Saturday, September 12, 2009
UFO Filmed over Sirinevler Istanbul 09/05/2009
Another 2 Ufos from China
The poster says this Ufo filmed over China transforms - what do you think?
UFO over Binjiang in Chongqing
Friday, September 11, 2009
Russia - orb turns into many + triangle ufo videos
Russia UFO One Orb Turns Into Many
The fast flying triangle
Giant Triangle
Ufos over Bijnor in Uttar Pradesh India
UFO over Indian Town
Uploaded by Asian-UFO-sightings. - Videos of the latest science discoveries and tech.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Bright little orb obove clouds mexico 9th september
Yet another Chinese Ufo - this one over Beijing
Not sure if the Chinese government is happy with all of these videos coming out:
More on this video - Source
More Ufos over China - is this the Chinese Ufo flap of 09 ?
Here's links to more Ufo reports in china this month:
1 - UFO Jing Xian, Jinan, the night sky?
2 - Changbai Mountain UFO over Jingxian suspected UFO?
Shandong -Looks like a plane - but is it? .. many ufos are using a technique now to took like planes with false navigational lights when they are infact not planes at all... is this one of those?
UFO over Manchester, UK 5th september 2009
poster comments:
Was woken up the other morning by the Police helicopter at around 05:30 chasing after scrotes round the estate...looked up to see it & then noticed an extremely bright star like object to the East. Stared at it for a few seconds to check it wasn't moving & as it didn't i just asumed it was a star or Jupiter but seeing as Jupiter was in exactly the same spot around 6 hours earlier around midnight i thought it highly unlikely that it would be there again so soon.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Hudson Valley UFO's keep coming - a special RealUfos investigation
Contrary to what most people think the sightings still happen today with the last major one seen last October in 2008. The object often looks like a large boomerang with lights on perimeters of the craft. The ufo activity is most likely related to the large mountain ranges behind new York and the nuclear reactors in the area.
Why Triangle Ufos ?
My question is why is this formation so common and are the objects solid or not?
A few examples
Belgium 1990
Remember the vatican says believing in Ufos & Et's is Ok !
Fighter pilot Ufo video makes Sun news in the UK
The jet was on an exercise when it spied the twisting triangle travelling at a remarkable speed.But rather than shooting it down the air force pilot began gracefully banking and twisting in unison with the strange ship.
Some claim the shots really do show a visit from ET, while others insist it's a new hi-tech military gizmo, like the kind thought to be tested at America's top-secret base Area 51.One insider said: "The configuration of craft is something I haven't seen. It's using combustible fuel, so I bet it is a prototype." Source
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Remember to Submit your Ufo Photos to RealUfos !
Keep up the good work!
Remember if you have any outstanding genuine Ufo Photos please upload them here

Georgia Woman spots 3 aliens at Campsite!

My husband and I went camping this past Saturday. Sunday morning, (August 30th) around 4:00 AM, I woke up to go to the restroom. There was a building near the campsites that provided restroom and shower facilities. It was pitch black outside, except for the light from my lantern, and the lights from the building.
After going to the bathroom, I started to leave to walk back to my tent. I stopped because I felt there was someone behind me. I turned around and I saw three gray aliens standing in the woods behind the building, near another campsite on the hill in the back. They didn't seem to be doing anything but standing there.
I thought it could have been the people from the campground on the hill, but why would they just be standing in the middle of the woods at 4 AM for no apparent reason?
When one of them turned and looked at me, I realized they weren't human. For one thing, the arms were too long and the bodies were too thin. Their skin had a pale glossy look, and they had a very large cranium with lumps all over the top of the scalp. They had huge black eyes that seemed to pierce right through me.
I stand 5'3" tall, and they looked one or two inches shorter than I. The one that saw me started to inch toward me, but I bolted back to my tent. When my husband asked me what was wrong, all I could say was, "There's (expletive) aliens back there!"
Join CSETI for ET contact on October 24 2009 Rio Rico, Arizona
CSETI is preparing for a major ET contact event (or conference?) from October 24-26 th 2009 in Rio Rico, Arizona. There are quite a few high level speakers going to the event so it looks quite interesting indeed. Lets hope they make sure they have their cameras rolling there during the night!
Join us as we share the amazing 18-year history of CSETI Contact with videos, photographs, and audiotapes of actual contact during CSETI expeditions around the world!
Each night, we will all gather under the stars to MAKE ET CONTACT together using light, lasers, electronic tones from Crop Circles and other ET manifestations and Cosmic Awareness.
You will learn and experience the CSETI contact protocols that have resulted in unprecedented open contact around the world between CSETI research teams and ET civilizations, and what is next in Worldwide Disclosure.
• Steven M. Greer, MD - Director of The Disclosure Project and CSETI (The Center For the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence).
• Colin Andrews - World Renowned Crop Circle Researcher.
• Theodore Loder, PhD - Expert on Transformational New Energy Technologies.
• Lynne D. Kitei, MD - Authority on The Phoenix Lights and other ET contact events in the Arizona area.
Why not all crop circles are fake
Woman catches Fairy on Camera ?

Mrs Bacon, 55, said she was not even looking through the camera at the time she took the picture. Instead she simply clicked the button while holding it at arm's length out of the back door while chatting with relatives in her kitchen after dinner.
Read more - source
NASA STS-128 orb formation 31.08.2009 STS-128, 31.08.2009 Incredible UFO formations near Video
Obama refuses to discuss Book of Secrets
"I would tell you but I'd have to kill you," Obama joked in a White House interview with talk radio show host Michael Smerconish:
Chinese Solar eclipse Ufo makes main stream news finally!
Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China believe it is a real possibility that this footage of an unidentified flying object is the evidence we have all been waiting for.
They have confirmed 40 minutes of footage of the object was captured during this summer's solar eclipse - and that research has already started on a year-long investigation to find out what it is.
Read more - source
Interesting new Triangle Ufo Videos Submitted by our readers
What do you think of these 2:
Monday, September 07, 2009
Nick Pope speaks - The British Government and Crop Circles
I'm not sure how I feel about promoting a book, the (lengthy) subtitle of which is displayed on the front page and reads "It's 2009 and it is time to rewrite history. Nick Pope and the MoD attempt to change the official UK crop circle and UFO histories. But they are taken to task through the documented historical evidence from the National Archives!" - but what the hell, Colin Andrews and I are friends. ...

Nonetheless, I recommend this book, even though I come across as the bad guy.
See Colin's website at for further details.
More on the mystery of the recent Ufo in the google logo

In working out what this meant a coded message was posted on the official Google Twitter account which not so simply read: 1.12.12 25.15.21. 18 15 1.18.5 20.15 21.19 and which has been decoded, apparently, to become "all your O are belong to us".
Obviously this is a publicity stunt for something or other, but for the answer as to exactly what it looks like we are going to have to wait a while. Could it be an alien conspiracy movie or book launch and mark some kind of marketing tie in? Maybe it is a strange way of showing support for Gary McKinnon ?
Who knows? The only thing we can say for sure is that the mystery is set to deepen over the coming weeks. Yes, weeks. This one is going to run and run if this official statement from Google is anything to go by:
"We consider the second 'o' critical to user recognition of our brand and pronunciation of our name. We are actively looking into the mysterious tweet that has appeared on the Google twitter stream and the disappearance of the 'o' on the Google homepage. We hope to have an update in the coming weeks."
Source - continue reading
New movie - THE FOURTH KIND "Based on real life events"
Japan's First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama Claims Alien Abduction
Hatoyama embraces his moniker, given for his prominent eyes, while Miyuki in a book last year said she was abducted while asleep 20 years ago, riding on a triangular UFO to Venus. Source
Another report:
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