He said there will be a 10000 fold increase in UFO sightings this summer
Currently governments are proping us economies but this will fail - evidence of this will be seen in May 09. Also, when the dollar collapses other countries will not accept the U.S. dollar anymore and will not want U.S. military bases in their country. Global trading in US dollar as a common currency will stop and the US economy will collapse.
The U.S. will have problems paying its troops, military bases will close and they will have a problem getting the troops home . (If you want to understand this there are theories of how dumping of the US dollar can cause global havoc)
Also the PTB (Powers that Be) are having the military test on troops "Ormes" which would be for them to stop any radiation problems from the sun and magnet problems we will be having. This is a very dangerous mixture of metals that can harm people and has to be done exactly to that own person's body. It is very expensive - BUT the PTB are having troops tested with it right now - to save themselves in the future!!! It is all about the "elite" being saved not the public from radiation that will increase as our magnetosphere collapses more.
Also the magnetosphere is being affected along with the sun and the rest of the solarsystem from the milky way magnetics, which we will be fully into on Dec. 21 2012. (Note NASA THEMIS showed and proved we were aware of the 2012 magnetosphere issue since 1998) (so when we see the magnetosphere folding - THAT IS NOT NORMAL)
Sept. pandemic really takes affect and becomes a huge problem - he did not elaborate too much on it. Swine flu problem only late 09no medicines due to no other countries taking the dollar - so we can't buy medicines from around the world - no health care in the US towards - end of year. (best stock up on Tamiflu now i guess)
People taking vids of PTB doing bad things lose their lives as things come out
Lots of people will disappear - be killed off by PTB - that have info etc.
Others will disappear in very odd circumstances -
Chemtrails info will come out more - being fear based of needing it from MSM propaganda - to the public (says to combat - global warming) MSM will try to scare people in making sure it keeps happening - all kinds of language with it, not sure the end result.
But then the chemtrails may stop anyway, due to ALL the volcano eruptions, that will be blocking the sun anyway. LOTS of volcano eruptions starting this year but main time of a big amount in 2010 to 2011, they will be going off in lots of places they have not happened before. New volcanos formed and erupting. This is due to the squeezing of the planet by our going into the milky way system again magnetics an issue. New land being formed but at same time magentic changes impact on earths crusts and some continents sink? (Mass migration plans may be needed from North to South hemisphere)
Nov/Dec - November 5 2009 is a special Day (something to do with Number 5 and war Important) - war annouced war of Pakistan and Iran together against Israel - in retaliation of their beginning - bombing - once that starts North Korea will also start something. Will become a 5 country war problem.
But problem for U.S. as the military bases are kicked out of countries due to no country accepting the U.S. dollar. He did not completely elaborate on how the U.S. will fare, only mentioned 5 war fronts.
That will be the problems with any shipments or purchases from other countries - no country will accept the dollar. So, no medicines will be available come winter.
Obama / PTB becomes PO at everything in Nov/Dec. as too much info is getting out and not able to control things as much as before.
Many whistleblowers - especially regarding NASA come out over the summer - Ufo related?.
Rioting starts end of summer goes into mid 2010 -
People begin to start acting very odd - due to the magnetics and not able to sleep as the earth is being squeezed. This will be completely due to the milky way. This is affecting the sun also - PTB don't want the info out, about what is really going on.
He said about the only way to really purchase things is with straight gold or silver.
He thinks - not sure that within the U.S. we will still trade with dollars.
He said 5 individuals control the MSM (Main Stream Media) - they will do whatever it takes to control and will get angry as things begin happening and truths come out, where their control loosens.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Summary of Final Web Bot prediction report 2009 into 2010 - dumping of the US dollar ?
Ok this is it .. probably the final posts i will do on the web bots for now!. Basically i wanted to talk about what Cliff High said on Radio Show Journeys with Rebecca yesterday. Cliff went through and revealed everything from the leaked Part 6 of the Last ALTA (web bot report).
Basically the web bot reports will stop from now on due to someone leaking the whole reports online which renders the bot project data sets unusable from now on. The major aspects of the final report look at the impacts of the dumping of the US dollar, the starting of November 5 war and the deterioration of the magnetosphere and its dire impacts on people, continents & life in 2012.
This great person on ATS did a summary of the interview the remaining predictions for 2009 going into 2012 and they are quite shocking indeed:
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What exactly is MSM?? And who is involed?
What exactly is the MSM? and who is running it right now?
I'm having difficulties accepting the web bot predictions as a result of web spidering and data collection. Can anyone elaborate on web bot details?
for crying out loud, please think 1 minute withing context!
Those who cannot accept the predictions of webbot should know that little computer algorithm has unbelievable accuracy, and not only the internet is the source of the Data being used. The creator of Webbot also speaks in great detail to many different political analysts who give him the same intelligence information they're getting. Yet oddly enough, Webbot is right a whole heck of a lot more than the analysts are and they're being fed much of the same information. Months before 911 webbot spit out a prediction that said something was going to happen in the next 6 months that will forever change America. That was in July 2001. Now I'm looking at the prediction of swine flu long before THAT came about. I believe it was the former Egyptian president who had been somewhat recently murdered had been warned by webbot's creator that his life was in grave danger. The president did not heed this warning and he was killed.
What the?????
The Web Bot is not an oracle, the predictions rendered on this page are offset, manipulated and tendencious, the Web Bot only implies possible scenarios from key word searches giving probable outputs, vague economic outcomes that to some extent due to its probability algorithm deliver an answer that is close in time frames and current events to what actual news is delivering. For Pete's sake!! It is a computer program that through approximation is giving us a predictive answer to problems that we are currently having, it is like having a huge equation being calculated to approximate an answer in time frames and events. That's it, it will tell you what might happen due what it is currently reading and in about so much time.
What the?????
The Web Bot is not an oracle, the predictions rendered on this page are offset, manipulated and tendencious, the Web Bot only implies possible scenarios from key word searches giving probable outputs, vague economic outcomes that to some extent due to its probability algorithm deliver an answer that is close in time frames and current events to what actual news is delivering. For Pete's sake!! It is a computer program that through approximation is giving us a predictive answer to problems that we are currently having, it is like having a huge equation being calculated to approximate an answer in time frames and events. That's it, it will tell you what might happen due what it is currently reading and in about so much time.
Cliff high and george ure are genius
and we bots its mutch more complex only spider web who crawling the entire web.. Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions.among also cliff is and incredebile intelligent being
who is speaking tons of different languuage, and really i think web bot is accurate than any medium or channelers ou there, i trust 100% more web bots than any wannabe channelers who hear voices in their head and make prediction that look more than a star trek episode, but that only my opinion..
I see. The twin earthquakes they were predicting for 6 months that never happened are now Madoff? And who were the dancing mountains. Read enough and make enough predictions and you will be 20% accurate like these two guys. BTW -So far their 2009 predictions are a flop.
Yes - some day there will be earthquakes; wars; hunger; currency fluctuations and on and on. What else is new under the sun. They never stopped dude. If their predictions are correct then why does that WEBBOT TimeMonk George Ure clown in Texas continue to play the stock and commodity markets to make his fortune. Now - does that make sense? Nope. And whre does the other Time Monk live??? Check it out.
BTW - MSM is main street media
none of the web bot stuff has proved to happen so why all the commotion?
I agree - we're supposed to be in the middle of urban violence based on their spring reports on C2C. I haven't seen it yet.
The bots are an ink blot test - you can see what ever you want in their "predictions". If there are some big quakes next week, I will give them a little more confidence, but for now, I consider them like Nostradamus - the prediction is in the eye of the beholder.
I have looked at previous Web Bot "predictions" and it seems to have a 40-50% accuracy.
You must understand they are not really predictions, the bot just collects data from around the web and spits out what people seem to think will happen. And some of it does come true, why else would people be thinking that it would?
Unbeliveable accuracy????
All that is here is sometime in...
May be this or that...
What accuracy?
Those who cannot accept the predictions of webbot should know that little computer algorithm has unbelievable accuracy, and not only the internet is the source of the Data being used. The creator of Webbot also speaks in great detail to many different political analysts....
"I believe it was the former Egyptian president who had been somewhat recently murdered had been warned by webbot's creator that his life was in grave danger. The president did not heed this warning and he was killed."
hosni mubarak would be surprised to hear that. or are you referring to anwar sadat, who was killed over a decade before the public internet's existence?
WEbbots are BS, it only predicts what the human population feeds it. It cant predict a Last second car accident, or othe Events unless they have been planned, or talked about.
Well....TO BE or NOT TO BE that is the question! But please always remember that FEAR was and will always be the best MONEY FOUNTAIN!
BE WISE friends....
ok stupid people the web is world wide for some that dont know!!!!So some of preditions are worldwide like riots.i say again LIKE RIOTS!! and there was alot of voilence 'riots' in the wolrd.For the US there was fag riots because alot of u people are like puppys they say sit u sit!!!
Webbot is absurd, However, Im glad all you webbot believers are having fun. What would you otherwise be doing if not dwelling on end of the world predictions? Go do something helpful for someone else...
November 5th as a significant date? Hmmmm...perhaps the WebBot should stop watching "V For Vendetta" and read "The Wisdom of Crowds".....
we must prepare for the coming end stop and feel the unrenting emotions flashing throughout your mind the end is upon us warn your friends and save as many people as you be caustious and if I don't make it my friends I'll see you all on the dark side of the moon
I think anyone who puts 100% faith in a program is an idiot. Some things may or may not happen but it is still up to you to live your day to day life. I also heard about this from the History channel and was curious. What I have read seems less likely then likely to happen.
A very important computer scientist I work with (who for his own safety shall remain nameless) has determined that a self-affirming data loop has rendered the once very successful Web Bot system ineffective. Essentially, all the information on the web regarding the web bot itself is being fed into the Web Bot database creating this self-affirming loop—this posting included. His evidence is so conclusive no other conclusion is possible.
Do any of you have any grammer skills, sentence structure, or heaven forbid, spelling abilities?
Damn! If this is what the MTV generation has to offer humanity than God help us all!
what will happen will happen no matter what any one thinks he are she can do to stop it its all been and is set for the end to come do any of you realy think that you can suck the world dry cut down the trees
rip up the ground take out the oil and still live your garden of edan
was befor you and is in front of you ,you cant tell because its been killd for thousainds of years get over it and be redy to die
what will happen will happen no matter what any one thinks he are she can do to stop it its all been and is set for the end to come do any of you really think that you can suck the world dry cut down the trees
rip up the ground take out the oil and still live your garden of edan
was be for you and is in front of you ,you cant tell because its been killed for thousands of years get over it and be ready to die
This is the first I'm really hearing about it. It is an interesting concept, but almost nothing is 100%. There have been end of world predictions forever. Many have come and gone without any real incident.
Will the world end? Yes. Will it happen tomorrow or in 2012, maybe. My only thought on it and for everyone is that your world ends when you die, so make it as good as you can by being the best person you can, while you can. "The rest of your life" could be 60 years or 60 mins. Time is one of the few things we cannot replace.
- I know I sound like a freakin' hippie...
well lets see.you want to listen to a computer tell you when what where and how the end is going to come about but you failed to have read the bible.The book has it all folks.all you have to do is go through it and understand it and put the puzzle together in the right places and you will know the answer.But will you really want to know what you have figured out .I say know you don't. And remember it's not the end it's the new begining.
Meh. I just was curious, and I think it would be interesting to see how accurate it'd be. I'll be looking at it, but I'm not going to put faith in it.
If such a thing did exist, it would alter many of these events from happening.
I know an old man, who told me "some people try to foresee and preach outrageous things, because eventually they will get one right, and everyone who heard it will think s/he is brilliant."
I was talking to an alien that just landed around the corner from my house, while walking my dog last night.
He said the webbot project was a bunch of junk science.
I believe him!
Predictor? I can predict as well. Duh! Sounds like the Obama Hope dopes hang out here.
Yeah...who programmed the utter incoherency of US troops being kicked out of their bases because those countries dont accept the dollar? How does that work? It might work in a 3rd graders mind
Here's one just as good:
Cars will no longer run on Gas because Gas is not a liquid. people will be going crazy trying to get Gas into cars so they will make paper airplanes out of their dollars and use them for transportation
if every thing happens the way the web bot predicts, then we would be fucked, now take a look at the famous profit ( Nostradamus )people thought that he was full of BS but now after 9-11 people r looking into his predictions. but i say with the war and the predictions that another terrorist attack on the U.S is going to happen. I say we r going to be screwed i believe that we would start to see a whole lot of things begin to kick off around late 2010 to 2011. just sit back and watch the news, internet blogs and pay attention to the climate change machines that produce the ELF waves, which is thought to control certain parts of our atmosphere or cause massive earth quakes tsunamis flood out the enemy land.
The Web Bot is human made and scans the human made internet to collect data entered by humans. If you all spend the next 3 years typing this quote on every blog and post site that you visit..."December 12, 2012, 12/12/12, Web Bot Apocalypse Prophesy"...you could physically change the Web Bot prediction to the 12th of the month. Depending on how many of you do this and how often you do it, the program could actually retrieve this prediction as early as tomorrow. My point is this...the bot is human form...electronically.
Do I believe that something will happen on 12/21/12 that will be remembered for many years after that? Yes! Here we are nearly a decade later still remembering Y2K. I said "remembered" meaning that if the world doesn't come to an end that day, we will be talking about 12/21/12 for years after that. Now, if something does in fact happen on that day, it will be because that was God's will. Uh, oh, I brought up God on here.
Remember the 7 year Tribulation? The rapture has not yet occurred and the tribulation has not begun. Some unusual things could in fact happen on 12/21/12 but it will not bring about the end of the world. The rapture COULD happen in 2012 but remember that the rapture is a signless event, so it could happen at any time. We should be looking for Christ to come but not on some specific day...look for him EVERY day. Remember, when the rapture occurs, every living believer in Jesus Christ will be snatched off planet earth and whisked away to heaven in the amount of time it takes to blink your eye. Wait for a person...not destruction. If the rapture occurs on 12/21/12, it will happen because that's when it will happen and for no other reason. To the Christian, the rapture is a blessed hope. It's comfort in the midst of this turbulent world we live in. This is all temporary! So, again, wait for a person...Jesus Christ...make sure you have trusted Him as your Savior from sin. If you do this, you will be ready to face the future. God bless you all!
UFO ALIENS are coming for us:
Most Population of People on Earth look Chinese, but
Most People on Earth speak English.
Most People on Earth that Control
International Banks, Merchants of the World, Control Financial Economies of Most Nations on Earth
are of the Jewish Religion. The Gold and Money keepers of the Planet Earth.
Africa, a place of wealth of Gold,
Diamonds, Oil, and other Wealth
Resources is a poor place of
Conflicts in most Nations there.
Most Women in the Middle East are
treated like trained animals and pets. Most Americans Worship
Hollywood, Sports as the Gospel.
We are a World of Conflict, Wars, and Stress, Distress, and Mess.
Most people of Earth can not deal
with Reality, Facts, and Truths.
I believe in Alien Beings from Outer Space in the Heavens. I think they have a Misson on Earth to do something. Do they save us from us ? Do they come
here to eat us like hamburger food ?
WHO AND WHY ? Will they Stop Nuclear Bombs on Earth?
they maybe coming to eat us as food
before we use the Nuclear Bomb on
Planet Earth and we will not be a
good meal with Nuclear Dust in us.
Human Beings love to fight?
Are the UFO ALIENS looking for
Warriors to help fight their Wars
on their Planet in Outer Space.
We will just have to wait for year 2012! Or are a few UFO Aliens here, just waiting for their Space Mobile to return home, with Planet Earth Data and a few Drug Head Human Beings to study ?
Well, you lot are doing conspiracy theorists a WORLD of good with your illiterate ramblings... no wonder no-one actually believes any of this shit - oh and it's Mainstream Media (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/MSM)
or, depending on your point of view obviously, the other definition :P
[email protected]
Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and puppet regime had started this international conspiracy about the devaluation of the dollarand the need for another international currency, ignoring the fact of production.
Hitler and other totalitarian nuts always based their conquist projections on prediction. Hitler in particular used Nostradamos a lot for that purpose. I think the Web Bot bolony is continuing this trend to conspire with the International Lumpenlink. They are too involved in economy to be that naïve.
Noting special happened on 25 Oct 2009... So Nothing will happen on 5 Nov so enjoy guys :)
May be due to the unique planetary situation, resulting into magnetic axis alteration of the earth. All communications go of the line. Miscommunications from the satellites may cause a nuclear war like situation between countries or nuclear reactors go out of control due to wrong information from the computers.The magnetic storm thus created would convert our strength i.e. communication ability into a handicap without which we are going to stumble any ways.
Let See what will happen in next 24 Hour time span.. Let's pray of nothing should happen
I'm a laid off anti-missile rocket scientist (thanks PTB).
There is nothing wrong with the magnetic spheres of the planet, this is just a play off of a recent number of movies out.
Here's your history, present and future:
The Dems cause a crash with the GSEs. This leads to bailouts and stimulus bills. This led to increase in monetization of the US budget. From here, layoffs began and unemployment increased. This made health care more attractive, the health care bill passes followed by a back-door cap n trade bill. Next, people riot (2010), a civil war breaks out by mid-next year.
And there you have it.
No chicken guts, no brass bowls with water... just scientific fact mixed with human psychology. You don't need to how special powers to see the future.
thing is...the magnetosphere IS in decline, there are WAY more UFO sightings, other countries ARE about to stop accepting the dollar and a global bank has already been announced...and on and on and on, this program was featured in a few documentaries that were very factually based in all subjects, If you can't stand back and see the collective conscious of things growing and accelerating daily, then you're blind. We're on a galactic schedule, I promise you these are extraordinary times to be alive, I don't care what your personal dogma is, the signs are there and if you choose to keep your heads in the sand, then you'll be left suffering very soon. You all need to re-establish your very personal, very powerful connection to nature and the rest of the universe and stop watching the television and looking at the internet, you're here because you're obviously intrigued by all that's happening, so get off of the fence and decide that either A. everything is normal and you should just carry on as such. or B. we are on the verge of a great change in our existence and we should make every preparation to accept that change so that we can allow it on all levels and adapt. There is a third option, and that's to wait until it's an undeniable fact, but by that time, you may just find you're too late. Better to prepare and be wrong than to fall short. Over 30 known cultures spanning thousands of years give this timeline, but we don't pay attention to history before Christianity because it's 'wrong'.... You have to change the way you think, and feel about your life and what it means. It's not about monitary or material gain until you're old enough you can't be a slave anymore to make someone else wealthy. Is it so hard to believe that we could be living in a time like where everything changes? Why us? Why now? Are those the questions your mind comes up with? Well friends, your mind is only a tool for survival, it's not you. So naturally, it's going to deny anything dangerous until there's certainty...you have to look beyond that. You have to understand that you are only here to have a unique experience to feed a greater consciousness, like a tentacle if you will, then you can begin to love everything around you, because it is all amazing. Peace and love to everyone, take care of yourselves and your families and just ask questions...of everything, and keep an open mind.
"Do I believe that something will happen on 12/21/12 that will be remembered for many years after that? Yes! Here we are nearly a decade later still remembering Y2K. I said "remembered" meaning that if the world doesn't come to an end that day, we will be talking about 12/21/12 for years after that. Now, if something does in fact happen on that day, it will be because that was God's will. Uh, oh, I brought up God on here.
Remember the 7 year Tribulation? The rapture has not yet occurred and the tribulation has not begun. Some unusual things could in fact happen on 12/21/12 but it will not bring about the end of the world. The rapture COULD happen in 2012 but remember that the rapture is a signless event, so it could happen at any time."
2 problems with that part of your post:
1. Y2K had to do with the machines we made in the last century and was invented about a year or two prior to the actual event, while 2012 has been predicted over thousands of years by dozens of civilizations
2. If you're religious, then READ your bible and post for me the part that includes the rapture...you won't find it because it's not in the bible
Most of the new testament can be cross referenced exactly with the first known texts created by the Sumerians, it and all other religions come from that culture because it's the first culture that was CREATED on this planet.
This Webbot is useless and anyone believing this junk deserves to get fooled. All the predictions for 2009 went nowhere. Sure, there's talk about dumping the dollar as an international currenc y. But I didn't need Webbot to tell me that. And, the dollar hasn't quite collapsed yet, no irots happened in the summer, the troops shaven't been kicked out, and UFO's are not raining down on us. LOL
David Koerner
This is what i think that will happen in 2010 & 2011 the planet will be over populated people that have family's with 4 or more kids want to have more each generation will double what i am saying like me come from a family with 5 kids each one or different and they grow up they will most likely will have kids of there own let say brother is with a woman and decides to like have 4 kids of his own and your sister will like to have 6 kids and one is gay and don't have any at all and say and you only have one.
thin there are 11 kids all together and thin they grow up they will like to have kids of there own to that will be doubling agine and let say one or two out of them have 5 or more kids but i did leave out one of them have any at all and one of the has 10 kids
but what i am saying each generation that gos by the family doubles or triple in sides and we will burn up all of or restores and by 2012 there will be war over what little restores or left i really feel bad the humanity will not understand that this will not work and humanity will fall from this think about it its not hard and the weather will get really bad some places es will come hospitable this will come to pass and every thing that we know will be no more. and this will happen in 2012 think i crazy humans are crazy for having so many kids from doubling and yes i also have the gays and the ones that don't have any kids at all threw is always some one that have 10 or more kids they make up the ones that don't have any kids at all and all this will come out to late i sorry this will happen.
This honestly is a joke... there is zero elaboration on anything
Most likely you have these nut jobs like Mel Gibson endorsing this hoax... but please people understand that we must worry about occurrences one day at a time. People set the futures of the US dollar for example.
For the people who believe this bull shit... its time to get a real hobby. For the people who live in the basements of their parents house and think they deserve everything and know better than the grown up individual, get a fucking job and make something of yourself
Beware the false prophet.
Not to seem religiously inclined, but Beware the false prophet seems to fall into this category. By definiton, a prophet is a PERSON who has had CONTACT with the SUPERNATURAL or DIVINE. Webbot is NOT a person, but a robot searching through the internet. So therefore it can be classified as a False Prophet. Go ahead and listen to it, but I advise not to take it too literally, just watch your back when it says so.. Don't lock yourself up in confinement.
Beware the false prophet.
Beware the false prophet.
Not to seem religiously inclined, but Beware the false prophet seems to fall into this category. By definiton, a prophet is a PERSON who has had CONTACT with the SUPERNATURAL or DIVINE. Webbot is NOT a person, but a robot searching through the internet. So therefore it can be classified as a False Prophet. Go ahead and listen to it, but I advise not to take it too literally, just watch your back when it says so.. Don't lock yourself up in confinement.
Beware the false prophet.
The program was originally made to predict stock futures which means it was founded by people that KNOW about stocks and want to profit from them in the stock market.
how convenient that you can post on here without signing up........i bet most of these posts were made by them to confuse people and make them think that this is an issue that people are concerned about and therefor scare people into selling the USD and buying gold.
This effect was first seen on Mad Money hosted by jim cramer, in what analyst called "the cramer" effect" almost every stock that had a good mentioning on the show would go up because of all the people buying the stocks they saw on the show.
The US dollar will not collapse worst case scenario is they stop trading oil in US currency and the dollar goes down 30%
I've been following their weekly blog on urbansurvival for years now and honestly most of it is pure bullshit. He is just another false prophet making a shitload of money off of people's fears.
The fear of the unknown. Life is a cycle, just a cycle. We are thinking animals and that is all we are. we are not that important, but we feel we are. Life will find a way. We die, later down the line, new beings will follow the same line. We are think animals, that and that is all we are. We are insignificant!
god is the begining and the end not the computer god saves and he died for all sins the computer is the mark of the beast and god said no man will no the last days so save your self now repent to jessus christ our savior or be doomed and burn in h ll for attornity god bless america go to church get saved
all i see is Blah Blah Blah! why don't we just all sit back and wait, if it happen's it happen's only way to slow thing down, if not stop it all, is from our own actions,so best just to wait and see what fate brings us, peace out ;-)
well its the end of 2009 and none of what this Hi-tech gipsy predicted has come true..
Is there anywhere to find the hit/miss ratio on the predictions? If it's making thousands of predictions and a dozen or so are right that doesn't really mean much.
Is there anywhere we can find a hit/miss ratio for the predictions? I would like to know just how accurate this is.
lol get yourselves a flotation device because you're all drowning in a sea of fear. come on people, none of the predictions have come true, even the 9/11 prediction which stated the life itself would be altered in a significant and basic way, is not referring to 9/11at all. why? because for the vast majority of us, 95% of the world, 9/11 had no effect at all on our lives. It certainly did not change in any "significant" way, any of our lives. The lives of Iraqis and Afghans were changed, but that effected at the most 5 million people out of a world population of almost 7 billion. So, calm down, stop freaking out. Web bot is good maybe, big maybe, for predicting stock market fluctuations in general but certainly not in predicting doomsday.
How can anyone be expected to consider these comments as intelligent or plausible, when half of you cant spell or write coherently? At least run a spell check before displaying your idiocy.
lol get yourselves a flotation device because you're all drowning in a sea of fear. come on people, none of the predictions have come true, even the 9/11 prediction which stated the life itself would be altered in a significant and basic way, is not referring to 9/11at all. why? because for the vast majority of us, 95% of the world, 9/11 had no effect at all on our lives. It certainly did not change in any "significant" way, any of our lives. The lives of Iraqis and Afghans were changed, but that effected at the most 5 million people out of a world population of almost 7 billion. So, calm down, stop freaking out. Web bot is good maybe, big maybe, for predicting stock market fluctuations in general but certainly not in predicting doomsday.
Actually, 9/11 did change our way of life considerably. We now have increased security at airports, the Patriot Act (All the rights we happily gave up), Oh and were at war. Just because you cant see past your own nose, doesn't mean the world hasn't changed.
Well, it's already 2010. Nothing came true. Yay, web bot!!
Epic fail.
web bot fail.
well here it is jan, 2010 and NOT one of the web bot's spams have proven accurate. another IT scam by our self-declared Chosen geniuses came up with this pile of horse manure most likely.
Web bot didn't do well in 2009 (actually, it did really badly !) However, it did quite well with the start of the stock market crash in Oct 2008 if I remember rightly.
Anyway, it's fun to read about. I just wish it would predict something I could place a bet on ! :D
My WFB Blog
...my name is Zoidrif from a galaxy far far away...I come with news....you earth peeps are WACK!
None of this matters, its true, but theres nothing you can do about it. God predicted allt his waaayyy before any web bot, better get your hearts right, because our Creator is going to call us home as the earth rejects us. Turn to God, evil is increasing, evenwhile th hearts of men become weaker. Its going to happen. just not based on anything other than His will.
for all that love life :
Keep Humanaty by Charity
By undermining the Tax system .. The Dollar would be DeValued
A Great Earth Quake will happen through out the World . Causing the Great City to be divided in three parts !Revelations 16:19
The Lord wishes for sinners to repent , As they who have ears let them hear : From Him who was , is , and will forever be " OUR FATHER " Always chose Life , and keep your humanity by your many " ACTS" of "CHARITY " !!! Forever Love Welcome the Future , and obey the Law . Blessed be the Darlings of Our Father !!!
Why has the Goverment produced all those plastic coffens ?
Could they be for the Third of All Humanity ?
How long have they known ?
What caused them to be prepared ?
Revelations 13:10
" anyone destined for captivity goes in captivity".
any one destined to be Slain by the sword shall be slain by the sword ".
Such is the faithful endurence of the holy ones .
Well here we are February 2010 and NOTHING of the predicted happened... But it failed to predict a real disaster, the earthquake in Haiti... This is a lot of BS
yez yez. nov 5th. Ibuleve zat ze muzzlim king will rise under ze cover of ze fireworks in ze united kingdom. Every november ze fifth, big firework night jah? so ze muzzlim king vill start his var under zis cover. lots of bang-bang, lots of noise and lightings. ordinary people vill not be suspising of zis because of ze guy forks. perfect way to start ze invasion, no?
The web bot predicks are are all BS.
yawn.....nov 5th was very important...it was by b day...the web bots are far from accurate. I bought reports in the past and while they make for a great fear adrenaline rush the reality thus far has been far from as exciting as the reports.
If you want a good exciting read though, I would rec. them. Good as spending 10$ to watch a zombie flick at the movies.
actually there were riots--at the g20 in england i know cause i'm an american living in uk and watching the news as the police killed a man who was walking home.
protesters dont riot--police in plain clothes do
I think what some of us are missing is that the Webbot Project takes from what is being thrown around in society and makes predictions. So accuracy isn't always perfect. But that doesn't mean what is mentioned on Webbot isn't worth a look.
the day theres aliens found then call me 4194669306 and ill belive web bot untill then its a joke for you losers with no girls and no lifes playing video games all day get it together you give me a perdiction from web bot n.e were for n.e exact day txt it to me ill send you 100 bucks no lie if you can perdict somthing thats really unusal.....
ok... so webot was created to tap into the collective conscience of society through trolling the web for trends and keywords. so how do you account for corrupt data that is a result of so many poeple searching this topic.doesnt that corrupt the whole pool of data the webot is working with therefore rendering it compromised.
ha ha ha. you people are all completely bat shit crazy. obviously the summer of 2009 went exactley like that. remember all those riots and nobody taking the us dollar? it totally happened right? no it didn't. so get back to reality and stop perpetuating and obsessing over this bullshit.
These predictions were not correct. Extremely poor accuracy. As far as the web bot prediction of 9-11 will its a safe bet to say that a major event will occur in six months. My prediction is that a major even will occur in six months. I dont know what but im sure something will happen. Now all I have to do is wait and Im sure something will happen that I can point my finger at abd say, hey i predicted that. Web bot is B.S
How can anyone take these predictions seriously? The web bot, at best, can portray a picture of an exact moment in time, it shows only reactions to certain events and i dont see how can it be used to predict future events.
Another point to be taken into consideration is the fact that disregarding of what humans do or avoid doing, natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanoes will continue to ocurr, they have nothing to do with the collective knowledge of the web, which is, in fact, the collective knowledge of poepole (allegedly) who USE internet.
I also found the predictions a little paradoxical. Mainly because the web bot uses the emotional wheight of the words used by people on internet, so, if the predictions ultimately come from internet users and their actions, then people, knowing the future can obiously change it by the mere fact of being aware of a possible future.
So, it would take a non human based prediction to make the bot accurate. This is not the case since obvioulsy the web bot is not an AI, not even far from it.
I refuse to take these predictions seriously, at best they are able to show some fluctuations in the general ideas that are said on the web and maybe a slight change in tendencies can be "forseen", but it is imposible to accurately forsee natural events as the bot claims to be a able to do.
Im sorry if my english is not as sharp as it should be, english is not my native language.
November 2010- collapse of the american dollar
November 2010- big earthquake in Los Angeles.
November 8th - 11th will be scary. Involving the internet?
July 2010 to the end of summer- lots of starving people or hipper inflation.
March 2011 - settling down from some type of upheaval, reformation?
November 2010- collapse of the american dollar
November 2010- big earthquake in Los Angeles.
November 8th - 11th will be scary. Involving the internet?
July 2010 to the end of summer- lots of starving people or hipper inflation.
March 2011 - settling down from some type of upheaval, reformation?
Remember, remember the fifth of November...
I'm a-trippin'...
this is absolutely ridiculous. not a bit of this is true, obviously because we still have troops and bases in other countries, there are no riots, our economy has not collapsed, and North Korea is not involved in a five country war.
The magnetosphere is collapsing!!!! Which means everyone will die, but go out and get some gold and silver.
each one of us can make a prediction. all it takes is a little concentration. the question is, the accuracy of the prediction. high and ure believe that their seer system works. i guess that the more generic the prediction the more accurate it will be.
To the jackass who asked if anyone had any "grammer" skills, sentence structure or spelling skills: "grammar" is spelled with an "a" not an "e," you flippin' moron. Even a second grader can use a damn dictionary!!
I believe the data the Web Bot gives is accurate, it's the interpretation of the data by humans that is so very human. This is the real problem with the Web Bot. What the Web Bot is picking is nothing more simple fear and they are over blowing that fear.
1. "Ill Winds". Definately a reference to Obamacare. Billions are scared they will lose there healthcare. Yes there is not a billion people in the USA, but tens of thousands of people come to the USA for there healthcare every year. So that is the billion people dying in the predictions.
2. "Sea levels rising". DUH, Global Warming. The left wing nut jobs in the world have people scared. Add the left wing a.k.a. so called mainstream media and people are scared. The fact is the world is actually cooling. All the global warming nuts fudging there data is scaring the people and they want them scared, it pushes their agenda.
3."November 8-11, possible Nuclear war". They are so wrong on their interpretation of the data on this. This is referring to President Obama and the Democratic congress. The blow from the MId-term elections will be so severe that Obama will push for the Nuclear Option to get Cap-n-Trade through the Senate and possibly some other nasty things that we don't want. It does refer to a "war", the upcoming war between Obama and the republican congress.
4. "Great movement, revolution, riots". That's your Tea Party movement. The Tea Party will rid America of the 2 party system and the Meritocracy that now controls American politics.
5. "Reveling UFO's." lol. there could be something to this but it was reveled on June 7th 2010 that there is possible life on Saturn's moon Titan. That could be considered Alien life. Correct?
web-bot shmeb-bot , y'all just wait 'til 2012 when the aliens get here, they'll show y'all what for.
i for one would like to go on record as welcoming our future alien overlords and pledging my allegiance to the new alien world order.
I just don't see why the people who think this is all bullshit are so concerned with the people who take some time out to look into this kind of thing. Why are the non-believers so... Mad, and a lot of the time, quite condescending?
The ego has a sick way of making someone be mean for no reason at all, just to "really" make their point.
Who cares if people think this is real? What gives anyone the right to judge anyone for that?
is this the first crop circle in the area?
During the catastrophic event in Japan with the explosion of the neuclear plants and the Tsunami ,it was said by one reporter that the Earth moved on it's axis 8 inches. what effect does that have on or weather and other important dates as the 12-21-12 Dooms Day date ?
The smart ass commenting about spelling, sentence structure and such....GRAMMAR IS HOW YA SPELL IT.
How often does this sorta thing happen?
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