Paintings reveal men in black uniforms and creatures with large cone shaped heads.
The black-skinned figures are wearing the same large, round medallion on their head and neck - a uniform / head-dress never seen before. One red-skinned King, is dressed in blue feathers. “The paintings we have here—we've never found them any place else. ... A Technicolor, fantastically preserved mural. I don't know how it survived.” - William Saturno, Ph.D., Archaeologist, Boston Univ.
Astrological calculations of the new calender are not fully understood but dates seem to stretch 7,000 years into future and the national geographic would like us to believe that this contradicts 'doomsday' predictions about 2012. Read more here
I don't get it. Doomsday predictions were false from the beginning, because the calendar found in the Codex Dresdensis also doesn't end in 2012. The calendar just comes full circle in december and the Maya believed that their god(s) would come back on that date.
NO actualy mayan scolars have given weight to the 2012 doomsday. It has been clear since this beginning of this fiasco that 2012 simply marks the end of this cycle. This is like saying the world will end in December because we have no recorded months that follow it. It just starts over, this whole rumor started from one guy's interpritation of 1 artifcact. I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics you'll be doing here to justify things when nothing happens at the end of this year. You guys are no better than the Harold Camping people.
2012 doomsday doesn't only come from the myan calendar. There has been plenty of research about what could potentially cause the earth to suffer a catastrophic event this year or in the near future years to come. The earth is old and only growing older. We as people are doing everyday things that take away something from the earth. Do you think earth is made to withstand its population? Do you think you could honestly answer that with sure knowledge? If you can't then you have no right to deny or put a date on when the earth will end. We do not know enough about our own planet nor the natural events in space. Earth could end tomorrow by an Unknown source shooting through space at speeds we didnt think were possible or the sun could shoot out a solar flare right now. Earth is sitting in our galaxy, our galaxy is one of several galaxys all together, what's past that? We could be just a bunch of galaxy's all bundled up into one huge super galaxy that could then be under another more superior surrounding. No one living this on this planet has a clue what's out there. We could be getting laughed at by other planets who are 30,000 times the size of earth. You can't deny it because you have no proof, I can't tell you it's true because I have no evidence. How can you believe or deny something When you have no hard facts to prove your answer. Everyone needs relax about this subject and just hope for the best. Because this year we will find out who wasted time out of their life to convence people that the world was going to end and who will be speechless if it actually does.
Well said!...[8:22 pm]
and Peace to that!........Cheers!
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