Thursday, May 17, 2012

UFO Footage! Basel, Switzerland: 15/05/2012

UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland May 15, 2012:
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spectator said...

I understand what they are saying it's polish..." It's getting dark and falling down to the street" so I assume it's just a chinese lantern not a UFO! And the funniest thing is when the women is saying " maybe they droping money" lol Polish :)

Anonymous said...

chinese lanterns for sure

Anonymous said...

welcome to lanternsville usa

Anonymous said...

There has been a lot of lantern vids lately,me thinks due to a quiet period in genuine ufo activity.History shows us they come in waves. Perhaps the tide has gone out..for now

Anonymous said...

How did this film of chinese lanterns get so many views on youtube,that is the only mystery here.I am allso surprised the moderator on this site even posted this,times must be hard .

Anonymous said...

true lanterns

Anonymous said...


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