Sunday, June 29, 2008

Strange object filmed in Ukraine 24th of June 2008

This one looks strange guys,
Is it a man made probe or rocket or something else?

This tube shaped UFO was filmed in Kiev, Ukraine in June 2008. No wings or tail are present on the craft, which rules out a standard airplane or jet as an explanation. Rate this posting:


Anonymous said...

i saw something very similar to this the other day. It was a commercial plane in a very blue sky. The result is that the brightness of the sky makes the wings and tail of the plane barely visible and all you see if the main body. Especially if the plane is banking towards you, in which case the wings are hidden in the silhouette of the body.

Anonymous said...

WOW, nice!

Anonymous said...

On July 25th of 2008, in Santa Monica, California, before 7pm, I saw something very similar in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Clearly a commercial airliner. Video taken with fuzzy pixilation from home consumer video camera with low pixel capabilities 10x zoom. I bet if the sound was tracked, and correct track, you would hear jet wash. I also bet if you found the location you'd find it near an airport, like frankfurt, not Ukraine.

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