Thursday, December 22, 2011
On Holiday Break
As i am in a region of the world with limited internet access at the moment this may be my last post for the year.
Keep your eyes to the Skies and had an amazing 2012
Over and out Matt
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Was it a Triangle UFO Over Marble Falls Texas ?
Filmers comments:
Driving to work last night 12/13/11 I saw these balls of what looked like fire in the sky. It was rainy and nasty out and I pulled over and caut them with my phone.
Not very good quality I know but the best I could describe it I would say they looked like weather balloons with fire burning inside them. Too small to be hot air balloons, and too big to be normal balloons not to mention, wouldnt fire melt them? The one think I am sure about was they had fire in them. I saw only 2 at first but then they just kept coming from over the horizon. Other cars were pulled over just as mystified as myself. I say UFO because it is true I dont know what they were but curious to know if someone has some info or news on these things??
UFO On Truck near Cowley County Makes the News
Sitting inside Lindly's Appliance Store, Kammi Root is used to seeing large machinery towed down US 77. But what she saw Monday afternoon is something she won't soon forget.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Jaime maussan on the recent Ukraine ufo
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Strange Ufo like Objects caught on New York live web cam 11th December
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Ufo reports December 2011
Albuquerque New Mexico
My co-worker and I in Albuquerque New Mexico. When he and I saw a silver disc hovering above a tree in broad daylight about 11:30 am as it hovered it dissapeared and then came back in a blink of an eye and then it was gone for good. This not the first time either one of us have seen them we both lived in ohio and in the late sixties I had many sightings.What I want to know did anyone see it also over albuquerque?
Dec.2,2011-6:20pm,my wife and I were looking at the Leland cypress we had planted,they are about 16 feet tall,I have 2 storage buildings to the left of these,she and I saw a dull silver/white object hoovered and then shot horizontally across the sky toward greenville,sc,we live in a township named slater.It was very exciting,I was speaking with my daughter at the time we saw this,she informed me that someone else had also seen something over Bob Jones university in greenville,sc not long after we saw this.
Chevy Chase Maryland
Did anyone else see several strange lights and aircrafts in Chevy Chase,MD? I was walking in my neighborhood around 7:45pm when I looked up at the stars.I love astronomy and often go outside just to look at the stars. There were two bright orangish reddish lights moving slowly across the sky. I started watching these lights because there was no sound and it seemed to be moving too slowly for an airplane. The lights stopped directly in front of me and started blinking. At this point, several large trees were obscuring my view and I told myself the lights must just be blinking lights attached to a building or something i couldn't see. Then the lights inched to the right and stopped again. I was started to get freaked out but kept walking toward it. The lights then switched directions and moved diagonally back to the left in the same slow pace it had been going. All of a sudden, it speeds up and takes off - about the same time a house blocked my view. When i looked up, I could have sworn it was still there but far enough away and stagnant that it looked just like a star. Ok, now for my second weird encounter of the night/morning, which is the reason i am on the internet researching what I just saw could be. At 5:50am I went outside and of course, now was very concerned/interested with any lights in the sky. There was a red/orange object that looked exactly like a bright star that was just in the sky moving what would have been an inch or two over 10 minutes (the hovering and moving is what concerns me as it was definitely not a star). After about 10 minutes it continued to move without stopping to hover, BUT it moved slowly at the same speed directly, straight up into the sky. It was as thought you were dangling something on a string and pulled it up in a complete straight line until it was just a distant spec that was barely visible. I have never seen anything remotely like this and can't believe two VERY suspicious incidents would happen in one night. Can someone please let me know whether this is anything to be concerned about. Is there another explanation for what I saw other than UFO??
Loveland Ohio
Me and some friends were out on a street corner in Loveland Ohio on a park bench next to Tano Bistro (I used a website with google maps to figure out our exact location, which was Latitude:N 39° 16' 4.893" Longitude:W 84° 15' 30.5551"), when we saw these 3 whitish-orange lights in a triangle formation starting to rise up from the horizon (South/Southeast) going really fast. I got my phone out and started taking video of the lights, when another formation of lights rose up, this time there were five lights, the same color, in a much larger, somewhat uneven triangle pattern (Same direction). At this point people walking down the street, and eating outside at Tano stopped what they were doing to watch it, many getting out their phones as well and recording it. There was at least one child next to me that was really scared. Both sets of lights continued to rise up form the horizon, appearing to rise almost vertically, before vanishing as we watched, while passing overhead. I'm still not sure whether they were 2 separate craft with multiple lights on each, or 8 craft with one light each. I live in the area, and come to this spot all the time, and I've never seen anything like this in my life. Note: I did see aircraft in the vicinity before and after the event, however they appeared to be civilian, and I am not aware of any that were in the vicinity during the event.
Montana USA 2011-11-20
For approximately one full week in november, i watched these events each night. it started as i sat on my steps to smoke, and saw a grouping of three (3) very bright lights at a distance about a 20 degree level from the horizon. at first i thought they were landing lights on a commercial jet. however, as i watched it did not move either forward or reverse. i watched for approximately 25 - 30 min. and called my fieind out to see what she thought of it. we watched for about 10 minutes, then came inside.
about an hour later, we heard two air force jets go over very low to the ground. i wasn't even thinking about anything with reference to the item we had seen earlier. i looked in that direction as we closed the door and saw that the lights were no longer there.
about 15 - 30 minutes later, i heard the faint sound of a jet at high speed. having spent a few years in viet nam, i rocognize the sounds of high speed aircraft. i ran to the front door, and out into the front yard. just as i looked up i saw a light go by at a very high speed. almost immeadiately, an f-16 ( i think) with afterburners burning and glowing went over. then next his wing man off to the left of his flight path and also glowing went over. as they disappeard over the trees my first thought was, WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH AFTERBURNERS ON?
Pictures of the Blood moon eclipse
The colour change was caused by a scattering of sunlight as it passed through the thin ring of the earth's atmosphere, removing the blue light and passing mainly the red, some of which illuminated the moon.
At the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, some 300 people, many clutching coffee cups in the frigid morning air, sat with blankets and chairs on the observatory's great lawn. Source
Friday, December 09, 2011
Strange Ufo lights over Ukraine
Massive Ufo object spotted near Mercury ?
A gigantic object the size of a planet has appeared on astronomers' screens lurking near Mercury, with UFO hunters around the world wondering whether it’s an alien ship.
The object appears from nowhere in a sequence of images of a coronal ejection from the Sun, taken by a Nasa telescope.
As the flare races past Mercury, a huge round object appears next to it – but Nasa scientists insist that the object is merely a result of the way the images are processed.
Posters comments:
A theory has emerged that it is a cloaked spaceship orbiting Mercury after a camera onboard NASA's STEREO spacecraft captured a wave of electronically charged material shooting out from the sun. This collided with the planet on Thursday. The images represent a "coronal mass ejection" (CME) which suggests that alien life could possibly exist within our solar system.
Update - NASA's response to the video - Mercury UFO Just Artefact Not Spaceship 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
UFOs Spotted Over Allentown Pennsylvania Dec. 5, 2011
"A handful of people have reported seeing something strange in the skies in Lehigh County.
A man says he and his family were leaving Sam's Club in Hanover Township Sunday evening when they spotted something overhead.
He says it looked like three gray, circular objects flying in a single line.
The objects traveled across the sky before switching directions and disappearing into the distance. Source
Jamie Maussan - the UFO Bubble Over Italy 2011
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Kepler space telescope confirms planet in habitable zone Kepler-22b
NASA's Kepler mission has confirmed its first planet in the "habitable zone," the region where liquid water could exist on a planet's surface. Kepler also has discovered more than 1,000 new planet candidates, nearly doubling its previously known count. Ten of these candidates are near-Earth-size and orbit in the habitable zone of their host star
French astronomers’ confirmed finding Gliese 581d in May anorther similar planet and Swiss astronomers reported in August that another planet, HD 85512 b, about 36 light years away seemed to be in the habitable zone of its star. However, those two planets are “orbiting stars smaller and cooler than our Sun,” NASA said in a statement, noting that Kepler-22b “is the smallest yet found to orbit in the middle of the habitable zone of a star similar to our Sun.” Source
Monday, December 05, 2011
Triangle Ufo over Dover Tennessee 21 September 2011
You may want to view this one in Full screen - does it look like a Ufo or helicopter to you?
Mufon Sighting Report:
We observed lights in the sky on 21 September 2011 for about 15-20 minutes. Object had three lights in a triangular formation in the Northwestern Sky. I am located in Dover, TN and I was standing outside the back door of my home. Prior to seeing this I was inside working on my computer when I heard a call to come look at something in the sky.
At first I thought it might be something from the near by military base but the object made no sound. We frequently have helicopters fly over and occasionally other military type crafts (Chinooks and other large transport style aircraft)but this did not look like anything we had ever seen before.
As I stated before, the object had three lights in a triangular formation. It appeared to hover for several seconds and then it would move very fast but it would not make any sound. The object would move across and out of my line of sight and several minutes later it would appear in the sky again. For the most part it stayed over the tree line but on two occasions it appeared to come closer and was almost directly over my home. When it was closest to my home there was no sound and one light appeared to shine very brightly down on us. All of a sudden it flew away very fast without making any sound. When it was over us only the lights were visible. I could not see anything but the lights of the object.
We did not know exactly what the object was but we were very curious. I managed to take two videos with my phone (sorry, I attempted to keep a steady hand but it was a little shaky due to my excitement). Unfortunately, I was unable to get my phone ready when the object was closest to me I was focused on looking up at the object.
The flight pattern of the object appeared to be in a large oval shape. It completed this pattern several times during the 15-20 minutes we were outside. Eventually, the object went out of our line of sight and did not return.
*Please note that the other witness observed the object longer and might be able to provide more details that I could not.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Who reads Real Ufos ? & the increase in ufo news

Spanish term for Ufo "Ovni" shows numerous spikes in 2011 & increasing volume of news trend:

Ufo follows man - San Diego to Hollister California 2010-12-11
While driving back home for Christmas break from San Diego to Hollister Ca, I stopped on a piece of property we own in a very secluded part of an unpopulated area to start a fire and get some rest before continuing north. Around 4 am I noticed an Orb straight above a Hill that hadn't been there before and it moved in a light circular pattern. I knew right away it was too bright to be a star but wasn't making a sound so it couldn't be a helicopter. I grabbed my i-phone and hoped it'd be able to catch it. Luckily it was the only object in the sky bright enough even though there where planets and thousands of stars out.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Ufos over Adelaide South Australia Orb November 30th 2011
Posters comments:
Appeared orange/red at first but once it passed the moon went into a bright (colour only visible with eye). This is my first sighting since moving houses. Filmed - Adelaide, Australia
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Bright Ufo over near Popocateptl Volcano Mexico
Over the years there has been numerous reports showing ufo sightings over volcanoes for some unknown reason.
Posters comments:
This luminous object 19/11/2011 on volcanoes and toured the north-west of the metropolitan area, a bank of clouds that were on the horizon, assess this phenomenon is a myth or a reality.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Large triangle ufo over Lakewood Colorado 11/28/11
Video filmed on 11/28/11
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
What were those lights over Loveland Ohio - ufos ?
Me and some friends were out on a street corner in Loveland Ohio on a park bench next to Tano Bistro (I used a website with google maps to figure out our exact location, which was Latitude:N 39° 16' 4.893" Longitude:W 84° 15' 30.5551"), when we saw these 3 whitish-orange lights in a triangle formation starting to rise up

Note: Click 1080p from the menu on the bottom right and then go full screen to see the lights best (its not the street light)
Strange ufo like lights over Maspeth New York
Posters comments:
5:30am, starting my day at work when suddenly I saw this weird lights in the sky..
Rare smoke rings Over Mt Ruapehu
Friday, November 25, 2011
Your Ufo Sightings November / October 2011
After opening my front door I looked up and saw a bright light flashing or pulsating can't be sure due to distance. I am sure it was out in space. however,it does night seem like a regular star nor sun light reflecting off of a satilite. it is stationary but due to rotation of the earth it appears to move. An airplane flew across the sky during the sighting of this object and even thought this object is further away it was brighter the the lights from the plane and also other stars appear far more dull and this object is by far closer to earth than any other stars I've seen. The sighting started at 10:55pm eastern NY time on the 25th of november 2011 and ended at 12:32am eastern NY
Summerfield North Carolina 3/18/10
I have no idea if this is anything or not, but I just uploaded all my pics from my phone to my computer and for the first time, I noticed one picture had 2 very strange lights captured in it. No other pictures of mine (1000+ from the same phone) has shown anything like this. The picture was taken back on 3/18/10 at 7:20 in the morning, over the town of Summerfield, NC 27358. The strange thing about the photo is there seems to be an outline around the lights. Please let me know what you think.

South West of France, november 22nd
I spotted a very bright light at 00:20 in the South West of France, today november 22nd. I filmed it for an hour with my sony ericcson experia in HD. The camera showed a swirl of lights that emitted two huge light burst every minute and a half roughly.
USA November 24, 2011
I looked up at the sky and noticed there was an orange tear drop shape crossing the sky. My brother and fiance both took notice and we watched as it crossed.
My older brother is a retired Air Force technician who worked with A-10's and was skeptical at first. We looked for any form of landing or caution lights but saw none. The first object was moving across the sky from what appeared west-to-east and then shot off into the distance.
Soon after, another object of same color and shape appeared along the same flight path. It was bright orange and looked almost like a comet. It followed what, from the ground, appeared to be the same path.
As we watched, a group of people in a car pulled over to ask us if we saw the same thing. We answered that we were just then looking at it. We watched until it disappeared into the horizon. It hooked up into the sky, but seemed to fade into the distance as if it was going beyond our view.
There was no sound and no trail that we could see. We did witness it flying what looked to be parallel to the clouds before they went through them. The clouds did lighten with the orange color.
We didn't observe any pulsing or fluctuations. It was just a fuzzy solid orange.
My fiance said she thought the top had two solid red lights with an orange bottom. However, I did not notice a difference.
Chinese lanterns not Ufos over Kuban Russia
I let off my own lanterns last year in asia where its common around new year (they are banned in western counties due to flight risk thus why we freak out when we see them!). They are very large, make no sound and hover. Its quite obvious to me when i see these now, if you disagree with my thoughts here then please respond. I just ask that people use their brains and think hard when you see a light in the sky - could there be another explanation for it?
Banning of Chinese Lanterns - a good thing for Ufology & farmers.

Ufo video filmed over Cleveland Heights Ohio
Would like to know if others saw this one:
Ancient Aliens and the Creation of Man
Why are humans so different from every other species on Earth? Did we evolve from ape--or is our intelligence the result of contact with an otherworldly source? Could unexplained advances in human evolution be the work of interstellar beings? 10,000-year-old petroglyphs link our ancient ancestors with star beings. Might evidence of alien contact help unlock the mystery of the Creation of Man?
Part 2
Part 3
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Triangle Ufo ovni over Perpignan France ?
Poster comments:
Awakened by a noise at night, I see the lights above the rooftops in front of my balcony. Perpignan has observed a UFO?
The Strange Phenomena in Missouri - Coast To Coast AM
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Don't get tricked - LED Kites Mistaken for UFOs in Shanghai
This video shows you how easy it is fly a Ufo looking LED kite:
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
11/21/11 Triangle UFO Over Norway
November 2011- Your Ufo reports
If you also spotted a ufo in the area close to this report please reply to this post to let us know.
South West of France november 22nd
I spotted a very bright light at 00:20 in the South West of France, today november 22nd. I filmed it for an hour with my sony ericcson experia in HD. The camera showed a swirl of lights that emitted two huge light burst every minute and a half roughly. Video
Early this morning around 5:30a.m i woke up an looked out my window towards Winnipeg MB, from Selkirk MB. I saw a bright orange light sort of like a spot light but it wasn't moving. My first thought was "wow its a clear night" but as i watched this light it slowly became dimmer an dimmer til it was gone. Anxious an confused i raised the blinds so i could see the full sky an noticed another bright light floating in one spot, but this light also had flashing red, blue, and green lights. As i watched the object for about an hour I than saw what seemed to be a shooting star just off to the left of the object, but this light was brighter than your average shooting star. Than around 7 a.m. the original light i saw re appeared about 6 inches from the flashing object an headed north, it almost seemed to curve an turn slightly an started heading slightly north east. I than resumed watching the flashing object for a few more hours. By using a hydro pole an stars I was able to conclude that this object was heading south with a slight degree south west. As the sun rose an all the stars became impossible to see this one light still remained but slowly grew more distant but yet visible. I am unsure if anyone else had witnessed this event, but if someone else did it would be great to back up my story.
Traveling Alone Northbound U.S.Hwy 395 @ Just North of China Springs Road/Douglas County,Nevada.
FYI:Driving full sized Pick-up Truck with 100%,360 Degree View.
At the top of hill overlooking Gardnerville,Nv with line of sight view to my left is East Peak Nevada 10,000' Elev, with Lake Tahoe Basin on other side,the sun was starting to set, but do to partly high clouds not as bright as would be if clear skies.
Object was a Blue/White(RE:Arc Welding Arc)Desending at slight angled path to North, Starting above Cloud Cover then penetrating the Cloud formation,at extreme speed that i could only estimate if object had been much much closer, cloud cover was about 10 miles West of my location.
However i saw object above and through raincloud and come out bottom, lluminating inside of cloud, object continued north at very high rate but slight angle Possible 10 to 20 degrees.
Object then before either going behind Genoa Peak 9,000' Elev or into it, turned a Red Color (Not orange/red) described as like a road flare, then disapeared out of visual range or burned up, but at no time was there ever a trail, it was very clean looking, solid white/blue arc turning red, the gone.
Could had been a Meteor? Ive seen meteors at night and they burn up long before getting to where i last saw it, and it was still light outside.
I would think at the altitude i last saw it, it either recovered out of my visual range or it hit the ground on the West side of Genoa peak or into Lake tahoe on Nevada side.
As this report happend just moments before writing this i am still mezmorized. My first sighting ever in my life i feel over joyed i looked out of my window and i the distance i seen a light of what i just thought to be a plane of some sort until i seen the light moving side to side up and down with three slowly dulling flashing lights then turning into one light it was so bright i couldnt take my eye off of it as i watched in amazment it suddenly shot straight up and dissapeared into the sky at a rapid unimagenable speed this sighting was spotland scotland, coatbridge, Kirkwood
I was jogging with my dog that day and saw the flying object with white snow tail, I’m wondering what is that. I cannot unidentify it, so I called it UFO. It doesn’t look like aeroplane and this area do not have airport.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Revisiting the Hayabusa Re-entry over Australia - ufo ?
I have posted this one a few months back but this video is a further closeup and i've always been puzzled what the small little object is at the front that stays alight?
Does anyone have any idea what it could be?
A group of astronomers from NASA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and other organizations had a front row seat to observe the Hayabusa spacecraft's fiery plunge into Earth's atmosphere. The team flew aboard NASA's DC-8 airborne laboratory, packed with cameras and other imaging instruments, to capture the high-speed re-entry over an unpopulated area of central Australia on June 13, 2010. The Japanese spacecraft completed its seven-year, 1.25 billion mile journey to return a sample of the asteroid Itokawa.
Ufo filmed over Niagara Falls
Although this video doesn't look like much it shows the strange metallic like object spotted in the area. I would like to hear from any locals who may have also spotted ufos over the falls.
Need to view at full screen:
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Strange ufo lights over Bergen Fyllingsdalen Norway
These lights were filmed over Bergen, Fyllingsdalen November 2011
Did anyone see this Ufo over Cedar City Nov 16 2011
If anyone also spotted this we would like to hear from you as a reply.
To see it the video must be viewed at full screen:
UFO Missile spiral Filmed over Russia November 19, 2011
Giant Headed Alien Discovered 2011
The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body - has baffled anthropologists.
It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.Read more here
NBC Sunday Night Football UFO Identified - Not a Ufo !
We at RealUfos refused the post this video when it first came out because we suspected it was some type of camera trick or glitch to start off with. So many people emailed us about this sighting and Im glad we didnt post it because fakes and exposure are not what this site is about.

Such sequences — called “beauty shots” — are typically run during sporting events to give viewers a taste of the city hosting the game.
Keen observers noticed some brightly lit objects streaking across the sky, and when a home viewer videotaped the NBC footage and slowed it down, even to frame-by-frame examination, it appeared that the NBC camera had captured a very large, rod-shaped object topped with glowing circular lights (see image below right) and moving behind the cathedral.
These streaks of light, to many viewers, seemed to be a sign of intelligent life in the universe, and faster than you can say, “ET, phone home,” a clip of this video went viral.
After the 2nd and 3rd generation video swept around the Internet, leading to wild speculation about whether or not these objects were huge UFOs or tiny insects flying close to the camera lens, NBC cameraman R.D. Willis contacted The Huffington Post to set the record straight — because he shot the original video.
It can now be told definitively: Willis is a time lapse photographer. And because he taped the sequence at super-slow speeds, the objects just seem to be lightning-fast spacecraft. Yet, the objects in question were commercial airplanes.
“If you watch Sunday Night Football on a regular basis, you will recognize my time lapse videos throughout our telecasts,” Willis told HuffPost exclusively.
“I move and manipulate my Nikon Still DSLR camera with a computer controlled pan head and dolly. This technique makes my time lapse video motion seem more like ‘real time’ motion when, in fact, they are a series of still images played back very quickly.”
Continue reading here
Friday, November 18, 2011
Ufo Video - second day of sightings over Wisconsin
Note - we would like to hear from locals again in the area. If you saw these lights please respond to this post.
Aliens, Gods and Heroes
Part 2
Part 3
Triangle Ufo lights over Miami Florida - November 16, 2011
Mufon witness report
"1. I was driving into my driveway on my way home from tutoring a student. 2. I noticed the object as I had the top down on my Jeep and saw something strange in my field of vision. 3. I thought it was an airplane at first but then realized airplanes have lights that indicate that they are airplanes and that they do not fly in triangular formations and disburse all of a sudden.
4. The object traveled south and kept a constant speed. It appeared as if it was hovering south yet it was ascending at the same time. The first objects that I saw (the triangular formation) disbursed into three separate directions and appeared to regroup (in video). After I finished recording the first objects I ran to my grandfather who was outside with me (who also saw the objects) and then noticed another series of objects traveling the same path that the triangular formation followed.
The lights in the sky all exhibited the same behavior and the lights turned off after they finished ascending just below cloud level. The objects were still visible after the lights turned off and then vanished after a few seconds.
5. I was excited and curious at the same time. My immediate action upon seeing the triangle was pulling out my cell phone to record the UFO event. Overwhelmed with excitement, I only recorded the first sighting unfortunately
6. Multiple objects vanished as the lights turned off, however, they were visible for a short time after."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
UFOs Over Ripon, Wisconsin - Nov.15, 2011
In response to another case reported from neenah/winnebago area-case# 33373- Ufo's were visible from Ripon wisconsin as well. Also appeared to be in the western direction and not too far in the distance. I've been starbathing for about 6 years now with much video proof of many activities in my area, as well as objects on the ground, and in my tree-60 feet off front porch which i may send that video for you too, another time. These particular objects I have gotten on video basically doing the same thing in 2009-for 3 days, with our lovely military doing there best to chase them with 7 or 8 fighter jets. This time no jets, but the scenario is the same-lights open up in the sky, craft comes out, and lights fade out. The last time i caught it on video it was lighter and you can make out shiny spheres in the video that would light up a little bit when they accelerated or changed direction abruptly. Too dark to make that out this time but what came out definetly strobed kind of like a plane but different kind of light. I missed four of them for sure when i turned and ran to get the camera, possibly more when i was out of sight, but for sure the first four i saw i didnt get, but could still see blinkys when i got back.

1.where was I? at home
3.what did i think? uhhh-cameras thatta way---->
4.description? some kind of transportation feelings? I see so much that i dont get emotional lose sight? bright holes went away and blinkys scattered
I rendered this video as mpg but original is high definition
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Strange white blob ufo over Fresno
If you also have spotted ufos in the area we would like to hear from you.
Posters comments:
9.30pm clear calm night sony trv-103 zoomed at 10 times and other. object was in the western part of sky very slow moving. finally faded out and was never seen again
Your Ufo sightings November 2011
If you would like to submit and share your personal sighting please use the submit ufo report link above. Here are a few recent once submitted by our readers:
in tulsa Oklahoma sighting unexplainable me.and my fiance both saw it. it wasnt a bright light it was a literal object with no sound but moving very swiftly across the sky was below the clouds on Nov 4 2011
Burnsville, North Carolina
A metallic looking sphere just at a stand still....then disappears. I was driving into my driveway and i saw it in the northern part of the sky in San Antonio , Texas at 12:20 pm 11/12/2011
Edmonton Canada
was stopped behind a bus while heading east on Stony Plain Road, close to 149 St intersection in Edmonton. The bus was loading/unloading several passengers, so I had time to look around. Looked to my left out the driver's side window and saw an unusual formation of lights in the sky. The formation was flying very slowly towards me - I soon could see 5 distinct lights in a V-formation. The lights were very large, round-shaped, and warm white in color. The lights were large and contiguous with each other. No halo or bleeding of one light to the next - very distinct round shaped. The object was flying very low and not changing altitude. It was traveling south (so it was flying perpendicular to, and towards me). I turned off my iPod and opened my window and stuck my head out to determine if there was any sound (and hopefully to signal to other people to look up). I could hear no sound over that of traffic. As the object got closer - I estimate within 500 feet (< 150 m) total distance from me (horizontal and vertical) - I could observe that the lights were attached to a single silver-gray translucent craft with a body down the center. The craft itself may have been triangular rather than a V. The object was almost overhead when I noticed the bus was gone. No one had honked, so hopefully the drivers behind me were as transfixed by the object as I was.\
Bizzare white stripes in Gobi desert China - what are they?

Numerous structures have been recently found in the Gobi desert. What these structures or facility is un-clear.
Some think they are a military practice range for a laser firing weapon from space or a target for long range missiles as numerous burnt out trucks have been spotted on the lines:
See the lines yourself - check out
these Links in google maps:,93.742118&hl=de&ll=40.413774...,93.742118&hl=de&ll=40.413774...,93.31314%09&hl=en&ll=40.4586...,93.50004%09&hl=en&ll=40.4794...,90.85693359375&ll=40.445379,90.8...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
traffic cam ufo 2011-11-03 Virginia,
If anyone also spotted this please respond to this post.
View in fullscreen:
Posters comments:
Watching news on local channel WAVY TV 10, apparent at 5:30AM, UFO appeared to be heading towards camera then goes off camera then appears traveling opposite direction with a trail, very un-nerving and goosebumps, appeared to travel off into horizon with great speed.
Red pulsing object over Fresno
Fresno seems to be an area of weekly ufo activity and I'm not sure why really?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ufos over Madrid ovnis 11-10-11
Also during the day these 2 objects were spotted:
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The dancing ufo lights over illinois ufo
similar ones over ohio:
Large triangle ufo lights over Mexico City 10-11-11
UFO or unusual plane over Berlin - 11.10.2011
I would like everyone's opinion on this object - reflection from a plane or is it really truly something strange? Filmed 11.10.2011
Bright light ufo over Louisiana again 2011-11-11
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy 11:11:11 Everyone.. still here !!
I did a quick screen capture as this freaky moment occurred, and asked for my wishes to come true ! It won't be long before the US and readers all over the world catch up, some take time out and watch it on your clock :
A day of spiritual significance for those who believe the number 11 has a mystical power.
Good Luck - A very special day to get married or have a birthday .
Ufo video over St. Augustine Florida 2011-11-08
If anyone in Florida also spotted a similar object we would like to hear from you asap!
Last night November 8, 2011 in about 12:56AM. again, I witnessed something in the sky that put me in shock. Over the Atlantic shores of St. Augustine an unknown bright object in a BALL shape with orange, purple, green and red lights and surrounded by black balls were drifting to the right in the sky for 25 minutes and then stop and turn into a large white bright ball with a light tale. The object did not make any noise but the intensity of light changed every 10 seconds.

Bright UFO in the southern sky of Louisiana
Looks too bright to be a lantern?
Would like to hear from anyone in Louisiana who may have also witnessed this object:
FRESNO red triangle ufo ? formation
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Strange triangle like ufo over midlothian scotland 7 nov 2011
It seems to be flashing at a very high up in the atmosphere. Filmed over midlothian scotland 3.45 am 7 nov 2011:
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Ufos or lanterns over Moscow Russia ?
Posters comments:
Filmed over Moscow district . What is it we do not know?. We don't claim that they are "flying saucers". Sounds a lot like flying Chinese lanterns, but it was moving much faster and was much brighter? Any ideas?
Giant asteroid to pass near Earth tomorrow !!
"We're extremely confident, 100 percent confident, that this is not a threat," said the manager of NASA's Near Earth Object Program, Don Yeomans. "But it is an opportunity."
The asteroid named 2005 YU55 is being watched by ground antennas as it approaches from the direction of the sun. The last time it came within so-called shouting distance was 200 years ago.
Closest approach will occur at 9:45am on Wednesday NZT when the asteroid passes within 325,000km of Earth. That's closer than the roughly 38,6242km between the Earth and the moon.
Read more source
Readers Personal Ufo sightings November 2011
Just a reminder to submit your reports by using the 'submit report' link in the top right of the screen.If you also spotted ufos in these regions please respond to this post with your accounts:
In tulsa Oklahoma sighting unexplainable me.and my fiance both saw it. it wasnt a bright light it was a literal object with no sound but moving very swiftly across the sky was below the clouds on Nov 4 2011
New Jersey
Strange noiseless object floating in the sky in New Jersey at 2 am
Mountains of North Carolina - Burnsville, NC ...
Something in the sky, discernable in the west from burnsville, nc. Irregular shape, red lights around a white center, not moving. Much too high to be on a mountaintop.
Silver Ufo in from texas 5th November
Texas September 2011 Large Boomerang Ufo
On the evening of Sept. 19, 2011 - around 7:30pm, my wife, my little boy and I walked about a mile up the street from our north Texas home to an Elementary School so that our little boy could use the playground...and we could wear him out to get ready for nap time later. We spent about 30-45 minutes at the playground as the skies quickly became dark and night fell. We stayed a while after it got dark and decided it was time to walk back home.
As we proceeded to walk north down Church St., we noticed that the skies were very clear, as we could see many of the star constellations and took note of the little and big dipper. We noticed a few planes flying over in their normal landing procedure, strobes on as well as landing lights lit up - as is common in the skies above north Texas, with busy DFW airport to our south. I took note of an airplane coming in to my left (from the west) that I thought I would play a joke with my wife and claim to be something out of the norm. We got to about the halfway point between our home and the elementary school playground, again facing and walking north on Church St. when the plane coming in from the west was right above us. I pointed up at the aircraft and exclaimed "what is that??". I noticed she looked up as well and my son, of whom I was carrying (due to scraping his knee at the playground) saw it as well.
About a second after we all three were looking up at the airplane, I noticed something barely visible in my right side peripheral vision to the north east and quickly looked over for my eyes to focus on what it was. I noticed my wife turned her head to look at the object as well. At what seemed like the exact same time, her and I both pointed at this object that would not have been visible had you not been looking right at it - it would have been very easy to miss; we both said "what the hell is that!?!" followed by "are you seeing what I'm seeing??" - in a way trying to re-assure each other that we both were seeing this UFO.
As we both stared at the object, which appeared to be flying direct - from north to south at a constant speed and altitude, we both tracked it with our index fingers, pointing at it the whole time. The object was V shaped, however more rounded at the front - more like a boomerang, and huge in size that made absolutely no noise at all. Initially, the object looked to be similar in altitude to what a landing aircraft would if it were heading to DFW. As the object was near directly to the east of us (to our right), I quickly realized that this object appeared to be much higher, more like in the mesosphere...almost like it was poking into the atmosphere. I have seen shooting stars and have seen the space shuttle and ISS as they have passed Earth; the shuttle i have also seen re-entering. This was nothing remotely similar to these occurrences. This object was larger than any aircraft, blimp, flock of birds; anything flying for that matter, that I have ever seen. The object was unified and solid in shape, it did not change, it did not get bigger nor did it get any smaller or change direction and again was at a constant altitude for the entirety of the duration we saw it. The UFO also was traveling very quickly - from the moment we first saw it to the moment at which is disappeared to the south was about 20 seconds. What was so incredible was that an object this massive in size made absolutely no noise at all. Shaped like a boomerang, only the front of the "hull" was visible. The object itself had no lights nor emitted light. It was almost as if light was reflecting off the front of the craft so you were able to make out that something was there in the shape of a boomerang. The rest of the craft was almost blurred and the closest comparison would be like in the movie "The Predator", when the Predator turns invisible; you can still make out he is there because objects behind him are blurred.
After the object disappeared and we could no longer see it (almost like an airplane traveling away from you becomes so far you cannot see it), my wife and I looked at each other and asked "who is ever going to believe us?" As we continued our walk home, I continually began reviewing everything in my mind so as not to lose any detail. I wrote an email to my parents that night describing what we saw in detail to document everything. I also quickly started to seek images and youtube videos from the internet, trying to find anything close or exactly like what we had just seen. After searching and searching - most the artist renderings or images that I found were too V shaped, I decided to create my own rendering of what we saw.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Strange Ufo appears every day in forest at Iata Brazil
A misterious light that appears in Iata district is intriguing the people that live in that region. The local TV sent reporters there to find out a bit more about this phenomenon
part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Whitehouse responds to the petition saying no evidence of ETs?
"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race," Phil Larson from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy reported on the website."In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye."
Read more of the Whitehouse response here
Triangle UFO over Veracruz, Mexico - 28th Oct 2011
This video was recorded on the 28th October 2011.
Ufo over Cidade Ademar, Brazil Oct 31, 2011)
Strangley it looks like this new ufo video in from the USA (location unknown):
UFO flashing light October 30 2011 Coquitlam BC
Posters comments:
We Noticed a light lowering down from very high in the sky as we were driving on Austin.. It stopped and stayed in one spot for a few minutes then disappeared heading North East..
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Ufo over Wisconsin 2011-10-29
Posters comments:
About 30 people were taking part in the �Haunted Woods Tour� as part of the Burlington, WI, Vortex Conference. We were hiking through the woods at about 9 pm, after dark, with no moon, had just reached �The Vortex,� when someone in the group called out, �What�s up in the sky?�
We all looked where he was pointing, up beyond some tall pine trees to the east, and saw a flaming orange object flying silently towards us about a mile away and a mile up. The object flew towards us at a slow, steady rate, sometimes zigging and zagging slightly, but always heading right towards us. When it was almost right overhead it disappeared.
Then a moment later another one (or the same one) appeared about a mile away to the east and a mile high, and followed the exact same path, also disappearing when it got just about overhead.
The objects didn�t have any apparent shape, and didn�t make any noise. They appeared to be made of flickering, flaming orange light.
All 30 people saw it, many took pictures and some took video.
Friday, November 04, 2011
UFO's over Phoenix November 2nd 2011
Do people think these are lanterns or something else?
November 3, 2010
Ufo over Los Angeles 2010-12-13
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Rachel Nevada UFO Town booms due to new Geocaching craze
The town lies approximately three hours drive north of Las Vegas along Nevada Highway 375 (the "Extraterrestrial Highway"), which has an unofficial "speed limit" of Warp 7. The tiny town receives a modest number of visitors interested in the U.S. government's secret doings, to whom a small tourist shop, 3-room motel, and an alien-themed restaurant and bar, the Little A'Le'Inn are available.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Giant Ufo craft October 31st Lee's Summit Ufo
Infact this is not the first time it has occured over the area. Would like to hear from others who spotted the object and what everyone thinks could be behind it - someone mentioned it was a group of skydivers at night with flares?
Suggest you watch in Fullscreen (Click square on bottom right of video)
I was in the car with my daughter-in-law and two small grandsons, while Trick-or-Treating last night (10-31-11). We were stopped at a light on a busy street when I noticed a huge, circular object moving right toward us from the North. It had pulsating and blinking multi-colored lights, as well as extremely bright, white lights. It came very close and hovered over all the cars and buildings, through several light changes (everyone who saw it just sat where they were!), then slowly began to move off toward the SW in an arcing path. When we first saw it, it was as if it was approaching us with its bottom facing us, (as if on a vertical orientation, and as it retreated, it turned flat (or horizontal), at times moving very slowly, then accelerating very quickly. It would completely disappear from time to time. We followed it, both of us taking turns video-ing it with our phones. It at times acted as if it were playing a game with us, hiding,then appearing very close so we could see details, including a dome-like appendage on the bottom-center. Then it would speed off, eventually making a complete circle over our area and winding up hovering over the neighborhood where we had originally been headed. It disappeared again, as we got out of the car to go tell our friends, and many people in the neighborhood came running up asking if we saw it, too! It returned from low on the Northern horizon, hovered directly over us, at times turning on its end, as before, and at other times performing all sorts of movements that seemed to defy regular laws of physics! Someone said the news was saying it was a group of 7 precision-flight small plane operators, performing a fly-by over the football stadium, but we saw this very closely and it was not a group of small planes (or large ones)! It was completely circular and everything moved as one, without fail. It made very little noise, a pleasant, low, oscillating hum, that I have never heard before, nor had anyone else. Definitely not the sound of any plane or helicopter I have ever heard. This sky-line ballet went on for over an hour and toward the end, the craft had turned to a horizontal position and forcefully ejected a much smaller, red, orb-like object, then shot off never to be seen by us again. The red orb hovered for many minutes, its light just pulsating and varying in intensity of frequency, then it began moving, slowly at first, then it also shot off in the same direction as the large craft and we never saw it again, either. It had no sound. We all felt very affected on many levels. We were, of course, very excited, skeptical (kept trying to google any news about it but phones were not working well), happy (no one seemed to feel frightened or upset), and tingly. Personally, I felt like I had lost a huge chunk of time, and felt an enormous amount of high-frequency energy around me and running through me! I felt hopeful, and could not sleep the rest of the night. The small children were also elated, and had lots of energy as well. Today, I could find no news on TV or the net, other than MUFON, about this! I am just so sad that my phone camera could not capture the beauty and enormity of this thing!
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