Saturday, June 06, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
UPDATE - recovered Debris now not from Air France A330 Airbus + intense flash of white witnessed seen before plane vanished
After inspection it was determined the pallet could not have come from the plane.
"We confirm that the pallet found is not part of the debris of the plane. It's a pallet that was in the area, but considered more to be trash," he said.
The pallet found was made of wood, he said, and the Air France Airbus A330 that vanished Monday did not have any wooden pallets on board. "That's how we can confirm that the pallet isn't part of the remains of the aircraft."
source article
Just what was the ' intense flash of bright light ' witnessed by two pilots before the AirBus A330 vanished?:
MADRID - A pilot of the Spanish airline Air Comet covering the route between Lima and Madrid saw a white flash in the area where the Air France plane went missing, the daily El Mundo reported Thursday.
El Mundo quoted a report by the pilot to his airline.
Two pilots and a passenger who was in the galley of the plane “suddenly saw far away a strong and intense flash of white light” which plunged vertically downwards and disappeared in six seconds, the pilot wrote.
The pilot had also observed storms with electric activity and cloud formations near his route.
Air Comet confirmed the existence of the report to El Mundo, saying it had been passed on to the Spanish civil aviation authorities, Airbus and Air France.
The report re-launched the hypothesis of an explosion as the cause of the accident, though it was now deemed likelier that the pilot had lost control of the plane after serious turbulences led to equipment failures, El Mundo said.
article source
Physicist Dr Michio Kaku - why the moon is the likley spot for first contact
We will inevitably make contact with Alien life...get use to it - poor quality audio:
Secret Space Documentary - NASA
Space serpents? - As astronauts have mentioned "we thought there were critters in space":
UFO over Bratislava Slovakia Republic June 2nd 2009
Policemen reacted on many phone calls, which alert them on 19 mysterious bodies.
"We watched these objects at an angle of 45 degrees."
"I took a camera and did shoot it. It was appearing as big flaming balls."
"Naturally, I cannot determine a distance, but that airplane blinked and we heard it, and it was under them."
"The videorecording was viewed also at a Slovak meteorologic institute in Bratislava, and they do not know to explain. However, ufologists understand."
"I can say that visible phenomena are not connected with a weather. That night was clear weather, temp. cca 12 deg. C, light wind in Trencin. Nothing what would have testified to some optical phenomena."
"It is UFO..."
"Objects was changing formations and disappeared soon. At first sight it seemed as a constellation, but ufologist denies it."
"Because stars at filming create a certain spectrum around them."
"It was bigger in comparison with stars, I'd say a shape of a football and a pin."
56 Pilot Sightings Involving Electromagnetic Effects
Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.
"Reports of anomalous aerial objects (AAO) appearing in the atmosphere continue to be made by pilots of almost every airline and air force of the world in addition to private and experimental test pilots.
This paper presents a review of 56 reports of AAO in which electromagnetic effects
(E-M) take place on-board the aircraft when the phenomenon is located nearby but not before it appeared or after it had departed.
Reported E-M effects included radio interference or total failure, radar contact with and without simultaneous visual contact, magnetic and/or gyro-compass deviations, automatic direction finder failure or interference, engine stopping or interruption, dimming cabin lights, transponder failure, and military aircraft weapon system failure.
We're not dealing with mental projections or hallucinations on the part of the witness but with a real physical phenomenon."
Dr. Richard Haines, Psychologist specializing in pilot and astronaut "human factors" research for the Ames NASA Research Center in California-Chief of the Space Human Factors Office.
Debris recovered not from Air France A300 jet ?
Conflicting reports coming in...
Below article extract just in from
Debris recovered from the Atlantic by Brazilian search teams does not come from a lost Air France jet, a Brazilian air force official has said.
Brig Ramon Borges Cardoso contradicted earlier reports that debris had been found, saying "no material from the plane has been recovered".
A wooden cargo pallet was taken from the sea, but the Airbus A330 had no wooden pallets on board.
Relatives have been told that there is no hope of survivors being found.
Air France chief executive Pierre-Henri Gourgeon and chairman Jean-Cyril Spinetta briefed the passengers' relatives in a hotel near Paris Charles de Gaulle airport where they have been waiting for news.
Mr Gourgeon said the jet, which was carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, broke apart either in the air or when it hit the sea.
A Spanish pilot flying in the area at the time of the crash was quoted by his airline, Air Comet, as saying he had seen an "intense flash of white light, which followed a descending and vertical trajectory and which broke up in six seconds".
current feature AirPorts & AirPlanes the connection
More of the coloured Ufo over Eaugalle Wisconsin 3rd June 2009
Brazillian Ufo report from March 28 - Você vive no Nordeste Brasil
3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Michio Kaku
Thursday, June 04, 2009
FBI & FAA to look further into Express Jet Airlines near crash with a Ufo on 27th May

The FBI, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department met Tuesday to compare notes on an unidentifie
d flying object reported late last week by an ExpressJet Airlines pilot.
The pilot reported a “missile or rocket” flying nearhis airplane Friday at 8:09 p.m., shortly after takeoff from Bush Intercontinental Airport, according to sheriff’s officials.
“The FAA then contacted the Liberty County department dispatcher and reported their pilot reported an object flying straight at his aircraft and passed 100 feet under it,” said Ken DeFoor, chief deputy for the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department.
FBI spokeswoman Shauna Dunlap said the agency was aware of the sighting.
“While we have no information to indicate there was a criminal act we certainly do not rule anything out and certainly would not want to speculate on what it may or may not have been,” she said.
The flight was over the southern edge of Liberty County flying at 13,000 feet when the incident occurred, officials said. ExpressJet flies regional routes for Continental Airlines as Continental Express.
“We haven’t found anything yet — either something on the ground where it launched or on the ground where it came down,” said Liberty County Sheriff’s Cpl. Hugh Bishop.
DeFoor said the agencies consolidated their notes and information at the meeting.
“The FAA is in the process of debriefing the pilot today (Tuesday),” he said. “We are going to try and come up with a more definite track of this object and its path. We are trying to find out where it came from, where it went, and who may be responsible for it.”
The Continental Express jet was on a commercial flight to Greenville, S.C. “No people were injured and no evasive action on part of the airplane was taken,” DeFoor said.
RealUfos needs your input - Site Redesign....
NASA Secret UFO Films make mainstream media - 03/06/09
Your thoughts on the 600ft JellyFish Crop Circle over oxfordshire ? 29th May 2009

Brilliant coloured Ufo seen over Eaugalle Wisconsin 3rd June 2009
submitted by one of our readers again. If you live in Wisconsin by the way and seen similar sightings recently please respond to this post.
Posters comments:
Have seen a UFO again in Eaugalle Wisconsin 6/3/09 I went outside at 4 am to let the cat in and I noticed this red light in the sky well I went and got the camera and these are the pictures I got,there was three of them but only one would flash,these pictures are of the one to the east of our house,we watched it for and hour.

Cambridgeshire UK Ufos - multiple Lights June 2009

Witnesses claimed to have seen up to 50 of the mystery bright beams at around 11.30pm in Huntingdon.
Scott Boswell, 37, a former pilot and soldier from nearby Hinchingbrooke, captured some of the lights on his camera.
Mr Boswell, a banker in the City of London, said: "I noticed three lights floating past our house, probably a couple of kilometres away, and thought nothing of it.
"But then I noticed a big long string of lights coming from the direction of Brampton and heading over the Stukeley Meadows direction. This was about 11.30pm and I got a couple of blurred shots. I'm pretty sure these weren't aircraft.
"There was no noise, no navigation lights and their heading and height was relatively constant until they disappeared out of sight."
UFO Filmed over Dundee scotland, 31 May 2009, 02:36:48
This ufo was traveling to the north of dundee, This one made no sound and was traveling at a fast pace:
Michio Kaku - Time Travel supported by science - are cloaked Ufos just us from the future?
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
ATS Forum censorship - Who's really behind the site ? & why the ufo community is boycotting it:

There are also disturbing rumours that ATS members details (Ip address,email etc) may be used to track their members.. This is revealed in their privacy policy: We reserve the right to disclose any personally identifiable information associated with your account and/or posting history as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on The Above Network, LLC.
I have also received numerous emails from many former disgruntled ATS members who have complained about being banned in this similar manner. Post something on the topic but not to the liking of those in control and your account is removed - sounds just like youtube!
Ufo Vortex at Fortaleza right Near AirBus A330 crash site at Fernando de Noronha
Near where airbus A330 flight 447 crashed Fernando de Noronha there is a well known Ufo Vortex in the Brazllian city of Fortaleza (see image below). Sightings in these areas have revealed numerous craft over the past few months which have also had such severe electrical interference that they have disabled a cars engine and GPS device. .. the connection between these sightings and the AirBus crash can no longer be ignored .. the electrically sensistive computers on the Airbus A330 may have effected by such unexpected interferance further below

Last year I wrote extensively about another Airbus 330 that experienced electrical failure in what I believed to be a UFO hot spot. (Its seems that this plane in particular is highly prone to electrical interferrance considering its flyby the wire technology & highly automated computer controlled systems).
Earlier this year I wrote an article about two UFO sightings in Brazil. One sighting, which occurred near Fortaleza received a surprising number of government emails. A number of correspondents specifically asked if I had phone number of Mr Nilton Novaes, who photographed the UFO. The article also noted that the disc-like UFOs involved in the Urubici sighting caused electrical failure in the car belonging to the witness, who also managed to get photographs. (below)
Government agencies are currently in Fortaleza looking for UFOs and the photo taken by Nilton Noveas (below) might well be the first government certified picture of an alien craft you have ever seen.
Unmanned surveillance discs that are about a meter in diameter are travelling to earth using some kind of vortex or set trajectory. The exit of this vortex moves around earth from time to time but currently appears to be located somewhere in Brazil’s mountainous district behind the city of Fortaleza.
These small silver discs are coming from a civilization located in another galaxy, they essentially function like web-bots using artificial intelligence to move around and survey our planet. They have no particular interest in planet earth and are conducting such surveys of thousands if not millions of planets. Governments around the world, from the US to China, are well aware of these discs and are studying them intensely.
The discs use earthly energy sources such as electrical lines to stay afloat, essentially electro-magnetically ‘surfing’ the planet. The discs also use cloaking technology to stay invisible but this sometimes fails in the event of electrical interference. The discs often show up in photos, particularly digital ones, and this is of great interest to governments ... source

In Brazil an astonishing number of UFO sightings have been reported in the last few weeks. Ufologists are being inundated with emails from confused witnesses searching for answers.
One of the most intriguing sightings occurred in the mountains on the outskirts of the city of Urubici in the State of Santa Catarina in the south of Brazil.
On February 13, A Mr Genivaldo Rodrigues was standing outside his car taking a break from driving when he allegedly saw a silver disc zooming towards him. He grabbed his camera which he happened to have on him at the time and snapped a photo. He then saw another disc following the first and managed to capture an image of that too.
When he got back into the car his DVD player stopped working as did his GPS. After driving for a short time his car engine stopped on him twice for no apparent reason: he alleges this hadn’t ever occurred with this car before. He was able to re-set his GPS but his DVD player remains broken.
On March 4 at 4:30pm in Fortaleza in the Northeast of Brazil a Mr Milton Novaes also noticed a strange object in the sky reminiscent of the UFO seen recently in Chita, Siberia. He too managed to get a photo.
The variety of UFOs seen in Brazil is leading some Ufologists to wonder if the area is being targeted by aliens from more than one planet or civilisation. ‘Perhaps Brazil is hosting an inter-galactic conference ‘one ufologist commented.
US Airways AirBus A330 Pilot Reports Ufo incident over Atlantic on route to Paris last summer - Airfrance 447 related ?

Thank-you for my countless sources around the world, without you this amazing find would not have been discovered:
If true this is a real scoop people and just shows you at what lengths companies like Airbus and the government may be going to prevent this serious information coming out. This leads us to seriously consider that a collision with a Ufo may be a real and valid possibly that should be taken into consideration by investigators of the mysterious Airbus flight 447 crash.
Note: I have been warned in advance that posting this piece will lead to realUfos site to have 'issues' (infact Twitter got so worried they censored it - see below ) ..
I published a true experience UFO story while flying the Airbus A330 over the Atlantic last summer
The UFO kept pace with our aircraft, an Airbus A330 widebody, for 6 minutes.
Then, all of a sudden, Boom.. it shot forward at an unbelievable speed, must have been at least 30 times the speed of sound.
Actually, I can't even begin to estimate the speed because it was faster than any known flying machine, it was otherworldly speed.
Then, once again, the UFO kept pace with our Airbus only this time at about one half mile directly ahead of us for another 10 more
Remember, I'm an airline pilot and we are in the cockpit of an Airbus A330 jet going 550 MPH. This was like nothing any of us had ever seen!
We landed in Paris four hours later and kept this observation pretty much to ourselves. That's typical of pilots. We keep this stuff quiet.
I do admit that we were less concerned once it zipped one half mile ahead of us. That was a relief!
After 10 more minutes, the thing just shot up off into the sky. It was really instantaneous, like a bullet fired from a gun
Then, to our relief, it was gone. We continued on with no site of the object again that night or since for that matter.
We landed in Paris four hours later and kept this observation pretty much to ourselves. That's typical of pilots. We keep this stuff quiet.
The experience was like nothing before or after & has made me a believer. What do you believe. Please retweet this story to your followers.
Look what happened to his twitter a/c

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
NASA archives reveal more startling Ufos
Debris found of Airfrance Flight 447 A300 over atlantic near brazil coastline

Airfrance Airbus A300 not likely brought down by lightning - so now what ? disapperance continues to baffle experts ...
"One thing seemed certain - the fate that befell the 228 people aboard the Airbus A330 jet came so swiftly the crew didn't have time to send out a Mayday.
Jane's Aviation analyst Chris Yates said: "There has been no mayday call. The conclusion to be drawn is something catastrophic happened on board that caused this aeroplane to ditch in a controlled or uncontrolled fashion.
"I would suggest that potentially it went down very quickly and so quickly that the pilots on board didn't have a chance to make that emergency call."
Dr Guy Gratton, Senior Visiting Research Fellow in Aeronautics at Brunel University, said: "There was no message. That is very, very surprising. The A330 has multiple communications systems, so a complete loss of communications at the least means a major electrical failure. Such failures are very rare." Of the two most likely causes for such the catastrophe, one - a terrorist bombing or hijacking - was ruled out.
The other, extreme weather, was being considered. Experts said it could have been hit by lightning - but the Airbus 330 has two or three back-up systems and for lightning to knock them all out without anyone being able to send a warning would be "almost impossible".
Even failure of both engines would give the crew half an hour of "gliding time".
remaining parts
Submit your Pilot and Airplane or Airport Ufo accounts .. would love to hear your accounts of and if you have any footage of Ufos you may have seen while in the air...
Seeing Ufos from aircraft is much more common than what we think and it would be great to receive some more witness reports...
Please submit your reports here to be included in the upcoming feature post on the topic here in our forum.
Interesting Cases - Pilot dies in chase The Mantell UFO Incident
Aussie Pilot Frederick Valentich dies after seeing Ufo
A long history of Ufos tracking AirPlanes - why the dangers? + Black Box Ufos
Also the video exposes the FAA's coverup of the Ohare incident with irrefutable evidence from the airtraffic controllers tapes showing they were aware of the Ufo.
Near miss with Ufo says Pilots leaving Houston Bush Intercontinental AIRPORT 27th May 2009
- A strange object was spotted Friday night by pilots of a plane that just had just taken off from Bush Intercontinental Airport. And now, federal investigators are trying to pinpoint what the flying object was.
Eyewitnesses say the object, possibly a rocket, came close to hitting the plane. The Continental Express plane, operated by Express Jet, was flying from Houston to South Carolina last night when it happened.
The plane had just left Bush Airport around 8:20pm Friday when the captain reported seeing the object about 150 feet away. According to the FAA, the incident occurred about 11,000 feet into the air above Liberty County.
On Saturday, sheriff's officials interviewed two Hardin High School students who reported seeing the object come close to the plane. radar.If you witnessed this sighting please respond to this post:
Monday, June 01, 2009
Air France Airbus 330 'vanishes' Off Brazil Coast due to electrical short circuit ? - Ufo related?

"We are very worried," an official said. "The plane disappeared from the screens several hours ago. It could be a transponder problem, but this kind of fault is very rare and the plane did not land when expected."
The first thing is to find out where it is. It may have been reporting its position by satellite. It is very unusual that there is no location information."
The A330-200 model has not had any fatal accidents involving passengers in commercial flights.Article Source
Airbus A330 - A330-200: Ultra-modern and extremely safe - Article source
According to aviation expert Kieran Daly, the A330-200 is a "reliable, ultra-modern, state-of-the-art airplane," with an impeccable safety record.
A modern "work horse" with a perfect safety record
The Airbus A330 has enjoyed a near-perfect safety record since it began commercial operation in 1993.
The wide-bodied, twin-engine passenger plane was designed to compet
e on long-haul routes with similar Boeing planes.
There have been no passenger deaths on A330s since it entered operation, although seven crew were killed during a test flight in June 1994 when the plane was sim
ulating an engine failure on takeoff at the Airbus factory in To
ulouse. source read more
So could lightning haven taken down the modern plane or was it something else? Your comments appreciated..
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