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Saturday, December 08, 2007
October 23 2007 quallcomm stadium, san diego CA. ufo
October 23 2007 quallcomm stadium, san diego CA. we were sitting in the parking lot around 2 in the morning and we see a huge blue green laser shoot across the sky followed by an orange tail leaving a trail of smoke. about a minute later we were looking in the sky at that same spot and we saw a big thing that looked like a star blinking so i got my camera and zoomed in and this is what i saw.....by the way this is unedited footage
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It's Jupiter
When did Jupiter start blinking?
it appears to be blinking because of atmospheric conditions
Sorry guys it wasn't Jupiter :(
squary Jupiter ? don't think so..
jupiter my ass -lol-
it's pretty obvious to me that it was swamp gas... seriusoly though, it doesn't look to me like the planets i know, so i wouldn't put my money on that bet.
its not Jupiter and its not a UFo..
It looks liek a typical artifact of a heavily zoomed in image.. caused by a combination of distortion of the lkens and the sensing optics of the camera. A SPHERE, or spot of light will appear distorted under heavy zoom.. and those uneducated peoples will think the resulting distrotion is a UFO.
It´s not Jupiter, not an UFO and not a sphere or a spot of light, you uneducated people, it´s a Belwa Klot.
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