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Some people ask why this isn't just for free - the reason being that the out of the blue company has to pay big bucks to organise the event including flying witnesses from all over the world to the event, plus they are using the footage for their own movie. Without the producers earning their well deserved money, many videos and events like this wouldn't be avaialble for the the ufo community. Rate this posting:
That's understandable
Sorry, but your explanation about why this video costs money is absolute bullduty...
The Disclosure Group by Steven Greer didn't do such thing... So why can't these people organize in the same way...
It's not like these people had lousy jobs and are strapped for cash...
Disclosure my Ar##
How are they meant to disclose anything if they are only selling the information of this press confrence to the people who already know about these cases "the UFO enthusiasts"
I agree with the above poster, why could they not organize the same way as the first Disclosure project.
I was looking forward to sending the link to friends and family and hoping to spread awarness.
Do you think they will pay money to see chance.
Sry the whole event has been a waste of time and just a money spinner for people who are more interested in making money out of the whole UFO phenomena rather than spreading awareness.
Gutted tbh.
Greer couldn't have set up his DP press conference, if there were just people like you around. The DP also depends on donations and profits from their DVD and book sales.
Try organize a gig with some foreign bands and you'll know that these things cost whole heap of money, -even if the artists agree to play for just travelling costs and accommodation.
Anyway, hold on and you will find the press conference on sooner or later, because some other people supported the project and bought the DVD.
well organized hoax ? why not give ALL the evidence they have, a clear picture, anything.. its just weird they don't give any of that.
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