Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bob Dean - his latest lecture ' cosmic clearance '

Robert O dean Who is now 80 (aka Bob Dean ) is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the US Army who as you may know is a well known in the Ufo community. He lectures in ufology around the world and has been described as 'an elder statesman of the UFO community'.Although many people think he is contraversial , particularly since appearing in the Alien Interview (read more) he does have some interesting things to say in his latest (& possibly last) lecture:
Pt 1

Pt 2

pt 3

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Anonymous said...

Oh man. Alright, "Earth-shaking" it is. I say, "Get ON with it." Sooner or later, you'll have to "shake" the Earth and let us know.

It's been so friggin' long. If there is a cover-up, then end it. You attempted to control the information is lame. Do you really think it'll make a difference whether you put it out on the table NOW vs. later through some elaborate disclosure process of years? You've already lost out faith with the economy and the people you elect for office. The nature of the universe is something we deserve to know about. We live in it every day. Get on with it. Let us know our circumstances. Even with proof, most of us won't believe you anyway haha.

Anonymous said...

Robert Dean deserves a lot if credit. He speaks lucidly and coherently, and clearly has a good amount of insight in this matter. I still don't buy the "10th planet" stuff, though.

l2 said...

let me get this straight anonymous...

you demand the government to let us know?

who is delusional now?

it's like demanding the government to tell us whether or not the sun has come up!

nobody has to show you nothing... the only right you have is finding out for yourself.

Anonymous said...

This guy is as phony as a four dollar bill. He fancies himself as the ultimate "whistle blower" when in fact, he is just a "blower". He HAD NO "COSMIC CLEARANCE". Why? Because there IS NO "cosmic clearance. He claims that aliens have been here for 17 BILLION yrs. They must have been sitting here twiddling their thumbs for the first 13 billion yrs because the Earth is only 4 billion yrs old. This lame wannabe is living in a fantasy world - Every word that is vented from his inflated head is a lie.
I believe whole heartedly that ET's exist and are here. But this guy is doing more to jeapordize the credibility of 'real' truth seeking UFOlogists like Stanton Friedman, Nick Pope, Rich Dolan, etc, than idiots like Michael Shirmer, Joe Nickles & co. ever dreamed of. Robert Dean chases the UFO media and somehow squirms his way on camera and the majority of those who listen to his fabrications actually believe him - So when you see or hear this idiot spouting his gibberish, RUN.

l2 said...

Where is your PROOF that 'cosmic top secret' does not exist?

You think Robert Dean is an outright liar, and you think Nick Pope is a 'real' truth seeker?


Anonymous said...

I know because as a cryptic communications specialist in the military, I had to have a top secret clearance. There are 5 levels of top secret clearance classifications and 'COSMIC' ain't one of them. This obnoxious moron has also stated that there are over 60 clearance levels above top secret, which borders on sheer lunacy.

As far as Nick Pope goes, he doesn't really have to go that far to seek the truth - with his many yrs working at MOD, he already knows more than I do, more than YOU do, and more than 90% of the UFO investigators out there. Granted, he is not flamboyant, nor is he 'COOL' or any of that crap but he pretty well pisses out more knowledge in this field every morning than most will ever know. It's true that there are plenty of excellent, devoted, die-hard UFOlogists out there but I just thought that he could use a little ego boost. NROTFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

I cannot begin to explain how true it is that CTSC or cosmic top secret clearance Does exist...

Anonymous said...

Ok Anonymous, This is all for you. As we all know here, Everyone's journey, awakening, enlightenment is individualized. Just becaus ethis man has experienced levels of security that you haven't had the brain fart to imagine doesn't mean they don't exist. Ever heard of respect your elders? That's the one thing about enlightenment, when you awaken to another level of consciousness, you realize it was there all the time, you just "awaken" to it's reality. Stop bashing the man and become a true seeker of infinite knowledge.

FuSiOn said...

u morons.... cosmic top clearance is in NATO
do your research before calling the man a liar

its even in wikipedia u nincompoops

Anonymous said...

This is for the 4:52am anonymous-
1) The reason I know about the clearance classifications is because I HAD A TOP SECRET CLEARANCE in the U.S. Army. I formulated CEOI's for the 'sandwich' , a device that mind fucks everyone who is trying to listen in or intercept top secret communications regarding extremely high level ops. Formulating CEOI's is THE single most important factor in keeping others out of our business because it is only through this stage that cryto-gear does it's fucking job, dip shit - So, I'll repeat something I said with a little twist:
I (with a cap) piss out more brains every morning than you (with an oh so lower case y) will ever hope to have.
2) I have been researching UFO's for over 30 years. I know who is real and who is not. That loser Robert Dean is a lowly wannabe who follows the documentary producers around dry humping their legs until they agree to "let him on the show", as Desi used to say.
3) The bulleted levels of Top Secret are mainly for inter-departmental purposes. Most of the top level agencies are in constant battle with one another, with each one trying to horde information to the exclusion of the others.
4) Fuck Off you mindless 4 assed prick.

Oh, have an absolutely wonderful day.

And one more thing for that other guy.
Clearances are the same for all agencies that are in the American theater of ops.
Cosmic is Comic without the "O"! Are you beginning to understand?
There IS no homework I haven't done. I wouldn't say anything if I had not.

Endrid.D.Cold said...

I meant to say,
Cosmic is Comic without the "S"hit
Sorry, hit the wrong damn button.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia puts anything in it you submit to it. At least 30% of that lame-ass pedia is 100% bullshit.

Anonymous said...

This is for the 4:52am anonymous-
1) The reason I know about the clearance classifications is because I HAD A TOP SECRET CLEARANCE in the U.S. Army. I formulated CEOI's for the 'sandwich' , a device that mind fucks everyone who is trying to listen in or intercept top secret communications regarding extremely high level ops. Formulating CEOI's is THE single most important factor in keeping others out of our business because it is only through this stage that cryto-gear does it's fucking job, dip shit - So, I'll repeat something I said with a little twist:
I (with a cap) piss out more brains every morning than you (with an oh so lower case y) will ever hope to have.
2) I have been researching UFO's for over 30 years. I know who is real and who is not. That loser Robert Dean is a lowly wannabe who follows the documentary producers around dry humping their legs until they agree to "let him on the show", as Desi used to say.
3) The bulleted levels of Top Secret are mainly for inter-departmental purposes. Most of the top level agencies are in constant battle with one another, with each one trying to horde information to the exclusion of the others.
4) Muck Off you mindless 4 assed prick.

Oh, have an absolutely wonderful day.

And one more thing for that other guy.
Clearances are the same for all agencies that are in the American theater of ops.
Cosmic is Comic without the "S"! Are you beginning to understand?
Wikipedia is anything you want it to be. They will basically include anything & everything you submit
with very little research of their own. If you submit material stating that you got a hummer from Monika before Slick Willy did, they will include it. (as long as your facts don't put leftist views in a bad light).
There IS no homework I haven't done. I wouldn't say anything if I had not.

Anonymous said...

This is for the 4:52am anonymous-
1) The reason I know about the clearance classifications is because I HAD A TOP SECRET CLEARANCE in the U.S. Army. I formulated CEOI's for the 'sandwich' , a device that mind fucks everyone who is trying to listen in or intercept top secret communications regarding extremely high level ops. Formulating CEOI's is THE single most important factor in keeping others out of our business because it is only through this stage that cryto-gear does it's fucking job, dip shit - So, I'll repeat something I said with a little twist:
I (with a cap) piss out more brains every morning than you (with an oh so lower case y) will ever hope to have.
2) I have been researching UFO's for over 30 years. I know who is real and who is not. That loser Robert Dean is a lowly wannabe who follows the documentary producers around dry humping their legs until they agree to "let him on the show", as Desi used to say.
3) The bulleted levels of Top Secret are mainly for inter-departmental purposes. Most of the top level agencies are in constant battle with one another, with each one trying to horde information to the exclusion of the others.
4) Muck Off you mindless 4 assed prick.

Oh, have an absolutely wonderful day.

And one more thing for that other guy.
Clearances are the same for all agencies that are in the American theater of ops.
Cosmic is Comic without the "S"! Are you beginning to understand?
Wikipedia is anything you want it to be. They will basically include anything & everything you submit
with very little research of their own. If you submit material stating that you got a hummer from Monika before Slick Willy did, they will include it. (as long as your facts don't put leftist views in a bad light).
There IS no homework I haven't done. I wouldn't say anything if I had not.

Anonymous said...

If some of you knew anything about security clearances than you would know there is a such thing as a COSMIC clearance. It is a classification level for NATO security clearances here if you do not believe me go to this link for the FAS website which is a .gov.
There you go, now go educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

people who don't beleive , they just can't handle the truth , and they are not ready for any other true

Mr. Knowles said...

I believe that this deserves to be considered. Any man that serves our country for 30+ years should at least get some simple respect, no matter what he's saying or what you think of it.

To the man who served in intelligence with the Army, you meant to say "Comic is Cosmic without the S," or "Cosmic is Comic with an S". Not to get grammatical, but that was a lot of angry words you wrote just to completely fail. Your irrational explosion of stupid completely lost the crowd, or whoever it was that was listening to you.

As far as Bob Dean goes...he's entitled to consideration. He's a smart man, smarter than most of us. And if not smarter, than certainly more experienced in things we know nothing about, be they cosmic or not. The man still held a Top Secret clearance at one point. And while that doesn't seem to be enough to redeem some people, this man has proven himself a well-educated, well-spoken, and open minded veteran of information. At the very least, his words and presentations are thoughtful and challenging. I think the critics are sometimes just child-like folks who are crying foul because they didn't get a Cosmic Top Secret Clearance from NATO.

I'm not saying I believe the content of his words, but by darn he's got more right to feed us a load of bullshit than anybody. If you feel tricked by his words, then it's your own fault. If you feel he's right, it's your own fault. If you feel he might be on to something but you know better...well then you'd better get on the bandwagon and start making presentations to the world and help speed this process along.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Bob Dean, do you know Warren Haslouer?

Old School C said...


ParticalizationScience said...

To the lovely fellow who ranted that there is no such thing as cosmic I point you to this form
see section 7C on security level.
I'm sure its just a typo though.

Treasury said...

Upon reviewing section 7c of the
following form, I can safely say
Cosmic does exist at Nato.

See for your self. One could assume the word is not refering to the cosmos, but rather the level of ones ability to lie to the public.

LGH said...

Please, did Bob Dean know Warren Haslouer? I am one of his daughters and my dad talked of him often and of conspiracy in the government. My dad killed himself and we are trying to figure out what happened that lead to that.

The Blog said...

Cosmic doesn't exist?

I guess this form means nothing.

On Page 1, section 7c, Nato, last level.

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