Thursday, June 20, 2013

Crop Circle Makes News - Timashevsk, Krasnodar, Russia: 17/06/2013

New crop circle over Timashevsk, Krasnodar, Russia. Reported 17th June:

Sergey Dmitrievskiy posts us this exciting news of a new crop circle in Russia that was reported on the 17th of June - (Google translate from Russian) 'Fisherman from Timashevsk look for signs of alien groups at the local field. Wheat geometry on the fields of the Kuban. In the field in Timashevsk district of Krasnodar region there were huge circles. The first saw them local Eugene Makiashvili. Early in the morning he came home with a catch on the field and noticed a strange figure. Circles have appeared all over the field. The night before, a man was driving here, too, but did not notice anything unusual. Eugene'm sure it was the work of aliens.

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Anonymous said...

Oh wow there's a hole in the center!!! Maybe for the post that held the center point for whatever they used to work around it??? Fake

Anonymous said...

Yes, so 'exciting' they didn't even think it worthwhile taking a shot of it from the air! Definitely man made.

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