In 1997 Lanny Lamphere, a environmental photojournalist living in Norman, OK, filmed a UFO ( Object ) in a thunderstorm. The mainstream media picked up the story and made Lan famous overnight even though he never said that this thing he had filmed was a little green man, or even a UFO. The technology didnt exist in 1997 to share this video with the world. but now it does. Here is a part of the story that rocked Oklahoma and the rest of the world including for the first time the actual Object Video and chaser highlights from Memorial Day 1997 near Loco, OK Rate this posting:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ufo in storm Ohlahoma 1997
Posted this one before but just wanted to know if you guys had any thoughts on this one:
In 1997 Lanny Lamphere, a environmental photojournalist living in Norman, OK, filmed a UFO ( Object ) in a thunderstorm. The mainstream media picked up the story and made Lan famous overnight even though he never said that this thing he had filmed was a little green man, or even a UFO. The technology didnt exist in 1997 to share this video with the world. but now it does. Here is a part of the story that rocked Oklahoma and the rest of the world including for the first time the actual Object Video and chaser highlights from Memorial Day 1997 near Loco, OK Rate this posting:
In 1997 Lanny Lamphere, a environmental photojournalist living in Norman, OK, filmed a UFO ( Object ) in a thunderstorm. The mainstream media picked up the story and made Lan famous overnight even though he never said that this thing he had filmed was a little green man, or even a UFO. The technology didnt exist in 1997 to share this video with the world. but now it does. Here is a part of the story that rocked Oklahoma and the rest of the world including for the first time the actual Object Video and chaser highlights from Memorial Day 1997 near Loco, OK Rate this posting:
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Hi this is one of my fave vids glad it was posted again.
Last time i remember a comment suggesting that this was an insect moving past camera,no insect ever flies in such a straight tragectory at such speed,rather they will zig,zag move rapidly up and down left to right etc.
Hence i find this more convincing than most.
I have long thought that UFOs are attracted by, or messing with our weather...
On 17th June 2006 at 4pm I spotted 7 white orbs in 'plough' formation flying over my garden. It was a very clear day. They were in no hurry. One night later in Stratford-upon-Avon many people sitting outside a pub spotted 7 glowing white orbs and this was in fact recorded on someone's mobile. A few days later middle England was completely flooded out!
I've seen a lot of footage of UFO's from all over the world and have noted they often appear over the sea or lakes - sometimes seem to be funneling water upwards.
I put a blog out about this subject trying to collect information from other people with the same theories but no-one was interested at the time. I wonder what you think on this site???
I have long thought that UFOs are attracted by, or messing with our weather...
On 17th June 2006 at 4pm I spotted 7 white orbs in 'plough' formation flying over my garden. It was a very clear day. They were in no hurry. One night later in Stratford-upon-Avon many people sitting outside a pub spotted 7 glowing white orbs and this was in fact recorded on someone's mobile. A few days later middle England was completely flooded out!
I've seen a lot of footage of UFO's from all over the world and have noted they often appear over the sea or lakes - sometimes seem to be funneling water upwards.
I put a blog out about this subject trying to collect information from other people with the same theories but no-one was interested at the time. I wonder what you think on this site???
Jam, I had daylight sight some years ago, but it was not an orb
but shaped disk instead.
They are somehow spyng and watching
us, but NOT for good reasons.
To invade the air space of soveregn
Countries IS A CRIME.
UFOs are not frendly.
Whatever our theories on their presence, we will not know until we understand why they do what they do. I think it would be unwise to declare war on a species that seems to outclass us spacially and technologically?
I wonder also what your dreams are like? I have very strong dreams about UFOs which are more frequent in the last 3 years.. how about you? - and if so what are they?
Jam, as Astronaut Edgar Mitchell sais, we do not have chances
against them and if the wanted to we was already gone. So what they
want here without officially
take contact with the main street?
In my opinion they are stealing somthing, maybe oxygen or water or
wathever they need at the same time
they observe us like you and I visiting a zoo. Worse, abduction
of people and animals IS A CRIME.
The coverup the US Gov. decided
hydes crimes those UFO did and do,
they turned violents and downed military jets chasing (!) them.
The US x-files will be a pretty scaring reading, but should be
released. This was my opinion.
I agree... dodgy things are definitely going on, but can we be sure they are all from the same place with the same agenda? Some sightings I'm pretty sure are military/terrestrial - others intent on friendly comms, then there are the others who abduct, implant and harm us.
It's in our nature to react with fear and loathing to the unknown but not necessarily always in our interest... are they stealing or studying? What do we do on other planets? I never heard us ask the locals if it was OK.
I've seen at least 4 different UFO types - some have made me want to hide, some have had the opposite effect so I have to reserve judgement for now while keeping eyes on the skies, mind open and constantly questing for answers...
I too, have had UFO experiences. Twice, as a 12 yr. old kid living at Ft. Brook [military brat]in San Juan, P.R. - And once as an adult living in Hampton, VA. These events were the Genesis of over 25 yrs. of study & research into UFO's & USO's along with my own take on why they are here. It would take too long to get into it fully so I'll toss out an abbreviated version. I think that the "Greys" are an alien race that were created by another highly evolved race to function much like the worker bees in a beehive (they did the dirty work). I further believe that the race who created the greys died for reasons unknown. That left the greys all dressed up and no place to go, so to speak. They were/are created with no sense of right or wrong, good or bad, love or hate, etc. Basically, they had no souls to guide them in these areas. It is the only thing that we have that they don't, and without a soul, they have no real sense of purpose. I think that they are desperately trying to isolate, measure and then duplicate the one thing that they will most likely never have - a soul. They have probably been abducting us for centuries and are no closer to finding our souls than the day they started. There is so much more to this theory but I think I got the point across.
Unfortunately its comments like these that make us believers look like we are out of our minds. If their is a cover up ,and I believe there is, the people who claim to have some instinctual insight serve the conspirators purpose by looking whacked out. Try to concentrate on what we know. Millions of sightings by credible, sane ,sober people.
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