Tuesday, July 10, 2012
UFO Incident Over UFO Hot Spot Mt Adams, Eceti Ranch July 6, 2012
Mount Adams in Washinton state is a Ufo hot spot that i have long talked about on this blog over the years. James Gilliland owns the ranch in the area and many people visit the area frequently as Ufos are seen there on a nightly basis. An exclusive new video shows contactee James Gilliland describing how a UFO would "flash" over the heads of observers only moments before the incident was captured on three separate camera systems. Witnesses from Japan, the U.S. and Canada were gathered in the ECETI "Field of Dreams" on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 10:30 p.m. PST when the practical demonstration of spiritual ET-human communications occurred. In less than 40 seconds, the video Contactee predicts UFO behavior caught on three cameras makes public historic evidence for both spiritual and physical encounters between humans and extraterrestrials occurring in modern times. Read more here
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