Although its not Ufo related really, it is interesting. Filmed from the Ivory Coast South Africa on April 20, 2011.
You can barely make out something at 1.30 into the video that does look like the virgin Mary.
On Wednesday, April 20, 2011, in the district of Yopougon in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, nine days after the coup in France to install one of its governors in the person of Alassane Ouattara, a strange event occurred, visible to thousands of people.
The crowd roared, and all said they saw the Virgin Mary in heaven,
Several people recorded on mobile phones, and this is one of the recordings.
In the recording is only visible to strong light from the Sun, after 1:30, you can see something similar to a woman dressed in white with a blue blanket, floating near the trees.
See in full screen - At 1:30 of video you can see a displacement of light as the source of light was moving:
Inverted colours - look at 1.30 easier to see
Hail Mary full of grace,the lord is with thee!.......Please bless those who care,and forgive those who don't. AMEN!:)
--- % ---
ummmmm.... what am i supposed to be looking at ???
Love to see more movies of this from other mobile phones.
This seems to be authentic.
Such an effect could be made with hologram beams, known from theme parks and laser-beam shows on beaches. Although I have never seen it in the full sunlight. Maybe, just maybe, this could not be fake.
solar flare.
Very possibly a lens flare. No coverage in the international press?
I'm not even going to look at this easter bunny off topic bs
How on earth is this appropriate for THIS website?
(Of course, for those who think that the entire field of UFOlogy is preposterous fantasy, videos that purport to be the Virgin Mary - a fictitious character from a many times revised collection of short stories - floating in the sky should fit right in.)
This type of superstitious mumbo-jumbo only serves to undermine the credibility and seriousness of EVERY other post to this website.
I would suggest that this website either refrain from this type of silly, non-ufo-related presentations (enough of the purported "UFO" videos are goofy enough) and stick to higher quality UFO cases strictly, or risk losing not only it's remaining credibility but a large sector of it's readership.
Looks like a holographics image specially when it goes away..but the reason I think its fake is because the person recording this is focused on the specific spot throughout the entire time like he was expecting something to be there.
i think this is fae :/ why same clothes all this time, clothes of that one dates back ages ago lol
Technically a giant woman coming out of the sun in the sky during a solar flare is still a flying object people, stop with all the endless bitching. If the title of the video doesn't strike your interest than don't watch the video. It's that simple. The fact that some of you tools take the time to comment just to say "i'm not watching this" is hilarious to me.
This is definitely not CGI. I can say that with certainty. A lens flare makes the most sense, but the reaction of the crowd in correlation w/the obvious resemblance to the classic catholic depiction of the Virgin Mary is undeniably awe inspiring. I'm not a particularly religious/spiritual person, but this definitely has me shaking my head...
To Comment no9:
I'm sorry that you think and feel that way, but have you seen the video:.."Project blue Beam" OR the
Documentary:.."Ancient Aliens" all of them! if not Please do! because on understand those stories, might give rise to the reasoning, why the decision to put this video up for Comments,Yes?
Of course it's not CGI Michael, iut's just a fricken solar flare at 240p opn a cell phone cam! It's NOTHING AT ALL. Overdub a religious nutjob crowd from a church somewhere (did u SEE anyone yelling hallelujah?) and you have a RELIGIOUS MIRACLE.
A solar flare is not a UFO.
As a person of faith I choose to believe this is real, if it turn's out to be fake then shame on you for exploiting peoples religious beliefs.
this video first aired on GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS. as some people know that site has alot of BULLSIT storys.
You don't hear any1 yelling hallelujah because this's filmed in west Africa, where English is not a common language, In fact it's very uncommon in this area, & hallelujah is an English Christian term. & you're the only 1 who's not seeing it, @ the 1:30 mark you can see a clear as day visual representation of what has an obvious resemblance to the classic catholic depiction of the Virgin Mary emerging seemingly from out of the solar flare, @ which point the entire crowd begins to lose their shit. If somehow you're missing that, i suggest you watch the 2nd video where the anomaly is much more apparent due to the contrast adjustment made to the video. Whoever did that, thanks BTW. I was only ruling out the impossibility of it being CGI, no need to single me out.
Comment: no.15
Halleluiah!!..My Friend.
To Michael, who wrote:
" & hallelujah is an English Christian term."
Uh hem,
Hallelujah (Hallelu yah)
is HEBREW and it means Praise GOD.
Just sayin.
As for that diamond shape being Mary, oh for cryin....
I aggree with some here, saying let's just stick to those pesky aliens.. :-)
Er, no Michael, I DID hear people yelling Hallelujah. And my point (I'll say it again) is that you don't SEE anyone say ANYTHING because you don't SEE ANYONE IN THIS VIDEO. It's just a video of the sky. The only thing that suggests Mary or Africa is the NAME OF THE VIDEO.
@ Michael
Well, in the Ivory coast it's common to speack french regarding its colonisation history. As a french native speaker I know that in french we use Halleluja as well... More likely if we face an apparant divine apparition.
Just for clarification, the term "hallelujah" is a transliteration of ancient Hebrew and is used by Jews, Christians, and some Muslims. It means "Praise Yah" as in "Yahweh."
It would be entirely in keeping with christians/catholics in Africa to use the word "Hallelujah" simply because it is part of the Catholic lexicon.
In fact, in many places the Catholic mass is still performed in Latin, regardless of the native language where the service takes place.
The only thing "English" about the word "hallelujah" is the spelling.
I think the way the luminosity increases a few times during the sighting accompanied by the excited reaction from the crowd rules out lens flare.
Its obviously not the Virgin Mary - that's just the locals' attempt to explain the sighting. Could this be another variation on the flying beings that have been sighted and filmed in South America?
VirtuallyLucid is right.
Well guys, I've found this video which is also related to this phenomenom :
Who says a person has to say hallelujah if they see virgin mary? Really, your skills of reasoning are horrible and you probably dont need to ever comment on here again. And its just cgi people, i doubt virgin mary would go just to the ivory coast to put out her appearance like that and thats only if she exists. Im thinking its project blue beam or privately owned project that someone with not much moral reasoning created it.
Remember if this is a fake its most likely to be faked into a religious event so the editing of any effects will be timed with crowd reaction to something off camera. Dont be wooed by the crowds reaction, its hard to see what they are watching. A direct translation would be beneficial to hear what idividuals are saying?
Your soooo GRACIOUS George,..RIGHT!?
Not of this world.. Could be fake could be real. Were all aliens. Its time we realize the fact about the bible(s) and its ongoing encounters with UFO's and extra terrestrials. The facts are right in front of us.
Think of this... Back 5000 years ago, we didn't know what a UFO was so we called it GOD, or angels.. We were not smart enough to think of UFO until the 19th century. IF you believe man made the pyramids without the use of the wheel, my friend you have a lot to learn. Read "Chariots of the Gods". Look deep into Hinduism and they'll explain flying MACHINES.. Even the Greeks knew about Aliens and flying machines..
What we need to do is put all our money together and dig out OAK ISLAND and we'll find the true meaning of life. Let's end this religious world of hate because RELIGION is MAN and MAN kills...
Let's look at the facts and fact is in history.
[email protected]
$1 from 100 million people will end this banter of who is wrong and who is right...
Its not hard to give up a dollar, is it? I've donated $1000.00 already. Will you do the same?
Time to find out the truth..
Ivory Coast SOUTH AFRICA?! I don't think so! Nah, I KNOW so! I visit this website because I believed it's kind of objective but this kind of "reporting" makes me wonder ....
It could be a portal, a worm hole?
when a mother rushes to her child, that means that child is in danger, when the mother of god rushes to her children, that means we are in danger, to the point that god allows her holy image to be captured on mere mobile phones, we better stop being proud and return to gods values before it's too late, he'll only tolerate so much. Linda
this is not fake. when everyone is looking and reacting so strongly they are all seeing it. that being said, it doesn't mean it is her but she does show herself quite often to those with an open heart.
My name is John Carpenter, UFO researcher and for the past two years, researching 54 excellent encounters with the Virgin Mary. This video is interesting -- not likely a sun dog, solar flare, or lens flare -- but because the crowd reacts as the visibility improves. It is indeed an unidentified object in the sky. But it does deserve its own website with other Virgin Mary encounters. These have a strong data base and correlations in detail across the centuries. Check out Kibeho, Rwanda and Zeitoun, Egypt, and Garabandal, Spain. I always thought it was a bunch of hysteria and hoopla until I dug in and read the amazing details. 40 million saw her over 3 years in Zeitoun, Egypt -- including some great photos, much better than this. If you are even on this website, you should have an open mind and check the details before laughing too quickly. If this one is indeed real, there should be other stories to be told from this area....
these people that don't believe were not there. In the picture you can clearly see the outline of a woman's face. I don't know of any experts that say you can shine a flair into the sun and the Mary image will appear. I am one of the few people in the world that held a real apparition photo of Jesus when a neighbor took a picture of the sun in the 1970's. God has been good to me about His existence. God bless.
I'm with John Carpenter and Michael; and to say the Virgin Mary is "fictitious" demonstrates a weak skepticism, unless of course if you think Jesus the Nazarene never existed, which would show a weak historical sense besides. He obviously had a mother, history says her name was Miriam, and the "virgin" bit is a shaky translation of the Hebrew for "young unmarried woman/girl," and that's all. The rest is a matter of faith; even the lack of faith is a belief.
I also agree with John Carpenter that ultimately this belongs on another site, even though it's unknown and airborne. It might be lens flare, though--I get that even on my elaborate professional lenses if I don't use a shade--so imagine what a cell camera is up against. As I watched it, I did wish I was there with a powerful lens, a shade, choice of filters, and a very stable tripod. But we're always unprepared, aren't we, when we need that stuff the most.
Thank you for showing it! (How 'bout another site just for these kinds of anomalies?)
Hahaha!...Some people do not like
or understand these anomalies,while
others are bewildered by them, or just simply except these sightings for what they believe them to be.
A Christian belief!!?
It doesn't matter what you believe
because what is, [IS!!] Whether you understand it or not!?
Consider this!!..WHAT IF!?
The phenomenon seen in the Christian world of belief, AND the
sightings of "ufo/extraterrestrial"
seen in the worlds point of view...
"Are one & the same thing!?"
Would this give you, a new prospective, of how to understand
what it is, we're all seeing!??
The only difference could be in the NAME! The label we put on it!?
It could depend on what camp your in,so to speak!...your mind set!?
Two camps of thought, seeing the same thing, but with different
viewpoints on what they actually are looking at...given of cause, that its not a sighting that can be easily explained away.
How do we think?...this depends on our mindset!?
SO, WHAT IF???.................
an obvious fake, with very poor composite camera tracking...
Wow, interesting images.
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All this gay stuff comes from WHORING heavy drugs and sex outside of marriage, when that happens people receive evil spirits. If you go out as a young person to bars looking for the opposite sex and wind up in the sack with someone involved with bi-sexuality or someone involved with the occult, and you didn’t know it …u received a evil backwards spirit.
Many people in this generation have evil spirits and (don’t know it) that includes straight people..because of whoring and very few have repented. Others are polluted with evil spirits and r possessed and sleep around everywhere infesting more people…inside of those who r possessed, “{gay)”,many many r waiting to be freed from the grip of satan because they r possessed and there is nothing they can do about it, unless someone prays for them. Which very few do, because for whatever reason, no one seems to understand.
At the same time many gay people who r possessed, secretly get involved with churches not telling people they r gay and end up wearing holy e tire….telling the people to except the gay life style, blah blah blah and because so many people have very little faith, they will except whatever they r told to keep peace and for the good of humanity….which is a pile of crap!
This is a current list of accused priests the number of accused priests is beyond staggering!
Many other churches have the same problem…a good church is far and wide between in this generation.
If u were to look back in history, there was alot of gays in the early 1900′s and gay movies at theaters. In 1917 The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to children in a place called Fatima. She gave a warning that if people don’t repent God the Father will punish us by a world WAR…that happened, not just once but twice. When the wars was over, in the 40′s and 50′s was the cleanest time with many living with good morals. Divorce was taboo, the movies were clean and decent and people like my mom did not even know what a lesbian was until the 60′s.
In the 60′s young people rebelled…heavy drugs, dirty feet and dirty bodies and hair…open sex ,orgies and whatever. The singer Cher was a part of that and tried a lesbian thing that she realized was not for her….the point is, she tried it! and got cursed for it, just look at her daughter or son…whatever this person is? that goes with many many others…it started back in the 60′s and many r cursed by it. There is even prophecy that the pope at that time stated “the smoke of satan has entered the church.
Here’s something off the wall. The Lord has different ways of showing people stuff, if they r receptive. The rock star Alice Cooper was the first man to have a woman’s name .We all know how he flaunted sick images of all kinds in everyone’s face. Alice Cooper comes from a very strong long line of ordained Baptist Ministers and other preachers in his family. His father was a ordained Baptist Minister and the woman AC married, her father is also a ordained Baptist Minister.
When he first came out IN 1968 0R 69 the majority of people hated his guts BIGTIME!…In LA people would buy tickets just to walk out….even when they came to see Jim Morrison and the Doors…they cleared the building empty when Alice Cooper took stage before the Doors.
Within ten yrs after Alice Cooper …gay bars flourished in all major cities…men dressed like women and women dress like men…Everything u see when u look at Alice Cooper is what this generation is all about…total darkness. What people use to hate is now excepted as a normal thing. When AC chopped babies to pieces in front of the world…they didn’t realize, it’s about them and the onslaught of abortions everywhere!…instead, they would point the finger at AC and say your sick! when it’s really the whole generation that is sick.
AC has never, ever, whored around, never divorced, and he’s not covered in tatoo’s like everyone he is surrounded by.
There is more to this, The Blessed Virgin has appeared everywhere around the world…VERY FEW LISTEN….There is a Great Warning coming to everyone…After the Warning, many will flock back to church not realizing many of the churches r sick. Soon, after the Warning, the ANTI CHRIST will come out as a man of peace and per sway the people that gay is ok, and preachers the current pope and governments political people and many by the multitudes will agree with this anti christ…until he shows his full colors.
When he shows his full colors, persecution of Christians will be alarming…..the same thing that everyone has seen at a Alice cooper concert…the hangings guillotines, electrocutions will happen in real life to many Christians and to those who will not take the mark of the beast…which will be a computer chip on the hand or forehead..
It’s true…The Second Coming of Christ is right above us. It’s going to happen in our life time…once the Warning, then the anti christ for approx 3 and a half yrs…then The Second Coming.
Only Catholic prophets r calling out about the Warning in the Christian world..all other Christians from different denominations….r putting flames to it because it comes from the Virgin Mary and only a few listen to her when she appears with messages for the whole world. Even many many Catholics today r against these messages of The Warning and Second Coming of Jesus.
Because a whole pile of them, r queer.
In Jesus Name, Thy Will Be Done, Amen and Amen (*)
All this gay stuff comes from WHORING heavy drugs and sex outside of marriage, when that happens people receive evil spirits. If you go out as a young person to bars looking for the opposite sex and wind up in the sack with someone involved with bi-sexuality or someone involved with the occult, and you didn’t know it …u received a evil backwards spirit.
Many people in this generation have evil spirits and (don’t know it) that includes straight people..because of whoring and very few have repented. Others are polluted with evil spirits and r possessed and sleep around everywhere infesting more people…inside of those who r possessed, “{gay)”,many many r waiting to be freed from the grip of satan because they r possessed and there is nothing they can do about it, unless someone prays for them. Which very few do, because for whatever reason, no one seems to understand.
At the same time many gay people who r possessed, secretly get involved with churches not telling people they r gay and end up wearing holy e tire….telling the people to except the gay life style, blah blah blah and because so many people have very little faith, they will except whatever they r told to keep peace and for the good of humanity….which is a pile of crap!
This is a current list of accused priests the number of accused priests is beyond staggering!
Many other churches have the same problem…a good church is far and wide between in this generation.
If u were to look back in history, there was alot of gays in the early 1900′s and gay movies at theaters. In 1917 The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to children in a place called Fatima. She gave a warning that if people don’t repent God the Father will punish us by a world WAR…that happened, not just once but twice. When the wars was over, in the 40′s and 50′s was the cleanest time with many living with good morals. Divorce was taboo, the movies were clean and decent and people like my mom did not even know what a lesbian was until the 60′s.
In the 60′s young people rebelled…heavy drugs, dirty feet and dirty bodies and hair…open sex ,orgies and whatever. The singer Cher was a part of that and tried a lesbian thing that she realized was not for her….the point is, she tried it! and got cursed for it, just look at her daughter or son…whatever this person is? that goes with many many others…it started back in the 60′s and many r cursed by it. There is even prophecy that the pope at that time stated “the smoke of satan has entered the church.
Here’s something off the wall. The Lord has different ways of showing people stuff, if they r receptive. The rock star Alice Cooper was the first man to have a woman’s name .We all know how he flaunted sick images of all kinds in everyone’s face. Alice Cooper comes from a very strong long line of ordained Baptist Ministers and other preachers in his family. His father was a ordained Baptist Minister and the woman AC married, her father is also a ordained Baptist Minister.
When he first came out IN 1968 0R 69 the majority of people hated his guts BIGTIME!…In LA people would buy tickets just to walk out….even when they came to see Jim Morrison and the Doors…they cleared the building empty when Alice Cooper took stage before the Doors.
Within ten yrs after Alice Cooper …gay bars flourished in all major cities…men dressed like women and women dress like men…Everything u see when u look at Alice Cooper is what this generation is all about…total darkness. What people use to hate is now excepted as a normal thing. When AC chopped babies to pieces in front of the world…they didn’t realize, it’s about them and the onslaught of abortions everywhere!…instead, they would point the finger at AC and say your sick! when it’s really the whole generation that is sick.
AC has never, ever, whored around, never divorced, and he’s not covered in tatoo’s like everyone he is surrounded by.
There is more to this, The Blessed Virgin has appeared everywhere around the world…VERY FEW LISTEN….There is a Great Warning coming to everyone…After the Warning, many will flock back to church not realizing many of the churches r sick. Soon, after the Warning, the ANTI CHRIST will come out as a man of peace and per sway the people that gay is ok, and preachers the current pope and governments political people and many by the multitudes will agree with this anti christ…until he shows his full colors.
When he shows his full colors, persecution of Christians will be alarming…..the same thing that everyone has seen at a Alice cooper concert…the hangings guillotines, electrocutions will happen in real life to many Christians and to those who will not take the mark of the beast…which will be a computer chip on the hand or forehead..
It’s true…The Second Coming of Christ is right above us. It’s going to happen in our life time…once the Warning, then the anti christ for approx 3 and a half yrs…then The Second Coming.
Only Catholic prophets r calling out about the Warning in the Christian world..all other Christians from different denominations….r putting flames to it because it comes from the Virgin Mary and only a few listen to her when she appears with messages for the whole world. Even many many Catholics today r against these messages of The Warning and Second Coming of Jesus.
Because a whole pile of them, r queer.
In Jesus Name, Thy Will Be Done, Amen and Amen (*)
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