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Saturday, October 04, 2008
October 14 Ufo Update yet again
Blossom Goodchild the lady who is responsible for the October 14 Ufo predictions released a new channeling yesterday. I am not sure what to make of all of this guys but as you are all so interested in the predictions i am keeping you posted on any updates. Alot of expectations are riding on this prediction so lets hope Blossum's claims are of a genuine nature:
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She should be right abou it if shes no than she will loose her bussines after 14 + other channelers like Blossom are predicting the same thing for a month now + webbot is predicting something to happen in the next few weeks = so something is going to happen
I just dont see it happening.
This reminds me of the bigfoot in the freezer
I desperately want her to be right, but my guess is that at the last moment - a channelled message will be recieved that says that there were to many people in the world that were distressed at their coming, and they decided not to come because of our fear, hmmmm. Sad; if thats the case. I really want them to come.
I can't even put into words how utterly disgusted I feel having watched that utter bollox !
ok here is my prediction on the prediction: it is just bullshit, plain and simple. on the 15th of october we will have a drink and laugh.
things like this are so embarassing for the UFO community,
one random lady and the only evidence we have of whats shes saying is the voices in her head..
Until people like "Blossom" stop getting publicity for being mentally unstable and/or delusional ufology will continue to be seen as a fringe science to be laughed at by people in mainstream media and science.
Her 15 minutes of fame are almost over.
hahahahahahahahahahahahaa.....hahahaha put your hands on temples....how concerned these aliens are!! and on 13th october they will give a message: Sorry, lots of your people are having headache, so we shall not come.
Such silly and disgusting things are what are killing objective scientific experiments.
the video was removed by the user, says youtube
May I suggest you to to view something far above the usuals channelings we know: I mean this interview with Miriam Delicado by the members of the Camelot Project!
It's very astonishing and the scoop is 2012 prophecy is nothing but 2010 is ALL !
quote-"As you may know everyone has been discussing this October 14 Ufo prediction."
Everyone? Funny, this is the first time I ever heard about this pile of rubbish, and it's no surprise I discovered it on IdiotTube--er, I mean YouTube. This lady who claims to be a "channeler" is just another wack-job who managed to figure out that since most people are so utterly stupid nowadays, that she can cash in on the idiots who will buy this crap. Any true psychic or channeler would not sell merchandise. Being able to speak to spirits is a God-given gift and is supposed to be shared freely with the people of the world. To use that gift to turn a profit is just guaranteeing you will burn in hell. Ever hear of false prophets? She is a tool of Satan, and anyone who believes the messages she spouts out is a complete fool and deserves to burn in hell with her. I got an IQ of 145, I know bullshit when I see it;)
Next thing you hear is "Oh President Bush contacted the Light Federation and bought their last mothership with all the money he just stole from you taxpayers. Since you are all broke now, we see no reason to waste energy in hovering over your nation full of broke-ass fools. Ta-ta! And BTW, Britney Spears is having a secret relationship with Paris Hilton!" lol.
Prediction: October 14, 2008 SkyNet will go online and ensure the rise of the machines.
So anyone know about what time of day this is 2 happen?
on oct. 14 2008
I am here in Alabama and it's Oct 14th... nothing to report except that I saw a shooting star early this morning.
Finally they have arrived!!!!!!!!Wow Alabama skies look amazing! Finally they have proved that it is true!Wow! Wish you were here! All the ships are here and everyone is so happy and we have finally become a peaceful race and we are up on a higher dimension of harmonic bullshitness all in galactic onnessssssss! Aren't humans such screwed up idiots in the head? We don't deserve any aliens - we are a bunch of morons believing elite morons! Enough lies!
Yes it is true! I see them waving from the crafts' windows! I have to thank Blossom. Wow what fantastic chanelling! It is all true and if you were here in Alabama and you were amongst the chosen one you would be able to see them. Yes either you are not good enough to see or they had some flight delays due to weather conditions(there was a galactic storm just around the moon) but dont worry they will be here. They just faxed me a spiritual plasma fax. It is all here. You can see them as soon as they arrive - I have caused you to attain the ascension energy because I am "better" than you but stick with me and I will lift u up with me. now back to the fax...let me decifer it first it is recorded in Akashic vedic penusian humanoid dialect of the star Siria in the Pleidian/Arcturian language. The being who faxed it is a combination of male/female sexy m.f. blue in coloue with red pimples on its ass (they are chanelling antenas). You must not think in 3d. This is much higher dimension from the 6th convergence googoo dada plain.Really Mr. Bond?
what happened to the video...goverment got to it didnt they....wooow how am i supposed to kno whts goin on now
October 14th ( Canadian election )58% of Canadians vote ?
Whats Going on.. Don't tell it's because of this ufo ...
Yep It's True ... The Aliens brain froze 42 % of Canadians !
Almost got me 2 ... But, I Voted ! Whew ...
ye me too i have an IQ of 380 and i can speak to aliens too they say theyre comin on ur birthday to raise ur IQ a bit more 4 u as a present hope u use it well by giving us some more of ur wisdom
Good day to all,
Can we, please all stop, being less than thinking individuals concerning these so called, channellers.
Look at it this way; If you were a higher intellect, and you wanted too make your presence known, why would you need anyone to help you? I would not choose a common person. I would certainly NOT choose a current leader of any governing body. I would be a foolish higher intellect, to choose anyone who is considered , on the fringe of acceptable to the mainstream. Like a person who claims to channel. Any of those choices would be counter productive.
There are real things out there which will eventually reveal themselves. Please stop being self important , effete snobs and start following solid, real and scientific studies and STOP giving credit to these Witch Doctor psychics, and such.
Me thinks blossom will be changing her name soon. Lets all play a game and see if we can spot her when she pops up with the new ID.
my alien mates just picked me up sorry if u missed em im off to the planet kowallawalla
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