Thursday, October 02, 2008

Robbie Williams Writes New Album at Gillilands Ranch Mt Adams

Everyone seems to be down at Mt Adams  recently guys:

According to this article,  Robbie Williams has spent two weeks down there writing his new album.

The 'Angels' singer - who has previously claimed to have had extraterrestrial encounters - arrived armed with video equipment in his search for aliens during a recent visit to Trout Lake in Washington.
Extraterrestrial expert Michael C. Luckman - who recently identified Robbie as an alien ambassador - told BANG Showbiz: "Robbie used the occasion as an opportunity to write several new songs about aliens. I wouldn't be surprised if Robbie may be planning an alien album.

"The place is known as America's number one UFO hotspot and a magnet for true believers in aliens.

"The ranch in Trout Lake is the equivalent of Devil's Tower in Wyoming in the film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'.

If there is any place on Earth where humans are likely to have open contact with an extraterrestrial civilisation, it is at James Gilliland's ranch.

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