Monday, March 11, 2013

UFO lights over Mooresville North Carolina 9th March 2013

New UFO video in from Mooresville North Carolina.
Note to see both objects please view in full screen:

Filmers comments: I was sitting with my neighbor on her back porch and asked her what were the 5 bright orange lights in the sky over the lake that seemed to shoot up from the ground and she said that she had never seen anything like that before. I asked if it could be possible that it was an emergency flare and she said no and explained why. I texted my husband to see if he was seeing this and he said he wasnt outside yet. And after about 3 min each one died out one by one. On my walk home approximately 30 min later my husband texted me with "your lights are back" and when I got to my front porch about 2 min later I could hear my husband say "What in the heck was that!" and he described to me the exact thing that I had witnessed earlier. About 25 minutes later we saw the lights start to ascend again and I called my friend who was about 2 miles away to ask if she is seeing this and she walked outside and said "OH MY GOD! What IS that!" and remained on the phone with her until they disappeared again, and this repeated for about 3 more times until about 10 orbs then ascended and then appeared to come much closer than the others (almost directly above us) and then disappear. About 10 or so min later I observed several planes in the air, could not tell if they were government or commercial. And finally I observed what I thought was a star at first quickly ascend and then remained in place for an hour before completely disappearing. During that hour I saw at least 2 orbs that flashed sequentially seem to fly almost like around the perimeter of the lake several times in quick and slow movements dipping and sliding like. I also caught some of this on video with my camera phone and the strange thing was that the orange globes appear to be sequential flashing through my phone. Also, after trying to film the last appearance of the orange lights my phone would not allow me to film anymore due to not enough memory even though it actually had 8g of sd card space and 3g on the phone memory itself, and the battery seemed to drain quicker than normal.


Jennifer Grace said...
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Jennifer Grace said...
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Jennifer Grace said...

I have video and pictures of these orbs I saw at 4pm on 3/9/13 in the Claremont/ conover area... Started with 3 then went to 25 or so.. like stars at dusk, just smaller...

Jennifer Grace said...

I have video and pictures of these orbs I saw at 4pm on 3/9/13 in the Claremont/ conover area... Started with 3 then went to 25 or so.. like stars at dusk, just smaller...

Anonymous said...

Mmmm!..Song!..Strangers in the night~~~~~~~~~~?