Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The sun is teaming with objects - UPDATE 15.02.2010

yet another update from today about those objects seen on the sun 15.02.2010
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Bathtub said...

I think you mean 'teeming'. But no, it's not. This is not continuous, real-time footage, so those blips and blobs are pretty meaningless. It's impossible to know if they're 'real' as opposed to artefacts caused by how the images are captured, transmitted or reproduced.

If they were as exciting as you suggest, wouldn't the world's astronomers be onto them by now and reporting something remarkable?

Oh, sorry, I was forgetting. They either don't know what they're looking at or they're all (expert amateurs with no axe to grind and maverick professors determined to overturn accepted views included) part of a conspiracy to prevent us knowing the truth.

Bathtub said...

I think you mean 'teeming'. But no, it's not. This is not continuous, real-time footage, so those blips and blobs are pretty meaningless. It's impossible to know if they're 'real' as opposed to artefacts caused by how the images are captured, transmitted or reproduced.

If they were as exciting as you suggest, wouldn't the world's astronomers be onto them by now and reporting something remarkable?

Oh, sorry, I was forgetting. They either don't know what they're looking at or they're all (expert amateurs with no axe to grind and maverick professors determined to overturn accepted views included) part of a conspiracy to prevent us knowing the truth.

2gb compact flash said...

UFO technology is best now a days it's provide great result of the movie..

Anonymous said...

i have seen loads of videos now that show these objects and i can say that some are stationary and some are moving so you can stick the whole artefacts of the photos up your bum bum, there is a lot going on with the sun right now like sun spots, solar flares and nasa sending a rocket to see whats really going on up there, something is going on. heard about objects round the moon aswell at the same time as these objects around the sun. so mr bathtub, can you please invite me to one of your very intelligent meetings on how you are a scientist and you know better than all these "expert amateurs with no axe to grind and maverick professors determined to overturn accepted views included" and also i would like to see your degree in astrology, can you also enlighten me on the hundreds of thousands of ufo vids and tell me that they are also "artefacts caused by how the images are captured"

Elvinas said...

well is hard to understand things like this, because we see things as we are, not things as it is and astronomers do talk about them only they got no idea what it is, because is not planets or comets, so no public comments. well i think is something to do with sun activity, and i do thing something is repairing sun, so we not going to get big sun flares, that is like UFO's was disarming nuke missiles for us. perhaps soon we will know what it is.

Anonymous said...

yea mr bathtub please tell us.

Mike said...

All the objects look to me to be just cosmic rays or most probably more energetic particles hitting the imaging detector from a more active sun. Since I actually use CCD and CMOS cameras to image astronomical subjects, I've direct experience with this sort of thing.

This is not to say that I don't believe that UFO's could be doing that sort of thing, either around the sun, earth or even the moon. Heck, back in the '50's before Sputnik, some large objects were detected in orbit around the Earth and they seemed to be artificial! They mysteriously disappeared after awhile. But, maybe they came back for another visit? Based on recent UFO activity I think it's a possibility. Who knows what could be going on where we don't have good surveillance.

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