Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shocking Ufo Closeup - Istanbul 2007

Guys all i can say is that if this is real you a seeing the best close-up ufo footage i have ever posted!. Some people have said this is a blimp but i don't think so. Would really like your comments on this one, its bound to cause a stir:

posters comments:
This extraordinary incident took place in a compound in Kumburgaz/Istanbul was witnessed by many residents and filmed by the same night guard Yalcin Yalman as it was in 2007,)

The images captured are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the world and be listed as "the most important UFO/extraterrestrial images ever filmed in the all World"

During the 4months, between May and September 2008, many nationwide UFO sightings were reported from different parts of Turkey, while some of them were filmed and photographed and aired. Within the same period of time, these objects also witnessed by the residents of Kumburgaz/Yeni Kent Compound, caught on video several times by a night guard named Yalcin Yalman and these footages are considered as the closest and the most significant images ever filmed around the world.
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Anonymous said...

Very cool. It looks genuine so far- let's see if anyone can pick it apart. I certainly can't. Kudos fro the post, Matt!

Anonymous said...

There's new footage from late September under this link :

At the end of the video you can see some new stuff showing the UFO again !!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amazing, great.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately these images were taken in 2007. It seems the People at Sirius in Turkey did not get the expected attention in 2007, so they changed the dates on the footage. Only them have said the footage was genuine. Was this footage given to anyone else for verification? I guess not.
A part from that it's a good video, but once again no tracability

mike said...

Nice model!

Dickos Fortuna said...

something about this one is a bit weird... It keeps cutting at funny times... like you never see the opbject and the moon in the same shot. Bit dodge I reckon. You could easily mock up an object and film it and it would come out looking pretty much like that. Why do people always upload video so compressed? Also it comes from the Sirius UFO website, and on their reel of footage there is an obvious lens flare that they are passing off as a UFO, so at least to some extent they are involved in a hoax. But very interesting footage,and I could be entirely wrong after all!

Anonymous said...

this is realy great and no fake at all ,,im ready for october the 14

Anonymous said...

ready for what ? you think you gona see something cuz some crazy woman just found out how to scroll text on pictures with windows movie maker

Anonymous said...

agree with the last post.

how many stupid people are out ther who can belive in existence of

2000 miles long flying object#@#@#??????????????


damn.i`ll go on scam spree to make money,there is good base for money making.................

Anonymous said...

only real is howering ufo,all other is hoax,recorded in a dark can tell on the end, voice - room echo.

pretty smart.

6 out of 10 for imagination

Anonymous said...

I dislike "lights in the sky" clips.
Give me form and shape, also a reference point for scale!
And this clip ticked all the right boxes for me.
Thanks for showing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its much better from many other movies in category "lights on sky" but i dont see any proof its real. The same as said anonymus: only real is howering ufo,all other is hoax,recorded in a dark room.

Walter said...

Truly amazing...
Maybe some more on the 14 th !?

Walter said...

Truly amazing ... maybe some more on the 14th !?

Peter said...

Well done. The footage and the blimp. As long as we cannot see that there is some weird movement - or hovering - and a scale, a benchmark, a measurement (moon in the same picture) we cannot explicetly say that this is true! I believe in a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember lost in space ! it looks like that to me .

Anonymous said...

Is there a group of pros out there verifying the authenticity of this? Like analyzing the video and such?

Anonymous said...

can anyone else hear like morse code faint in the back ground?


Anonymous said...

Theres a lot to pick at on this one!

And it just don't look right!!

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones weighs in on UFOs,Aliens,and COSMIC TOP SECRET "Project Blue Beam"!

Anonymous said...

Fake. Done using a laptop with a UFO on the screen, they seem to use a lens over the camera to narrow the field of view. As they zoom in on the image you can start to see the pixels
of the laptop screen appear more. To make the UFO fade away they simply fade the brightness of the laptop and of course the laptop is outside so you get the commentary as well as surrounding sounds. Orange lights on the sea looks like some kind of crane structure on far side of land illuminated.

Anonymous said...

I could make this easily, just fix some lame object and film it shakey, like they do on the shield. Edit it and you have something conspiracynuts can' t live without. I believe, to a certain extent. It is actually very logical that aliens wont contact us soon, as we still dont master making energy without burning millions of years worth of wood. Right now, we're nothing more than apes to them, that have just figured out how to kill eachother effectively. What the hell would they need from us, if they keep an eye out for us they must know we are intolerant sons of bitches, especially you yankees.

Really, they've probably seen us once and decided to wait another 1000 years to see if we've grown.

Anonymous said...

It's CGI!
I made it!

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