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I agree with part of the original assessment that this may be a remote control object due to the fact it looks fairly close, like just over the neighborhood in the distance. YET, I also cannot argue against the fact that there are no known remote control objects that I know of that can roll sideways and upside down, especially since most RC things have rotor blade propulsion for hovering of any kind and rotors don't work that way (remember the control troubles with the Ospry aircraft).
I do remember seeing similar craft behavior (apparent rolling over sideway) in other supposed UFo videos: Problems with their propulsion systems?
by the way it moves it could be baloon.. mmmm
This is a great bit of film which would should be examined.
baloon doesn`t have that shiny sun reflection metalic shine.
great video!
Very impressive footage however, as always with these things, it is pattern of movement that in the final analysis indicates whether an object can be seriously considered as likely to be non-terrestrial in origin. In this case this object could simply be a balloon shaped to look like a 'saucer' moving on the wind. It may be that this object did eventually exhibit an interesting pattern of movement, but I feel that this was certainly not evident in this footage. The footage however looks very genuine and the object clearly did exist in reality. I think we really need to know more details of the full observation before making any judgement.
I also say ballon.
It just has been shaped to look intresting.
But it could also ofcause be drunk aliens that just went by the "little Ali`in" at Roswell and had a few drinks.
That would explain why the saucer is rolling over constantly like no filmed saucer i have EVER seen before on film....tsk tsk
I say balloon as well. Mylar looks very metallic, in fact Mylar that is used for balloons is metalized nylon. The jet that flew over was tens of thousands of feet higher.
go here to see the balloon itself..
Sad sad to spend 500 $ on a balloon and claim it to be a UFO
Its kind of strange how they are shooting the ufo from an angle but when the plane flies by the look of the plane seems like they are filming directly underneath it..
This picture is taken by the UFO. Such that this is the amazing picture and the video which is shared here is original.
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