Friday, October 26, 2012
UFO Takes a Hike? Mountains Over Mexico City, Tijuana: 25/10/2012
Are we looking at a UFO in the mountains, above Mexico City, Tijuana? Filmed on 25/10/2012
This object appears to be great because the hide in the mountains appear to be calibrated in size, and good is very similar to those already and taken, one night only records over night, I clarify that the order goes directly to the side of USA and right in the area where the helicopters appears monitor landing
UFO Ovnis, Campagne de Dreux: 31/07/2012
UFO Ovnis Over Campagne de Dreux? 31st July 2012 2
Posters comments:
light strange turn around ... UFOs??? The phenomenon lasted well 45min. Just before a helicopter of the army was increased to 2-3 taken over our homes not flying high ... 1 point fixed light was in the sky for a while intensely bright and the night is strongly installed, a second then a third point of light appear to turn from his time spent around 4-5 helico distances and heights more or less diffentes. It is clear that the movements are anormals one point revolves around another 3 to form a diagonal line juska ... at the end of it off 1-1 Just Fool! It does not happen to others ;)
Posters comments:
light strange turn around ... UFOs??? The phenomenon lasted well 45min. Just before a helicopter of the army was increased to 2-3 taken over our homes not flying high ... 1 point fixed light was in the sky for a while intensely bright and the night is strongly installed, a second then a third point of light appear to turn from his time spent around 4-5 helico distances and heights more or less diffentes. It is clear that the movements are anormals one point revolves around another 3 to form a diagonal line juska ... at the end of it off 1-1 Just Fool! It does not happen to others ;)
UFOs Or Lanterns? Downtown Dallas, Texas
Would like your feedback on this recent footage from Downtown Dallas, Texas.
UFO's Visit Hoboken, New Jersey USA: 22/10/2012
Please view this footage in full screen :
On monday evening the 22nd of november ,I went to the 3rd level of my fire escape behind my building where i can usually look up to the stars on a clear night. i had my yukon nightvision 5x42 monocular with a mini angel eye dvr connected to record the nightime sky. after observing some sattelites and slow moving objects, i spotted this faint triangle shaped pattern moving in a straight line. it was not moving with the front of the triangle moving forward but all the points of light, maintained a consistant and even spacing. i followed the object for about 20 seconds or so before it was obstructed by my building and out of view. if the video is watched , it seems that the image is not solid as the stars can be seen thru the design of the lights. the video is not of great quality becuse the object was faint and the static was distracting so i put it into i movie to darken and lessen the static.
On monday evening the 22nd of november ,I went to the 3rd level of my fire escape behind my building where i can usually look up to the stars on a clear night. i had my yukon nightvision 5x42 monocular with a mini angel eye dvr connected to record the nightime sky. after observing some sattelites and slow moving objects, i spotted this faint triangle shaped pattern moving in a straight line. it was not moving with the front of the triangle moving forward but all the points of light, maintained a consistant and even spacing. i followed the object for about 20 seconds or so before it was obstructed by my building and out of view. if the video is watched , it seems that the image is not solid as the stars can be seen thru the design of the lights. the video is not of great quality becuse the object was faint and the static was distracting so i put it into i movie to darken and lessen the static.
UFO Witnessed Above Venezuela? 23/10/2012
Lanterns or something else? Filmed over Venezuela on Oct. 23,2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Great Balls Of Fire! California Skyline: 17/10/2012
A bright fireball, reportedly with hues of red and orange, streaked across the night sky visible from San Francisco’s Bay Area on Wednesday, October 18, around 8 p.m. local time (3UTC on October 18). Many say they heard a boom, which was so loud it “shook their homes,” some residents said, making them think it may be an earthquake.
San Jose meteor 10-17-2012
San Jose meteor 10-17-2012
UFO Over Lae, Papua New Guinea: 12/10/12
A new UFo video, sent in from Lae, Papua New Guinea:
"It is my understanding that there were 2 sightings that night of this object and another, the witnesses say that they were huge in size, both were different in shape and gave off a different light pattern, it hovered high above the ocean of the coast of Lae, then vanished. I did some research and noticed that on this day there was an earthquake in an area not far from there."
"It is my understanding that there were 2 sightings that night of this object and another, the witnesses say that they were huge in size, both were different in shape and gave off a different light pattern, it hovered high above the ocean of the coast of Lae, then vanished. I did some research and noticed that on this day there was an earthquake in an area not far from there."
What Could It Be? Virgie, Kentucky: 16/10/2012
This made the news! A strange object seen over Virgie, Kentucky in the Appalachian Mountain area. Witnessed on 16/10/2012 and photographed through a high-powered telescope, it was reportedly seen in several areas of Pike County and the Appalachian Mountains. Was it simply a solar balloon as some assume it maybe? Have you, our readers, seen or know anyone who has seen this?
News feature on the mystery object:
News feature on the mystery object:
Changes To Website Title Image
A few readers have contacted me regarding this issue, recently.
I've been informed that the Belgium Triangle UFO image, featured as the website title image, was recently confirmed as a hoax (even though it was meant to be a still taken from a video back from 1990!) I've been told as a result, that when new or returning readers come back to site, seeing the image unsettles them.
Though the claims about this image are still debated, we've listened to our loyal readers, and changed the image! I'd like to ask you to submit your best and most genuine UFO images to our email here, to be featured as our title image.
We have a temporary photo up but we will review all the images sent in, and choose the most striking genuine UFO snap, to feature on our site!
Keep your eyes to the skies all!
I've been informed that the Belgium Triangle UFO image, featured as the website title image, was recently confirmed as a hoax (even though it was meant to be a still taken from a video back from 1990!) I've been told as a result, that when new or returning readers come back to site, seeing the image unsettles them.
Though the claims about this image are still debated, we've listened to our loyal readers, and changed the image! I'd like to ask you to submit your best and most genuine UFO images to our email here, to be featured as our title image.
We have a temporary photo up but we will review all the images sent in, and choose the most striking genuine UFO snap, to feature on our site!
Keep your eyes to the skies all!
Dr Roger K Leir Speaks: Recovering Alien Implants
An interesting new interview with Dr Roger K Leir, who specializes in removing 'alien implants' in the USA:
Ok yes I've heard your comments, this interview is by the dubious Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofthemoon with the strange grinning guy but I feel regardless this is an interesting interview, especially the scientific description of the new findings from analysing the implants.
Dr. Roger K. Leir, author of the Aliens and the Scalpel-First and Second Edition, "UFO Crash in Brazil", "Casebook Alien Implants", "Chopped Liver" and three other books published outside the United States, including "Implantes Alienegenas" published in Portuguese in Brazil, and "Ovnis and Implants" published in France by Le Mercure Dauphinois. It has been said that Dr. Leir is one of the world's most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology. He and his surgical team have performed fifteen surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of sixteen separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, Seal Laboratories, Southwest Labs, the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of California at San Diego. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to Meteorite Samples. In addition some of the tests show metallurgical anomalies such as highly Magnetic Iron that is without crystalline form, combinations of crystalline materials mixed common metals, growth of biological tissue into or out of metallic substances, as well as isotopic ratios not of this world. Dr. Leir has also been involved in investigations of other areas of Ufology involving physical evidence. He has traveled to Brazil and performed exhaustive research into the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003 Dr. Leir worked with one of the worlds leading geneticists and the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) on a DNA study pertaining to evidence collected in a famous California Alien Abduction Case. Dr. Leir was a recent participant (NOV. 2007) in an international press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Evidence from thirteen Military officers, pertaining to their experiences with UFO's was presented to a worldwide media.
Ok yes I've heard your comments, this interview is by the dubious Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofthemoon with the strange grinning guy but I feel regardless this is an interesting interview, especially the scientific description of the new findings from analysing the implants.
Dr. Roger K. Leir, author of the Aliens and the Scalpel-First and Second Edition, "UFO Crash in Brazil", "Casebook Alien Implants", "Chopped Liver" and three other books published outside the United States, including "Implantes Alienegenas" published in Portuguese in Brazil, and "Ovnis and Implants" published in France by Le Mercure Dauphinois. It has been said that Dr. Leir is one of the world's most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology. He and his surgical team have performed fifteen surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of sixteen separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, Seal Laboratories, Southwest Labs, the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of California at San Diego. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to Meteorite Samples. In addition some of the tests show metallurgical anomalies such as highly Magnetic Iron that is without crystalline form, combinations of crystalline materials mixed common metals, growth of biological tissue into or out of metallic substances, as well as isotopic ratios not of this world. Dr. Leir has also been involved in investigations of other areas of Ufology involving physical evidence. He has traveled to Brazil and performed exhaustive research into the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003 Dr. Leir worked with one of the worlds leading geneticists and the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) on a DNA study pertaining to evidence collected in a famous California Alien Abduction Case. Dr. Leir was a recent participant (NOV. 2007) in an international press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Evidence from thirteen Military officers, pertaining to their experiences with UFO's was presented to a worldwide media.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
UFO's Sighted: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.
Friday, October 19 at 19:30, UFOs were sighted in the town of Ciudad Juarez,Chihuahua.
Triangle UFO Ovni Above Lisbon, Portugal: 20/10/2012
Triangle formation of lights in Lisbon, Portugal October 20th , 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Cigar UFO In The Skies Of Arlington, Texas.
What looks like a cigar shaped UFO filmed over Texas.
Cigar-shaped UFO over the skies of Arlington, Texas in September of 2012. September, 2012. Location: Arlington, Texas Courtesy of: MrTigre3000 Antonio Cisneros Channel:
"I captured this object at a park near my house in September of this year, it is very similar to what I record at the volcano Popocatepetl in Mexico."
Cigar-shaped UFO over the skies of Arlington, Texas in September of 2012. September, 2012. Location: Arlington, Texas Courtesy of: MrTigre3000 Antonio Cisneros Channel:
"I captured this object at a park near my house in September of this year, it is very similar to what I record at the volcano Popocatepetl in Mexico."
UFO Lights Hit Suresnes, Paris, France: Oct 2012
Filmers comments:
I filmed in the end of the Sunset, a strange UFO fleet. There were 4 UFOs, strange white lights, one of them was going up in the sky, ant the 3 other ones were descending. Sorry if I didn't zoom, I could only film with my iPhone 4S, my camcorder was out of battery. :-(
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Triangle UFO? Hilo, Hawaii: 19/10/2012
Triangle UFO video sent in by a reader, apparently this occurred over Hilo, Hawaii on the 19th Of October.
Taxi Dashboard Cam Captures UFO! Manchester UK: 20/10/2012
Please view this in full screen and decide. This UFO sighting was caught by the dashboard mounted camera, of a Manchester based taxi cab in England UK:
Hovering Drone Or UFO Ovni? Madrid, Spain: 20/10/2012
Strange bright drone or UFO type craft over Madrid, on October 20, 2012 at 0420am
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