Thursday, December 06, 2012
Now That's Weird! Low Flying UFO, Longview Texas: 12/4/12
This strange low flying UFO with parallel lights was filmed over Longview Texas 12/4/12
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Filmers comments: I watch the sky all the time due to the high rate of UFO activity. So I saw this on my nightly watch and finally got it on tape it being low enough. The sound is removed because of my cousins request not to be in it. future videos will contain sound.
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Airplane, obviously! Dear "Real UFOs", please post some REAL UFO videos!!! Been seeing a lot of nothing on here lately!
I'd like to read the reasons why some of the viewers here called it fake. It sure appears real to me.
Excellent vid!
perhaps no sound because its a plane?
allso its touting some nice AIRCRAFT navigation lights.
red on the port and green on the starboard...
Aircraft!! hello!
That's a DC9 or MD80 type of aircraft.
Yeah I think it's a DC9.. It's defiantly not a UFO...
either the guy is a fool or he is making a fool of people here.. That clearly is an aeroplane
No offense but I just watched 5 sec and then turnEd it off. The music killed it. Wasn't even about the lights. Perhaps Casper the friendly ghost decided to make an appearance. It was that type of music.
Well, if it is a craft not from this world, they're darn nice and FAA compliant! Welcome!
Haha! Well, if it is a craft, not of this world, that has morphed into an Airplane of THIS WORLD! being FAA compliant, then that would be, just TOO clever, and speechless!? haha!......Welcome??:)
It's their air space!........?
No Way Hose A.
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