Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meteorite object over New Zealand 27 August 2011

Meteorite spotted over New zealand 27 August 2011, or was it something else?
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Anonymous said...

Looks like plane contrails.

Bathtub said...

Aircraft and contrail... yet again.

Anonymous said...

Damn slow for a meteorite...unidentified in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

its a plane! an IFO

Anonymous said...

oh com on, see this every day, a plane in the sky, illuminatet by the sun, nothing special. pffff oh mates, is this an UFO SITE or an "we post EVERYTHING" site? pfffffffff

Anonymous said...

Yeah well! there yu have it, anyone would think, that kiwis can't fly!?....? 0.0

Anonymous said...

Will these never stop being posted?!!!

Here is a suggested rule for all UFO sites:
-Any video shot at dawn or dusk that shows a slow moving bright light or line in the sky is ALWAYS a contrail. Do not waste any more time on it.

Uncritical posting of any stupid light in the sky simply discredits the whole investigation.

Sorry for sounding bugged, but really, this has got to stop....

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