it was all part of some movie production:
Now the spanish Galicia Ufo event mystery continues with a video of retreival of some object... but is this all legit?

But now i am not sure to make of it all ?....
There are numerous different videos coming out of helicopters jets and some round Ufo being transported. I would really like your comments on all of this. If it was a hoax someone has gone to alot of effort .. maybe it was some actors or people doing some student film project?
Some of the videos look legit and some don't. Some people say the video diving into the ocean was added into the video as part of the disinfo to confuse the real event.
I would like to know if anyone has further information on this - is this some PR stunt or something really going on here?
Here is the highest def I found, if someone knows how to download this let me know. Trying to figure out how to get this.
I found the highest def footage, here are the links.
Get them quick before they go down..
Kind of like a "Blair Witch" UFO video! Pretty cool. If it turns out to be a movie I would love to see it! If it turns out to be real....awfully small and light craft...???
I live in Portugal near Spain and i didn't see any notice in the news about that.
I think its a good hoax.
a nice shiney silver disk - FAKE!!! no damage to the disk, no crater, sorry to good to be true!
I smell elaborate fake... Lots of students could get together and do this
UFOs over Galicia and Asturias FAKE
¡The truth is here!
Maybe it is some sort of an art project...?
Fake - what are the chances that they would have a black bag that the object just fits nicely into? Unless they have retrieved some before.
i would suggest if it was real then there would be military and goverment all over the place and wouldnt let the camera guy anywhere close!
HOAX HOAX HOAX spanish filmproduction "El Ovni Gallego" but nice hoaxmovie
If it was a fake then those people were hollywood class actors. Instead of focusing on the ufo/uso, i focused on the people. their reactions were 100% real. I analyze voice and facial expression for a living.
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