Saturday, September 18, 2010

Large Triangle Ufo caught on video in China

This recent ufo video came out from Ku6 today (a Chinese video sharing site based in Beijing.)
It reveals a large shiny triangular Ufo. Whilst China is in the midst of a 'Ufo wave' at the moment some have mentioned the recent spate of sightings may be the result of Chinese military developing their own version of the TRB-3/Aurora.
I am searching for further information on this sighting if anyone has further info please reply.
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Anonymous said...

5 stars?!?!?!?! that must be one of the most awful videos i've seen. we even get a bit of x-files to top off the hilarity. i can't believe people actually take this seriously. if this is the 5 star material that ufology has to offer then it is $%^!#%^^

Anonymous said...

No reference points at all... hard to tell even what the camera angle was.

FLIP said...

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