How would you like a miniature Big Bang generated in your community, with scientists going around in little black vans with blaring loudspeakers: "Everything is under control, remain calm, just look out for a miniature blackholes "? Well in May this year this may be a possibility thanks to the CERN's new Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Collider was made to determine and study the conditions at the beginning of the universite - essentially the big bang. But there are fears the incredible intensity of the collision could get out of control and create a black hole.

Some of the most extreme theories even suggest it could open a rift in time and space, or a door to another dimension. Infact this month two men sought a restraining order in a US court to stop the project, claiming there was at least a small chance of annihilation of the planet and perhaps the universe. CERN assured people the collider was safe and the challenge appears to have no legal jurisdiction.
This short video explains this further and what could possibly happen:
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I known that extreme theories from "Another World" game, where main character: scients, using accelerator open door to another dimension. Such theories are build on very small possibilities so in fact are science-fiction.
Yeah, it'll just be another way of proving there are particles smaller than the predicted smallest. HAHAHAHA
Reminds me on a game named Half-Life (first part) :)
Or they'll learn something new that doesn't make any sense based on their current models... and then they'll cry and adjust their theories.. and forget that the old ones ever existed despite them being doctrine.
"Or they'll learn something new that doesn't make any sense based on their current models... and then they'll cry and adjust their theories.. and forget that the old ones ever existed despite them being doctrine."
True, but that is how science advances and works to our advantage.
Another one of those fear mongers. We should have stopped at the bow and arrow!
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