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Sunday, December 02, 2007
Full Video of the Bakersfield triangular Ufo Sighting Diana Blackburn
This is the full footage of the video posted previously. If anyone has any news on the outcome of the analysis of this video please advise in the comments section. On the 13 November, this year, Diana Blackburn and her girlfriend witnessed a "huge" 'Flying Tirangle' near Bakersfield California while driving on the 5 North Interstate. They followed the object in their car for some time and managed to capture some 16 minutes of footage.
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I am not really convinced this is not a fake. The girls seem to swear and talk too much as is they are trying to make it interesting. It's like they are actively trying to convince *us* it's real. If they really saw it and believe it, why keep saying "it's a f**king UFO!"? Also there are inconsistencies in their dialog. In this short footage they mention not needing gas near the beginning, but towards the end they mention needing gas.
Also they call it "arrow shaped" at one point but later the UFO is referred to as a saucer. So which was it? One girl (Diana?) also mentions it "changing formation" a few times. What does that mean? It was one craft whereas a formation requires many objects. Maybe she was referring to the lights on it?
The video is not clear at all. I don't get the sense that it is anything otherworldly purely from the video. I have to take them at their word. I think the video could have been faked with audio tacked on later. The audio is also surprisingly clear.
I would like to know if anyone *else* saw this alleged UFO. Given the footage, there must have been many other witnesses on that road alone.
Finally, why is Diana Blackburn's name prominently attached to this video? Is it about the UFO or is it about 15 minutes of fame?
"Diana Blackburn and her girlfriend" lesbians + ufos = hot! :D
I appreciated the first commentary. I also felt the same thing. Just a small addition: Even supposing that these girls were seeing something strange-they had camera, they had everything--didn't they have a cell phone? couldn' they call their family, friends, or passersby at least? When they start talking about gas--things appear to be cooked up. Sorry to say this. Appreciate their sincerity, though.
I don't think the gas is a reason to doubt the authenticity. They're outside the car while taping and the car is left running for a moment... and they're in the middle of nowhere. It sounds like their gas is low but too low, but when it's left running she gets a little worried. The other thing is the inconsistancy in the dialogue is what I find most convincing about this... they sound like two all-American girls getting all excited over a siting of what they think is a UFO. As for the supposed changing shape, this is not a new concept in UFO reports.
Her changing "formation" comment just sounds like improper use of the term. This is another reason I buy it... people use words inproperly a LOT of the time. These girls aren't geniuses.. they're just regular chicks it seems.
I recall the first time I saw something really weird in the sky when I was 15... needless to say I effed this and effed that.
I personally think this is an excellent clip.
"...-didn't they have a cell phone?"
Actually, you can hear the other woman talking to someone on the phone. They comment and she repllies ""No! It's not a plane."
Thanks for posting the whole video. Does anybody know who is analysing the video? If the video was captured with an analogue camcorder, there is a good chance the picture can be cleaned up.
I talked to her and she said it was being reviewed by Jeff Ritzman and some other guy. The second guy apparently sent her an email saying he could see a faint outline (i guess indicating that it's solid and not a formation of jets) on the raw footage.
Who knows! I want to find out either way. There's a lot of people hanging on this one apparently. I don't want to get everyone's hopes up but this video is also accumulating a lot of views and comments on Youtube after it's first week.
There's a huge forum at http://www.abovetopsecret.com on this.
I appreciate the counterpoints.
I have actually seen a UFO myself. I didn't swear at all, but admittedly it was not as dramatic as this alleged siting or something like the Phoenix lights.
It's not just the gas and terminology (and cell phone) that bothers me. Also the ending is fishy. They mention running out of battery on the camera. Also they mention another UFO that turns out to be a helicopter. For being regular girls who were supposedly freaked out by this, they sure had a handle on many details like the camera battery and gas gauge. I'm surprised we didn't hear a mention of the cell phone battery level. Personally, I would be looking at the UFO and not have noticed the camera battery running low until it actually died.
The whole thing just feels a little staged to me. It's like they were narrating the plot to us the whole time in an attempt to make it believable. To me it seems like this is an indie movie. I'm just waiting for the abduction scene.
Anyway, I love a good UFO story and I do believe that some of them are ETs. I'd love to hear about the video analysis and hopefully corroborating sitings of this UFO.
I need to watch the new, new footage now.
Convincing is not believing! Experiencing is. This is 2007 and people are not oblivious to the fact that UFOs exist.
Peoples minds have updated their perception to a point that now seeing a UFO is something like winning the lottery. I saw a UFO in the Libyan desert back on the 17th December 1983 at a place called Raguba. The whole event took around 33 seconds on a clear starry evening (around 18:30Hrs) and I was delirious even though I was on my own.
In those days one always kept these things under the lid for fear of ridicule. Today, slowly but surely the veil of secrecy is lifting and it will soon become media frenzy that we earthlings have made contact. In my opinion what the girls were seeing and what is on tape does not corroborate exactly with the real facts of the event. I sense that what happened in Bakersfield was far more interesting and spontaneous then we can see or hear on tape. I also believe that faking or fabricating such stories does not make anybody famous or rich but on the contrary there is much to loose for the individual.
I sincerely hope that full analysis are carried out on the tape because the truth is out there.
this footage is quite amazing but the girls are annoying as hell. They dont shut the hell up for even a second. so annoying you have to mute it just to be able to watch it. So anybody that records these ufos...DONT TALK WHEN YOUR FILMING...hahhaha but damn these chicks are stupid
Diana is my daughter, and believe me she is not faking this. She called me afterwards very hyper. She said the pictures don't do justice to what they saw. And yes she is a jabber-box, but that's her. The girls were trying to convince themselves what they were seeing was real. Diana by the way has had a great deal more fame as she has been in Skydiving mags and videos. BTW it's kind of sad when girlfriend doesn't just mean friend anymore but has another connotation.
I saw this exact craft at 7:20 PM October 20, 2008 in Encino,CA. Actually I saw TWO.
I have spent a majority of the last 24 hours attempting to find any reports that were similar to what I saw. When I found this video, it sent chills down my spine.
I believe this video is real based on my experience. Something IS up there. What it is, who knows.
I saw this same thing in Palos Verdes on Oct. 31st 2008 at 9:06 PM. Saw TWO of them, very low to the ground (however there was also a low roaring jet noise while they flew over, from the North to the South.
The film is real and it IS a UFO they filmed...the important questions are: whose craft is it and where does it come from?
I personally believe it was a technologically-advanced aircraft belonging to the U.S. Government/Military, about which little is known.
I used to live in Bakersfield and I sighted something strange in the night sky, about 7 to 8 years ago. While lying on my back on the diving board of my dad's pool, as I concentrated on my breathing while lifting weights, my gaze was fixed on the same portion of starry night sky. As I approached the end of the 12 reps, I noticed 5 VERY DIM orange lights hovering across that portion of sky. It seemed as if the lights were that dim on purpose so as to blend in with the stars in the background and not be noticed by anyone taking a simple glance at the sky. I tried to focus for 2 reasons. One- I didn't want to lose the object(s) in the sky, and two- I wanted to see if the stars disappeared in the space between the lights to figure whether it was one solid craft of 5 separate ones.
It was one solid craft. It's shape: imagine a triangle- cut off the top tip about half-way up. Or, like the razor blades that go in a box cutter. The direction it was flying in: not in the direction of the 'missing triangle tip', but 'sideways'.
It appeared to be flying at a very high altitude and it didn't make any noise that I could detect at ground level.
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(moved left/right, not up/down)
The film is real and it IS a UFO they filmed...the important questions are: whose craft is it and where does it come from?
I personally believe it was a technologically-advanced aircraft belonging to the U.S. Government/Military, about which little is known.
I used to live in Bakersfield and I sighted something strange in the night sky, about 7 to 8 years ago. While lying on my back on the diving board of my dad's pool, as I concentrated on my breathing while lifting weights, my gaze was fixed on the same portion of starry night sky. As I approached the end of the 12 reps, I noticed 5 VERY DIM orange lights hovering across that portion of sky. It seemed as if the lights were that dim on purpose so as to blend in with the stars in the background and not be noticed by anyone taking a simple glance at the sky. I tried to focus for 2 reasons. One- I didn't want to lose the object(s) in the sky, and two- I wanted to see if the stars disappeared in the space between the lights to figure whether it was one solid craft of 5 separate ones.
It was one solid craft. It's shape: imagine a triangle- cut off the top tip about half-way up. Or, like the razor blades that go in a box cutter. The direction it was flying in: not in the direction of the 'missing triangle tip', but 'sideways'.
It appeared to be flying at a very high altitude and it didn't make any noise that I could detect at ground level.
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(moved left/right, not up/down)
I'm from Bakersfield and I dunno if I belive in ufo's my bf claims he saw this same exact sighting while outside on his porch.. and the annoying girls talking well that's very common here in bakersfield for girls to be overdramatic.. actually I didn't believe my bf that he saw something and he explained it to be that it was 3 bright light and such and it was just there and then jus rapidly went away...so I decided to look up information in Bakersfield sighting to see if anyone else saw this I came across this video and showed it to him and he was amazed it was the exact same thing he saw around the same date...but yeah I can't say if it's real since i didn't exprience it myself but my bf said he did and he isn't the kind to make stuff up this is by far the weirdest thing he's said.
The reactions are quite natural. The "inconsistencies" about the shape of the thing is understandable since they are looking at the thing under less than ideal conditions. The video is not fake, however there is a question around the nature of what was seen. Otherwise the situation,conversation etc, is quite natural.
I swear quite a bit in every day conversations. I recall seeing a strange animal one day while hiking with my dogs in the woods and in the video you can hear me saying "what the f* is that" repeatedly. I'd be saying the same if I saw an unknown object flying in the sky. I've also been out in the country trying to track an injured dog and realized I was low on gas. My concern was do I continue and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, or end the search and head to town and lose track of the dog. I can completely relate to both situation in this video, therefore in my opinion it is genuine.
They sound hot
I live in Taft, CA and I was driving home from Bakersfield on the back road on Millux Rd, which passes under the I-5 freeway. As I was driving home, I seen this same exact object hovering right there by I-5. I even stopped, rolled down my window to make sure it wasn't a glare on my window, thats when I knew it was real, after I heard it. There was no distinct shape or syncronization of the light patterns. It was just random lights flashing on and off and it was quiet. This is definitely not a fake video!
this is real........the lights do not blink in the normal aviation pattern plus the craft shape shifted......considering the size and distance it is huge.......showing of its capabilities etc.....no military craft are known to have been in the area.......of any similar type ie stealth ......the only logical explanation is extraterrestrial as who else could it be......looks siimlar to the phoenix lights triangle.......do you know what........they will be back......
These women are saying the truth. Last night 06/05/2012 at 10:30 PM we encounter the object while driving from LA to SF about 170 miles from the I5/580 interchange. It appear on the distance on the left hand side and hover over us for about 3 seconds. My friend tought we were going to hit it with the truck because it was so close it is triangular kind off but more lika a sea ray shappe. We had no time to record anything just hit the gas and run like hell from it. It scare the hell out of us. Witnesses two professional technitians on work travel. Not drinking, not on drugs. This is for real. No it was not a B2 they cannot maneuver like this thing did in such a way. It was really close. I know some other people saw it as some trailers were swerving when this happen to us to avoid it.
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