Just saw the latest Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull movie and i was shocked that the movie was completely based on Ufos, aliens and Mayans - all my favorite paranormal topics!
The movie starts off with Soviet agent Spalko (Cate Blanchet) in Nevada stealing a recovered Roswell alien body from a top secret US facility . They want part of the dead aliens skeleton, an elongated crystal skull. Spalko believes that when this skull is reunited with a dozen others believed hidden in a South American pyramid, she will harness an ancient power that will give the Soviet Union ultimate military power. The skull of the alien is completely crystal and highly magnetic..... I won't spoil the rest of the story but her are a few more details!. They then travel to Nazca in Peru (the place with all the weird line drawings see from air). From their then travel through the ancient Mayan ruins and discover a building made by an alien civilisation.

Many fo the skulls have actually been found. The most famous crystal skull, which is as big as a human skull, was discovered by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, while exploring the ruins of a Mayan city in British Honduras (Belize). The skull shows all the details of a normal human skull. It seems to have been made without the aid of metal tool

Its very interesting to note that pure quartz crystal does have a memory effect. As used in modern day watches quartz can retain certain electric frequencies - so is it just possible that the memory of the alien civilisation is contained in the skulls? Who knows? - Apparently those who have seen the real crystal skulls say they have ability to open consciousness of people who work with them. What do you guys think? read more about the crystal skulls here