Sunday, January 24, 2010

Further images from that object seen near the sun

I would like further discussion on these images which i talked about a few days ago. I just found the link (if you want too check from) NASA's SOHO site which monitors solar activity to verify the images. If the object was a solar flare or camera clitch it shouldn't appear in multiple takes of the images - what's you opinion?

These huge spherical UFO's started appearing around January 18, 2010. They are on both the forward and rear images taken by NASA's Stereo Spacecraft in space. They appear to be moving as they are in different positions on many photos. Remember these are huge possibly at least the size of Earth. Further, if they were planets or some type of huge asteroid comets, they would already have been pulled into the sun by the strong gravity the sun produces as in the case of the recent comet. Source

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Dickos Fortuna said...

I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be bits of debris floating in between Hubble and the Sun. But with that said... I would have thought that anything sitting around the sun would look like a dark spot, as it would essentially be in receiving it's light (from the sun, the source of pretty much most of the light in our solar system, right next to it!) on the side we aren't looking at... But in some of those photos, there is light on the side of the object that is facing AWAY from the Sun... Which is pretty weird!

Anonymous said...

How can i know its real taken footage on the sun?it can be a cirkel made in photoshop, who has taken the pitcher?nasa?

molumen said...

Now this has absolutely nothing to do with UFOs. Go to and open at least 10-15 consecutive images, each one in its own tab (they are taken with 10 minutes intervals).
Now by holding CTRL-Tab, you will rapidly switch from one tab to another and create some basic animation of the sun (you can actually see the sun rotate). Now if you have a good look at those "UFOs", they appear in completely different places on each image and look to me like some noise from the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) sensor.
It is impossible that large objects the size of an Earth-class planet would behave this way (they look like mosquitoes flying around a lamp).
That is a UFO fail, nothing more...

Anonymous said...

If the objects are in or near the suns corona will there be a shadow as the energy streams past the object ?

Anonymous said...

lol thats so fake lol

Anonymous said...

ok if they were debris round the sun i have made one big mistake, the suns gravatational pull is so great that an object that seems that close to the sun would be pulled in and destroyed. now you can not say that the sun have no gravtational pull because if that was true then we wouldnt be here , the earth and other planets in the solar system would not spin round the sun. now if there is actually objects round the sun then they are using some sort of technology to stop been pulled in and also some sort if tech to stop been burnt to a crisp, and to the guy that said "lol thats so fake lol" please show me your earth shattering proof that shows these to be fake nobody can say if these are fake or ufos bet there is something there no bout just remember we are looking at photos and not sat a mile away from the sun seeing these things for our self, keep an open mind ppl.

alexia said...

that is my spacecraft.we are from alpha century

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