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Monday, February 01, 2010
South American ufo news
News report looking at sightings in south america and mexico - translation anyone?
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You said there would be translations from now on?
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
Severo is a Mexican artist who is very sensible. He has the capability to see in his mind the ufo before the sightin ocurr. The video shows a special case wich has Severo have a premonition and took his camera and went to his house´s terrace and filmed an strange objet for a long a half hour.
Later hi shows the video to Capitan Morzan,who is expertice in aeronautics and studios too. Captain Morzan say: this is a real film. No treacks in there. He made several tests on the film and say that is very real. Severo, the artist, frequently has premonitions and feels very strange before a sighting.
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