Monday, October 17, 2011

UFO orb Sighting over Norway Oct 15th 2011

Chinese lanterns or fast moving ufo orbs?
I would like to hear your feedback on this recent footage in from Norway:
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Kibby said...

You said .. flying chinese lanterns or fast moving orbs.

It's very disturbing to realize if they're indeed chinese lanterns.. Moving that fast.. Geez.... O_O

I think I'll settle to UFO than chinese lanterns... =)

Michael said...

I see these orbs all the time where i'm from; rarely in pairs like this, but fairly often by themselves. I'm not crazy; i live w/my brother & we watch them together all the time. I'm not seeing lanterns, or mistaking helicopters/airplanes for something else; i've seen plenty of those to be able to differentiate. I wish science would start intently studying these phenomena, & find out wtf these things are so that the public could be aware of these incredible little miracles w/in our modern world, but we all know that'll never happen =(

Randall said...

We probably won't be having anyone claiming this sighting as Chinese Lanterns. Anyone with common sense knows there's no way these could be lanterns. But they'll just say it was created with Photoshop and After Effects and that it's all fake.....

Anonymous said...

ahh,cockneys in norway with out of focus video,...interesting....

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just change the name of this blog to "Orbs Are Us".

Anonymous said...

I saw one of the orbs, which also looked like a ball of fire fly over istanbul yesterday, october 17th 2011. I have been exhausting the web trying to find any informations or other eye witness accounts. turning up nil. michael stated he see's them all the time?

Michael said...

Well not ALL the time; I should say I see them once or twice a month at-least. I usually never seem them when the weather's bad, or during storms; that could be because i'm not paying as much attention to the sky, or going outside as often during those periods of time, but i know they frequent this area often for whatever reason. We've (my brother & I) have had some weird experiences w/them; we've watched them hover in place directly over houses, & then start to wobble almost like a confrontational wasp or bumble bee, & then fly away slowly. We've watched them hover for a few minutes over heavily wooded areas, & then begin to fly directly over the ridge-line in front of our vantage point & bob up & down in & out of the trees as if it were flying THROUGH (not around) the trees. The strangest experience we've had is when we watched a bright golden amber orb hover motionless, very low to earth (maybe only a couple hundred ft. in the air give or take) directly over a house in the neighborhood across the street for a good 10 minutes, (during that time we were rushing to load up fresh film in the camera) & i shit-you-not, the exact second we turned on the camera, the orb began to power down, started to fly away, & turned on white strobes & a fixed red light almost as if it were mimicking a helicopter or airplane! We check star maps to be sure we aren't misinterpreting a star/planet that is just giving the illusion of being low to earth when they don't really, & we are fully aware of how to differentiate between an airplane or helicopter when they do. These things are very real, & as often as we see them, i'm amazed people don't see/report/film them every day.

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