because we have chosen to believe;through exercising FAITH
Its all about TRUST!! our FAITH
of that which we believe in, being true!?
Science says, PROVE IT!!
and we say, don't need to, because we hold FAITH! our belief!?
Would you call this: "BLIND FAITH?"
because there is no proof!?
But then I would say to Science, can you PROVE that there is no God??? after all,how can it be explained,about the absolutely amazing complexity, of the DNA. to all life here on earth, which in its self, could be seen as PROOF to the Creation of all life!?
One last thing though? I don't think that we need to confess to God,of anything!? because he is all knowing!and he knows us,better than we know ourselves,I think its moor like WE! will cast judgement on ourselves for the rong doing of others,and shame'll be understood on the other side, when our time cames.This reality we find ourselves in,is a testing ground to see what we're made of,and to
contribute to the world at large
and then its all over,no matter what you believe,so just do your best for others, and take care of your selves............
God is a myth fabricate by smart group of people, to control retards human beings and their money.
Tharcon: God is not a myth. Proof of the existence of God is there for all who are able to comprehend. Descartes provided us with philosophical proof of the existence of God; " I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I AM, therefore God is". And if you want empirical proof of the existence of God, look no further than Geometry (as all Freemasons know).
We cant see GOD, But we can see all his creations, cant u just imagine how it was created and how it existed? Science only existed after GOd created human being.THINK HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS? it was all about God's creation. Science can only make robots and robots were made just like you ( anonymous who dont believe in GOD). What scientist says you will obey....hahaha poor little only eat banana nothing else...GOD is waiting for you.HAVE FAITH IN GOD MY BROTHER/SISTER.
posting in Persian
21988 سال قبل از میلاد حرکت مخروطی ترقیصی از قطب شمال به قطب جنوب صورت گرفته است که فعلا قطب شمال زمین استقامت تقریبا ستاره جدی (جودی) صورت فلکی دب اضغر را نشان میدهد و در سال 3212 میلادی همین حرکت مخروطی ترقیصی به قطب جنوب انتقال میگردد و در همان وقت قطب شمال زمین به ستاره ذیخ صورت فلکی مار استقامت میگیرد. تحقیقات تحلیلی سازمان فضایی ناسا که قطعیت دارد درست است اما عوام الناس تعبیر تخصصی را منحرف میسازد.
now the month of December, 2012, if predictions that will happen and what the implications for the Earth?
Read the book "The door to everything" Google it - its a free download. A parting thought - Absolutely tru! The only time we can ever be really sure of is this moment. Enjoy it!!
As you are sitting there laughing about space craft and civilizations from other galaxies. . .know this, we are not alone and we have not been alone since the beginning. Our governments lie to us daily, killing whistle blowers like the documentary producers and experts who prove 9-11 was an inside job. The CIA and elitist Scientists produce zombie killers doped up on drugs and initiate shooting sprees in our schools shopping centers and movie theaters; activating these killers to kill on command. Why? Not only does this reduce population, it garners sympathy so the government can take our guns, our freedom of speech, and set up TSA checkpoints in all fifty states for population surveillance. Our own government(Illuminati) (I used to love this country) is systematically removing our freedoms in the name of terror. Our free speech is in danger! In social media, on the three main TV channels and internet. "Officials" are removing/altering materials on sites as fast as possible. The elite running the US and England,work for a higher intelligence in another constellation.
The United States and England want a NEW WORLD ORDER, its printed on our money for gods sake!
George Bush looked us in the eye and "the New World Order WILL happen." Do you even know what that means? (turn off the TV and wake up)because you should be pissed as hell, all of us should. But no, we sit in front of the boob tube with our yummy snacks and our minds of mush.
The year 2012 means real problems ahead if we don't get our lazy asses moving in a better direction. There is talk of our CIA in Russia causing trouble, setting fires . . .doing what they can to heat up problems between them and us. China too, folks. Look out for WW3.
Wake up and smell the coffee dudes, we are nothing to the Illuminati owned corporations, the thirteen families and just about everyone of our past Presidents, including this one.(I voted for him--then I opened my eyes, well that what I get.)
They are all related to each other and all tied to all the European elite; primarily, England and France.
Please turn off the Television,and put down those silly newspapers and get on the net and READ. . . And then, act! Tell everyone what you have found, some will hear. But remember, when your beliefs are challenged, fear and anxiety are created, so at first don't expect much, their minds are mush and they do not know . . . YOU, must make sure they listen.
If you think this is funny, or I'm crazy, go ahead have your fun, write your crap and laugh it off; but afterwards, give light to the truth and do your own research. It's all right there, right in front of us . . . for now.
I have read some not all. Confusion all word. I am no different. Have never embraced one faith. Only words I have felt ring true to my heart. I am smiling now. Acceptance and love. I am shaking now. I do not understand.
These words betray me and you also. I can not express. Have never been able. Conversation turns to argument. Reason is stubborn. Without it lost. Alone. Afraid.
Look inside. Really look inside. It is awesome. It is you. Love. No match to be found. No Mind. No Fear. Listen. Let go.
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