Thursday, October 16, 2008
Goodbye Blossum Goodchild ?
Everyone is saying how upset they are with Blossum Goodchild for deceiving them with her ufo prediction, so if nothing happens today i will have to stop posting about her as it has mislead many of my readers as well. It is true we did have quite a few interesting ufo sightings yesterday but nothing as dramatic as predicted. Even the ATS forum is now trying to cull any posting relating to the predictions as it is bringing humiliation and disgrace upon the ufo phenomenon
So this is the last straw - some are saying that infact the October 14 event was meant to occur today the 15th because it was mentioned in her 11 channeling:
Dearest Blossom. All that we choose to say to you is to let go of your fears. We WILL do as we say and before the 15th Oct has come to pass in all corners of your globe this event shall have come to fruition for all to glory in. We shall surprise many in how this all comes about. We say this to you people of earth who are in anticipation of the greatest vibration …
So it is not the end of the 14th that we need to wait for it to pass at all corners of the globe, it is actually the 15th of October that we must wait for.
Everyone is saying how upset they are with Blossum Goodchild for deceiving them with her ufo prediction, so if nothing happens today i will have to stop posting about her as it has mislead many of my readers as well. It is true we did have quite a few interesting ufo sightings yesterday but nothing as dramatic as predicted. Even the ATS forum is now trying to cull any posting relating to the predictions as it is bringing humiliation and disgrace upon the ufo phenomenon
So this is the last straw - some are saying that infact the October 14 event was meant to occur today the 15th because it was mentioned in her 11 channeling:
Dearest Blossom. All that we choose to say to you is to let go of your fears. We WILL do as we say and before the 15th Oct has come to pass in all corners of your globe this event shall have come to fruition for all to glory in. We shall surprise many in how this all comes about. We say this to you people of earth who are in anticipation of the greatest vibration …
So it is not the end of the 14th that we need to wait for it to pass at all corners of the globe, it is actually the 15th of October that we must wait for.
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Well it's over and so is Blossom - finito.
Too bad I was looking forward to it
I don't see how so many people can be so gullible .....
including you Matthew !!!
Its not about being gullible.
We all wish for a visitation.
Rapture would have been better because it would remove those of you who would rather be some where else. Leave Blossom alone and tend to your own business.
"Leave Blossom alone and tend to your own business."
Errr no!
You can not do what she has done in such a public way and on such a large scale and expect to walk away without getting some flack from the public.
I do not know how her website works 'is it a money making website?
If it is I would like to think she refunds anyone who she has taken for a fool.
but other than that..
As for someone like me who has investigated serious UFOS sightings since 1991 it makes me mad when someone comes along like this and can do so much damage to the rest of the UFO research community 'AGAIN' in such a short space of time.
It is because of people like Blossom we can not discuss the UFO phenomenon with most people without them laughing or listening and not taking a word in as they think we are nut-jobs.
Rant over ;-)
Right on !!! UFOBevy... I couldn't have said it better myself...
you're a sweetheart, THANK YOU !!
Why do you care about what people think about your beliefs ? You make the public sound like their opinion counts. Really Blossom is not the problem here.
I would like to say that despite the apparent lack of a credible sighting on the date in question.
One thing has struck me with reference to the prediction and that is it did not matter what colour of skin race or creed. Or belief.
Wherever people came from many looked to the sky to see if they could see something in the hope that they would appear.
It proves to me that it is possible for mankind to be united and live in peace.
How, you might say, can I possibly arrive at this conclusion?
Simply put religion, greed and race have been the main causes of war amongst our selves, and yet the belief in life beyond our own planet tends to unite us.
It is amongst a very few subjects that is inclusive rather than exclusive, so I say to you please remember the good that came out of the prediction instead of concentrating on the negative.
The very fact that you are a critic of Psychics make me curious about your true intent here. I do not think credibility is the issue. I do not think money is an issue worth discussing here. My psychic ability tells me you crave a UFO experience and you need that to believe in them more then you do. Sure you can do all the reading and serious study you want but until you have a true experience you will probable continue to attack people like Blossum. Leave Blossom alone and tend to your own business.
The problem with some who believed in this lady's "prophecy" was, as "anonymous" rightly points out, "wishing for a visitation". They could have asked themselves before believing: "Why would any civilization, so advanced, not contact our authorities [like NASA, President of some Nation] etc or try some scientific procedure for contacting, instead of informing about their imminent visit through a person of unknown credentials? Furtheron, why would they talk about headaches here on earth?"
Someone wrote in these columns and I liked it very much. If there are alien civilizations, for them we are apes. We discovered interplanetary motion, which is still so crude, just the other day. We discovered that the Sun is the centre of our solar system yesterday.
So let's stop imagining things about ufos. They are not visiting us. Most of such flying things are earthlings. Let us stop posting videos of "objects from other planets" [of course may be ufos] and concentrate on earth.
All Blossom has to do to get out from under this mess is publish another channeling where she asks the Federation of Light why they did not arrive as they promised, to which they will reply that the people of earth were not ready, or another alien intercepted and prevented them, or some other excuse.
man it wasnt gonna happen and it is still not gonna happen!!
when will everyone understand she was LIEING!!
it was just a stupid money scam and now blossom is rich and getting drunk somewhere haha
“Leave Blossom alone and tend to your own business.” You cant be serious. She ran around for months saying that a massive UFO was going to show up and change our lives forever. Then when it did not happen you expected us to keep our mouths shut? This whole ordeal and many like it are why the UFO phenomenon is not taken seriously. I will tend to my own business and leave Goodchild alone just as soon as she stops making crazy predictions and profiting off of something a lot of us take seriously and have been trying to defend for years.
But I do think some good will come out of this and people will start to ignore people like Goodchild and start looking for the truth with creditable sources, people, and events like what happened in Stevensville (SP). That event did a lot of good for us and I hope there will be more of them.
WOW !!! It seems to me that everybody here needs a group hug ...
huummmm ...
now don't you guys feel better ...
Blossom has a well done web site and sells a book and a CD that sells hope and a smile. What a perfect marketing campaign to set a deadline for an event that might happen or not. It is a perfect example of how we as a group fall prey to a flock mentality when a SALE date is set. Gullible to good marketing and HOPE for proof to the nagging question - are we alone ? What Blossom did was raise your awarness and there is nothing wrong with that. Its the same sensation you get when you go to a good lecture. A good movie trailer brings them in, profits. I do not think any one should be upset about what she does if she helps others. It's really her business plan and the UFO community should not put it on their radar. If you want proof look at some of the interesting stuff on Google Earth that is UFO related. The UFO community does not need Blossom.
I twice warned you all at this site
to don't listen to that mentally
ill bitch from Australia. She
his an hoaxer out after money
selling books etc.
Listen to Ufologists like
NICK POPE instead.
Yes, it's possible to unite the world for an event. But it's a lousy way to get people together. Be prepared for backlash if that even doesn't come to pass. The rift created from a non-event may be greater than what already were.
So is 1st Command Commander, Commander Ashtar from Ashtar Command real? Sounds kinda silly doesn't it? Even Galactic Federation of Light sounds too fiction-ish. I believe in ET's for I saw a craft once. It upsets me that we can't put all the skeptics to rest once & for all.
I somehow feel that I am "used" by Blossom Goodchild. And I'm wondering if her name is a hoax too.
"Most abductees are not even aware that possession does occur and that a significant number of individuals heavily involved in UFO research are literally hosts ( alien entities attached/ indwelling) for reptilian and other malevolent entities. These hosts have lectured publicly, written books and spoken on the Art Bell show. So why is the average abductee ignorant of this fifth column within our very midst? Because most abductees are still looking for the truth outside of themselves rather than from within. As stated above: We are the products of a long term genetic and soul matrix manipulation designed to keep us individually and collectively in a subserviant status vis a vis the reptilians and the dark gods of this world."
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