As you may know everyone has been discussing this October 14 Ufo prediction. The message does seem quite genuine but i am quite wary of such predictions so i am asking you guys to judge for yourself.
The predictions were channeled by Blossom Goodchild, who desribes herself as a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. As an extract from her blog : Blossom’s most recent book “The Bridge” documents the messages channelled to her by the Cosmic Beings known as The Federation of Light. In her most recent encounters with them they have announced that one of their craft will appear in our skies on October 14th 2008 for a period of three days in such a way as to prove to us the existence of other life forms in the Universe. The Federation of Light stress that they come in LOVE to help us and our planet move to a new Higher Vibration of Love
Would liek to know your thoughts and comments on this ...
And an update
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1 – 200 of 288 Newer› Newest»"The Day The Earth Stood Still" is due for release in theaters on 12.12.08 as well. Coincidence?
Yeah, totally. Hope no one actually buys into this....
Well, that surely would be very interesting to happen...
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Is it possible that these are actual messages that are lies. How would an ETs discredit the only people on earth investigating them; the UFO community. Some of these channelers claims have been substantiated by other data so it seems, at least some of them throughout history have sightings and phenomenon around them, but the "aliens", if that is what they are... lie to them these people then go public and look like fools..
So, it seems, they make claims of love and piece and than they lie.
Joe Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog
And when this dosent happen, a new date will be set.
Just like all the loonies telling the earth will come 2 and end this and this date.
She denies the channeled message about the craft. go to her page and look under federation of light October 14th :-)
this is bullsh**
Even if she is correct about the date, how can we be sure it isn't part of project bluebeam? Look that up on google.
Well, I'm not sure. But, I know that James Gilliland has given a message saying not to worry and that our Government and those who inflict harm on the planet and us are at the end of their days. That their karma is going to manifest soon.
Here is the message from him:
Well, with project blue beam we are supposed to give up the rest of our rights so that our "beloved" government can protect us from the Alien Invasion. See Jesus or whoever the popular deity is in the area. The alien with the big head, long thin arms and legs is supposed to say he is the new born Jesus. Ask you heart. You are GOD. The God within you will not lie to you. Have a pure heart when you ask. Love is the only thing that matters. I was curious about this myself. But I think I will know.
Please drink the koolaid so the rest of us can enjoy october 15
I was talking to the person who knows about Project Blue Beam. It is a project from NASA. You would not understand my comment unless you were familiar with the project. I do not believe that the events that might happen from that project will be real. I was just informing the person who mentioned the project that it is different than this message. Since the person knew about it I figured they would understand this without me going into every detail about it. But I do believe that their are ET's or higher vibrational beings hat are going to show themselves if not on Oct. 14th, then between now and 2012. I am not going to explain my whole comment because it was not meant for you. If you want to understand it, go do the research yourself. I am not angry with your comment at all so there is no need to get nasty with me.
Stop the crying people. If it is realy going to happen... GREAT! If not... too bad. Anyway, you dont believe in it, guess what ... you dont have to. Just stop the crying about anything that doesn't fit your ideology. Small-mindedness never ever aided mankind. Let's try to be a bit more open-minded, we dont have anything to loose in that case.
rubbish.... i started to believe it up until i read "there will be a small charge". Anything that supposed to be so pure, so significant in history should be made freely available to the public without charge. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. Hoax. I will go to the farm and suck a horse's dick if this prediction comes to pass.
The event as stated will happen..and it is NOT part of the new world order prize plan PROJECT BLUE BEAM ..these are the positive aliens...the negative ones have been our host here for quite some well, all will know this is not a your homework..and do not believe what the main stream media will report when this happens...operation mockingbird is well in place..and most of all do not be in your heart...for this is exactly what is needed help end the old decripid paragrim.......
As Andy Warhol said: "That person has got 15 minutes of fame..." lol.. Let's don't be ingenuous..Would you invite ANTS to receive your Boeing 777 landing at an Airport..? lol.. Any extraterrestrials are million+ years ahead of us, maybe they have been around and we just can't note them...You (We) are the only one(s) who can save yourself, and, IF humanity want to survive in the long run, we must learn how to stop environment destruction...And the hurricanes are getting bigger and stronger.. AMEN...
Whether or not there is a sighting on October 14th, we are very close to the Day of Declaration, in which these "aliens" reveal themselves. There have already been increased UFO reports around the CERN collider.
I have had a lifelong interest in UFOs, but eventually came to recognize that while these beings claim to be benevolent, they have other motives. Even before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I saw the usefulness of the "What Would Jesus Do?" test. UFOs do not pass this test. Would Jesus kidnap people and experiment on them without their consent, justifying such behavior by saying how bad humanity is? No, He would not. These beings claim to be loving and kind, but they have been here for a long, long time and have waited around to be useful until right now. I don't buy it. The Bible refers to an end times deception that will be so believable that the Elect would be deceived, if it were possible. These fallen angels/Nephilim will present all sorts of reasons why we should follow them (they will say that they don't want to be worshipped and that all religions are just misunderstandings of their messages, yada, yada, yada). Arm yourself now. Read the Bible. Pray to the God of the universe, Who died and spent three days in hell so you can spend eternity with Him. If you surrender to Jesus Christ, you will not be deceived by Satan's End Times lie.
Remember: If Satan showed up and said, "Follow me and burn in hell," he would not get many takers. Instead, he will pretend to be an "angel of light" and will say that he's all about peace, love and happiness--yet without worhipping Jesus Christ as Lord. Choose your allegiances wisely. God bless you!
now she's denying about the ships... is she nuts? i won't believe in just a voice of a ordinary "actress" i will wait what NASA has to say...
ok the only reason that i believe in UFOs is b/c I saw one when I was younger, but I'd be surprised if any of this happened on the 14th (the day before my birthday) and if it doesn't then what's everyone going to be saying?
wow. why didnt i think of this scam? she has prolly made a nice penny of her retarded books. there is no D day, no aliens, no god, no devil. there is, however George Bush who is a close to an alien as any of us will ever see ;)
i think blossom goodchild is all for new world order, he book the bridge, is also a similar term used with transfering people to believe in new world order.
(project bluebeam)
rainbow classifications" of the new world order prisoners.
The rainbow is considered as the "bridge" leading to the Satanic empire of the new world order
You can say she's a nut, but look at your beliefs and what you have experienced on your own. i myself have seen several ufo as a child, and i have had encounters all of my life. whether or not they are good aliens or bad that may have to wait until this happens. not all aliens are bad, just like not all humans are either. To if your going to believe in ufo's and aliens you'd be pretty dumb to think they are all bad and just one species of beings. Majority of you are fucking DumbAsses. no wonder our society is in the shape it is today
messages of our lady of the roses in bayside USA
"For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.... [Satan] will have great power over nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests...." - FROM THE APPROVED TEXT OF THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE
Veronica - Oh, there are two flying saucers now. They are going very, very high into the sky....
Our Lady - "Be not afeared, for you are being allowed to see what satan plans to delude mankind with. There is no life as you know it, or human being, or otherwise, upon another planet. The creation of the Father has been given to you in the Book of love and life. Do not fantasize of life on other planets, My children. It is a falsehood. Were it not so you would have been told, for the Father hides nothing from His children. He created man, known Adam and Eve, and as such they were the first of your--of the Father's creation. You may say, your first mother and father symbol." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 28, 1974
"They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound mankind. You call one of them the UFOs. They are supernatural manifestations from hell. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable, because of great power upon earth, to control now the elements, nature." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 1, 1978
"While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets—extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transport. Now you may ask, why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell: Satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.
"There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1985
"I give you great grace of heart, My children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement.... Many of your news medias shall state that they have been carried off by flying saucers. Oh no, My children! They were carried off into a supernatural realm of the Eternal Father to await the return of My Son upon earth." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 7, 1976
"In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times.
"Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 24, 1973
"Already satan is working his way into your consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from hell. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands. While he remains hidden among you, he can go about and, like a ravenous wolf, gobble up My children as they fall from grace." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1978
"There are no beings on other planets. We've explained to you about the vehicles from hell. So if you keep on wasting your country's money by looking for life on other planets, you will have more starving in your nation. And your country shall go down the drain, so to speak—economically, morally, and actually, factually destroyed." - Jesus, November 1, 1985
"You men of science, you go forward out into space, looking and searching for another world. You will find nothing. Out in space, My children, there only lies a void. The other world is across the veil; it is the world of the supernatural. Man of science is ever searching, but never coming to the knowledge of truth." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 7, 1976
"Do not look for land, do not look on another planet for life, for there is none. Only those who delude you tell you this. What you saw, My child, in the past, called a flying saucer by mankind, We have allowed many to see this. They are transports from hell. However, We have never seen a demon, My child, who has taken on a human form, except through the spirit....
"What you have now, because of the sins of mankind, all hell is loosed upon earth. Satan now knows that his time is growing short. That is the truth, My children. I tell you all: your time is growing short." - Jesus, June 18, 1992
"There will be great changes in nature upon your earth. Scientists have cast aside their God, and now demons are loosed upon earth who will set in motion diabolical manifestations within the hearts and sight of mankind." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 16, 1977
Source(s): (#45)
Nothing would surprise me. If it is true and our government knows that this is going to happen, I would expect that oh lets say lots of reporting on say a cable channel such as the History Channel. That way if it did happen people would be less likely to be afraid. I say lets see what happens she will either be proved a fraud or we are in for a very exciting ride.
I agree with Lpeabody. If it happens, great. If not, no big deal.
so on oct 14th a ufo is going to appear, which happens to be the feast of tabernacles, apple has its new product coming out and low and be hold its a full moon. so much happening on one little day geezes the craziness. i'll tell you what's going to happen everyone is going to wake up go about their normal tuesday day, religious folks will be celebrating the feast of tabernacles, the full moon will come out, tons of people will be looking to the sky and apple's stock will go through the roof. Good Luck on spotting that UFO.
I wonder what she would do if this information occures to be a great nonsense. Josef from theCzech republic.
I wonder what she would say if this information occures to be a great nonsense? Josef.
john lear has spoken about the advanced hologram technology the govt has. he believes they were used on 9/11. this "message" could be to fool everyone that a real ship is here when in fact it is a hologram. Reagan already said if an alien threat occurred it would bring us all together, a "new world order."
for the first time on oct. 1st active troops will patrol homeland soil. soemthing is happening im just not sure what.
Please believe that the aliens only come in PEACE and LOVE.
They came earlier than what was already planned because of what the many sick individuals are doing to our babies.
Can you believe they have a web site that teaches each other how to rape babies, video tape it and show all their friends.
Besides making all the money, they want to keep us inslaved so they can have mind control over us.
sweet if its real. but honestly i think aliens are too alien to look like what we think are aliens. we have no clue at all guys. we shall see.
artsy, you are sooooooo right! I love letting go of my ego. It allows so much more freedom than you would think. I love not getting mad or upset or hurt and I am so open to all possibilities. There are so many possibilities out there and when you open yourself up for them life is so much more interesting and adventurous. I look forward to world peace, the 4th dimension, the new paradigm and whatever else life hands me! Weeeeeee!
Thank you for posting that, Lynnette
The difference between this and project blue beam is that project blue beam is meant to scare you into submission for you to give up the rest of your rights to the government for your "protection". This is loving ET's. These people showing their ships on or around Oct 14th are saying do not be afraid. Our Government is going to tell us to be afraid. Follow your heart. Ask your heart. The Government (US Government) is falling apart. They will not succeed.
aliens,not aliens,show up,dont show are all too concerned with what was and what might be...there is a saying.."yesterday is history,tomorow's a mystery....but today is a gift...thats why its called the present....quantam physics proves that nothing exists outside of the mind...know how your eyes work and you will see that woteva u actually see whether its a cup or ufo is only an appearence to other words we see wotever we want to see....we will all see what we want to see on that mystery date in the future (14-10-2008) i for one am enjoying this dream for i have already woken up and realised that you are all characters in a dream i created today...and until i fully awaken the dream will continue in the direction i wish it to go...i will see somthing strange on october the 14th but not because it was channeled by a character in my dream but because i choose it...
l just shut the hell up and buy Blossoms book ....and if she is wrong..... you can buy her next volume next year ...or just take your crayons ...cross out the date ...put in your own and put your change back in your little piggy bank
MARS ATTACKS!!!!!!! DO NOT RUN...... hahahaha
Very Important :
Guys I was just dreaming of UFO's and I woke up the next morning and was trying to recollect what I dreamt .
All of a sudden I realized few things which no one took into consideration.
As we all know the UFO's float and fly on the anti gravity tech.And a couple of those had been and still spotted worldwide .Few of those spotted were like just floating at an altitude of say 2000 ft or so ..
Those UFO's look static as they float over there .
How is it possible !!!???
They work on Anti-Gravity.
Well earth is moving at a speed of 100 miles /Hr ie.. 16 miles/min.
My question is how does the UFO not move as we see ref lot of UFO footage .It should atleast move at a speed of 10 miles / min
Answers invited.
[email protected]
Ref: My last message..Its actually 1000 miles/ hr , The speed of Earth..
wait..the voice is the microsoft speech girl? lol
Let's hope for all our sakes that something happens soon...
My love is with you all... <3
Check out WWW.STOPABDUCTIONS.COM this will show you when the time comes to protect yourself from their mind controling telepathy of which those creatures will use against us.
They are planning to put their own race of Hybrids onto our planet, concidering this the greys have been abducting humans for years, this is their first contact to show their mothership on Earth before they take over our planet.
so they will have wiped out even our power supplies, the new masters proclaim they come in peace all they want to do is destroy life on Earth for themselves to inhabit after it has been cleared up.
the few that are chosen will be slaves to the creatures.
This is an Atheist / New Age event. In other words, ITS NOT TRUE! THIS IS NOT FROM GOD. Google it, type in "October 14, 2008, the following are from the first four pages.
This sight is from Google as well.
I am at a lost of words with some of your comments... I just hope on the 14th of October you all open your eyes and see what our government has been keeping from us. All the lies, the selfishness, the the greed, I can't take anymore of it. I want to be free I want freedom for all yes even you!! I love you all and wish you the best
im the "anonymous said" @ 8:03pm. just to correct my post, i had found the link to "this" sight from a sight FROM Google.
Thank you.
Dont get sucked into this.
There are those who come in peace and those who do not. Our Government will try to destroy the ones that come in peace. That's how you will be able to tell the difference. Our Government (here in the US) will try to get you to give up the rest of your rights so they can protect you from the aliens but it's the aliens that our Government is friends with that you should beware of. Your brain is more powerful than any mind control. Unless you don't believe it. People should be watching Down the Rabbit Hole and The Secret and movies like them to strengthen and educate yourself about the power you have.
Why do they choose Alabama? WHy do "US predictions" turn out to be in only in the US? Surely the world is a huge place where their appearance will be more useful? Places of conflict would benefit more and come together in compassion. So not sure what to think. I personally believe there are other beings - surely a warlike low life race like humans is not the only thing God created! I hope the7y do show up- it is high time. who knows. Just remember they will do nothing for you and there will be many who will try to benefit from most peopl's panic through control. Well maybe real estate prices will decrease hehehe I will invest more while the panic of idiots is on.hehehe
its funny that people don't buy into aliens but are ready to dictate thier entire existence on religion especially christianity which is draped in fasism and symbolism of human sacrifice. drink my blood eat my flesh? oh but its symbolic! yeah of an occult ritual of drinking blood and eating flesh!!! can anyone prove jesus was real no only in some book and the savior story goes back way before christ. oh but you don't read history cause its from the devil right! research Babylon their version of god was a fish man who looks exactly like the pope. And their Mary called Semeramis looks exactly like the statue of liberty, oh and they emaculatly conceived a son Tammuz who was killed on Ishtar, Easter, and was sybolised as a T or cross. So i think you guys already are worshipping the devil so what have you got to loose but your ignorance!!! Most of the world believes in christ and prays take a look around it isn't getting any better nuff said!!!
you know what...the main thing is you are all aware of this possibility...if it does or doesn't happen right away, at least you are aware of it, and the fact that these beings are friendly, so don't freak out!!!
In comparison re movie 'Day the Earth Stood Still' - alot of more senior people have already seen the first version of this movie. Definitely synchronicity, a cooincidence, except those beings were not friendly. Is it a cooincidence also the Canadian Federal Elections are to be held on October 14 2008 - no coincidence!!!
think outside the box people...the best is yet to come!!!
...Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear...
This possible October 14 sighting event may not be believed by some, but it will certainly affect all in a positive manner...think outside of the box for a definitely is not part of the negative project blue beam, and the appearance of this vessel, whenever they choose to show it or themselves, will have a dramatic positive affect on those it is meant to have an affect on. Perhaps being receptive to its possibility and then making up your own mind as to its validity or not is needed. "Judge not lest ye be judged"
Uh... Alabama is in the Northern Hemisphere! Lies. Shame on whoever is spreading lies to the vulnerable.
14th to 16th October 2008 of 3days visit of a Pleidian SpaceShip to mother earth is decoy created by USA's under-handed top secret government to start the Nuclear World-War which has already been worked out at the Marriot-Hotel of Pisslamabad of Pakiksatan where USA Navy transferred 37 tactical nukes a week before the bombblasting of that hotel by ISI of Pakiksatan & CIA of U.SA-TAN & MI6 of keep watching the awsome world-scale firework/firestorm displays....oink-oink-oink-oink
14th to 16th October 2008 of 3days visit of a Pleidian SpaceShip to mother earth is decoy created by USA's under-handed top secret government to start the Nuclear World-War which has already been worked out at the Marriot-Hotel of Pisslamabad of Pakiksatan where USA Navy transferred 37 tactical nukes a week before the bombblasting of that hotel by ISI of Pakiksatan & CIA of U.SA-TAN & MI6 of keep watching the awsome world-scale firework/firestorm displays....oink-oink-oink-oink
his will clear up the question about Alabama
I had a dream on last week Sept29th that I was taken up in a spaceship and when I returned, I was told "we come in peace, we are not here to hurt anyone. we come in love. live long" the ship then went underground and I awaked from the dream.
That was not my first time. I've dreamed about ufo's and had communication all of my life. For anyone to deny the existance, they are coming from an emotion of fear and doubt.
I came upon this You-tube piece by googling "October 14, 2008". I am a recent widow and find I have no real desire to be here any longer than my committment to this life's plan requires. I have been receiving the date "Oct 14" for about three weeks, several times a day. I thought the 'net might show me what was significant about that date, and this is what I found. Incredible!
Caroline Casey mentioned on a recent show of hers that animal attacks and violence against humans who are persecuting them have increased around the world; she mentioned elephants and wolves, among others.
I have been saying that the signs are all here for the declaration of marshall law and no election; the two major party candidates are ridiculous, all four of them. The whole thing is surely a grand joke.
I don't doubt that UFOs are real and that some do mutilations, experiments and abductions. The only one I've had personal experience with was in 1967; the beings I saw were human and it was some kind of commuter craft to Cape Kennedy and Patrick AFB; they spoke to me telepathically and I was taken back down but have no memory of how. I do remember what I saw before I encountered the one who spoke to me. I was 22 years old then.
Do trust your common sense and do hold whoever tries to "lead" you to the WWJD standards. Use your discernment and don't grab onto what anyone says that doesn't ring true. That's how we got saddled with the crew that are running things now. Did you notice how the media focused on whether or not the congress would pass "the" bill and not once did anyone bridle at the lack of oversight, the absolute freedom for these crooks to do what they want with nearly a trillion dollars and no repercussions for anything, no legal recourse, no questions asked? This is unbelievable and no one is in the streets????!!!!
For those of you who believe that Jesus will save you, think about this: The Illuminati actually want you to worship Jesus - they always have. Why do you think that is? They worship him as well...but under a different name. They know him as "Lucifer."
Quatrain 1,46
Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous;
shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.
The Only saviour of the world is JESUS CHRIST. And he's coming like a thief in the night. There is no scheduled event when he comes. Dont get suck into this!!
I've seen non-human spacecraft many times. Don't look for something metal, one won't look like that. They are usually translucent, like glass. If it makes itself visible, it'll probably be more opaque, but I imagine you'll still see through it.
Humanity can not continue along its current path. Unfortunetaly society doesn't believe in the true meaning of LOVE. We only make a half beat attempt at it, without engaging the full essence of LOVE. If we did then there would be no hunger, greed, anger, volience, etc. I'm not saying that we can't be ambient and have every thing we dream about, because we can.
Encapsulate your dreams in LOVE, then the result will be much more wonderful and unconditional. So yes, I believe that the Federation Of Light will appear on the 14 October 2008, to bring us into a higher vibrational state. Its a fantastic time to be alive.....
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the NWO is staging such an event as a means of declaring Martial Law.
Research PROJECT BLUE BEAM & HAARP on Google & Youtube etc.
I will be out there on October 14, clutching my glass of champagne and looking skywards expectantly. If nothing happens, I will head inside and go to bed. After all, who knows what October 15, 16 or beyond might bring? :-)
I will be out there on October 14, clutching my glass of champagne and looking skywards expectantly. If nothing happens, I will head inside and go to bed. After all, who knows what October 15, 16 or beyond might bring? :-)
And I was all ready for the 2012 event this is really pushing me for time
Don't be stessed people.
We have been through many experiences and lifetimes to reach this point. We chose to be here during this joyous time. It is time for us to move on to a new way of life, one free of the trappings of this earthly plane.
We are only here to learn and grow, but this has been somewhat stiffeled by beings who are ruled by fear of loss, fear of losing control, power, wealth and unimportant things.
When we begin as a group consciousness to manifest the happenings of 14th october, it is simply to create and new turn, for the "straw on the camels back" to break this old dogma, this sick world and to prepare for light.
We cannot continue doing this to each other any more, children are dying, animals are dying, people are dying, and whilst the lessons were needed, class has been over for some time now. Detention has been going on too long.
Look in you heart and your soul, know your wisdom there. Know your light. This is not your first life, far from it. Remember your wisdom and remember how you used to choose life and it was. It is time to choose again for ourselves.
A date is really irrelavent, the form is irrelavent, it is only the awakening that needs to be achieved.
Love and Light to you all. May your coming days not be filled with the pasts despair, but the great fullfilment of your total souls experience.
Its time to kick some alien ass
There are nice aliens and not nice aliens. Think outside the box. I know it's not easy but you can do it. If there is or was a Jesus, WWJD? He would hug and welcome aliens, duh. Your bible was changed to control you and they added hate in it. They took books out that were about love and your true essence which is love BTW. Love is the only thing that matters. Love everyone. Unconditionally.
It's just gotta happen - it's a 9 Monkey day in the Maya calendar!! Maya is sanskrit for illusion and Monkey (Chuen) is known as the weaver of time whilst the energy of 9 is is one of a getting a better perspective or the bigger picture. Of course 9 in numerology means endings.
Do not run...We are your friends...Do not run...We are you friends...Do not run...We are your friends...Do not run...We are your friends...Do not run...We are your friends.
Have you people not learned anything from 'Mars Attacks'?!?!?!
the point is a time ago
they sended a golden plate into
space with all our human information on it how we live the explenation of our whole body like everything we live for exept the bacteries or virusses but this would be a good time to come i believe we are not the only ones here that would be selfish plus the majas already predicted this
but so yeah it would be a good time cause the would is coming to an end this way or another and maybe this is the way to make people realize with what their doing, all the hatred killing innocent people if these beeings are so intelligent there already past the hatred thoughts and will know better so yeah i hope they will show up
In the summer of 2007, what I saw in the sky proved to me that alien spacecraft are in our orbit. No amount of me describing what I saw will persuade a sceptic - so there's no point. Since then, I have looked afew things up: i) In recent times, Buzz Aldrin has admitted that during the Apollo 11 journey to the moon they were in the company of something that could be seen but not explained. ii) Another all American hero, Ed Mitchell (the 6th man to walk on the moon and a lifelong scientist at the top of his profession with NASA) has now publicly admitted that he KNOWS for CERTAIN that aliens have been visiting Earth for some decades. You will find him saying this and more on Youtube. He is not a nut. iii) If there is life on Mars of any moleculalr kind, then we, the human race, are already someone else's aliens. iv) To all the Bible pushers out there - re-read Ezekiel and Revelations with a 21st century perspective and not one from year 21. v) Finally, there are so many dumb comments posted within this blog that it is truly a miracle that, for a race that has only existed on this Earth for the cosmic equivalent of the last few seconds of one day, we have arrived at the top of the food chain. That could not have happened naturally.
I know 100% that other life forms exist through the universe, how ever, I can not say if these life forms have visited or are visiting us here on Earth.
I do know that something HUGE will happen in mid October, I knew this for 10 years, as to what this event is, it is too foggy for me to see, I do know that something huge will happen in mid October that will change most peoples lives weather it is an economy crash or a new great war, or aliens I don't know but something will happen this I promise you. Tread carefully.
I am not saying this is going to happen. If it does, what a sight to see. If not, well, better luck next time. Only reason why I want something like this to happen is because I would LOVE to see the look on the ignorant peoples faces. "OH THERE ARE NO ALIENS" or "THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT LYING TO US" "THERE WONT BE A NORTH AMERICAN UNION" "THE US ECONOMY IS NOT COLLAPSING" 3 outta 4 aint bad.
Someone here wrote: Reagan already said if an alien threat occurred it would bring us all together, a "new world order." I read that Kissenger said basically the same thing more recently, and it was recorded by a Swiss man who wanted to get his quotes right.
I've been following the Steven Greer and James Gilliland sites for about two years, after trying to ignore it for over forty, since I was one of those children who happened to go aboard a spacecraft, and saw two different types of ET's. I told my parents. My mother washed away the evidence and my father stomped through the marks at the landing site in our yard. They both told me it was a dream or I was imagining it, and to forget about it. I tried, but I never could, even though it happened in 1961. I was very young; barely out of kindergarten.
I'm a Christian, and I've studied nearly every known religion and philosophy and one thing I believe is that Satan has no control over the innocent. He can't tempt or fool children. I was a child, therefore I surmise that what happened to me was real.
Now I'm 55, and a journalist. What I know and what I believe are two very separate entities, but I must tell you, I believe SOMETHING is in the air. I can feel change coming. I only heard about this October 14th event four days ago (you promoters haven't been doing your jobs very well-because I search these sites all the time) and several things strike me.
Will it happen? Heck if I know, but it sounds good to me, and I'm perfectly happy to send out peaceful messages and invite them back. They didn't hurt me, and I got to see two really amazing varieties of flying saucers. The big one I'd love to see again, and more especially, I'd like my mom, who is still living, to see it, and know I wasn't fibbing.
I've spoken to my state's governor, and my congressman at length about the Disclosure Project. The extent to which our own leaders have been kept in the dark is unconscionable.
I've spent several hours with Dr. Greer, and met many witnesses. These events are real. Governments of the world have been actively hiding the truth from us for over 60 years, and like everything else, it's all over money and power. Greed is the enemy.
I'm hopeful the ET's and the biggest ship they've got show up on October 14th. I would suggest to the ET's that they NOT just hang suspended over one locale, but cruise the capital's of the world, so everyone can see them, and know they are not a projected hologram.
One thought I've had is that this action will provoke Marshall Law, and our November election will be cancelled, allowing the Bush/Cheney team to remain in power as they unveil a secret star wars program to 'fight' the alien invasion, and expect we minions to embrace their plot. This could become catastrophic. We may need much more than our 72-hour kits to survive this one.
Someone here wrote: Reagan already said if an alien threat occurred it would bring us all together, a "new world order." I read that Kissenger said basically the same thing more recently, and it was recorded by a Swiss man who wanted to get his quotes right.
I've been following the Steven Greer and James Gilliland sites for about two years, after trying to ignore it for over forty, since I was one of those children who happened to go aboard a spacecraft, and saw two different types of ET's. I told my parents. My mother washed away the evidence and my father stomped through the marks at the landing site in our yard. They both told me it was a dream or I was imagining it, and to forget about it. I tried, but I never could, even though it happened in 1961. I was very young; barely out of kindergarten.
I'm a Christian, and I've studied nearly every known religion and philosophy and one thing I believe is that Satan has no control over the innocent. He can't tempt or fool children. I was a child, therefore I surmise that what happened to me was real.
Now I'm 55, and a journalist. What I know and what I believe are two very separate entities, but I must tell you, I believe SOMETHING is in the air. I can feel change coming. I only heard about this October 14th event four days ago (you promoters haven't been doing your jobs very well-because I search these sites all the time) and several things strike me.
Will it happen? Heck if I know, but it sounds good to me, and I'm perfectly happy to send out peaceful messages and invite them back. They didn't hurt me, and I got to see two really amazing varieties of flying saucers. The big one I'd love to see again, and more especially, I'd like my mom, who is still living, to see it, and know I wasn't fibbing.
I've spoken to my state's governor, and my congressman at length about the Disclosure Project. The extent to which our own leaders have been kept in the dark is unconscionable.
I've spent several hours with Dr. Greer, and met many witnesses. These events are real. Governments of the world have been actively hiding the truth from us for over 60 years, and like everything else, it's all over money and power. Greed is the enemy.
I'm hopeful the ET's and the biggest ship they've got show up on October 14th. I would suggest to the ET's that they NOT just hang suspended over one locale, but cruise the capital's of the world, so everyone can see them, and know they are not a projected hologram.
One thought I've had is that this action will provoke Marshall Law, and our November election will be cancelled, allowing the Bush/Cheney team to remain in power as they unveil a secret star wars program to 'fight' the alien invasion, and expect we minions to embrace their plot. This could become catastrophic. We may need much more than our 72-hour kits to survive this one.
the aliens better watch out for "W". He shoots first and never asks questions.
If this is a hoax would the person who did it admit it. I really want to believe this but can't. What I do believe is that we are known as the F..... up planet throughout the galaxy thats why they never stop to meet us only give us a fly by.
funny way to think about yourself eh? I don't consider our planet FU#@ed up to say that means we would have another planet to compare it to right?
One thing I've heard is that *if* something strange ever shows up in the sky, not just on 10/14 but any time in the near future, that people should NOT look at it directly. This is to avoid the flash blindness that will happen when it is either tagged with a high altitude nuclear weapon (a sham excuse to inflict more "terror" on the citizens, real or not) or something goes awry with maintaining the HAARP frequency. There have been several precursory indications that HARRP has been testing this. Go to the USGS site and take a look at the depths of a majority of the quakes recently. Then go to the HARRP site. The time stamps are identical for the quakes in proximity to the HARRP waves going off the scale.
So if you see something strange on October 14th, don't stare.
Hey, if the technology is there to project a movie promo in hologram, the technology is there to fake an "invasion".
Just another excuse to implement martial law...The FEMA camps are waiting....
October 14, 2008 - hype or hypertension? Project Blue Beam...
If they really stop over next week.
Hope they could stop the LHC.
P.S.: I've been waiting for them since I born...
Someone said on her site she denies this.... I checked and they clearly misread. She isn't denying anything. She is tired and wants people to stop bothering her. Someone said if the ufo didn't show she was gonna kill herself. Wrong again. Read what she says. I believe it. So I guess now it is just a waiting game. lOve and lIght to all...
[email protected]
Whether this is true or not, i don't know, however, even if it doesn't happen, earth is on a path to ascension.
Guess we'll know in 5 days.
quote-"As you may know everyone has been discussing this October 14 Ufo prediction."
Everyone? Funny, this is the first time I ever heard about this pile of rubbish, and it's no surprise I discovered it on IdiotTube--er, I mean YouTube. This lady who claims to be a "channeler" is just another wack-job who managed to figure out that since most people are so utterly stupid nowadays, that she can cash in on the idiots who will buy this crap. Any true psychic or channeler would not sell merchandise. Being able to speak to with spirits is a God-given gift and is supposed to be shared freely with the people of the world. To use that gift to turn a profit is just guaranteeing you will burn in hell. Ever hear of false prophets? She is a tool of Satan, and anyone who believes the messages she spouts out is a complete fool and deserves to burn in hell with her. I got an IQ of 145, I know bullshit when I see it;)
I dont belive any thing I hear untill I see it for myself. But I still remain open minded to the unknown. I belive any thing is possable. But I also belive that this event will not happen. Why would ET make contact with an average jane or joe. To prepair the world? Im shure that this tale is a long ways from any dramaticit percentage of knowlage to the general public. This world is far from being prepaired-eh djw
I hope this comes to pass. Would our governments close down the electrical grid, in order to keep us from understanding our visitors plans?
Stockpile some foods, water and first aid supplies. Be ready to welcome our visitors. Be kind to your neighbors who may not understand. Be welcoming and greet the visitors with love.
What an exciting time!
Check out all the stars at night. Alone in the universe? No. Do we know everything? As far as I'm concerned the "system" we use here on Earth doesn't work. We need an intervention. Well.. our leaders.
i've only just learnt of all this yesterday.I'm a very spiritual person but i find it hard to believe. If it's such a big thing and is definately going to happen then why is there no talk of it in every day living?no one i know has even heard of this! I think people are very gullible in the sense tht yes this world is in a crisis which has left people willing to believe anything!!! come on people..we all know deep down that life will just continue to go on as we know it after oct 14th and it will just be another day. i can guarantee that october 15th there will be a new date set for this event and then another and another. just enjoy life today and live like it is your last and don't waste time believing something miraculous will save our world.ONLY WE CAN!!!! xx
After reading blossom goodchild message stating "look in the sky for clues". I'm thought to myself, if it's BS, what do I have to lose by staring at the sky more frequently while I'm driving to work and after work.
Well, for the past week, that's what I've been doing. Oberserving the sky more than ever. And for this past week, I noticed 2 sightings I believe.
The first one was around 6:20pm driving home with my dad. While driving down south on Garden State Parkway in New Jersey, I'm looking at the sky for anything unusual. I saw birds flying, planes here and there, and clouds. Nothing much but the usual. Then appear out of nowhere, I noticed an ultra bright light in the sky. I'm thinking to myself is this a plane? a star? ...what the heck is it? I pointed out to my dad and he's looking at it, trying to figure out the same thing. Then in a split second, the light vanished. I'm it still a plane? And if it is...why didn't the bright light slowly fade away instead it disappeared within a split second? Impossible to be a star, they don't vanish within a blink of peoples eyes. So, could it be an UFO?
The second sighting happens to be the same except it's in the morning around 7:40am driving to NYC direction. Super bright light appear in the morning sky and vanished instantly.
That's my 2 cent. UFO or not, people should pay more attention to the sky and judge them yourself. You'll be amazed what's up there!
After reading blossom goodchild message stating "look in the sky for clues". I'm thought to myself, if it's BS, what do I have to lose by staring at the sky more frequently while I'm driving to work and after work.
Well, for the past week, that's what I've been doing. Oberserving the sky more than ever. And for this past week, I noticed 2 sightings I believe.
The first one was around 6:20pm driving home with my dad. While driving down south on Garden State Parkway in New Jersey, I'm looking at the sky for anything unusual. I saw birds flying, planes here and there, and clouds. Nothing much but the usual. Then appear out of nowhere, I noticed an ultra bright light in the sky. I'm thinking to myself is this a plane? a star? ...what the heck is it? I pointed out to my dad and he's looking at it, trying to figure out the same thing. Then in a split second, the light vanished. I'm it still a plane? And if it is...why didn't the bright light slowly fade away instead it disappeared within a split second? Impossible to be a star, they don't vanish within a blink of peoples eyes. So, could it be an UFO?
The second sighting happens to be the same except it's in the morning around 7:40am driving to NYC direction. Super bright light appear in the morning sky and vanished instantly.
That's my 2 cent. UFO or not, people should pay more attention to the sky and judge them yourself. You'll be amazed what's up there!
Hope they come with a lot of money to get us out of the mess the feds have gotten us into. If it contunues, I'll be in line for a seat to another world. Wouldn't it shake-up our world if it really happened??????
Hope they come with a lot of money to get us out of the mess the feds have gotten us into. If it contunues, I'll be in line for a seat to another world. Wouldn't it shake-up our world if it really happened??????
Hope they come with a lot of money to get us out of the mess the feds have gotten us into. If it contunues, I'll be in line for a seat to another world. Wouldn't it shake-up our world if it really happened??????
hahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha bitch on crack!
I don't think Blossom would use a date so imminent unless she believes it to be true. If she were wrong, her books sales going forward would tank like the stock market.
Seeing is believing. But, if anyone out there believes we are the only ones in this Galaxy, let alone the whole Universe, should get their head examined.
Oh Holy Crap. You mean to tell me that the Intergallactic language is English. Some body tell the Wetbacks!!!!!
Even if the Nephilim wants to enslave us, and UFOs have been abducting people for a lot of years, we cannot say for sure, that these UFOs are "evil". IF they are true. First of all, there´s more than one alien race visiting us, second of all: These aliens want to contact us, another race abducts us nd probes us. A race with a good heart, and high intelligence, has no need for abductions. Abductions are primitive, if you think about othe rpossible ways to research a being. I say we look to the skies, even if we don´t live in the southern hemisphere, like me. UFO sightings are random. If someones says there´s gonna be one on a specific date, we should at least try it.
yo i think it is true i can in the future and i new of this from the year 2007
We've all heard these predictions before and every single one has never materialized. Do you really think that this one will be any different?
Of course there are extraterrestrials out there but if they're going to make a big announcement, would they just go through one person? Get real! lol
Yeah sure like I believe that crap remember war of the worlds? those idiots actually believed that radio message if this actually happens ill go get my frikin dads chainsaw or my axe and make a killing spree on these aliens.
tell him to bring about some 700 billion dollars of gold to bailout the u.s and some tankers filled with some free gasoline and they will be welcomed with open arms.
if the aliens come, i hope they slap Bush in the face for being such a horrible president.
without any reputable proof any of this is actually occurring, all this seems to be just another massive sham for bandwidth gain.
Just imagine. These aliens had the technology ever since the comic books made them have the tech. If they were so almighty, wouldn't they have done SOMETHING by now?
And why is it that the US has more UFO sightings than any other country by a massive scale?
If the aliense would want something, I'm sure they would go to Tokyo first. They should know that they have the best tech on this planet.
Well what can I say eh, I do believe, however if such a thing was to take place, the goverment as it stands would blow it out of our skys. I would like to think that one day that scully & mulder would find positive proof.
as people or human beings, we are very young in this universe...
if we could solve all matters in life then life would not be interesting..
last thing........ the prediction is not going to happen on the 14th or + days as the genral public would be scared & the goverment would cert know & we still await a statment..sorry guys but keep dreaming, loving your stories though, give me a giggle.
love you all
if I wanted to fight with aliens, I'd get drunk and head down to the local car wash
I'm not a believer.
Although, I will look to the sky come Tuesday.
I grew up in Southern California and I'm 42. I have been through several major earthquakes.
Watch the animals. That is my experience with wierd "disruptions." They act very different.
Just my experience.
Gary P had stated in a comment some comments below that Blossom Goodchild had denied the channeled message on her site. If you look at her blog ( you will see an Oct 12 posting of her expectance of the Federation of Light coming to 'grace' us on the 14th. Where oh where do you get your information Mr. Gary P?
well i dont really know what to think of this. If it does happen then lets just hope that they come in peace like they say they will. I guess we just have to stay tunned and be opend.
Has it occurred to anyone that there is a 'video game' expert in the International Space Station right now?
I think the aliens were already here. they where the officials at the Red River Rivalry handing Texas the game.
Boomer Sooner
This is all non-sense.
Christ already came. He even already returned.
The only thing to look for in the sky is going to be his sign and it will not be a UFO! It will be at the start of the great tribulation, which will start with the fall of Babylon the Great!
Get wise people, read your bible and talk to the International Bible Students as they are the only ones who can properly explain it. They are the only united group on earth, everyone else is confused and told so many different things that they are used by Satan to blind people's eyes.
Satan could use these types of messages to keep people distracted from the truth.
The truth? There is no spoon.
Get a Life.
I have lost my EGO many years ago, it was during the times of my transcendental meditation that it happened. Ever since then, I have been spotting UFO's. 10 years I have been sighting the vehicles of the Gods(good and Bad who cares right) So let me inform you that this is indeed going to happen. I have been abducted 20 times in my life, I have never told anyone about this but it has happened. The Demon's of Dark that you talk about are but few and far between, Also they are not really demons but have been portrayed as such through religious terminology. Federation of Light is a nice name but it is one they choose to give to us for our writings and alphabets have no place in their realm. Thought is the key to enlightenment, thought. Every Wednesday for the past year a small orb comes into the atmosphere above Eastern Newfoundland Canada. It says in the vicinity of the PLEADES constellation and just enters in about two miles and then stays for there for about 5 minutes. It has shone it's Beam of Light on me a few times before, after which I usually fall into a deep sleep. In this sleep I visit with them and they seem peaceful. They communicate with thought and body touch language, the electricity/life force energy within them is tremendous and warm.
I have been to their planets and seen the advanced marvels of their technology and have been told secrets of our distant past. I know who Christ really was, not a being of god but a messenger of theirs given slight power to accomplish a point of reasoning. They ARE THE ONES who SPARKED LIFE FOR US! Believe and you shall be able to see, doubt and your minds will stay closed. The time for humanly change is upon us. We are the real federation of light and our long long lost Egyptian brothers are coming back to help us. Inside the Third great pyramid there is writing which tells of this, a secret chamber about 50 feet above the kings chamber will reveal all. Also I have never physically been to Egypt but was transferred there by them. I have seen our own future without their help. In another 20 years our society will crumble due to the overwhelming of nature on the planet. It is now that you must change the way you think of the planet. It is alive and in pain. Cast of the shackles of man and embrace the thought of life!
Ok,Blossom got the date wrong but I do want to thank her for at the very least moving our attention from Hollywood losers for at least 5 minutes. If a huge UFO is up there and the occupants are waiting around for tomorrow to present themelves, wouldn't our far flung telecopes have picked them up, and if the telescopes saw them enroute did they see a huge smiley face or maybe a pulsating heart of love?
Ok,Blossom got the date wrong but I do want to thank her for at the very least moving our attention from Hollywood losers for at least 5 minutes. If a huge UFO is up there and the occupants are waiting around for tomorrow to present themelves, wouldn't our far flung telecopes have picked them up, and if the telescopes saw them enroute did they see a huge smiley face or maybe a pulsating heart of love?
I forget where I parked my car at a mall.It's all relative.
Watch Zeitgeist Addendum and do what it says at the end. We can make a better world for ourselves. We have the power.
It may be a trick.
This may be a trap if announcements are made by the contacts during such an event that include "saving mankind from evil".
The real solution is trust in the true God.
Opening your mind and loving is all good.
Just don't be a follower.
Some of us connected to the underground have been watching closely.
in case that will be real, i pray 2 Ali ! Plz give me mazel for test!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like crying. :'-(
in case that will be real, i pray 2 Ali ! Plz give me mazel for test!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like crying. :'-(
Good point Grams79.
It would be the best way to trick all the sheeple into a non-violent submission.
Thanks for the idea.
Let's get real, folks. There will be NO spaceship, and no aliens appearing on October 14th. I will bet a billion dollars on that. Of course you know that I don't ahve a billion dollars, but I don't have to worry about that, do I?
I love crap like this! This is total BS, but it is sure fun to watch the fringe reactions.
Footage of the predicted phenomenon can be found here. Watch the full moon in the clip. Coincidence? I think not...
Dark Intergalactic Federation made statement! The Truth About 14 October 2008
i think you guys are fucking crazy!!!!GO BACK TO MARS
please forgive meh!!!
I'm always open to interplanetary visits :) So let's Rock :)
How does this "seem quite genuine" exactly?
A crackpot "psychic" "channels" these "aliens" and it "seems quite genuine"?
Please, get a grip. These people are the laughing stock of the world. No doubt, when nothing happens on the 14th (in any timezone) there will be a bunch of lame excuses.
Laughable. Viral marketing at best.
OK, If this 2000 mile long ship does come, and hover for 3 days, that means the land underneath it will be without sun for 3 days.
Anyone thought of that?
OK, If this 2000 mile long ship does come, and hover for 3 days, that means the land underneath it will be without sun for 3 days.
Anyone thought of that?
I'm going to try my best not to bash anyone. I don't believe that gets anyone anywhere. However, I must have to say that some of you religious folk need to open your minds a little. And for some, open them a lot. I, myself do believe in God. However, I don't believe God is anything that we can imagine given our set of senses. And yes. God is the creator of the universe. Whether you believe God is a man with a long white beard or you believe the big bang theory- Couldn't God be manifested as the burst of energy that began the big bang?
These are all things to wonder to oneself. And as far as what is right and what is wrong, for any man to etch in stone what is right and what is wrong is still biased. The only place we have left to refer to is in ourselves. That purity that we cover up and sometimes never find again is what a lot of people, I believe, refer to as the "God inside of us all". God is a word. The big bang theory is a bunch of words. The idea that there is something out there bigger than us keeps us modest and humble.
Aliens. Yes Aliens. It's difficult to believe that God created the UNIVERSE and only populated ONE planet with ONE species. God and/or Energy is a lot more creative than this, I'm almost positive.
And for those of you saying that Jesus is God belittles the human race. God is all of us. So to single any one of us out, like JESUS and say he's better than everyone else because he's the son of God. We're all children of God. We're all children of the chain of events that have led us to where we are...bickering over who's right and who's wrong.
Its the lack of an open mind that seperates all of us into wars and famine.
As for October 14th, 2008. I don't know what will happen. And as far as I'm concerned, its as silly as anything else I've heard. It's just a date. And you know what? I pray to God that something DOES happen. This world needs a makeover. This would make for a much need reference point in the line that determines our fate as a human race and children of a greater power, which, for a lack of a better word we call "God".
All you need is love.... I think the beatles are aliens!
I dont get the people who quote scripture when they get frightened of something they cant comprehend. Hmmm
First of all, if you try to associate religion with an alien encounter, you are just a moron. They arent from here, so why would religion have anything to do with a visitation? The point is, if this did happen as predicted, there would be an enormous shift in governmental trust, giant riots, looting, etc. After the chaos ends, it will be an issue of who is human enough to accept the changes. Maybe we need this to happen, to squash the religious psycho-babble, to inspire new technologies, and to let the dumbasses that think that we are the only life in the universe, kill themselves off. Then we can emerge as a newly evolved species. I am so tired of small minded people, idiots, morons,politicians, religous leaders, and paramilitary organizations ruining this world.
I say, bring it on. Let the world know that we can change and evolve. And for all the nay-sayers... you will one day regret your stupidity. Even if its not on 10-14-08.
ElevenThoughts, are you on myspace? I would like you to be one of my friends. I like your post :0)
Rubberband Girl
Do you have a latex fetish? If so, I'd like you to be one of my friends.
dear friends, not only Blossom Childgood has said so. My spiritual mentor (we are mexicans), has receive many information about our brothers from the stars and he confirmed the information from his spiritual guides. I have seen many ships and we have been radiated by them in order the help in this evolution time for the humanity. I hope this oct 14th they appear and hope we change our minds. I believe because i have seen many but there were a tmie I did see and I was on difficulty to believe, but despite that i believed, now I can say that i believe because i have seen, hope we all can say that tomorrow. God bless you all.
dear friends, not only Blossom Childgood has said so. My spiritual mentor (we are mexicans), has receive many information about our brothers from the stars and he confirmed the information from his spiritual guides. I have seen many ships and we have been radiated by them in order the help in this evolution time for the humanity. I hope this oct 14th they appear and hope we change our minds. I believe because i have seen many but there were a tmie I did see and I was on difficulty to believe, but despite that i believed, now I can say that i believe because i have seen, hope we all can say that tomorrow. God bless you all.
I read some of this tripe here tonight.
It's 14th Oct in the UK. No little green men, or The Federation (wasn't that Star Wars ? )
May I be the first to say - what a load of old bollox !
On CNN today they say a meteorite will come on Oct 14th, over Northeastern Africa. Perhaps NASA is lieing to us and its really some kind of alien craft. I can't wait to see photos of this puppy! Whatever it is, NASA agrees that something is comming on Oct 14, 2008, at a 20 degree angle, so they have no fear of buring up in the atmoshpher and should be visible for several hours at the least.
PS they founded NASA 50 years ago to help cover the led US research of aliens, their technology, thier worlds.You will never be the same when you find out about dark matter!
Meteor eh? I saw them call it a Comet. The coverups are begining as they who cover things can't keep a story straight. It's ea;y in the new day yet, I believe they will show up and amaze the world.
^ About time someone with insight posted.
All you other people posting ignorant replies can take your close-minded controlled little wasted minds and die with the wrest on 2012.
Wait and see how others can make you silly sheeple majority crawl.
Fuck all of you they are going to come they will and you all will be sorry !!!!! <0>.<0>
and Dragon_Shine is a fag
And u can get anal probed and have fire shooting out your ass have a 50 satelite coming out of it
I only heard about this by chance a few days ago and if nothing else has kept me entertained for a few days when I had nothing else to do. Why is this prediction different to all other predictions? Ans: It's not. They don't exist. Try believing in the Nigerian letters saying you've won 10 TEN MILLION US$. Which one of them is genuine? Ans: None.
Dated predictions have failed since the beginning of history, so why do people still take notice of them? Because, like me and so many others here they're desperate for a change and know the people can't make it happen alone. So they wish for higher powers- Jesus/aliens depending on your religion- to do it for us.
The one positive to come out of this whole fiasco is to find out I'm really not alone in thinking the world is going down the tubes and needs sorting out and it's not going to happen by humans as they made it that way in the first place. Anyone who wants to comment can on my blog entry on the topic.
This event is confirmed by the Matthew messages from Suzy Ward. And the reasons are the same as given in the message on the video.
Oct. 14th, 1947
X-1 -- First Piloted Flight to Break Sound Barrier
I think it's really sad that John Lennon would say something like that, if in fact you are the real John Lennon. If you are, then I think you're a dick now and I'm glad that bitch Yoko ruined your life.
More importantly I am not enjoying reading all of this as some others have stated. I think it's a sad state of affairs when we find ourselves so helpless and lost that this is the kind of intervention that is hoped for. Are your lives that disfunctional that you need an extra terrestrial to make things ok for you and to get rid of all the bad people who make you sad?
Some of you folks seem so comfortable in just "giving in" to whatever higher power you have let rule you whether it's God or an Alien. Why don't you take charge of your own lives and quit waiting for some kind of Cosmic Mommy or Daddy to chase the Boogeyman away.
You all need to grow up and get your collective heads out of your collective asses.
Who started this October 14th UFO landing?
The very news that said landing would be on American soil debunked it for me. Not that I had much belief in this apperance.
Don't get me wrong, i'm of a mindset that we'd be arrogant to believe that we're the only intelligent life in the universe. It's also plausible that they have visited Earth in the past. What isn't likely or a reality, is that some quack (from Noosa, Australia no less) claims it's going to happen today.
And of course when it doesn't happen, we will be told the date was misreported and it will be amended.
These same people have not evolved and are profiteering from your stupidity. These are the kinds of people who wrote the bible and other religious fables.
I think belief has no place in gathering evidence. I've been taking my camera out at dawn and dusk, and I am astounded by the evidence in my own back garden.
I'd urge other folk to do the same - take your camera out at dawn and dusk into your own back garden, point it into the sky, and shoot.
DJ Browne
All this just to sell a book!
Where do people get such high quality drugs
Seed clouds tomorrow. If it shows up and is a hologram, clouds will f*ck up the projection of the hologram on the sodium layer of the atmosphere and you will see holes, disappearances, shady edges, etc.
Enough people intending clouds in the area (and a few people using CloudBusters :) will screw them up right well.
If it's real, the clouds won't matter.
Easy 'nuf.
LYNETTE~~~thanks for the heads up on the youtube EFT video...i definitely have more of a sense of peace~i'm excited!!!!
i want a pussy
the only flying object that i had spoted on the sky today on oct.14th 2008 was a erratic bat...i think he/she/it was drunk ;)
i can see it out of my window .... she was right
where is it? ? maybe it was traffic on the way to the earth.
There's some weird-ass clouds here in Glasgow... lol
It's raining here, so I can't see it. It must be just above the clouds... NOT!
Brasil is clear from the Alien menace. But still crossing my fingers here!
dis `n lot kak!
what is "kak" ?
"kak" means other words this is all bullshit!! wake up idiots!
I once smoked some good stuff and then I saw your mamma...alien!
The person who makes these claims SELLS BOOKS AND CD'S, while saying that there will be great advancements and love etc. WHY WOULD SHE NEED MONEY IF IT WERE TRUE. SCAM. Well concieved scam though, gotta giver her that.
How to serve man! It's a cookbook!
I am waiting to see if something will happen....Really it would be nice if they did show up. It would sure change the dynamic on this is a bit like hoping that Santa Claus will show up....
Ifyou use Google earth pro you can seethe live movements from the 14-10-2008 ufo.
Its moves now from iceland to the usa/canada and its chanched the diamond in a triangel.
It move with 1600miles/phour to Canada and size 2000 miles!
tashina, you are welcome! after the second day of doing it, i woke up with no pain whatsoever! I wasn't expecting that. i am still doing it and there is no pain in my back that has been in pain every morning for years. now, i wait and see if the object of this EFT video works. he is such a wonderful person, isn't he?
Peace, lynnette
I am very excited about the images people are seeing on their Google Earth Pro! Thanks for the heads up, whoever posted it under Anonymous. I checked it out on youtube. Pretty cool! There were lots of people posting them there. More than one huge shape and different shapes too. Also, kind of off the subject but not if you are into all of this. Check out the venus project on youtube and their site
Is it a Triangle up in the northern territory??
Or is Google weather just being normal with missing area of weather?
Look what I've found in Google earth!
Crazy guy, that was 10 days ago. Are we now talking about time slips?
Seriously, apart from a distinct hole in the world news reports if anyone can actually post a sighting link from today here it would be very useful. Then I'd like one to John Lennon (he's not really dead you know) and Elvis. Oh dearie dearie me...
"They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your weary eyes back homeward
Stop your trembling, dry your tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming." - From the song 'They're Not Here, They're Not Coming' by Don Henley
So it's October 14th... where are the fucking aliens?
Wow, you're a cynical bunch of a-holes...let the spiritualists have their fun..if the aliens do show up, what do you care. Find a better hobby than leaving nasty messages on blogs. cheesh!
wow. yay. october 14th is here and its seems to be just like any other day here on this piece of crap planet. Wouldnt it be brilliant of the "elite" to have someone like blossom convince us wholeheartedly that they will be coming and then in the end they dont...meanwhile millions of us who trusted her are devastated, confused, and angry. Those are all emotions that our governments loves to bring out. So they dont show up and we are all let down. Its brilliant from the governments standpoint. Personally i dont trust blossom but i had a lot of hope in october 14th. And here we are....and thats it. I am infuriated and fed up with human lies. May all of you decievers and liars burn for eternity in MY personal hell of choice.
I heard that they are showing up at 11:11 england time. That leaves about 3hrs 9 minutes from now. This could be one of the best orchestrated lies i've experienced. If it is, if this is a huge way for blossom to get paid then I have great advice for her from one honest human to a soon to be punished blossom,run....go far away where no one can find ur friends and tell them you need some help......for truthful people will soon find you.
Where are the aliens? I havn't seen crap lol.
There never was a UFO coming. I believe that there are other beings out there in the Universe. Goodchild may actually believe her comments and predictions. She needs help from a Doctor. She is dillusional. I hope one day first contact is made but. I assure you they will not send a message to one crazy lady in Austrailia.
HELLO!!!! Is there anybody out there? Can anyone hear me? Hello? Aliens? Blossom? Lightship? Hey I just found a beautiful bud I can now go smoke! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Thank you so much aliens for leading me toward my lost bud which was, ironically, under a lamp, so I went toward the light and now I feel wonderrrrrfulll. Thank you so much for guiding my soul towards a higher plane of conciousness.
wait, wait I see something. omg what is that? Oh no! thats just my fat friend Billy. he was the one messing up ur google earth thingies. He's such a fat bastard its not funny. sorry google earthers but he eats people.
No, no Josh Barnett. She doesnt need help from any doctor. Anyone who misleads millions of people on a daily basis I believe should be given to me so I can take them into my basement with the rest of the liars/pedophiles/politicians and then I will make her pay in the most enjoyable, memorable, and honorable ways that I'm sure she was never told about from any indians, and I mean only enjoyable for me. Any human who lies to the masses should only be worthy of the worst I can possibly think of. So pack your bags Blossom, its time to pay for what you've done.
this is complete bullshit, i dont see any ufo in the sky today..
yeah ufos are coming, life is gonna change, its going to be wonderful, and for only $29.95 I'll tell you all about it.
11:59PM still is Oct/14, don't get so aggressive people.....yet!
it's nine fifty pm. uk time - still no show, eh? probably engine trouble - there's never a quantum mechanic around when you need one!!!
Where are they?
it is 14 october 08 21:53 in south africa but no news yet.
Mabe the female alien wanted to stop to pee every 10 min. LOL that realy screws with your traveling time.
Maybe they just stopped at Mcdonalds for some food and then they got sick from it...oh sorry little bitty alien waliens.
in one hour and 55 minutes we will know the intentions of blossom goodchild.
lol.. yeah, keep staring into the sky while world leaders rape and destroy the earth. best way to keep people distracted from what is going on on earth. gullible pathetic losers.
well what are you doing to stop the world from being raped and destroyed? oh, oh, just complaining about it....well thanks for your assistance.
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