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RIP! he is & still my idol, although i'm not that old but at the time i grow up 2 his songs hehe i remmber when i was a kid i hurt my knee trying 2 dance like him!. such a legecy i will not remmber his death but i'll remmber his life,song & the way he shaped my life with music.
RIP u shall be always the KING!
Hey bro, it's YOUR website, so you can post whatever you like, right?
You'll get no objections from me, cuz you've got the best UFO site on the net!!!
Hey bro, it's YOUR website, so you can post whatever you like, right?
You'll get no objections from me, cuz you've got the best UFO site on the net!!!
I Love You Michael i cant believe your dead am still in deep shock i love you, you are my idol my role model
I personly cant see a reason 2 miss him.
I cant remember him making some great music resently.
But i loved the old hits he made.
But he was a pedofile and as a person, i cant say he will be missed by me.
Due to his unfortunate death. Michael Jackson's dates have been cancelled. They were Thomas aged 6 and Kevin aged 9
I wasn't even a real diehard fan but I never believed the allegations. His whole life he was beset upon by grifters, users and con men. He was the main breadwinner for his family when he was just a kid, had no childhood, and had no savvy and no defenses against the parasites that attached themselves to him, robbed him blind, exploited him and dragged his name through the mud. I hope he has peace in death.
nick dk.
he wasn't a pedofile, he was never convicted, so you must accept that he is not a pedofile.
If you don't than you are the one with the problem.
Rip michael
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