Saturday, January 09, 2010

UFO Disclosure closer in 2010 ?

As Ufo sightings increase and more countries worldwide come forward with their Ufo files, could there be any chance 2010 will be the year for Ufo Disclosure In the USA ? Will president Obama stick to his words to ensure transparency and disclosure permeates his government?
Your comments appreciated..
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Anonymous said...

Definitely 2010!

Anonymous said...

Disclosure , well Ok here is one point of view. I do not believe the truth. The humans have the ability to present the truth and make it in to a lie. Lies are so ingrained in humans that they can never present all of the truth. And that is the truth.

Anonymous said...

If the Aliens show them selfs out in the open , they had better take measures to protect them selfs. There are many humans on this planet that believe that the Aliens are demons sent by Satan. And here is a pun , 'god knows' what these crazy humans have in there minds and hearts , on the out side they seem normal , but on the inside they are filled with deep dark black crazyness. The humans demonstrate this time after time after time after time. Don't believe it ? Think about this , there are humans on this planet right now that are blowing them selfs up and throwing acid in the face of young school girls. And you can 'take this to the bank' there are humans on this planet that will completly flip out , when Aliens show them selfs.

Anonymous said...

this video says absolutely nothing. terrible quality.

Anonymous said...

i always thought what would be the big deal if they did disclose everything...i mean would they say...ok you were all right there really are ufo's, we have contacted them, stole there equip, and take photos of them. But we still are where we always have been...i mean would it be such a big deal if they did..would it make us feel better to go...yep i told you so...Dont get me wrong but my fasination with UFO's has always been the secrecy. I do see the up side though making this technology availiable to everyone instead of certain few would make leaps and bounds but still i think some people couldnt handle it. there walls to there box would crumble and those who never have thought of multiple realities or quantium mechanics would just...break......but let 2010 pull away the shade a little more to show the light which we all search for......oh sorry about the spelling errors i am ranting...

Anonymous said...

The time is near now, this secret has got out of hand and i think there running for cover , rem they have murdered, kidnapped and done terrible things to keep this secret, do you think no one will be brought to justice ? they want immunity now dont they , well they should know there are many people out there who has been affected by this and there angry as hell, im one of them.

Sonam said...

We are not ready. There will be no disclosure in 2010. Stop blaming your government for keeping so much secrets. You might think that you are ready for disclosure, but don't be so selfish. A lot of people can't handle this and will be devastated. Can YOU take care of all those who will have a breakdown? Disclosure means chaos and many problems. The government should disclose, but they should also be able to clean up the mess afterwards. We ALL, including the government, must be ready. Waiting for your comment on this.....

anthony said...

Do you really thing Obama has any intention of fullfiling any of his campaign promises? Let's see, he was going to close the Gaun. Bay, make sure all discussions on heathcare be televised on CSPAN, complete transparency for the government... Well, you get the picture. It's simple, don't believe anything you hear him say. He got elected and that's all he cared about.

Anonymous said...

ridiculous - who still believes in Obama?

Nemesis said...

On Obama's track record so far of transparency I wouldn't hold my breath!

Anonymous said...

The video is a cheap shot and says nothing. However it has left an open space for some speak their minds. I request that the poster of this video post some more says nothing videos so people can speak their minds and say something important.

Push Back said...

The storm is gathering , here is my recommendation for the Aliens. In the past you have had the advantage , if you do not show your selfs soon , you will no longer have the advantage. Present your cases/positions to all the peoples of this planet , many of us common people are ready to do what is right and correct.

Anonymous said...

A discloser of new technology will only happen if the NWO get the controll it wants. I dont think discloser of small green men in flying soucers will happen but a discloser of new technology is more likely, but USA dosent think the world is stabile enough so they still keep the technoloy in secret. When it comes to life in space i think there is only a matter of time before we finally get the answer, but i dont think it will be beeings but more likely a organism on a rock or something.

Anonymous said...

One may suspect that Obama was overly optimistic about what he would be able to do. Now that he's in office he may have found it's not so easy, and that there are opaque areas where the Prez has no authority, nor a "need to know" as defined by other circles of power.

For disclosure to happen, it might take something like a mass daytime sighting of large craft hovering in place long enough to be clearly seen on worldwide newscasts in real time. Something that the public will not forget in a week.

Anonymous said...

personally, i can't wait im australian, & looking forward to hearing the truth behind ufo's because at first i was a bit paranoid to hearing ufo's or watching video's on it, but it's became a big hobby to watch vid's and see where there lights shine in the sky, i wouldn't mind see'ing 1 i would trip out alittle bit, but it's all good .
i think the public has wanted to know the truth ever since the 1st one was spotted .
imo if they didnt come here from the future or another galaxy, then could it be military intelligence?
i personally think there are "hidden bases" in the world with technology to do it" but that's just my opinion, let the people think about that.
why is it so weird that they just appear to be in "america the most" why can't i see them from Australia, what do i really need to do to see one .
i can't wait for obama to release the files, & imo i believe that people have made contact "governments" who know's obama could be flying ufos aswell ?

Anonymous said...

I honestly think that the government should come clean... When or if these things come, and people were in denial of their existance, things will bcome ALOT worse than they already are, only because THEN the government will be caught out for his lies... It could be soo much easier for him to just say, Yes Aliens exist.

Flix said...

Waiting until everyone on earth is ready is futile because some people will never be ready. So what if some people are so fragile that they may break down, maybe they need to be awakened. Is it our fault that they hold such an unrealistic belief system that they cannot deal with reality?
I've had enough of people who are ruled by fear, the time for disclosure is NOW!

Anonymous said...

Dont think 4 a minute that we elect people in government positions for change. think twice. It's to keep things just the way they are. Millions of people collectivly DONT VOTE IN MASSES DONT PAY YOUR TAX IN MASSES rEVOLution.LOVE. LOVE rEVOLution my brothers. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

From Anonymous B Dear Friends,
This whole subject for a while has puzzled me but now this mist clears, if you think that we will ever see disclosure from the powers that be, mainly our government’s rulers this will never happen.
I have conducted a great deal of time energy and research into this subject, and the true and real powers behind the governments will never allow this. The Truth is we may never see our governments announce this, because plain and simple they not really in charge, but the people who are namely this is all linked the Bilderberg group and they set the global, agenda and UFOs or disclosure is not anywhere near high on their list of priorities, the only way we will see real change I am sorry to say is through complete society reset and education, and even then will we be ready for disclosure, I think not as it would take a complete new system of governance and acceptance of other intelligent beings, along with a dampening down of our hostile and aggressive tendencies as human beings we have a long way to go before we could even begin to even thing of our selves ready to have first contact with extra terrestrial beings note i read this
but i guess we can hope if they do ever land , this will speed our evolution, and change for the better.

Anonymous said...

From Anonymous B Dear Friends,
This whole subject for a while has puzzled me but now this mist clears, if you think that we will ever see disclosure from the powers that be, mainly our government’s rulers this will never happen.
I have conducted a great deal of time energy and research into this subject, and the true and real powers behind the governments will never allow this. The Truth is we may never see our governments announce this, because plain and simple they not really in charge, but the people who are namely this is all linked the Bilderberg group and they set the global, agenda and UFOs or disclosure is not anywhere near high on their list of priorities, the only way we will see real change I am sorry to say is through complete society reset and education, and even then will we be ready for disclosure, I think not as it would take a complete new system of governance and acceptance of other intelligent beings, along with a dampening down of our hostile and aggressive tendencies as human beings we have a long way to go before we could even begin to even thing of our selves ready to have first contact with extra terrestrial beings note i read this
but i guess we can hope if they do ever land , this will speed our evolution, and change for the better.

petica said...

i think the same like the anonymous guy that posted at 7:40...religion makes people blind and deaf imo religion is the greatest conspiracy ever, most of the people just cant stop believing with an blink of an eye. humans wont accept the fact that we're not made by " god hand ", we're xenophobes and racists. i guess our limited intelligence scares ETs off lol. i think in they eyes we're not more then a primitive race, i'm concerned that we dont have to travel in space to find the ape planet, cause we're already on it.

timo said...

its time... tell the world and we the world will deal with the truth, we the world have been told lies since the begining of time.. stop the lies and let other beings help our planet before the lies and greed kill us all. we are killing our planet..

Anonymous said...

If bush and all the other guys before him didn't offer disclosure, despite hinting at the fact that we need to seek the truth ourselves, what makes you think Obama will?

Sure he's not the imbecile Bush was but he's still essentially a politician, prone to lies and a strong advocate of 'necessary cover-ups to prevent mass hysteria'.

But think about it, maybe people shouldn't know, I see one guy said people might view them as demons. What if they actually are demons? What if satan was actually a rebellious subordinate of God and the way we have acquired technology could have been achieved in a much more peaceful way? What do we actually know about ET's other than they are ET?

What if "God" is actually an immortal and highly advanced ET, or the most powerful ET in existence? Isn't the definition of an ET something that isn't from earth? God, angels and demons don't originate with the earth..

So aren't there really too many ways to interpret ET's? Won't this just cause more division, more whacky religions, more violence, more death?

Do we really want to open this can of worms? I can't help thinking that ET's have a hell of a lot to with world religion, and though people are loath to believe that religion has any bearing on ET's it seems likely that advanced technology would be viewed as being miraculous in centuries gone by, and even now..

Immaculate conception? Moving stars? Being destroying ancient covilisations? What if ET's are the biblical angels and demons, what if our modern understanding of an ET was the ancient depiction of Jesus?

All kinds of things are possible to legitimise and villify religion and if any religion is even close to being realistic, then it's in the world governments interest to keep people subdued and unaware.

If anyone thinks we have anywhere near enough manpower or technology to overcome the kind of ET's people go on about if they decided to visit some old testament style destruction upon us then they're seriously mistaken. You never know what kind of subjugation we could actually be under right now and for all we could the govt could be sworn to silence?

Anyway, all crack pot theories aside I think it's safe to say we aren't going to be enlightened about ET's any time soon.

Anonymous said...

If bush and all the other guys before him didn't offer disclosure, despite hinting at the fact that we need to seek the truth ourselves, what makes you think Obama will?

Sure he's not the imbecile Bush was but he's still essentially a politician, prone to lies and a strong advocate of 'necessary cover-ups to prevent mass hysteria'.

But think about it, maybe people shouldn't know, I see one guy said people might view them as demons. What if they actually are demons? What if satan was actually a rebellious subordinate of God and the way we have acquired technology could have been achieved in a much more peaceful way? What do we actually know about ET's other than they are ET?

What if "God" is actually an immortal and highly advanced ET, or the most powerful ET in existence? Isn't the definition of an ET something that isn't from earth? God, angels and demons don't originate with the earth..

So aren't there really too many ways to interpret ET's? Won't this just cause more division, more whacky religions, more violence, more death?

Anonymous said...

Do we really want to open this can of worms? I can't help thinking that ET's have a hell of a lot to with world religion, and though people are loath to believe that religion has any bearing on ET's it seems likely that advanced technology would be viewed as being miraculous in centuries gone by, and even now..

Immaculate conception? Moving stars? Being destroying ancient covilisations? What if ET's are the biblical angels and demons, what if our modern understanding of an ET was the ancient depiction of Jesus?

All kinds of things are possible to legitimise and villify religion and if any religion is even close to being realistic, then it's in the world governments interest to keep people subdued and unaware.

If anyone thinks we have anywhere near enough manpower or technology to overcome the kind of ET's people go on about if they decided to visit some old testament style destruction upon us then they're seriously mistaken. You never know what kind of subjugation we could actually be under right now and for all we could the govt could be sworn to silence?

Anyway, all crack pot theories aside I think it's safe to say we aren't going to be enlightened about ET's any time soon.

Sufi Musfaad said...

We are the Aliens. No NOT take us to our leaders!
Yes there are lots of crazy retrograde beings on this planet still; but the truth will set us ALL free.
OK so some groups like the religious fundies will resist. That's not really a problem - they resist everything already - the rest of us are used to it.
I doubt that we will see anyone from these unstable demographic actually harm actual ETs. I also doubt that ETs will be seen walking down the streets either as they are anything but stupid. Once the truth is out, it's going to take quite a while for everyone to grasp, and some, no doubt will never accept it.
Fear Not Humalien HUmanity. Heaven has decreed that we be told the truth finally. Leave it to Heaven to work out the details~
Peace and I'll be seeing you all soon~

Anonymous said...

Im not sure what to think, Maybe a good start would be to show us the real truth about the moon.

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