Thursday, December 06, 2012
Now That's Weird! Low Flying UFO, Longview Texas: 12/4/12
This strange low flying UFO with parallel lights was filmed over Longview Texas 12/4/12
Filmers comments: I watch the sky all the time due to the high rate of UFO activity. So I saw this on my nightly watch and finally got it on tape it being low enough. The sound is removed because of my cousins request not to be in it. future videos will contain sound.
UFOs Filmed On Multiple Nights - Wisconsin
Two different videos of the bright UFO seen over Wisconsin, this past month. If you have seen these UFO lights in the area, please reply to this post. 27th November
and the 5th of December:
and the 5th of December:
UFOs Above Sunway Mentari, Kuala Lumpur: July 2012
Yes, this is an older video, but we seemed to have missed posting it for discussion purposes. Filmed in July over Sunway Mentari in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 2012. What has since been identified as possible remote controlled LED plane, still puzzles many people. If anyone has any concluding comments on this footage, it would be very much appreciated.
Filmers comments :We had our dinner near Sunway Mentari hotel and we saw some flying objects that speculated by public few weeks ago that that is actually a UFO from outerspace. We can't explain what it is. Person in Video: Nantha, Danny and John. Cameraperson: John.
Filmers comments :We had our dinner near Sunway Mentari hotel and we saw some flying objects that speculated by public few weeks ago that that is actually a UFO from outerspace. We can't explain what it is. Person in Video: Nantha, Danny and John. Cameraperson: John.
Massive UFO Ovni Type Cloud - Santiago Chile:30/11/2012
This was recently sent in by a reader. Not sure what on earth it is? meant to be from Santiago Chile on November 30th news broadcast but i can't confirm this. Please comment folks on what you think this is!
If anyone can translate the newscast it would be great - is it simply lense flare, a strange cloud or a UFO?
If anyone can translate the newscast it would be great - is it simply lense flare, a strange cloud or a UFO?
UFO Lights Up Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn NY: 3/12/2012
Another orb triangle appearance occurred in Brooklyn, New York on the night of December 3, 2012.
If you live in Brooklyn and saw these lights, or if you have more information please reply to this post.
poster:This seems totally crazy but we saw strange lights over Brooklyn again tonight. This time over the corner of Vanderbilt and Dean. There were three orbs glowing like fire and again flying in formation. Each of the three finally stopped at the same point in the sky, hovered, and then disappeared. They made no noise, however, several people in the street did notice and stopped to watch. If anyone else saw this or has any idea what it is please respond. (Please note - we are referring to the three glowing, slow moving orbs that are visible, the fast moving object at the beginning of the recording is glare from the streetlight.)
If you live in Brooklyn and saw these lights, or if you have more information please reply to this post.
poster:This seems totally crazy but we saw strange lights over Brooklyn again tonight. This time over the corner of Vanderbilt and Dean. There were three orbs glowing like fire and again flying in formation. Each of the three finally stopped at the same point in the sky, hovered, and then disappeared. They made no noise, however, several people in the street did notice and stopped to watch. If anyone else saw this or has any idea what it is please respond. (Please note - we are referring to the three glowing, slow moving orbs that are visible, the fast moving object at the beginning of the recording is glare from the streetlight.)
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Your UFO Sightings:
Your personal UFO sightings:
Please note this is a post is in progress as we go through all the emails over the last month ...
If you would like to add your UFO report click "SUBMIT" above.
November 28, 2012 @ 10:15pm, Bowling Green Ky USA
Large stationary orange defined lights (approximately 25) in a linear pattern. Stayed stationary for 10 minutes, then 1 by 1 the lights dimmed out. When 1 light remained, the object began moving away from me at a very slow speed. No sounds associated to report. This event took place over the campus of Western Ky University.
Flint Township Michigan 18th November
I was at work, outside. My coworkers and myself noticed a cirle of hawks above our heads. We were looking at them, the air was still; no noise whatsoever. The object entered our view roughly a mile in elevation. It sharply changed vector and took off toward the sky at approx. 3500-4000 miles-per-hour. It was boomerang shaped with sharp edges and had a blur surrounding it; as if it was disturbing the air around it. Estimated 600-700 feet across and travelling at impossible speeds. I drew a picture of it. Will be monitoring for future sightings.' (Pic Originally sent to Mufon)

November 2012 USA
I am not sure what this was and I may never know but I can tell you it didn't make any noise it was very big and just sat still in the air about 1,200 to 1,500 feet over my truck the other night. I pulled over and got out and took this picture. After I snapped the photo that darn thing was gone just boom gone. Never saw it again.
28th october 2012 Las Cruces, New Mexico
Heading towards El PThe blue orb in the picture is the moon but if you watch closely, you can see a series of one or two "floating" yellow lights that we cant explain. In person those lights were bigger and more pronounced but my phone makes them seem much further away. Tell us what you think in the commentsaso TX
Eastern Kentucky ( 10 years ago)
I just finished watching a show on the History Channel about UFO's.David Sereda was discussing an incident that involved the shuttle mission on Oct.1 1995. I'd like to report a similar sighting I witnessed from my home in Eastern Kentucky approximately 10 years ago. It was around midnight when I go outside to smoke. I'm constantly looking towards the night the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of falling stars. It was very clear on this particular night when I noticed 3 objects approaching from the East at a very high rate of speed. The one in the lead took a sudden turn to the north, the other 2 made a loop towards the south and then headed back north following the same path as the first one. Before catching up with the first they made a very Quick U-turn and headed back to the south. At this point a 4th object came from the East. When it came overhead the one that was in the north made a turn and came in behind and the other 2 that where heading south made a quick turn and joined up with them. when all 4 objects where close together they made a quick turn to the southwest and very quickly disappeared. This all happened in just a very few seconds, it was very quick and it caught me by surprise. I've spent 8 years in the Military and have never seen any type of aircraft make these sudden moves or move this fast, It looked to be at a very high altitude, no sounds could they appeared as big bright white lights, no shape could be seen or any other type of descriptions, kind of resembled a shooting star but making quick and abrupt movements. I continue to watch hoping to maybe get another glimpse but have seen nothing else yet. I've only told a few other people this story and when i saw your report on the shuttle mission i decided to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!!!!
Please note this is a post is in progress as we go through all the emails over the last month ...
If you would like to add your UFO report click "SUBMIT" above.
November 28, 2012 @ 10:15pm, Bowling Green Ky USA
Large stationary orange defined lights (approximately 25) in a linear pattern. Stayed stationary for 10 minutes, then 1 by 1 the lights dimmed out. When 1 light remained, the object began moving away from me at a very slow speed. No sounds associated to report. This event took place over the campus of Western Ky University.
Flint Township Michigan 18th November
I was at work, outside. My coworkers and myself noticed a cirle of hawks above our heads. We were looking at them, the air was still; no noise whatsoever. The object entered our view roughly a mile in elevation. It sharply changed vector and took off toward the sky at approx. 3500-4000 miles-per-hour. It was boomerang shaped with sharp edges and had a blur surrounding it; as if it was disturbing the air around it. Estimated 600-700 feet across and travelling at impossible speeds. I drew a picture of it. Will be monitoring for future sightings.' (Pic Originally sent to Mufon)
November 2012 USA
I am not sure what this was and I may never know but I can tell you it didn't make any noise it was very big and just sat still in the air about 1,200 to 1,500 feet over my truck the other night. I pulled over and got out and took this picture. After I snapped the photo that darn thing was gone just boom gone. Never saw it again.
28th october 2012 Las Cruces, New Mexico
Heading towards El PThe blue orb in the picture is the moon but if you watch closely, you can see a series of one or two "floating" yellow lights that we cant explain. In person those lights were bigger and more pronounced but my phone makes them seem much further away. Tell us what you think in the commentsaso TX
Eastern Kentucky ( 10 years ago)
I just finished watching a show on the History Channel about UFO's.David Sereda was discussing an incident that involved the shuttle mission on Oct.1 1995. I'd like to report a similar sighting I witnessed from my home in Eastern Kentucky approximately 10 years ago. It was around midnight when I go outside to smoke. I'm constantly looking towards the night the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of falling stars. It was very clear on this particular night when I noticed 3 objects approaching from the East at a very high rate of speed. The one in the lead took a sudden turn to the north, the other 2 made a loop towards the south and then headed back north following the same path as the first one. Before catching up with the first they made a very Quick U-turn and headed back to the south. At this point a 4th object came from the East. When it came overhead the one that was in the north made a turn and came in behind and the other 2 that where heading south made a quick turn and joined up with them. when all 4 objects where close together they made a quick turn to the southwest and very quickly disappeared. This all happened in just a very few seconds, it was very quick and it caught me by surprise. I've spent 8 years in the Military and have never seen any type of aircraft make these sudden moves or move this fast, It looked to be at a very high altitude, no sounds could they appeared as big bright white lights, no shape could be seen or any other type of descriptions, kind of resembled a shooting star but making quick and abrupt movements. I continue to watch hoping to maybe get another glimpse but have seen nothing else yet. I've only told a few other people this story and when i saw your report on the shuttle mission i decided to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!!!!
Dr Steven Greer - Sirus Movie Updates
Controversial speaker Dr Steven Greer, talks about the developments on his upcoming movie Sirus.
Of most interesting points and draw card of the movie, is the strange alien foetus - some assume the small alien creature is all movie hype, but Dr Greer insists the creature has been medically studied.
The goal of this film is to introduce as many people to this subject as possible - worldwide. We want to draw them in, help them see the validity of it and how it affects them directly. Then they can delve further via the wealth of credible information that has been gathered by The Orion Project, The Disclosure Project and CSETI. We are very excited and want to share with you in more detail some of the archives that have been offered to us to use. As you can imagine only a fraction of the material can be used in a 2 hour documentary of this scope.
For the next few weeks we will discuss the materials we have from Paola Harris, Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Lynne Kitei. Paola Harris (Italy/Europe/Vatican) is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations.
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Of most interesting points and draw card of the movie, is the strange alien foetus - some assume the small alien creature is all movie hype, but Dr Greer insists the creature has been medically studied.
The goal of this film is to introduce as many people to this subject as possible - worldwide. We want to draw them in, help them see the validity of it and how it affects them directly. Then they can delve further via the wealth of credible information that has been gathered by The Orion Project, The Disclosure Project and CSETI. We are very excited and want to share with you in more detail some of the archives that have been offered to us to use. As you can imagine only a fraction of the material can be used in a 2 hour documentary of this scope.
For the next few weeks we will discuss the materials we have from Paola Harris, Dr. Ted Loder and Dr. Lynne Kitei. Paola Harris (Italy/Europe/Vatican) is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations.
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Glowing UFO Lights, Louisiana: 03/12/2012
Sent in by a reader, this deer hunter filmed a flashing UFO light over Louisiana, on December 3 2012.
UFOs Or Military? Pennsylvania: 29/11/2012
These strange bright lights, filmed over Pennsylvania are unusual indeed. If anyone can explain them away, please do so as a reply to this post. Filmed on November 29, 2012
Bizarre Red UFO Orb - Moreno Valley, California: 29/11/2012
Strange red UFO Orb, over Moreno Valley, California 29th November 2012
Mufon report: I was walking from my shop in the backyard to my house I looked up in the night sky to look at stars like I always do and saw this bright red/orange circle. I yelled for my wife to come outside and I used my phone to record it. After a minute the light disappeared. It appeared to be going toward outerspace in the southwest night sky. It looked like maybe the fire you would see from a rocket or missile but I checked every web site I could and the only missile that day was in south korea which i wouldnt see from my house. Im just curious if something was launched I live by March Air Reserve Base but I would've heard a missile lift off. The beginning of the video is moving alot because I was trying to zoom in once I did the video is better viewable.
Caught Again! UFO Craft In Hilo Hawaii Skies: 03/12/2012.
Apparently taken from a third camera, this video shows the UFO craft filmed again over Hilo Hawaii on the 3rd December 2012. This footage shows us a different vantage point:
Note: If you live in the area and were at witness to this sighting please reply to this post.
Note: If you live in the area and were at witness to this sighting please reply to this post.
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Orb Lights In Princeton, Indiana: 26/11/2012
Unusual lights seen in Princeton, Indiana on the night of November 26, 2012:
Note: if you witnessed these lights, we would like to hear from you as a reply to this post.
Strange lights appeared in the sky this weekend and more and more Tri-Staters are asking- what were they? Kimlee McCraw sent in a picture to 14 News. This is what she says she saw outside of her Princeton, Indiana home Thanksgiving night. McCraw says she's a skeptic of UFO's, but says she definitely saw something right out of a movie. She grabbed her camera and got them on tape. "So, these are like the first ones I took," McCraw said. McCraw is eager to show anyone the pictures she took Thanksgiving night in hopes someone could explain just what she saw in the sky over her home in Princeton. "They just stayed in that four, all of them, and they moved across the sky," McCraw said. The objects immediately caught McCraw's attention while her family was outside Thanksgiving night. She even pointed them out to a neighbor who stopped by. "And I was like, 'what is that?' And she kind of turned and came back and said, 'that's an airplane.' I said, 'that is not an airplane,'" McCraw recounted. McCraw says it was just before 7:00 p.m. when she started seeing the objects rise from the horizon. She says they didn't make a sound. All glowed and changed colors, all were about the same size, and all appeared to just to float up in the air.
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Note: if you witnessed these lights, we would like to hear from you as a reply to this post.
Strange lights appeared in the sky this weekend and more and more Tri-Staters are asking- what were they? Kimlee McCraw sent in a picture to 14 News. This is what she says she saw outside of her Princeton, Indiana home Thanksgiving night. McCraw says she's a skeptic of UFO's, but says she definitely saw something right out of a movie. She grabbed her camera and got them on tape. "So, these are like the first ones I took," McCraw said. McCraw is eager to show anyone the pictures she took Thanksgiving night in hopes someone could explain just what she saw in the sky over her home in Princeton. "They just stayed in that four, all of them, and they moved across the sky," McCraw said. The objects immediately caught McCraw's attention while her family was outside Thanksgiving night. She even pointed them out to a neighbor who stopped by. "And I was like, 'what is that?' And she kind of turned and came back and said, 'that's an airplane.' I said, 'that is not an airplane,'" McCraw recounted. McCraw says it was just before 7:00 p.m. when she started seeing the objects rise from the horizon. She says they didn't make a sound. All glowed and changed colors, all were about the same size, and all appeared to just to float up in the air.
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Bright Flash Over, Argentina: 30/11/2012
A bright flash was seen over Argentina
Filmers comments:
Friday 30,11,2012 with "UFO Activity They record the abnormal activity of severe abnormalities in Havana Heaven towards 21:18 m at the height of the area Celeste, North "and North West" in the capital of Argentina where the flashes were observed anomalous large magntitud for several minutes, there was also there, minutes before an orbital Lenticular trasa with plotting sheet This "(which generated Confucianism), but later identified as a satellite HST" comfirmado, no visible steps in this evening ISS. Monitoring was continued, pending three starts Flares "Iridium" Comfirmado "If they were" three "(recorded) Mysteriously three minutes after the last pass" Iridium 75 "at 22h51m, was recorded in the same area a Lenticular fourth start "facing a flight on the Horizon" North West ", the fourth start'' could not be identified, however all list checked Above Heaven. TRV HI8 Frames Ware Fire x port. To see star map and original digital paintings, enter Glaucoart report.
Filmers comments:
Friday 30,11,2012 with "UFO Activity They record the abnormal activity of severe abnormalities in Havana Heaven towards 21:18 m at the height of the area Celeste, North "and North West" in the capital of Argentina where the flashes were observed anomalous large magntitud for several minutes, there was also there, minutes before an orbital Lenticular trasa with plotting sheet This "(which generated Confucianism), but later identified as a satellite HST" comfirmado, no visible steps in this evening ISS. Monitoring was continued, pending three starts Flares "Iridium" Comfirmado "If they were" three "(recorded) Mysteriously three minutes after the last pass" Iridium 75 "at 22h51m, was recorded in the same area a Lenticular fourth start "facing a flight on the Horizon" North West ", the fourth start'' could not be identified, however all list checked Above Heaven. TRV HI8 Frames Ware Fire x port. To see star map and original digital paintings, enter Glaucoart report.
A UFO Surprise In Surprise, Arizona: 30/11/2012
Filmers comments:
11/30/12 Approx 8:15pm taken from my Galaxy Nexus near Surprise,AZ. While driving, noticed the lights and pulled over. Watch and decide for yourself!
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