Saturday, August 15, 2009
What are these things? - ghost aliens ?
I never usually post things about ghosts and stuff but these little orbs faces are scary!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pilot goes missing after reporting ufo
An old interesting case again highlighting the serious safety issue that ufos pose to modern aircraft: Pilot goes missing after reporting ufo-Part 1 Video Pilot goes missing after reporting ufo-Part 2 Video Pilot goes missing after reporting ufo-Part 1 Video Pilot goes missing after reporting ufo-Part 2 Video
Evidence of Lunar Ocean on Saturns moons
Think - if there is an ocean on Saturns moon then the idea that life exists even in the solar system seems more plausible:
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected new evidence that one of Saturn's moons has an ocean beneath its surface:
Astronomers have identified a storm cell on Titan the size of the country of India. The storm system appeared in April 2008 in the moon's tropical region, an area not known for its cloudiness. Large cloud outbursts such as these are thought to be associated with significant amounts of precipitation
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected new evidence that one of Saturn's moons has an ocean beneath its surface:
Astronomers have identified a storm cell on Titan the size of the country of India. The storm system appeared in April 2008 in the moon's tropical region, an area not known for its cloudiness. Large cloud outbursts such as these are thought to be associated with significant amounts of precipitation
New crop circle Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow , nr Odstone Hill, Oxfordshire
As expected the 2012 crop circles continue - seriously i think the 2012 series crop circles as i mentioned are fakes - but regardless people still want to see the circles. I mean why would Et's be drawing Mayan symbols? Seems too convenient - someones cashing in on the combined crop circle - 2012 hype.
Anyway this formation has appeared at Wayland Smithy on this day August 12th:
Image Source - and If you want to know more click here
Anyway this formation has appeared at Wayland Smithy on this day August 12th:

Aug 10 2009 - Orange balls of light UFOs seen by campers in Alaska
From the witness who took the footage:
"UFO's sighted out camping in Alaska. I shot this with my Flip Ultra HD camera (the low light is terrible -- imagine how bright they would be with a good camera). I made sure to video my surroundings for perspective
"UFO's sighted out camping in Alaska. I shot this with my Flip Ultra HD camera (the low light is terrible -- imagine how bright they would be with a good camera). I made sure to video my surroundings for perspective
UFO near windmill in Estonia
You probably remember the Jan 4 incident where a Ufo was meant to have crashed into a windmill in the UK. Well now a Ufo has been captured above a ' windmill farm ' in estonia - so whats the ufo connection with windmills - who knows?

Image & Article Source - continue reading

UFO in Peruvian Jungle - UPDATE.
An alleged unidentified flying object was captured on videotape by local resident Wiler Cumpa in July 2009 in the town of JuanjuÃ, San MartÃn Region.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Orbs Ufos - on the increase at the moment
Our readers keep sending us videos of Orbs in formations from all over the world at the moment, usually in pairs of two or three in a triangle formation. What does this mean and why is the happening so often?
Alaska August 10
Buenos Aires 11-8-09 Argentina
TR3-B August 4, 2009 E of Pittsburgh PA USA?
I thought this was a plane at first due to the blinking red light but not sure - what do you people think?
Posters comments:
Murrysville, PA: 3:54 AM - Another weird Triangle type UFO, Quiet Flying, flew over my small valley located near the top of a fairly high mountain (1280 ft. elev.), on same flight path as UFO filmed on May 22, 2009 at 4:14 AM. From E to West--NO AIRPORT IN THIS DIRECTION! Not landing down into woods either (for those butt-munchers too lazy to look at the GPS location of the video) Not a TR3-B-see my video of one & compare sounds. I was sleeping on the couch when I awoke to find it outside my living room window, above the treeline, traveling from E to W (approx). So no time to set up tripod. Groggy, I ran into the screen door on the way out, breaking it! Cat ran out of room and went downstairs too--perhaps it was the high pitched noise. Several silent-flying 'plane' type ones earlier that evening, one shot out a white thing--will post that next. Around 8:40pm was called by Irwin man who filmed the Replicating UFO video July 2009.
Posters comments:
Murrysville, PA: 3:54 AM - Another weird Triangle type UFO, Quiet Flying, flew over my small valley located near the top of a fairly high mountain (1280 ft. elev.), on same flight path as UFO filmed on May 22, 2009 at 4:14 AM. From E to West--NO AIRPORT IN THIS DIRECTION! Not landing down into woods either (for those butt-munchers too lazy to look at the GPS location of the video) Not a TR3-B-see my video of one & compare sounds. I was sleeping on the couch when I awoke to find it outside my living room window, above the treeline, traveling from E to W (approx). So no time to set up tripod. Groggy, I ran into the screen door on the way out, breaking it! Cat ran out of room and went downstairs too--perhaps it was the high pitched noise. Several silent-flying 'plane' type ones earlier that evening, one shot out a white thing--will post that next. Around 8:40pm was called by Irwin man who filmed the Replicating UFO video July 2009.
Alien Head Found in East Toledo ?
This was in the news today - but seriously this looks like a cat skull right?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Triangle UFO @ ECETI Ranch, Mt Adams, Trout Lake WA
This is a triangle UFO formation that my brother and I filmed at the ECETI Ranch, in Trout Lake Washington. This video was filmed on July 4, 2009, during the second night of the Science, Spirit, and World Transformation Conference. It was filmed with a igen 20/20 night vision monocular.
Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence
Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence" at the European Exopolitics Summit 2009. This is the presentation that triggered the interview/debate between Dr. Greer and Kerry Cassidy/Bill Ryan of the following day.
Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence
Australians send text messages to Aliens
Interesting little article i found in the Australia News paper. It seems a bit a joke really but no harm in trying - I mean they are already here so why the need to text them?
All Australians have been invited to pen an SMS-like message - no longer than 160 characters - which will eventually be transmitted to Gliese 581d, a planet 20 light years away. The planet is considered the closest to Earth capable of supporting intelligent life.
And the transit time? Just 20 years.
Science Minister Kim Carr, who gets the privilege of writing the first message to be included in the mass letter, said alien life remained one of science's big questions.
"What better way to discover the limitless possibilities of science than to give Australians the opportunity to contact other intelligent life forms," he said. "As a child I, like many Australians, stared up at the stars and wondered what was out there. Now science has allowed me to send a personal message that may answer that question."
His message reads: "Hello from Australia on the planet we call Earth. These messages express our people's dreams for the future. We want to share those dreams with you."
The transmission will be sent from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, to mark the start of National Science Week.
And the transit time? Just 20 years.

Science Minister Kim Carr, who gets the privilege of writing the first message to be included in the mass letter, said alien life remained one of science's big questions.
"What better way to discover the limitless possibilities of science than to give Australians the opportunity to contact other intelligent life forms," he said. "As a child I, like many Australians, stared up at the stars and wondered what was out there. Now science has allowed me to send a personal message that may answer that question."
His message reads: "Hello from Australia on the planet we call Earth. These messages express our people's dreams for the future. We want to share those dreams with you."
The transmission will be sent from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex at Tidbinbilla, to mark the start of National Science Week.
Was it a Ufo or something else on Dallas Highway Texas on 7th August?
We urgently are looking for more information on this interesting case here at RealUfos .
Please respond to this post if you know anything or heard the radio reports at the time.
- 7th August 2009 Dallas Highway Texas,
A man captures these strange images of what looks like a Ufo being carried by some trucks and surrounded by military vehicles:

Was this a Ufo or some other heavy piece of machinery like the Russian Videos i posted a while ago? How knows. Would like your comments on this one.
Here is the witness comments:
Time: 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm on I-20 in Dallas. Weather was clear. There were numerous witnesses but no names as people were calling into the radio station I was listening to as well as others after I switched stations. My name is James Garza.
I was actually listening to the radio in Irving, TX, when the DJ said that a lot of people where calling in and saying that there was a truck on I-20 with a UFO on the bed of the truck.
It was being followed by what looked like miltary and police.This was kind of like what they do when a big name politician comes into town where they close the highway down for them. I remember they did that for Donald Rumsfeld when he was here about 2 1/2 years ago.
I then switched to another radio station since the one I was listening to went to commerical, and after awhile of listening they said they were getting calls in about the same thing. I don't know if it was for a movie or what, but if it was wouldn't they have closed the highway down before hand?
There were still civilians on the road at the time. I would have sent this sooner, but I don't have Internet at home and have to do it at work.
Source - continue reading
A man captures these strange images of what looks like a Ufo being carried by some trucks and surrounded by military vehicles:

Here is the witness comments:
Time: 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm on I-20 in Dallas. Weather was clear. There were numerous witnesses but no names as people were calling into the radio station I was listening to as well as others after I switched stations. My name is James Garza.
I was actually listening to the radio in Irving, TX, when the DJ said that a lot of people where calling in and saying that there was a truck on I-20 with a UFO on the bed of the truck.
It was being followed by what looked like miltary and police.This was kind of like what they do when a big name politician comes into town where they close the highway down for them. I remember they did that for Donald Rumsfeld when he was here about 2 1/2 years ago.
I then switched to another radio station since the one I was listening to went to commerical, and after awhile of listening they said they were getting calls in about the same thing. I don't know if it was for a movie or what, but if it was wouldn't they have closed the highway down before hand?
There were still civilians on the road at the time. I would have sent this sooner, but I don't have Internet at home and have to do it at work.
Source - continue reading
Once again if you know anything please respond to this post.
ufo Orbs manouver in alignment alaska 10th august 2009
Orbs, Orbs, Orbs thats all we are seeing recently. Is their increase in sightings to do with their attempts to communicate with us?
ufos manouver over alaska 10th august 2009Posters comment:
ufos manouver over alaska 10th august 2009
UFO's sighted out camping in Alaska. I shot this with my Flip Ultra HD camera (the low light is terrible -- imagine how bright they would be with a good camera). I made sure to video my surroundings for perspective
ufos manouver over alaska 10th august 2009Posters comment:
ufos manouver over alaska 10th august 2009
UFO's sighted out camping in Alaska. I shot this with my Flip Ultra HD camera (the low light is terrible -- imagine how bright they would be with a good camera). I made sure to video my surroundings for perspective
Ufo makes the news in Russia ? 8th August
No idea what they are saying but the footage is interesting and they have an astronomer to back it up. Think it is in Russian (if anyone can translate it)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
UFOs in Northern Territory Australia
Alan Ferguson captured footage of a small black object flashing above his home in Acacia Hills, south of Darwin two weeks ago, reports the Northern Territory News .
The footage has been posted on his website UFO Territory.
Continue reading this article here
The footage has been posted on his website UFO Territory.
Continue reading this article here

11th August 2009 and the invasion of America
Pilots and Radiographers from WWII explain what they saw and what Radar picked up and UFO'S were to blame
Dr Roger Lier: Roswell Pieces Of Death
Dr Roger Leir - the surgeon who specialises in Alien implant removals in the US talks about the professionals involved in these pieces of "The Roswell crash" who have all died except himself.
pt 2
remaining parts
pt 2
remaining parts
New Crop circle Woodborough Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire 10th August.
A new crop circle - Woodborough Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. reported 10th August.
source - read more
source - read more
Your Ufo Video submissions
Thank-you for those who are using the submit button to send realufos some video links! This helps the site greatly and we appreciate your help.
Here are just a few interesting Ufo/ orb videos sent to me recently by some readers:
Star-like Blue UFO - 12 oct 08 in northeast canada
Uploaded by calou1369. - Discover more science and tech videos.
Here are just a few interesting Ufo/ orb videos sent to me recently by some readers:
Star-like Blue UFO - 12 oct 08 in northeast canada
Uploaded by calou1369. - Discover more science and tech videos.
More Sphere orbs over mexico
Hundreds gather to see and record the amazing orbs spheres that fly the MEXICAN skies on a daily basis
Monday, August 10, 2009
Orbs moving in and out Dundee Scotland.. wow
Satellites don't move like this... watch as these orbs move in and orb .. wow!
Orbs seen above the Sea
Fantastic collection of Orbs seen over the sea
11august2001_ovni au dessus de la mer
Uploaded by calou1369. - Explore more science and tech videos.
11august2001_ovni au dessus de la mer
Uploaded by calou1369. - Explore more science and tech videos.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
UFO in Poland Gdansk on 1st August 2009
Do you live in poland?
RealUfos wants to know if you have seen Ufos there recently like this one this month:
Poster comments;
It was taken by my friend in Gdansk on 01.08.2009 about 2130. Whole event took abut 10 min. Shortly before she start shooting she was on the phone with her mother and suddenly conversation has been terminated and the phone lost the signal, whats more the transmition tower is visable on the movie, its a couple of miles from her. The signal comes shortly after all the objects disappeared
RealUfos wants to know if you have seen Ufos there recently like this one this month:
Poster comments;
It was taken by my friend in Gdansk on 01.08.2009 about 2130. Whole event took abut 10 min. Shortly before she start shooting she was on the phone with her mother and suddenly conversation has been terminated and the phone lost the signal, whats more the transmition tower is visable on the movie, its a couple of miles from her. The signal comes shortly after all the objects disappeared
San Francisco Ufo expo September 12-13th in Santa Clara
Live in San Francisco? - make sure you get tickets to this:
Just added this one into our calendar of events

Proudly presenting the one and only Jim Marrs as the "premier speaker".
The Bay Area UFO Expo in Santa Clara is expected to become a record breaking event! Our eleven year anniversary event will be drawing more attendees this year that any other previous year!
read more
Just added this one into our calendar of events

Proudly presenting the one and only Jim Marrs as the "premier speaker".
The Bay Area UFO Expo in Santa Clara is expected to become a record breaking event! Our eleven year anniversary event will be drawing more attendees this year that any other previous year!
read more
Overwhelmed by increase in Ufo reports
Hi all
I am completely overwhelmed at the volume and frequency of new ufo reports, pictures and news coming in. The rate of reports coming has spiked over the past few weeks and i am not sure why?
It takes an enormous amount of time to sift through it all to post the most genuine ones.
If you have time i would appreciate your assistance by submitting the video links(see tab at top of site) the most genuine ufo sightings you may find on sites like,, and the news.
I greatly appreciate the help from those people who already submit daily reports and news to me, its been a big help - thankyou!
Also am I still looking for a good webdesigner to help redesign the site.
If can help please email me again as we are now ready to update the site.
Sadly we haven't been able to secure the domain name which i have been aiming to aquire for a longtime (too expensive), i think it would really give a boost to the site. If anyone out there can possibly offer any assistance with this let me know.
I am completely overwhelmed at the volume and frequency of new ufo reports, pictures and news coming in. The rate of reports coming has spiked over the past few weeks and i am not sure why?
It takes an enormous amount of time to sift through it all to post the most genuine ones.
If you have time i would appreciate your assistance by submitting the video links(see tab at top of site) the most genuine ufo sightings you may find on sites like,, and the news.
I greatly appreciate the help from those people who already submit daily reports and news to me, its been a big help - thankyou!
Also am I still looking for a good webdesigner to help redesign the site.
If can help please email me again as we are now ready to update the site.
Sadly we haven't been able to secure the domain name which i have been aiming to aquire for a longtime (too expensive), i think it would really give a boost to the site. If anyone out there can possibly offer any assistance with this let me know.
Orbs over FLOTTILIA NAPLES Italty July 2009
Were they lanterns or orbs? - if you live in italy and have seen ufos recently please respond to this post.
Florida triangle UFO video July 17, 2009
A triangle UFO sighting has been termed a "true unknown" by Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Field Investigator Morgan Beall.
The July 17, 2009, sighting has multiple witnesses and the event was videotaped. The object had three points of light. Two of the lights were white, and a third light was blue.
The object hovered in the sky, but tilted back and forth, throughout the multi-hour sighting.The object returned to that same location again on July 25, 2009, and was also videotaped by the witnesses. Continue reading at source - examiner
The July 17, 2009, sighting has multiple witnesses and the event was videotaped. The object had three points of light. Two of the lights were white, and a third light was blue.
The object hovered in the sky, but tilted back and forth, throughout the multi-hour sighting.The object returned to that same location again on July 25, 2009, and was also videotaped by the witnesses. Continue reading at source - examiner
Ufos over Perth Hills Australia
If you live in Perth and witnessed ufos like this one recently please let us know more by responding to this post.
The photograph, which shows a green saucer-like shape and a reddish light to the left, was taken looking east over the Perth Hills towards Kalamunda at about 7.45pm on Friday night.
Continue reading article - Perth Now

Image Source
The photograph, which shows a green saucer-like shape and a reddish light to the left, was taken looking east over the Perth Hills towards Kalamunda at about 7.45pm on Friday night.
Continue reading article - Perth Now

Image Source
Jamie Maussan looks closer at orbs formation
This may be a respost - Jamie Maussan looks closer orb formations
Blue Ridge Lights 5th August 2009

Posters comments:
This photo was taken in Blue Ridge, Tenn. on Aug 5th at around 12:30 am. I was sitting on my hotel balcony and taking pictures of the mountains at night. I had the camera set on night mode. I noticed these lights moving back and forth and up and down. I took the picture. A few seconds later, they simply just vanished from the sky. No sound was heard while the lights were in the sky. I can only imagine what they were.
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