This just in from Burbank, Washington. Filmed on June 10, 2012, it shows what looks like a UFO and a nearby air plane. Comments and feedback from anyone in the Burbank area appreciated.
Poster comments: I walked out my back door and saw an Orb/UFO being chased by an air plane north of town. The plane came along side the Orb and eventually passed the Orb. Sorry about the camera blinking out. I had it on the wrong setting. Once I put it in night vision it worked fine. This is the second time I put this on Youtube the first version did not load with audio. Once I load and check this vesion to make sure it loads with audio I will remove the first version
The second Orb/ UFO filmed over Burbank, Washington on the morning of June 1, 2012: Orb over Burbank, WA June11, 2012 Very low in the sky & very bright. In one night I saw two different Orbs a few hours apart. If I can walk outside and get two of these on film then why can't out government spend a few nights to see what these things are. It's not like there is anything to see in Burbank, WA, so they're not coming to Earth to sight-see. I've had a few of these come close enough and low enough that I could have shot them out of the sky. But if I did I'm sure there would be some kind of cover up and I would rot in prison in a foreign land. Sorry about the shaky camera. Don't forget to check out my other sightings. I now have over a dozen on film. Just tab on my name oldporchdog and it should bring you to my page.
aircraft, ufos, Washington,
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Anonymous said...
Like your recent post about another sighting east of the Tri Cities (what Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick combined are called collectively) - Burbank, WA is about 60 miles east of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which was part of the World War II Manhattan Project. Just interesting to note. It is still a federal nuclear reservation so Hanford is not shown on modern day public maps.
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Everyone knows about the reported recovery of a crashed alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. However, most people are unaware that, at the time of the incident, Roswell Army Airfield was home to the world's only atomic bomber squadron, the 509th Bomb Group. Was this merely a coincidence? More on the book here
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1 comment:
Like your recent post about another sighting east of the Tri Cities (what Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick combined are called collectively) - Burbank, WA is about 60 miles east of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which was part of the World War II Manhattan Project. Just interesting to note. It is still a federal nuclear reservation so Hanford is not shown on modern day public maps.
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